#KikwisStyle// #ContestEntry


#KikwisStyle// #ContestEntry

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witch song is this
Whoa! You actually made one of my styles?? 🙌🏼 Thanks so much, no one ever uses my style 😘
haha np! mine either lol...it's probably because we aren't SUPER popular like Fashion-5ever or GiovannaCollage!
Yeah, but you know what, I'm going to make one of your style soon! I'm pretty busy making outfits for contests right now 😆 I just made the stupidest outfit for cute-gymnast-905's contest, it's more like a sunflower outfit than a date outfit, yours is really good, but you're the queen of outfit making so why wouldn't it be 😂
thanks so much! haha I actually LOVED the sunflower outfit and would totally wear it if I had it in real life!😄
Thanks so much!💖🌻😜