Collage by rachelbrown89


27 2
look what I posted
cutie ❤️
y r u so mean
p.s your funny thinking your not a bully. I know your standing up for yourself but your “comebacks” are considered bulling
It’s not funny that you are being mean....You never know if you’re hurting someone’s feelings!!! Not cool man not cool.....🔆💛😔
your so fake
ugh 😑 your so annoying
oh poor poor pitiful me waaa
oh by the way your a crazy person
omg why you think you better than everyone else
well news flash your not
leave her alone. she does not deserve this.
ummm welll no she’s a fake and your a fake
your so pretty
hey Rachel if u think bullying is cool it’s not. no one likes a bully and how would you feel if we called you all theirs things. and u might be thinking go ahead but I’m not going to cause I’m not a bully
so stop being a jerk to that account and apologize
yo. im a boy... idc if ur a girl... stop bullying
stop cursing at people and calling them autistic just because they are not like you doesn’t mean you can bully them and if your going through a hard time in your life don’t let it out on other people
just because someone is different to you doesn’t mean they are better or worse, and it doesn’t give you a right to be mean to them: there is never a reason to be mean
Hi there! I see a lot of people attacking you and I think I know why. There are a couple of “anti bullying” pages that keep sending people to attack these so-called “bullies”. Yeah, I agree that it’s not right to say things like that, but these attacks are just worse.
Also, you’re beautiful 💕
please stop bullying. it is destroying people’s lives, please don’t
I only commented twice byeeeeee
ok then I will stop bye 👋
your a bully
What the heck you have no reason to say that to anybody plus you should stop being a hypocrite because no one likes those
Come at me bro
we are nit attacking you we are trying to make you stop bullying people we have seen your comments about people you even commented something mean on my account you also called people autistic and you cursed at them too just please stop there is no reason to do this
why do you say people are disabled and autistic that is the most immature thing to say
uh ya hi u told Paris-lovr to stop Commenting on ur account surprise it’s me just I have a new account and sure gladly I’ll stop Commenting on ur account just don’t be a bully k thanks bye
butttt on my little break form pc I did realize it’s not good to be a bully but the anti bullying pages can some times come in s little hard so I see where ur coming from..
but we are nit being harsh
isnt it a little harsh to say someone is autistic or disabled
well im bi sexual.
true true u are still being rude
hey Rachel I’m sorry for all the hate ur getting and I decided mabye u can change like a second chance and I’m totally fine if u don’t just try not to take it out on other ppl. btw ur rly pretty and ur nephew is rly cute. I hope u can change ur ways keep it up
how are you so pretty!? I wish I was pretty like you...
also, ur jeans are SUPER cute
she is using autism as an insult
please, you need to stop this. I don’t know why you keep calling people autistic, but I know that everyone has their motives. if you ever need to talk to me, I’m here. if you don’t want to talk, that’s ok too. just believe me, it will get better once you stop this hate.
bxtch I aint stupid
btw autism is something a kid is born with, they can’t just become autistic when they are 13 and autistic people are like all of us INCLUDING YOU
omg ur so pretty🤩
y the fūûck r u giving hate to DST_???