Welp, I drew Chara da explorer *i was trying to chage my art style and I got this*


Welp, I drew Chara da explorer *i was trying to chage my art style and I got this*

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*hugs you tight* ....
*hugs chu back* admin wuts wrong..
.....I still hate myself....that's what is wrong....
but why do you hate yourself..
.....I have alot of reasons....
but... you shouldn't hate yourself at all...........
. . .
I-I know....
*cries* ...
it seems like you hate yourself.. but.. I love you.. a lot..
*wipes your tears*
*blushes a bit* I love you a lot too....
Rittik.. are you okay..
...i'm fine.
*blushes* I-I know..
your not fine...
I don't know how too not hate myself....
I'm sorry....
admin.. I Remember a long time ago you said "I'll never find love" and I responded "you will someday.." and then that person ended up being me..
*hugs chu tight* Idk what I'll ever do.. without chu..
*hugs chu back* I could say the same....
*blushes deep*
I feel better now...! *smiles*
*smiles back* I'm glad..
*kisses chu* I love chu...
*kisses chu back* I love you to..
*blushes deep* I love chu more!
*blushes* no.. I bet I love chu more~
*blushes deeper* yep...chu loves me more...
*kisses chu on the lips* X////3