Here’s me as a kid, I had super curly hair, just like now


Here’s me as a kid, I had super curly hair, just like now

18 494
delete the lol stalker lol thing NOW
oh sweetpea.. I wish I could help you see how gorgeous you are. heck Connor saw you while I was on here the other day and instantly remarked about how beautiful you are and I agreed
you are, my dear. I mean normally when I see a beautiful girl I want to play with their hair but with you, I mean, my god! you're hair is far too perfect for me to touch!
actually... it does... I don't know how
re:// fancy😂
it is your twin did I forget to mention I got a new account
you are so adorable
oh god I'm so sorry! when I got sick last week mom took my temperature only after I threw up and I asked if I may have the flu and she said "no, if you had the flu you'd be throwing up. go get ready for school"
oh baby girl I'd be scared too! I wish I had a mom like that
night twin
in English we had to do the third body paragraph, in mate we had page 296 # 4-6, 27-30, in science we had to do jellyfish and earthworms, and I’m pretty sure that’s it... sorry it’s so late. for some reason i don’t get all notifications from piccolage...
like good that ur going to the doctor.
I wish I still had my curly hair.
oml your sooo cute
I was a bold baby so 😅