My phone died when I tried to post it :(


My phone died when I tried to post it :(

6 2
I would've been so sad if my phone died
hello :)
I lost my charger one my phone was dead for a day I was dying inside
good, how're you ?
my phone screen once came off my phone and I had to buy a new one so I didn't have a phone for a month
I died inside
I had to use a i pad to go on social media 😭
my phone is my life
same :(
oh and food
okay like what ?
I'm married to McDonald's🙃and I have mcbabies
cuddle ?
lol I have a thing with compasses😂 but hi I'm colby
I'm magnificent actually :) how about you?
well would you like to do something?
tbh I don't have anything in mind rn 😂
well cuddling sounds good plus a movie :)
why did you go on private
how's you?