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I have a question for you guys. So my parents work and we normally don't have time to go to church on Sunday's. My friends say I'm not a real Christian if I don't go to church. What are your thoughts on that? I really just want your opinion on this😊
No not at all you can definitely be a Christian and not be Abel to go to church every Sunday. Frist of all the church is a group of believers. So that means that you and I are the Church not some building. Secondly the church is a great thing to be a part of for teaching and fellowship but God's word is free to everyone not just pastors. It is amazing the amount of people that open their bibles on Sunday and then don't look at it all week. The scripture is God breathed witch means it is God's word to us. If you aren't already I would really suggest getting a set devotional time were you read God's word and pray to him. If you need any help with that I would be glad to. Thirdly there are so many people that have been in church there whole lives and never been saved. Being a Christian mean you have a relationship with God and that the Holy Spirt lived inside of you. it means you have accepted that you are a sinner and the God sent his son Jesus to come and die for our lives and then was risen agin 3 days latter. If you had to go to church every Sunday to be a Christian what about all the people who are to sick or maybe the people in foreign countries who can't have church every Sunday in the same place at risk of being killed.
I actually was in every type of leadership team you could be on in church. I went every time the doors were open and then I got really sick. For a year now I have had basically constant fevers and I am always tired no matter how much sleep I get. my heart beats really fast randomly and some other stuff I don't want to get into. I have been to like 12 doctors some are the best in the state and they can't figure out what is wrong with me. Last year I ended up missing about 2-3 days of school every week. Because of all that I couldn't go to church as much as I wanted to I think I only made it to about 5 Wednesday night youth group because if I went there was no way I could make it to school the next day. I am telling you this so that you know that I understand how it feels not being able to make it to church a lot and please know that not going does not decide if you are a Christian or not. Church can definitely help in a Christian's walk because of the people you are around and it gives you a place of teaching, but you can pray to God any time and worship him any were. even in the middle of math class. Also know nothing is to small to have God he caress for YOU AND YOUR EVERY NEED. Mathew 6:30 says if that is how God clothes the grass of the field which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you. Showing you that God cares for YOU.
Thank you so much😊 this helps me a lot.
no problem any time.