I'm single I guess


I'm single I guess

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I'm sorry I tried to help u
I feel bad now
it's fine
That's okay :)
hey -angel
I'm Jay
how are you
not to good but I'm fine
hugs you
thank you baby girl
np hotstufg
no they was right
it is ok u helped me
.......l.l u got to be kidding me
I am going on private
sissy noooooooo
I can if u want it is over
hey baby girl
hey babe
what u doing
I am so mad of the drama
I am not in the mood
say ur taken
what is wrong sis
and why would u care
because your the only one I have left
ok I hate drama
so stop fighting on my account
it makes me sad that I can't show people my art
when there is drama on it
it is over we move on
you better
hey brother
are you there
yayayay brother
hey brother
I'm here
idk because it is getting weird
jay I thought me and u we're going out if u broke up with bre
why would he break up with bre
because he told me he was single