Collage by futuremarine


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my anxiety... it’s bad..
my own mom doesn’t fuxcking care any more.
hey happy Valentine’s Day here’s your gift 🎁
Justin ig was too busy to even acknowledge me today..
what 🤪
p-please a-answer
c-can I have a h-hug..
*hugs you back and starts crying into you*
I-it's fine.. i-I'm used to b-being broken.
last years Valentine's Day was just as awful as this year. I was promised by so many people this year it'd be so much better..
didn't receive anything. my own boyfriend didn't acknowledge me at all, not even a hi. not once was I told by anyone they love me.
*cries into your chest and shakes*
*buries myself into you and shivers from being cold* I-I got y-you something
*hands you a wrapped box* o-open it
I-I got you a-a n-new under armor h-hoodie *smiles weakly and looks down* y-you probably h-hate it
I-I'm glad :)
you look like u couldn’t beat an old lady by a rap battle
not being mean
ur post said Ross me so I did
pun:ur roast said roast me
I could beat u in a rap battle with only three claps
no never//cora
no not yet//cora
lukey? 😭
do you still like me..?