Giveaway winner is...(tap here)
Congrats, I'll contact u later. 
This was drawn out of a hat so it was fair. I didn't choose, my sister drew it out of the hat tho. 
Also, check comments for another IMPORTANT thing.


Giveaway winner is...(tap here) @anxthema!!!!! Congrats, I'll contact u later. This was drawn out of a hat so it was fair. I didn't choose, my sister drew it out of the hat tho. Also, check comments for another IMPORTANT thing.

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First off. Thank u. Thank u to everyone who was there for me when I wanted to quit, thanks to everyone who was kind and caring. You guys inspire me and I'm so grateful.😊 I'd like to give a shoutout to one of my besties. Aicha, thank u so much for being one of my best friends!!! U introduced me to this app so thank u!! U inspire me and slayy me with everything u do.💗ur always there for me and I appreciate it. Love ya Bess frann!!!!!😂 I know my edits aren't that great, but it's something that I love to do. Im glad I can give away this account and share it with someone who will enjoy everyone here and these amazing followers. I know that @anxthema will do a great job and I'm excited to see what she will do with this account. If u guys wanna keep following me make sure to follow @snowflahke where I will continue to be on PC. Thx for everything and I love u guys!!! BYEEE!!!!😚😚
i have followed it! 😁💗
Hi just messaged you on WHI hopefully it works now💓