tappy !!
gimme neck kisses & cuddles and ill love you forever  🙃💓


tappy !! gimme neck kisses & cuddles and ill love you forever 🙃💓

25 0
wow 😍
^ thank youuu 💓
hii soph, it's nice to meet you (:
you're gorgeous 😱❤ actually jealous
^ thank you!! 💓
i'm maeve , but most people just call me mae for short (pronounced like may) i'm 5'0 tall & i love music, i play the guitar aha. i'm turning 18 next month & i have 2 older brothers. tell me about yourself ?
you seem great :)) 💗
no problem soph :)
alright !
what's his user ?
you're welcome beautiful
ah okay
you too, kal :) is that your real name or just a nickname ?
oh no. is she alright ?
i'm sorry to hear about her mom :(( ooh, i'd just give her water and pain killers aha
oh no, i'm sorry.. :(
you're so tall !!
& cuddles are vv nice
it'd be nice to be tall tbh, i wouldn't have to use a stool to get plates from my kitchen 😂🙃
alright, it was nice getting to know you kal, good night
okay gorgeous girl