~Tap Here~
So I want to chat!! It will be fun, even though this acc is for icons!!


~Tap Here~ So I want to chat!! It will be fun, even though this acc is for icons!!

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hi can we chat?
omg guys thnx do much for starting this, ur the best!!
sorry, this isn't a chat. in my phone, there is a glitch, and i can't search your username. the only way i can access your account is through my followers, and that's getting hard! i would appreciate it if you could like one of my pics at the least, so i have access to your awesome account! thanks!❤️
because all of them were kawaii summer
no tell me please!
I'm freaking out about the fox
no seriously please tell me
oh yeah it was just like this tiny little dog type thing but we weren't supposed to go outside but tori saw a dog thing so she went out and it turned out to be a fox!
firstly we don't get fixes were we live secondly WHO IS ON THIS ACC RIGHT NOW and thirdly I'm so confused fourthly who asked you out?
and comment on one of my post answering those questions
um no