okay so I joined after Martin Luther King day and I feel bad so here is a really late post for it!


tap okay so I joined after Martin Luther King day and I feel bad so here is a really late post for it!

25 3
love this!💕😍
thanks! i mean i live i. scotland so i already am in the uk? but its annoying, im terrified that the nuclear place will get bombed and that (knowing me) im probably gonna end up getting so stressed and stuff and if that happens its not gonna end well :/
@Kittycat2008 oops sorry I presumed you lived in Ukraine but I live in Scotland too! so nice to know someone else from a similar area 😊 we shouldn't go to eat unless putin gets anymore brainwashed :/ *don't mean to offend anyone there* in stressed as anything but I'm trying to keep it to myself :')
Go to eat? *to to war*