Please can you comment a quote and what colour you would like it and I will also put your account name


Please can you comment a quote and what colour you would like it and I will also put your account name

77 14
"do on to other's if wow want them to do the same" warriors-Jayfeather
this isn't a quote but I'd like to say that you should never give up. those people that have said those things to you are obviously blind, you are beautiful. when going through what you are going through, look into the future because it will get so much better and you will be happier. what those horrible people say is not true, you be you xxxx
if you ever feel lonely, just look at the moon. someone somewhere is looking right at it too. put it lavender
it is ok to be sad, but we all need some happy too.
smile, just because you can! xo
Let Your Smile Change The World, But Don't Let The World Change Your Smile - Unknown
strong people aren't big,tough,and mean. Strong people have been hurt and have gotten back up
You can also look for more on my account
ok thank you
everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain, you can see more on my account,
"Do what you love,and love what you do"
"We were born to be real.Not to be perfect."
ok what kind of quotes
join my contest!
you could be the RIPEST JUICIEST peach in the world but there will always be someone who hates peaches. (BTW orange would be a nice color)
ok xxx
if you can dream it, you can do it-Mickey Mouse
the loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, the broken people are the strongest
happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light ~ Albus dumbledore
There are 2 paths. One path is where happiness LIES....and the other path is where depression pulls you.But not every path is the same, but you will find the happiness that doesn't LIE,it shines.
A real girl isn't perfect. A perfect girl isn't real.
be your own inspiration ~ chueycollages
you are beautiful blue
break through the wall even though it feels like brick you girl will break through it like glass. 😜 (different colours) (fizzy_laces_xox) xxx 😉😝😜😋😀😊I hope you like it. xx it is one that I made up.