Infinity Wars killed me but I’m super excited for the next although it’s in like 2020 or something oh god


Infinity Wars killed me but I’m super excited for the next although it’s in like 2020 or something oh god

17 0
the next is in 2019 actually
re// Oh ok! That’s good but it still feels so far away😂
re: Yeah I guess so. Everyone just seems kind of out of character I mean? I don't know, it just seems like the show use to take time to develop a story and focus on the brothers and Cas, and now they rush what would have use to been an entire season's worth of plot into half an episode. I just miss the good old days.
That's a really interesting point about the character development; I'll have to keep that in mind. And yes I love Jack, he's such a sweetheart.
Awww yes, it's so cute! I was so mad at Dean at first for hating him so much but I guess that was at least somewhat justified. I knew he just needed time to warm up to him though.