God I hope we get rid of him 🙏


God I hope we get rid of him 🙏

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awh thanks!!💕
(re) yeah... Maybe... It's also that he's my ONLY friend who lives near me. (I don't mean to be one of those people who refuse help but ask for it, sorry) thank you for listening to me :)
thanks!! I was so surprised that it turned out okay haha
god like if he's gone we're gonna have pence which sucks but at least he doesn't have neurosyphilis or a píśs kink
^Yeah I guess that's true. Wait a píśs kînk what t f?
Honestly we just need a new pres AND Vice President. Just, clean slate. I'm tired of Trump's team and their bs.
(re) ah! Yeah. I'll probably do it, but I'm to scared to now. Again, thank you so much