I have to say it I can't hold it in to the 'queen of weirdness' I've known I really liked u science u said that and "no I'm talking about the invisible man but ur pretty cute to" I like u ok and I would like to know..... Would you be my girl friend?😁❤️🙈🙊


I have to say it I can't hold it in to the 'queen of weirdness' I've known I really liked u science u said that and "no I'm talking about the invisible man but ur pretty cute to" I like u ok and I would like to know..... Would you be my girl friend?😁❤️🙈🙊

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btw this is Alex
congrats lucky girl
u hate me
hey Alex
who are you dating
who hates u
aww that is cute
no I don't she doesn't even know
I'm Ryan if u believe me 😔 and
is Luke on - Nicole
what I'm confused what dosent who know?
ya y
because I want to talk to him
oh ya well he is
can I talk to him or can you tell him to remix me please
ik now I'm online
oh hi
Luke just left he had to go to shop and eat then go to youth group
who r u then
I am Alex
oh ok thx bye
ok hey Alex
tell him to text back when he come back please
ok I'll tell him tonight when I meet with him (him Adam and I actually know each other were best friends)
oh cool is Adam on