*takes a look at life*


*takes a look at life*

4 1
God created you. He loves you very much.
I went thro a time like this once and I'm not going to lie it felt horrible I felt like there was no reason for me to be on this earth but there is a reason we r on this earth everybody has a purpose. there will always be hard times but u have to push thro and once u have pushed thro this brick wall u will find that there is gold on the other side u WILL find freinds u WILL understand why u r here u WILL belong. u WILL find something u love❤️ and u need to keep trying don't give up... don't give up on yourself. xx❤️❤️❤️😭😭😉
"break through the wall, even though it feels like brick, you, girl will break through it like glass." fizzy_laces_xox. xx 😉
ty and hi