


8 0
I'm in vic
in QLD is it different like wether is it warmer there
because in VIC its freezing
ok cool
I. doing the same
I mean I'm not I. lol what's ur name
I'm Elena
nice name
oh hope u get better soon 😕
cool ok
soooo what u wanna talk about???
ok I will follow both u friends 😋
lol do u guys do any sports
I'm in VIC u
ops mean I'm from not in
u like soccer I LOVE soccer
cool mine is well I don't have a fab
I meant fav not fab lol
wow u guys have a lot in common
I like soccer netball and ummm football
I like dance moms it'd the best
cool its really good u should watch it
I'm 13
yeah Maddie my fav to
ok I'm the oldest lol
when's ur birthdays mins is nov 20
yep ok let's be bestirs
well I don't but my friend has one
like Pizza
do u have any backgrounds mins are Greek and German
cool Scottish never met some on how's Scottish my friend is quarter Irish though
wow different ummm country's together as on lol 😂😂
I meant one not on
I know I said I hope she gets better soon
don't worry every girl goes through that me too Iv got it 😕
lol I do
cool is it ok if I call u Bec?
cool my names Elena btw 😋
sos I need to go to my soccer training talk latter 👋👋