She had me at hello. Now I'm not one to believe about love at first sight or whatever but idk she's got me questioning my feelings and I just can't stop smiling. What the heck is going on~David


She had me at hello. Now I'm not one to believe about love at first sight or whatever but idk she's got me questioning my feelings and I just can't stop smiling. What the heck is going on~David

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who? -madi
it's a secret
Awe, who? -Kira
hmmm idk it's a secret 😉
but I will keep a secret
yea well you'll have to earn it
But I wanna know
yea well you'll have to wait
awe, fine
I think I know who it is
it's a secret
ok cool wanna be friends?
yay cool
lol so what's up
just AT dance wbu
just tired
your cute but ill let u sleep if u want
thanks but nah it's good
Hey David, I'm really tired so I'm gonna go to bed. But I will try to talk to you tomorrow!
who is it David*smiles*~Maddie