S P R I N G  •  H A S  •  S P R U N G


S P R I N G • H A S • S P R U N G

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hey what’s up!?
ooooo for what!? and I’m sure you’ll get the part 😜 what instrument do u play?
thank you for the likes!!!
gorgeous 💗👍🏻
beautiful 😻
you’re welcome !! 😄
you’ll do great Brianna!!!!!!! don’t be nervous just pretend they aren’t there 😜
np! how did u do!??? 😜
u probably did!!!! you have to be really talented to play violin since it has not frets and you just have to memorize we’re you put your fingers. or so I’ve been told
yessssss my friend used to play it and it looked reallllylylyllylyly hard 😂😂😂😂
tysmmmm! lol yeah you were suuuuuuper close!
I play guitar,ukulele, and a bit of banjo (I don’t really know how to play it so much as I just have one 😂😂😂)
ahhhh this might be really late but good luck on ur audition! ❤️ ahahaha I play violin too and auditions can be scawwy but if you are prepared I'm sure you'll do great!
lol not really I don’t know how to play it that well 😂
aww i love this!