My doctors putting me on anti depressants? That makes me anxious


My doctors putting me on anti depressants? That makes me anxious

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I've been on them since I was eight. Yeah, I was that bad. They've helped so much and I hope they can do the same for you.
I hope that goes alright for you :) ❤️
hon.. I’m here okay 👌🏼 💓💓 i truly want to help you cause my friends went through this and I almost lost them and I may not know you irl but I definitely want to keep you on this earth ✨🙏🏼 i hope everything works out 💪🏼 stay strong 💓
if you have/get Skype comment and I’ll give you mind so we can chat more privately if you ever have to tell something to someone who won’t judge 💗
you are welcome 🙏🏼💓