I'm Not Even Joking


I'm Not Even Joking

19 15
And, for some insane reason, your opinions matter more than mine do?
so do you!
Okay I Do Kinda Agree With Her Here's The Reason First PicCollageGazette Is Hating On Some One Really Really Nice And Being Rude Am Not Hating
look i know sometimes piccollagegazette sometimes has mean opinions but i dont think she means it and its really not nice to make a collage about someone in a mean way so that makes you just as mean
u should die
she only posted one mean thing, she already has enough hate, can't u see
why make a hatepage for her then? you are only giving her more attention. she must be that special to u, huh?:)
even though I disagree with her opinions, I believe that her reasoning behind why she has those opinions is valid and her opinions matter just as much as yours do.
PicCollageGazette is Amazing!! And if you have a problem with her "rude opinions" then you should also keep yours to yourself, jerk