Laugh and dump u on the floor pick u up and put u in the bin💪


Laugh and dump u on the floor pick u up and put u in the bin💪

1 0
*punches person who made the hatepage in the face*
ur dumb if u say that about her and insecure
You must be really füćkëd up to be telling someone to go kill themselves
Do you like àśś
back of bîtch😜
dumb bîtch
^and you could go to jail for that
wow, this shows the whole world the kind of person you are and your reputation. did you know when you go into college they check all your social media platforms and if they see this i’m sure they will not think good things about you.
reported... that’s horrible
wow. This shows who you really are. I feel bad for everybody who has to put up with your stupid mouth. Also I am REPORTING this
stop being in the comments your just as bad as them