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how are you
good hru
could be better, I'm living, are you having fun
ok I guess
well it's almost time for my lunch to end
idk 😂😂😂😝😝
idk u
what do we need to talk about
what was it u can tell me
about what 😳
oh ok
dude I like navid o am sorry I didn't tell u
oh I thought u liked Zane
not rly I have liked navid since the 2nd week of school
oh well he sits in front of me in math I can tell him
only if u what me to
he already know but can u ask him if he likes me?
sooo I don't n but I think jack likes gabby and we don't even talk any more so I don't no if he still likes me
oops I already did he said yeh srry
I asked if he already new u and he said yeah
but he doesn't think u remembered him
I'm sorry it just u asked me and I did I'm sry