Collage by lone-girl


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I will miss you but I know it's for the best goodbye and good luck I hope things get better for you
we understand and we know it is for the best we will al miss you bye
please don't go. i would miss you like crazy cuz your probably the #1 person who inspires me. please don't go
please don't go I'll miss you
what ever you're going through just remember Jesus loves you
honestly, WE ALL WOULD AND WILL MISS YOU IF YOU LEAVE! you mean a lot to all of us, so please don't harm yourself. it's alright if you leave PC to take a breather, we all need those at times. know that you are loved and that people care about you and that life is worth living because life is one of the best gifts there is. people have pushed you down but you never let that happen for too long, you have always found a back up, and you come back stronger every time. you are strong, you'll get through whatever 💩 people are throwing at you ❤️
please please please don't Megan 😿
stay strong, it's alright if you want to take a break from PC do whatever you need, just don't give up, we all care about you❤️
ur brother, family, pets, friends irl and pc, me, more ppl than u think. think about it, 1 person vs all of us? don't let ppl u don't know control ur life and how/if u live it. U have so much love in ur life pls don't give it up!❤take it from someone who thought she did lose someone she loved from suicide.❤
please, don't leave. you have, and still are, an inspiration to us all on PC. if you leave, what would we all be? don't go, I'm begging you.
no! but it's ur choice. I'm srry u feel that way
Meg-Bug I care about TOO much! and I love you SOOOO much! - Tay
I'll miss you hun I'll message you on Instagram
everyone misses you
I'll always remember you in my heart but please don't go. 😔 move on with your life please
Lone-Girl, you're an amazing person and I would totally miss you! You've been such an inspiration to me, and to many others. Whenever I feel sad, I think of you and all you went through. Then I think of how caring and considerate you are despite that. You are truly one of my idols on Pic Collage, and I hope that one day you will be free of depression. God bless you❤️❤️
EVERYONE would miss u
why t f would someone fake being depressed. "my life goal is to hate myself!!" said no one fühking ever.
we would all miss you
I would miss u
❤️❤️❤️god bless u and I would
I would. plz don't kill ur self. 😭😭
You stayed strong, I’m proud that you have held through and not made a huge deal of it, your problems are true and are worse than anyone I know, you are an amazing girl, you’re still young. Please, your problems are real problems, not stupid or worthless, just like you. xxx