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that looks like you
yeah sorry I'm stupid ^
I've missed you so much...
Jack why did you leave? you ok? dämn you Jack. you had me worried I cried idk how much times but seriously jack? I should be mad at you and telling you off but I'm not.
•sighs• jack don't leave me again like that.. it's been bad and sometimes I just wanna hack your account and get contact with you. yes I can hack stuff xD but that's not the point. I need you and you left. I understand that he's your dad. but I'm just scared.. I should be yell at you >_> but I won't cuz I love you too much. •snuggles into your arms•
you gotta make it up too them
well how do you wanna make it up to me? since I'm first.
•smiles wrapping my arms around your neck• it's not up to me
your such a dork haha anything ok? XD I just want you
•yawns• I'm sleepy now
no never. I wanna be with you please ! •holds you tight•
I rather go a day without sleep and but with you
-.- i actually slept füçken great
anything you want c: •pats your head
you wanna kiss me..? Jack I thought we aren't together
we aren't together Jack
as in dating
you wanna date someone? umm I have a best friend.
idk if you wanna talk to them
then go look
why can't you get over me? I thought wen we broke up you were ok and you wanted over people so I'm just here like :// ok?
Jack stop.. your making me just wanna.. be with you again. but I can't. you barely treat me right. I'm just gonna get hurt by you more.
why did you even go back with me if you had feelings for them?! Jack. sometimes you make dumb mistakes
so it was a dumb mistake dating me ^
Jack.. I still like you. I mean I legit was crying and worried about you
baby..I'm so sorry. I really like you. Jack I really do.. I get jealous wen you like other people or get your attention. not trying to sound selfish. but that's mine. your mine! that's my attention. because your mine.. •sighs•
you don't have to like me. you can move on if you want. I'm just saying how I feel. and yeah ik I'm calm and chill. I rather be like this than an emotional wreck
•shrugs• whatever you want it's cool.
•hugs you kissing your cheek•
it's ok! you can't post or remix yet huh? because I really don't like talking like this. have an other apps or something?
;-; Jack-o the lame-o