Right people seem to be getting mixed up about this account so I'll tell u me and my brother Nathan both use this account if u have any further questions or want more information please comment- Billie and Nathan


Right people seem to be getting mixed up about this account so I'll tell u me and my brother Nathan both use this account if u have any further questions or want more information please comment- Billie and Nathan

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can I talk to your brother real fast
hey it's Nathan
hey is Billie still pisśed off at me?
I never meant to hurt anyone 😒😕😔
u did tho what was the point in u telling her that u have feelings for her and u never really did- Nathan
my feeling for her is still the same, it's just that I been throw so much rn.
yeh so u date Jack to forget about her- Nathan
I will never forget Billie, the stuff she made me is my back ground, every time I look at it I smile bc he is the best person I have ever met
thanks- Billie 😔
why u still with him- Nathan
idk yet, like I been trough so much for the last year and idk what my feeling are now
well idk what to do for u then- Nathan
I do really like Billie, it's just that I want to see what Jack will do first, but it looks like he not gonna talk to me
yeah, I would hurt my self just to keep Billie safe and I mean it
don't hurt urself- Billie
only just to keep u safe Billie
well my life sucks
why?- Nathan
bc everyone is hating me, my old ex wants me back, and all this fúckíng shít is happening over and over again
well idk Hun what to say- Nathan
u wanna talk to Billie
hey- Billie
what's up?
do u think I'm fake?
ok just asking
I posted it