Miss you baby Adam. Hope your watching from Heaven!


Miss you baby Adam. Hope your watching from Heaven!

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hey MaKenna what are you doing
sitting in bed. what about you?
we just put in the movie 10 minutes ago so I am watching that
what movie are you watching??
rio 2 by little brother loves it
what do you want to talk about
I have never seen that movie. it sounds really good
it is pretty good
what's it about
we'll have you seen the first one
yes he does I wish I could meet him
me to
well it is about blue and his family travel to the Amazon and they find more birds like them
and people are trying to cut down the forest but blue has to stop them
that sounds really good! I will have to watch it.
when is your birthday
March 25. When is yours
I do not know if I already ask you sorry if I did I forget
July 11
when is your birthday?
ok cool!!!
I have to go to bed. ☹️Maybe we can talk tomorrow. Bye
do you want to have like a time during the day were we text each other?
sure when would be best for you
we could do in the morning like what time do you wake up I usually wake up at 8 so if you want we could do 8:30 or is that to early
that is fine!! Talk to you tomorrow. Bye 😀