*fangirling in progress*
Entry for hermionejeaneverdeens contest👌
Rate please!
What is the temp where you live? Rn it's 41 f
So pretty warm atm😂


*fangirling in progress* Entry for hermionejeaneverdeens contest👌 Rate please! What is the temp where you live? Rn it's 41 f So pretty warm atm😂

72 0
this is really good.It's 74 f where I am
21 degrees out, which is actually pretty good
<I live in tornado alley>
it's 17 here,which is pretty warm for it being January in Minnesota.
sure 😊
can you please make an edit about DEAMUS they're my otp
Hey it's bewarethenargles, and I am starting a joint account. I was wondering if you would join it. There will be a character every week and everyone will make an edit based off of that character. Let me know if you would be interested. Thanks!
*fangirling in progress* comment your favorite color and current tv show and/or book obsession bye fellow earthlings 🔍-FandomsOfAutumn
for my icon I just really want the twins in it but other than that you can do what ever