Yes, our school has MacBook Pros.


Yes, our school has MacBook Pros.

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lol on my page before I saw this I posted something that I made for YouTube go look at it plz
my school has MacBook pros too, but only,like, 2 per class that the students use, and we have a whole cart of them in our library for the computers exploratory
that is amazing. some eight grade changed all the icons and pictures to the illuminati and changed the home screen picture to Donald Trump. these were in school property laptops. and the whole eight grade knows he did it but they haven't said anything. ugh
I'd like to meet that kid 😂
the high school where I live has chrome books that they give out to the kids
nah he's really annoying and screams really lame jokes that are slightly racist and innuendos in the halls
then I'll pass...
yeah. I usually run over his foot with my backpack. oops...sorry! (not sorry)
"accidentally on purpose"
whoa youre in eighth grade bc same here
we all have our own iPad minis
We have Ipad Airs
The students at my school get Chromebooks while the teachers get MacBooks
our school is very high tech 😂 the whole lesson goes wrong if we have wifi problems
Lucky!! We have giant Dell computers the size of my torso...
so lucky!! Last year my school had iMacs but I'm in a different school now so yay giant dell computers that are as big as the shortest kid in school😒