My Queens;; forever mine, even when I go to héll for belting out their explicitly beautiful music👌👀

Fav Melanie Martinez song: Pity Party :)

Fav Halsey song: Gasoline ???


My Queens;; forever mine, even when I go to héll for belting out their explicitly beautiful music👌👀 Fav Melanie Martinez song: Pity Party :) Fav Halsey song: Gasoline ???

93 4
love this soo much !! i love them both and all their songs so much so i cannot chose 🍒
^I can't choose between them either tbh :T
s2g you won't tell anyone? 0/////0
it's probably too early to say but
well cherry wanted me to ask you if he's already taken
I probably won't say so until I'm certain, it's just off a tiny whim right now, it really could be nothing at all I'm not necessarily sure
I don't think this is absolute powerful true love, maybe it's just a smol crush .-. he just seems really friendly and we've become good friends, so I won't be too heartbroken if that other person is more special to him, after all I haven't known him for a super super long time. thanks for the warning though
drama in my own friend group is the reason I came here.... I've had enough of drama messes .-. No drama has become one of my biggest policies bc of all that
I'm really faithful in a relationship and perhaps a bit protective (in a good way don't worry) but I can be a bit awkward and 0///0 and yeah
sometimes it's good to be a single Pringle ^///^ not that I dislike relationships but it's nice
that is a really good policy.... let's just say that I loved someone before with all of my heart and that person found someone else so I just smiled and supported them even though I was really hurt deep inside, that person gave up that other person but also decided never to take part in a relationship ever again,
she "closed off her heart" apparently .-. I'm not particularly "searching" or anything, but I am recovering from quite a blow of damage
brb btw
I'm back
I've dealt with that feeling before ;3 I know where you're coming from
if you ever need to talk to me about this stuff please don't hesitate 😁 I'm super happy for you and Ceri and glad that your relationship is turning out with a happy ending so far ^^
and that's ok ^^ if he's really the right person for you, he'll love you for the person you are, so it's ok to settle out your worries now but just remember, you're both going into this willingly and whole heartedly, so don't be afraid to truly talk to him about how you feel. communication is key!
sometimes, having your own problems and telling others about them can make you feel selfish. but in a true relationship, you should feel like talking to him is familiar and comforting, instead of turning it into an uncomfortable encounter. of course, I'm not trying to manipulate the way you approach it, just some (hopefully) helpful advice. There's an old quote that couldn't really be shorter, but also couldn't ring more truthfully. "Two is one." he should be able to share pretty much anything with you, and vice versa. It's a partnership, a sense of cooperation that keeps a relationship standing strong. Not to overdo it on the whole trust and commitment thing, but that's the wisdom I can give you.
I get that you want to be optimistic and try to stay on the bright side of the relationship, but life doesn't always work that way, as harsh as it sounds, and you'll be pushed into corners sometimes, but if you really truly care for one another, you can pull through it together. it's a good thing that you're able to speak freely about casual things with him, but it's really good to be prepared for when that day comes, whether it's sooner or later. but for caution, as you're saying, I recommend avoiding jealousy and misunderstanding, so it happens much less frequent than it has to ^^ but I'm sure you could handle that easy as pie
it has to do with one person taking something the wrong way and getting the wrong idea 😅 m-i-g-h-t have had one of those with al at one point? We're friends now, but it's one of the worst ways for a relationship to sink @~@
and no I was not in a relationship with al, he just called me a side bítch and I didn't know he was just joking
well then you are talking to the right person 😉 anyways, don't sound intimidating about it, just bring it up casually, like any casual conversation you would have with him otherwise. it should be a stress free zone where you would both feel like you could talk without being judged. have the convo in a private place for more security if you like, and try relating to what he has to say, try to acknowledge and relate to his story, it actually makes him feel better than you think it does ^^ and hopefully he can so the same for you
it should make him feel better, that is. I'm not a future reader
Night ;P glad I could help with what little I have 👐
that's what friends are for 😇
Yes, and it's just me being jealous. I'd rather not talk about it.