Some doodles on BC 

Progress Reports come out tomorrow so the super stressful part of the quarter begins yay Q~Q


Some doodles on BC Progress Reports come out tomorrow so the super stressful part of the quarter begins yay Q~Q

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aw we don't have progress reports so we're tortured by our brutal stupidity all year
@Write ;0; I'm sure you're not stupid tho bean
My report cards come out soon. ;-; I have an F in math. agghHHHH.
@Rimakyu nNnooOooOoo bean I believe in you (9òAó)9
@Rimakui npooOooo no crying aloud ò-ò I am here if you need any help beannnnnnnnnn
;-; being a juniOr is hARD
glad I'm not the only one ^ ^' peri is deleting all my comments because I'm being really harsh and honest so um yeah
I mean, I was being sort of rude, actually pretty rude. maybe very rude. idk. regardless, I was rude and he had a right to, but like sOMEONE HAD TO SAY IT
and I'm not going to make some anonymous page to do so. I'll voice my opinions as me
aww thanks! :)
I don't usually share my opinions on stuff too much so this feels weird, but kind of good actually