Flower Power Issue 3


Flower Power Issue 3

24 14
thank you so much ✨💖😊
I got some news to share! I heard princess Celestia and Luna weren't actually born alicorns! they basically said they don't know much about it in the first episode of season six!
I know
it's crazy! like, I thought they were born alicorns!
so I have a question...
I thought so to
What is the question? 🌚🌝
Lol random moon faces 😜😝
my question is, can I be part of flower power? idk I can be like a news seeker or something. I can do interviews or idk... can have my own Column 😄. I can maybe write stories or something for it idk.
I even have a resume if you wanna see it!
alright great thanks! let me just get my resume...
Yes you can. Just so you know I do this every week so tell me how often you want to do it.
pretty often. I check it every day a couple times
It would be great to work with you 😊
when should I start working?
Well for next Sunday. If you are not available on this day just show me it on a different day and I will post it.
I just posted the magazine very late 😂
alright well I can try and get it to you by this Sunday! what should it be about?
Hmm... I don't know
It can be about anything you want
alright I'll think about some ideas and get back to you