Idolized Makoto coming soon... Kyoko UR's coming soon....


Idolized Makoto coming soon... Kyoko UR's coming soon....

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I need to make more SRs 😂
but instead of Love Gems, it should be Mono Gems or Monocoins 😂
Mono Gems AND Mono Coins because love live also has G
oh yeah! that would make sense ^u^
And then we can have Usami Tickets and Usami Coupons 😂
Or Monomi Tickets and Monomi Coupons whatever sounds best 😂
Usami tickets and Monomi Coupons
I'm working on 2 SRs currently
Ok (even though they are the same person XD)
Also who?
I want that Aoi SR
I don't want, I NEED!
meh maizono :3
There were some other ones but this Maizono was kawaii (plus I think this is a Kyoko body base XD)
It is
I like Celestial colorful hair to :3
There was this other version I was planning to use, but now, I'm using it for a DIFFERENT SET