Collage by Daisy_Grace


156 6
I really want to win so that I can do more with my anime collages they are just plain right now with just anime pics so please let me win
I really want to win to stop animal abuse!
you are an amazing friend and make awesome collages and so for those reasons I want to collab with you! That is why I want to win.
I would love to win to help people and animal abuse you are also a awesome colloger
I really want to win because I've never gone a giveaway before!😃😃.
I want to win cause I have cancer.
Hi can you please follow me? I'm trying to reach my goal of 3K!
You mean this? Maybe.
Sure I will do it but post it tomorrow.
Sorry I'm not going to do it because my followers might be confused because I said I was going to do one myself.
I want to win because I really want to do a collab with you and for you to teach each how to make my collages prettier like ur.😍
my collages prettier like yours.
winners will be announced soon!
I kind of want to make my collages pretty!
I want to win because I haven't won any challenges!