welp..finally had time to post something..(tappy)
good news: english testing is over! yayyayay!  bad news: MATH. IS. NEXT. WEEK. UGHHHHH! anyways..comment what you would do in these circumstances tysm guys and please vote for my new username ➡️➡️➡️


welp..finally had time to post something..(tappy) good news: english testing is over! yayyayay! bad news: MATH. IS. NEXT. WEEK. UGHHHHH! anyways..comment what you would do in these circumstances tysm guys and please vote for my new username ➡️➡️➡️

21 6
I’m at school rn😭❤️ bye sis see you soon
yea nobody can have fun at school😬😞😱😯
aww I love this
hey how’s IT going?
5th has already happened don't completely trust people until you are so sure they will not betray you
hey wassup?