20.3.22 Advice on contests


20.3.22 Advice on contests

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Any advice for making and participating in contests and things you have learnt as well
1) if you’re going to host a contest, HOST A CONTEST. do not have people enter, only to never post the results. this is 100% a callout post for myself too lol I tried hosting a contest, but I forgot about it and never gave the results :( SO STICK TO IT. IF YOU’RE HAVING A CONTEST, FOLLOW THROUGH.
people put TIME into their collages and you’re dismissing that by being flakey 🤷‍♀️
2) don’t host a collage where you don’t like the theme! you won’t REALLY enjoy any of the submissions and it will feel like a chore
*don’t host a contest
3) if you’re going to enter a contest, don’t wait until the last day to enter. Your collage will probably get over looked because the ones made first will have more likes, which means the judge will be looking at those first. (popular often equals Winning Collage, although not always. )
4) PUT EFFORT INTO YOUR CONTEST ENTRY. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. if it isn’t something you’d post on your own page, don’t enter it. (once again advice for myself lol) you’ll never be truly proud of it and even if you win, you won’t like it.
that’s all I got for now 😎
ty!! And my advice on contest would probably be only enter contest that are comfortable for you, I'm not saying to avoid other styles, just if the contest doesn't call your attention then don't participate, if not you will not give your 100% to it.
💗~hey I just saw your comment~💗 I saw that you made a collage for me but I couldn’t find it. which one is it?