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Hey, Mitch. How are you?
hi Mitch
Nate: you just keep getting gayer
I disagree
the gayest is I and you can fight me if you disagree
sure you are
also I'm considering drawing Nate as Heather C .. should I do it?
also have we decided who's playing the other Heathers?
okay but I actually like duke( movie duke that is) and mac
so Ashley and Megan ain't playing them
okay who are the two most awful characters in heathers? those will be the ones asśley and Morgan play
also is this au movie or musical verse ? personally I think it should be a mix of the two
as far as the two most awful characters, ram and Kurt I guess
why? they called JD a homophobic slur, harassing Martha ( that one part in big fun), refused to leave Veronica alone ( blue) and made repeated sèxual advances towards her , spread rumors that she slept with them ( blue reprise)
yeah I think Megan and Ashley could play those two pretty well, they're already ašsholes
Veronica's ready to kick some aśs
also the chandler Nate drawing is finished
should I draw the other characters?
sure Mitch
so are we having Mitch be Veronica in this au or is it just for the drawing?
Nate: I thought you were chandler
you can't be both Nate
Mitch , who do you think should be Veronica?
also since Connor will be jd in this au, and Mitch isn't Veronica, jdonica won't be canon
fine , nate's Veronica
but I stand by the fact that he can't play two characters, so someone else will have to be Heather C
Mitch, any ideas?
no it's not too late
Mitch you did nothing wrong
do you want me to decide the rest of the characters?
also poly jd works
Mitch I'm not angry at you * hugs you *
speaking of characters what are Connor's voices' personalities
thank you
so is it cool if for now , I play Heather C ?
my voices Tammy and Rory will be taking the place of Heather D and Heather M respectively, at least for now
this may change in the future