


14 1
what's wrong?
ty for this♥️
I’m Kayleigh, but you can call me Kay for short
there’s just so much going on in my life and I can’t find a way to tell anyone 😓
will you tell anyone if I tell you what’s wrong...?
congrats on 100🎉♥️
no of course I won't. You don't know me, but I swear I am not that person. I would NEVER tell someone's secret. I am 100% loyal and 100% trustworthy. Even if I say so myself. You can trust me. I won't tell.
Kayleigh is such a gorgeous name btw!
I tell you wat, I'll tell you something you can't tell anyone too, then we're even! 😉
I’m Irish, Irish name ☺️ it’s spelt the unique way so everyone’s like “Kaylee” and I’m like 😑
haha 😂😂 so true.
okay, you go first
it feels good to talk to someone 🙃
also what’s ur full name ?
I’m all ears 😌
take as long as you need...
cool thx, just trying to think of how to word it lol
say it how it is, that’s what I’m gonna do ♥️
well, I have lots of stuff going on in my life atm and, like you, I find it super hard to talk to about it. Half the time I don't know who I can talk to, and the other half I just dont want to talk about it because I'm a) worried they don't really care or have heard enough about me or b) I don't feel like I can express myself and be heard for what I feel.
I’m always here for you💕 just let me know if you ever need to chat *hugs* x
how’s Australia ?
but here goes: I have this friend ok? And we are super super close. But recently (I'm not going to say he or she because there is the off chance someone who knows me irl will read this and they will know the person, and you know, I don't want to cause issues between people I really do love) they have been really grating on my nerves. I seem to take offence, and I get really hurt without them trying. It sounds silly, but they told me off for something I straight up did not do (and so I told them but they didn't believe me) in front of people. They are an amazing person and I love them heaps and always will, but srsly I just needed to tell someone that I'm finding it hard to deal with.
Yeh, Australia's great. Everyone here is pretty chill.
THANKYOU SO MUCH!! I really appreciate it!!
... well, I guess it's your go...
here’s one of my things, basically I have a heart condition. I’ve had it all my life but recently the doctors have found out and I’ve had to have tests done in hospital. it became a concern when I passed out because of lack of breath, it was a scary scary time. I was taken to the first aid place and calmed down but I’ve had to go to into hospital and more scary stuff☹️ I can’t take part in PE at times as my body isn’t capable of it, I hate being treated specially and like I’m a piece of glass that could brake at any second. I just want to be normal and do normal things ...😭
I have more things to tell.... if you’ll listen
that's awful.
I hate my body ☹️ I can’t even swim 5 metres without feeling exhausted
I can’t even go ice skating without feeling overwhelmed
it's dangerous tho. It's so much safer to sit out and take care of yourself. I hate the fact that people treat you like that because it obviously upsets you. You are so brave and so wonderful. No one knows from looking at your account. I mean, you truly seem so strong and capable.
I guess I like the fact that online being can’t see just how weak I am, I act strong but really all I want is for people to understand me for who I am
I don’t want to be the girl who can only do certain things and has to stand out, I want to be part of a group of people who I Can things with 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t want my body to be like this for ever
sorry to be so glum, there’s just times when I really feel mentally exhausted ☹️
yeah... it's really tough. I'm so sorry. I'm sure that's not what you want to hear but it's true, I'm not sorry because I think you need to hear that or because I think you are weak enough to like hearing that repeated but I'm saying it because it's true. I can't imagine being treated that way, and I really hope it won't last for you.
anything we can do on PC you can do better, you know that right?
I can understand you for who you are. I think you are brave, strong, and amazing and I don't think you need friends to define your character.
is that the only thing bothering you? Sorry to be nosy, but I get the vibe there's more on your mind that just that?...
I'm here to listen.
yes there’s a lot more
thank you for your kind words, it has brought tears to my eyes to know that there really are people out there who care I’ve just got to find them *whats your name btw😀*
is there anything you’d like to talk before before I rant on 😂
haha, yeah, my name is Abye-Claire but I go by Abye. You can call me Be tho. 😉 It's my special nickname ❤️❤️
nah, I'm good. Pray continue...
your name is beautiful♥️ are you American..?✌🏻
nope, I'm not American. I live in Australia atm.
are you? (btw, aaawww, thankyou!
basically, I’ve just lost my grandad to lung cancer 😞
going to hai funeral was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. we were so close due to the fact that I spent a lot go time with him, he always made me laugh. he was like a dad to me😔 he kept me smiling, came to heart consultations with me and was by my side since day one. I’ve tried to tell my friends about this and they’ve been sympathetic but they’ve pulled this “prank” on me which has led me to thinking that I’m not too sure if I want to be friends with them ...
THATS AWFUL!! Who pranks someone in grieving?!
I know how you feel. I lost my grandad to cancer when I was about five or six.
it really changes your life.
I'm so so sorry for you. That's awful.
I’ve lost my nan, aunt, uncle, cousin and now my grandad ☹️
it’s a horrible feeling isn’t it😟
thank you, Be♥️
My grandad was a wonderful man. He was really close to my older brother and when we lost him, well, my brother hasn't been the same since. It took a harder toll on him than me as I was young (I remember saying goodbye to him and crying when mum and dad told us he had died but I was sad because I was scared and confused) My brother now has depression and anxiety and he can be really unstable and it's hard to face.
one of my biggest regrets in life, and I'm getting choked up thinking about this is that my grandad gave me a gold locket on the night he died, with "love from grandad" etched into the back and diamond around the heart shaped corners. But on that same night the chain broke and it disappeared a while later. I don't know what happened to it, but it breaks my heart. It was one of the only things I had of his and I miss him so much. He knew me well enough to buy me the locket with the blue pattern and my sister the pink (everyone else always bought me pink things and I hated pink).
that's terrible. Your family must be devastated. My heart goes out to you.
it is an awful feeling, and unless you've experienced it you can't fathom the depth of the pain.
recently, we lost an old family friend to cancer... She had nine kids! NINE!! Two of them are still babies and her eldest daughter just turned thirteen (the lady died before the birthday tho). She passed away on Mothers Day, and I'm a Christian, I got to Church (God is always there for me, honestly, he is underscripable) but the whole service me and my mum just cried and cried.
it was uncontrollable
at first I was sitting next to one of my guy friends (I'm not trans, but I have guy and girl pals) and he was like 😬😬😬😬 yikkkkkkeeeesssss!!!
sorry, I scared you off by talking too much 😁😂 sorry! Keep going...
you didn’t scare me off😂 I was just doing some studying for my GCSES, yes I’m quite old for P.C. compared to others 🤷🏼‍♀️😂
ok cool! Hanging in there ok?
I feel much better talking to you, so thank you sm♥️I’m so so so sorry for the loss of your grandad, he seemed like such an amazing and thoughtful person! I’m also sorry for the loss of your family friend, nine children is quite extraordinary! I’m Catholic, so Christian 🙃
yeah it’s quite a lot of work, but I’m at a pass for most subjects so it’s all worth it in the end😇 I’m turning 14 in a few weeks, hbu?
do u have any socials ?
I’m. 14 October the 12th😛 sweet dreams, talk to you tomorrow 💗
heyo!! yes I’ve been great. been really busy with studies though. it’s been kinda rough. whatcha been up to?
you’ll be suprised, I feel like I’ve become really good friends with you Be- tyyyy♥️
haha I watched Daniel on idol
fetus daniel😂😂😂
why are you so good with words ahahaha😂
what time is it for you?
4pm, it’s so quiet in my house as everyone’s out and I’m just like 😁😁😁
I think I may take my recent collage down 😒I kinda hate it
yeah.... I’ve been reading a book (I read a lot...🙃) and I have an idea to make it better !
ugh ikr now it’s just like a massive chat 😂
don’t mean to be dramatic here 😂, but I don’t necessarily know how true it is that people don’t read it🤷🏼‍♀️ ty though
when I’m upset, I like to just sit down and lose myself in a story.... I’m cringe Ik! u can see if you want ?
you can never be too safe, Be!
I’m going to sound awful doing this but I’m an honest person, are you a girl or boy?😂 sorryyyyy
I’m so glad you said that! I didn’t want to come across rude so I thought I’d just ask! yeah I’m a girl too♥️a tomboy....
I hang out with such “girly girls”though! I play football(soccer in the US) and my teachers say taht I’m good enough to play for my country one day! look out ahahahah😂
thank you☺️ I have a history of football in my family but I’m aiming to be an editorial assistant! hbu?
the thing is... all my friends get so annoyed as all their crushes ask me out and stuff and I’m like “not interested soryyyy”😂😂
I forgot to say taht last week when I was away on holiday, this boy kisssed me!!!! no jk. I told my friends and they were all like okdhsishshshdhsh!!! and I was like, yeah
I bet you do!!
they’re all liek “whirlwind romanceeeeeee” and I’m like jeez calm down😂 they get jelly when I play football with the boys and then once my friend Caitlin’s crush came to watch me play football ☺️😂
you don’t have to decide now I guess, mines just a career path🤷🏼‍♀️ I take media studies so it works out well 😊
what you up too ?
if I’m ever too annoying just say, I don’t get offended 😂
I’m just clearing out some shelves, I’ve been feeling a bit rough today so I’m just tryna get up for a bit then I’m gonna back to bed and watch some PLL or a movie before my brother comes home
pretty little liars 😂🤷🏼‍♀️
it’s on Netflix... rewatching it all! 7 seasons and 25 episodes per season that are an hour long... it’s occupying me 😂😂
I get sick quite a lot, it’s annoying!! I just feel like ima actually be sick and I have a temperature :/ also my braces are killing me😂
don’t mind, ur choice :)
do u have braces ?
ahaha do you speak to dyl too ?
your dead lucky😒 they kill meeeeew😂
shall we do a face reveal ?
I won’t sleep till like 2 again tonight I bet so I didn’t wake up until like lunchtime today 😂😂👌🏻
just add a pic in remix :)
your probably like..... ugh she’s got horrible braces 😂😂😂
no, not at all!! You're so pretty idk what your talking about! It's funny tho, it's sunny in your pic and mine is super dark cos I had to turn my bed lamp on to get it lol.
your so pretty too!!
I’ve gotta go now for today to deal with stuff but I’ll talk to you tomorrow xx♥️
goodnight, sweet dreams Be xx
I don’t go back to school for aggeasss😂😁
good, I just made an LGBTQ collage for my friend for her ig 😂
not so bad ty
just been out for a run to clear my mind you know? my mums on a phone call and she’s really stressed so I’m trying to stay out of her way as my dads gone
it’s complicated, Be🤷🏼‍♀️
I’m just a complicated person to be around ☺️😂
what is she upset about? if it’s okay me asking ofc !
i don’t know if my mums friend said something when she was here as she’s been really upset, I don’t want to ask you know ?
hey sorry I haven’t been on since we last messaged x
what u up too x
it’s okay! ttyl, ly xx