Jealous or nah! That's rude. She is mean to me because she's jealous of me. Can't she just leave my life?


Jealous or nah! That's rude. She is mean to me because she's jealous of me. Can't she just leave my life?

21 5
it's so rude how she sad stop unfollowing me I want 1k
That's rude. She just wants more followers to me. They are worthless to her. Y'all mean a lot to me!
what's her user?
it's just a goal! she did t do anything. she said it was kinda just u.
She did do a lot! She told me on iMessage that she wanted 1K+ that way she could make me jealous! It's so rude. FOLLOWERS MEAN NOTHING TO HER AND SHE SAID IT TO ME..
At school: *seems inoccent* home: *evil and bullies*