At school


At school

10 57
Ay, that's me!
{Yo, good morning!}
{I'll be back at lunch, okay?}
{That'll be about 45 minutes from now.}
{Or I'm back now!}
(I'm sorry. I had a test in science. sorry I'm late.)
(I have like 10 minutes maybe...)
{Aw, okay. Well, I'm late.}
{You still here?}
(yeah, I was making something for industrial tech.)
(are you still there?)
{I'm here now.}
(I'll try texting you after school. I'll try. let's hope!)
{Hope is strong! Also, this was probably our worst idea yet!}
(awe! why?)
{We never know when the other is on.}
(I'm available!!)
(I'm going to be home soon. so, I'll be here when you are.)
{I'm here!}
(yay! can we c?)
(where did we leave off and who's turn?)
{Key said he liked Taemin.} "Oh, okay."
(oh yeah!!) "What's it like?"
"Normal, I guess."
"It feels normal to be a merman?"
"For me, yes."
"oh, right." Key felt stupid.
"What's it like being human?"
"eh, boring. All we get to do is walk really. we're not as fast swimmers as your kind."
"Yeah, I like watching you guys. It's funny."
Key blushed. "So, practically, you stalk us?"
"Kind of."
"Creepy...i-in a good way though.."
"Yeah, sorry.."
"It's okay.." key bit his lip as he looked away
Key scooted over and patted the rock. "Come sit."
Taemin scooted up by him and sat next to him.
Key grabbed his hand.
Taemin leaned his head on Key's shoulder.
Key smiled.
"I like you, too."
"Really? like how?
"Like, as a friend."
"Oh, okay."
"You're cool."
"I brought a picnic thing.." Key reached behind him and grabbed the basket. "Can you eat human food? Like sandwiches?"
"Okay, good." Key opened the basket.
"I've stolen French fries before."
Key giggled. "oh really?" he handed Taemin a sandwich.
"Mmhmm. It was funny watching the person look around for them."
"I would've done the same thing."
Taemin giggled and took a bite.
Key handed Taemin a juice box and pulled out his sandwich and started eating.
Taemin got really confused with the juice box. He couldn't figure out how it worked.
(you there?)
(oh, there!)
{Yeah, it glitched.}
"Do you need help?"
Key grabbed the juice box and put the straw in.
"Oh, I get it."
Key smiled again.
Taemin finished his sandwich and started on the juice box.
Key took his time, though he was taking some fruit out of the basket as well.
Taemin's eyes widened. "Woah.."
{Gotta go, be back when I can!}
(oh! orthodontist I'm guessing! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
"It's only fruit."
{Ne.} "What's that?"
"It's pretty."
{You there?}
(yeah, sorry. I fell asleep.)
"it's food."
{it's cool!} "Really?"
"Mmhmm. here, try an apple." Key handed Taemin an apple.
"Okay." Taemin examined it. "Uh, how?"
"Just bite into it."
"Oh, okay." Taemin bit into it, some juice squirted out. He eyes widened again.
"good is t it?"
"I have more." (brb)
{Okay} "Cool."
(back!) "Just in case you want more when you're done with that one."
"I might."
"I also have bananas and grapes."
"What're those?"
"other fruits."
"Oh, okay."
Taemin finished and gave the core to Key.
"if you need help with the banana, I'm here."
Key put the core in a bag.
Taemin couldn't figure out the banana either. He tried biting into it with the peel still on, which was a bad idea. He gave it to Key.
Key giggled and peeled it. "here you go." he handed it to Taemin.
"Thanks." Taemin started eating that. He held one thumb up.
"good. I'm glad you like it."
Key kissed Taemin's cheek.
Taemin tilted his head as he looked over at Key.
Key smiled.
"You're weird."
"I take that as a complement."
"I see."
Key smiled more.
Taemin smiled, too.
"Can I kiss you?"
Taemin tilted his head again.
"can I?"
Key scooted as close as he could to Taemin, placed his hands on his neck, and kissed him.
Taemin very slowly kissed back.
Key pushed Taemin onto his back, still kissing him.
Taemin suddenly got really nervous and pulled away.
"Are you okay?"
"what's wrong?"
"I've never done that before."
"oh, sorry."
"It's fine. I liked it."
Taemin wrapped his arms around Key and pulled him close. "You're nice."
Key smiled and blushed a little like he always does when he's around someone he likes. "thank you."
Key bit his lip.
Taemin closed his eyes.
Key kissed Taemin's nose.
Taemin smiled again.
Key started nibbling on his nose.
"Do humans like noses or something?"
"I do."
"I want to be with you."
"Like friends?"
"Best friends?"
"Way more than that."
Taemin tilted his head. "Boyfriend?"
"But..." Key pulled away and sat on the rock.
"But what?" Taemin sat up.
"I like Jonghyun, too.."
"It's hard to choose.."
"So, I don't know what to do.."
"And I don't want to tell you what to do."
"can we meet up again tomorrow?"
"Ne, of course."
"I'll be right back. I'm gonna talk to Jonghyun real quick. don't leave."
Key stood up and started to run to the house.
Taemin watched him. He really wanted to go with Key.
Once Key entered the house, he yelled for Jonghyun. "Jonghyun!"
"What?" Jonghyun ran upstairs from the basement.
"First of all, why are you in the basement?"
"I'm just stealing some of your games."
Jonghyun held up one of the discs.
"You b****."
"Shut up."
"make me."
"But, anyways. Second of all, I like you."
"I know."
"How do you know?"
"It's obvious."
"Then what do you say about it?"
"Uh, I can't."
"What do you mean?"
"I might have a girlfriend."
Key was heartbroken.
"I'm sorry.."
"I-It's fine.." Key started to tear up.
"No it's not.." Jonghyun hugged him.
"I just thought..." he trailed off.
"I really thought we could be a's all because of yesterday, isn't it?"
"No, not at all."
"yes it is...this is all my fault.." Key pulled away and started to walk away.
"No, it's not."
"yes it is.."
"Key, don't beat yourself up."
"That's impossible right now."
"Yeah, I know.."
"I have to beat up myself..because you won't do it for me.."
"Why would I beat you up?"
Key stopped at the door and looked at Jonghyun. "Because do won't stop flirting with you."
Jonghyun just walked over to him and hugged him. "It's okay."
Key buried his face in Jonghyun's shoulder and let the tears go.
Jonghyun rubbed his back.
"I'm sorry.."
"It's okay."
"This isn't what I planned.."
"What did you plan?"
"That you liked me too and would've said yes.."
"Oh, right."
"I'm just living a horrible life...this always happens to me..."
"I told you not to beat yourself up."
"And, what happened with you and Woo Bin?"
"He's..." Key sighed. "He's not real...I was trying to make you jealous but I guess it didn't work..."
"I'm sorry.."
"You're such a meanie."
"I said I'm sorry."
"I'm just kidding."
"I hate my stupid self.." he mumbled.
"Key, come on. Stop that."
"Why? What is there not to hate about myself?"
"Everything. You're perfect, and I'm sure some guy out there will see that."
"Please believe me."
"How? No one even likes me.."
"How do you know?"
"Because no one will ask me out."
"Maybe they're nervous."
"Pfft, whatever. I'm not the type to turn down anyone."
"They might not know that."
"Anyone who knows me, should know that."
"Yeah, I guess."
Key sniffles.
"Feeling any better?"
Key shrugged.
"I'm gonna go now..ill see you later.." he pulled away
"Okay, see you later."
Key turned and walked out the door. he started to cry again.
Taemin had snuck back into the water so he wasn't seen. He pulled himself back up when he saw Key. "What's wrong?"
Key shook his head. "He doesn't like me..he has a girlfriend now...most likely because I tried to kiss him yesterday but he won't admit it.."
"Aw, I'm sorry."
"it's fine.."
Key hugged him.
Taemin hugged back.
"Ne?" (Sorry, PC is being stupid.)
{Yeah, I had the same issue.}
"Can you show me Land?"
(Now PC is being the meanie.)
"What do you mean?"
"I wanna see Land."
"But how do I show you?"
"Carry me, I guess."
"I'll try. I'm not that strong."
"You seem strong."
"Heh, thanks. but do these arms look strong?" he held up his arms.
"Eh, kind of."
"I mean, I can carry like boxes and stuff, but I haven't really carried a person before."
"You don't have to."
"I would love to. Especially with you in my arms. Er, I mean...f***, I'm flirting again.."
"No, it's fine. It's cute."
"Thanks...again." Key blushed.
"Mmhmm." Taemin smiled.
"Will you do it?"
"Now, let's show you land."
Key picked up Taemin, a little struggle at first but he got the hang of it.
Taemin wrapped his arms around Key's neck and held himself close.
Key started to walk around. He pointed things out to Taemin and told him what they were.
Taemin was completely fascinated with everything. He never wanted to go back to the ocean.
"Can I stay here?"
"I wish you could."
"If the others saw you, they'd freak out."
"What others?"
"My friends. It's not just me and Jonghyun, it's also Minho and Onew. they love with us. all four of us are best friends and decided to buy a house together."
"Aw, that's nice."
"Why do humans freak out when they see us?"
"Because you're different and unique. and we aren't."
"at least to us we aren't. but maybe to you we are."
"You guys are very unique."
Key smiled.
Taemin rested his head on Key's shoulder.
"You're cute."
Taemin smiled. "Thanks."
"You're cute, too."
"Thank you."
"I want to keep you."
"I wanna stay with you."
"I want to love you."
"I want to love you, too."
Key laid Taemin down in the sand and crawled on top of him. "Can I love you?"
"And I don't want to go back, it's boring there."
"What do you mean?"
"Will you let me love you?"
Key smiled and kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Key wanted legs to be wrapped around him. Instead, he just pulled Taemin closer by the waist.
Taemin loosely grabbed Key's neck.
Key lightly bit onto Taemin's lip.
Taemin moaned a little. This was all new to him, and he loved it.
Key moved his kisses to Taemin's neck.
Taemin moaned even more.
Key bit onto Taemin's neck.
Taemin practically screamed as he dug his nails into Key's neck.
Key accidentally bit a little harder.
"Ah! Key!"
Key pulled away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."
"It's fine.."
(Ooh!! Shoot!!)
Taemin was a little late the next day. When he got to the sand, Key saw he was covered in a really thick black liquid.
"Woah! What happened?" Key touched the black liquid.
"This was dropped from some boat... they said something about oil... it won't go away..."
{*cries* it's bedtime...}
"Oh, sh**...this isn't good..."
(Darn it...)
(Well, I'll try to get on I the morning. I probably won't go to school, sleep well, Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
"Can you help...? It hurts..." {I know...}
"Of course."
{Yup! Happy healing! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
"Thank you.."
"Anytime." Key picked him up and brought him to a place where he wouldn't be seen. "I'll be right back. I have stuff that will take off the oil."
Key got up and ran to the house. He went into the basement and got a big orange bottle.
Taemin tried to wipe the oil from his eyes. It hardly worked.
Key came back with the bottle and opened it. "Rub this all over your body. It will help. Minho uses this stuff when he fixes our car. It helps take the oil off of things. Trust me. I will help you."
"I trust you."
"Good." Key took the bottle and dumped it on Taemin's tail. Then he put some on his chest and back. "When we are done scrubbing it in, I will splash water on you. It will also help."
"Okay." Taemin started rubbing it in. {Will you be available at 10:45ish my time?}
(idk, if I stay home yes, but if I go to school no..I really want to stay home cause I can barely talk and every time I stand or cough or anything, my stomach hurts.)
{You should stay home. And I gotta go! Message me if you can! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Okay! I will! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
(I am available. I stayed home.)
{I see.}
{I'll have to plug my phone in soon, so I'll tell you when I gotta go.}
(oh, are you at home?)
{Yeah, anyway, wanna c?}
Key helped rub it in on his back, chest, face, hair.
As it was washed away, it revealed that Taemin's skin was red and irritated.
"I don't know what to do about this...maybe lotion will help..ill be right back." he got up and ran to the house again and grabbed some lotion.
Taemin tilted his head. "What's lotion?"
"It's something to help with your skin."
"Oh, okay."
Key squirted some on his hand. He grabbed Taemin's arm and started rubbing it in.
"Does it hurt at all?"
"The lotion?"
"It feels nice."
Key started to rub it in every where else.
Taemin felt slightly awkward, but it felt nice so he wasn't complaining.
Key finished in a few minutes. He smiled at Taemin.
Taemin smiled, too, and hugged him. "Thank you, Key."
"Ne. Anytime."
"I love you."
Key bit his lip as he hugged back.
"I love you too."
Taemin smiled again.
"I wish you could come to my house."
"Why can't I?"
"I don't know who's home."
"Oh, right."
{I'm really sorry, but I gotta go now. I'll message you after school! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
"I can go check quickly."
(awe! okie..Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
"Can I go with you?"
"Do you want to?"
(I have an idea for a new rp if we run out of ideas. Ik it's early but it can wait.)
"Okay." Key picked Taemin up and started walking to the house.
Taemin held himself close to Key.
Key smiled at Taemin.
Taemin smiled, too.
Key brought Taemin to the basement and laid him on his bed.
"I'm gonna go see if anyone is here."
Key went to the first floor and looked around. No one. He went upstairs. He had heard Onew giggling, but not coming from his own room. Then he heard Minho giggle as well. He went to Minho's room and peeked through the door. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. Minho was on Onew's lap, kissing his neck.
Taemin hid himself under the covers, just to be safe.
"What the...?" Key accidentally said out loud. Minho stopped what he was doing, pulled away, and looked at Key.
Onew closed his eyes. "Hi, Key.."
"What is going on..?"
"We're together now."
"How long?"
"A few days."
"Does Jonghyun know?"
"Okay.." Key closed the door. He sighed. "Aigoo.." He walked back to the basement.
Taemin stayed completely still. He wasn't sure who was downstairs.
"Taemin-ah. I'm back. Minho and Onew are here but...they're a little busy on the second floor. You won't be able to hear them from here."
"Okay." Taemin pushed the covers down and sat up.
Key sat down next to Taemin.
Taemin scooted close to him and rested his head on Key's shoulder.
Key bit his lip. "Have you ever tried to get legs?"
"You should try."
"Okay. I will."
Key bit his lip again.
"You okay?"
Key kissed Taemin.
Taemin kissed back.
Key brought his hands to Taemin's neck.
Taemin held Key's arms.
Key moved one of his hands down, rubbing Taemin's tail.
Taemin accidentally bit Key's lip.
Key quietly moaned.
Taemin let go and kissed him again. He slowly moved his hands down to the rim of Key's pants.
Key slowly pulled away.
"Did I do something wrong?"
Key shook his head.
"Were we planning on doing something?"
"I don't know."
"I can't.." Key sat on the bed. "I'm sorry..."
"Yeah, I know."
Key took a deep breath. "I want to, but even if we could, I don't know how we'd do it anyways.."
Key grabbed Taemin's hand.
Taemin leaned on him.
Key kissed Taemin's cheek.
Taemin smiled. "We can still be like this, right?"
"Okay, good."
Ky nodded, smiling.
Taemin smiled again.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
"Guess what."
"I love you more."
"Aw, really?"
Taemin smiled more.
Key kissed Taemin.
Taemin kissed back.
Key lightly bit Taemin's lip.
Taemin quietly moaned.
Key bit harder and tugged.
Taemin moaned even more.
Key let go of his lip and sent kisses down Taemin's jawline and onto his neck. He then started nibbling on his neck.
{Bam! Idea!}
(Ooh! Shoot!!)
When Key got to the beach the next day, he could see Taemin, asleep. And Taemin had legs. And he was naked.
Key ran over to him. First he checked him out as he licked his lips but then snapped back to reality. He shook Taemin. "Taemin sunbae. Taemin sunbae."
"Hm...?" Taemin lifted his head and opened his eyes. "Oh.. Hi, Key."
"'re naked...and have legs.." Key looked down at Taemin's lower body.
He bit his lip.
"I do?" Taemin looked back. "Holy s***, it worked!"
"What worked?"
"Someone told me to stay on Land all night. And it worked!"
"It worked, Key!"
"Yeah, I guess it did." Key kept staring at Taemin's lower half.
"How do legs work?"
"Hm?" he looked up at Taemin.
"How do legs work?"
"I'll help you." Key stood up and held his hand out.
Taemin grabbed Key's hand.
Key pulled him up and held him close.
Taemin wrapped his arms around Key.
Key smiled.
Taemin was struggling to keep his balance.
"It's okay. I'm here. I got you."
"Now remember this is right," he pointed to his right foot. "and this is left," he pointed to his right foot.
Taemin very slowly gained his balance.
"Got it?"
"I think so."
"Okay. try it."
"Try what?"
"Try walking."
"Oh, okay. Is it hard?"
"At first, but youll get the hang of it. Trust me."
"Okay. I trust you."
Key let go of Taemin.
Taemin almost instantly lost his balance.
He grabbed onto Key's shoulders.
Key held onto him again. "Let's get you some clothes, okay?"
Key helped Taemin to the house.
Taemin tripped over his own feet a couple times. He held onto Key's arm.
Key decided to just carry him.
Taemin wrapped his arms around Key's neck.
Key carried him down to the basement and sat him on the bed. He found a pair of underwear and tossed it to Taemin. "Put it--" he got cut off by someone coming down the stairs. He turned and looked at the stairs.
Taemin hid under the covers again.
"Oh, Jonghyun-ah.."
"Oh, you're down here," Jonghyun said. "I was going to steal more of your games."
"Ah, ne. Go ahead," he said nervously.
"You okay?"
"Ne." he quickly closed his drawer.
"Okay." Jonghyun grabbed a couple random games and ran back upstairs. He didn't want to bother Key anymore.
Key sighed. "He's gone."
Taemin pulled the covers down. He'd figured out how to get the underwear on.
"I have more clothes." Key found a pair of pants and a shirt and tossed them to Taemin.
Taemin got the pants on quickly and the shirt.
"You don't have to wear them if you don't want to."
"I like them."
"Especially because they're yours."
Key smiled. "Thanks."
Key sat on Taemin's lap.
Taemin hugged him.
Key hugged back.
Taemin rested his head on Key's shoulder.
"You're so cute."
Taemin smiled. "Thanks."
"You're cute, too."
Key kissed Taemin's neck.
Taemin smiled more.
Key pushed Taemin onto his back.
Taemin tilted his head and looked up at him.
"What're you doing?"
"Oh, I, Uhm, sorry." Key pulled away.
"It's okay."
"I'm getting too carried away."
"I said it's okay." Taemin hugged him again.
Key sighed. "Do you even know what it is?"
"What do you mean?"
"What it means to have intercourse, of course."
"Oh, uh, no.. sorry.."
"It's fine." Key smiled. "I can show you a video of it. Something I had to watch in health class in eighth grade."
"Eighth grade?"
"Didn't you go to school?"
"What's school?"
"Oh my..I have a lot to teach you.."
Key sighed again.
"Ani, It's okay. at least I get to spend the time with you."
Key smiled.
Taemin smiled, too.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
"oh, so so sooooo much!"
Taemin giggled.
"That's cute."
Key smiled.
"You never told what school is."
"Well, it's a thing that teaches you like math and history and science and other things. Many other things."
"Oh, that's cool."
"And you went to school?"
"Ne. For about 13 years."
"Wow, that's a long time."
"Ne. But about three month break for summer."
"Oh, cool."
"Was school difficult?"
"So you didn't like it?"
"Not really."
"The only reason why I liked it was because I met my friends."
"That's good."
"Is Key your real name?"
"Oh, what is it then?"
"Kim Kibum."
"Oh, that's a cool name."
"Thank you."
Key smiled.
Taemin smiled, too.
"I'm gonna show you that video about intercourse."
Key got up and went to his desk. "Pull up a chair and come sit. Don't fall." He went on YouTube and searched a video.
Taemin slowly hobbled over to the desk and grabbed a chair. He plopped down onto it and stared at the computer. "What's that?"
"It's to show you what intercourse is, duh."
"But what's this?" He poked the screen.
"Oh, it's a computer."
"Oh, okay."
"Ne. Now watch this video." Key clicked on a video and looked away. He didn't like seeing this stuff.
"Okay." Taemin covered his eyes a couple times throughout the video. He had them covered after it ended.
"So, what do you think of it?" Key exited out and turned his computer off.
"It's weird."
"Really weird." Taemin looked at Key through his parted fingers.
Key was smiling as he was daydreaming.
Taemin tilted his head. "You okay?"
"Hm? Oh, ne."
"Just daydreaming."
"About you."
"Ne. And me."
"That's cute."
"But doing something very naughty."
"Do you want to?" Key placed his hand on Taemin's leg.
"I don't know."
"Okay." Key pulled his hand away. "Sorry.."
"It's okay.."
Key bit his lip as he looked away. He started spinning in his chair.
Taemin giggled.
"You're silly."
"Thank you."
Key continued to spin.
Taemin giggled again.
Key stopped in middle of a spin, looking at Taemin. "Come here, you."
"Cuddle time?"
Taemin smiled and sat down on Key's lap.
Key held him close as he started to spin the chair again.
Taemin giggled as he wrapped his arms around Key.
"Woah! Isn't this fun?!"
The chair slowed down. Key stared at Taemin.
Key kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Key pulled him as close as possible.
Taemin pulled Key's face closer.
Key bit onto Taemin's lip.
Taemin moaned and grabbed Key's shirt.
Key lifted his arms, smiling.
Taemin pulled Key's shirt off. {Perfect timing, cuz I gotta go. I'll be back in an hour-ish! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Ne! Geurdae! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
Taemin was cuddled up with Key once they finished.
"So..did you like it?"
Key kissed Taemin's head. (I might go to school tomorrow. it depends.)
(do you have any ideas?)
(ah! I got it!!)
{Yes! Shoot!}
Key pulled on a pair of underwear when it was dinner time. He got himself a plate with tons of food, showing the others that he was really hungry. Once he reached the basement door, Minho stopped him. "I heard you down there earlier. Who's with you?"
Taemin heard Minho and hid himself.
Key had lied to Minho and he let Key go.
Taemin was still hiding.
Key came downstairs. "It's okay. He's not coming down."
"Okay." Taemin pulled the covers off.
Key sat next to him.
"What's that?"
"Oh, okay."
"Here, have some. I brought all this down for both of us."
"Okay." Taemin started eating.
Key smiled as he cut the steak. "Say ah." He held a piece of meat up with his chopsticks.
Taemin tilted his head. "Wae?"
Key rolled his eyes and shoved the piece of meat into Taemin's mouth.
{Yeah, same.}
(Well, I'll tell you in the morning if I'm going to school or not! Sleep well! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
Taemin nodded, showing he understood, and chewed it.
{Okay! You too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
{Good morning!}
(Good morning! sorry I had to plug in my iPad so sorry about the late reply! I am going to school so I'll see you later! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
{Okie! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(I will see you after school!!!)
"Can I stay here?" Taemin asked after a couple minutes.
"Of course."
Taemin smiled. "Thanks."
"Why are you hiding me?"
"Because, no one knows about you. And....then if they do, Jonghyun proves me wrong."
"Yeah, cause I told him no one likes me."
"Why'd you say that?"
"Because it wasn't true."
"But now I know it's not true. Because I know you like me."
"Don't say it again, okay?"
Key leaned over and kissed Taemin's cheek.
Taemin smiled again and held him close.
Key smiled also.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"I love you a lot."
"I love you a lot more."
"I got legs for you, so I love you a lot more."
"Awe!" Key hugged him tighter.
Taemin smiled. "I win?"
Taemin smiled more.
Key couldn't stop smiling from what Taemin said.
Taemin rested his head on Key's shoulder.
Key rubbed Taemin's back.
Taemin closed his eyes. "That feels nice."
"Good." Key kept rubbing his back.
Key bit his lip.
{Quick question. When are you getting your phone fixed?}
(I have no idea.)
{No, it's not your fault.}
(Ik, but still. I just really need a new phone.)
(Now I have a quick question. Do you have any ideas?)
(For the rp of course.)
{Uh, mm, no..}
Taemin didn't want to go to bed that night. He was kind of acting like a little kid. He was spinning around in the chair.
{I got one!}
" are such a dork.." Key was laying in his bed, his eyes closed, though he understood what Taemin was doing.
"What's a dork?"
(I see.)
"Someone who is acting weird or silly. Like a young child."
"Oh." He just kept spinning.
"This is really fun!"
"Be quiet."
Taemin covered his mouth as he slowed down.
Key smiled.
"Sorry.." he whispered.
"It's okay."
"Hurry and come to bed..." he groaned. He turned onto his stomach and buried his face into the pillow.
"Okay." Taemin crawled under the covers next to him and pulled him close.
"Mm..." he turned onto his side, turning away from Taemin, and grabbed his hand and pulled it around his waist.
Taemin closed his eyes. "I love you."
"I love you too,."
Taemin was already starting to fall asleep.
Key almost instantly fell asleep.
Taemin slept really late the next day.
When Key woke up, he saw Taemin wasn't awake so went upstairs
It was really quiet throughout the house.
Jonghyun had gone somewhere with Amber and Onew and Minho had gone out somewhere.
Key stayed in the living room and watched Netflix. To be exact, he watched K-POP Extreme Survival.
(Is Jonghyun dating Amber?)
{😂} Taemin got up and hour later. He went up to the kitchen and grabbed a banana without falling. He sat down next to Key. "Hi."
"Annyeong. How'd you sleep?" (Is he?)
{Hm?} "Good."
(Like in the rp, are Jongie and Amber dating?)
"That's good. and hey, you didn't fall."
Key kissed Taemin's cheek.
Taemin smiled and held up the banana. "How do these work again?"
"Here." Key took the banana and peeled it.
"Oh okay. Thanks." Taemin took it back and started eating it.
When he finished, he put the peel on Key's head.
"Eeww!! He squealed as he jumped off the couch and threw the banana off his head. "That is disgusting!!"
"How?" Taemin picked the peel up.
"It's a banana peel! Duh!" Key was acting like a prep from school. "Sorry, I'm acting like a girly girl right now. It's just...I'm really picky about things."
"I see that."
"Yeah.. Sorry."
"It's okay."
Taemin put it on his own head, making it look kind of like a hat.
"Ani Ani. that's gross. Throw it away."
"In the trash can in the kitchen."
"Oh okay." It took Taemin a little time to find the trash can, but he finally found it. He gently set the peel in it and went and sat back down next to Key.
Key pulled him close. "Everyone is gone. I don't know how long though."
"So we have to keep watch."
Key shrugged.
"Because what if they walk in and we could be making out? Then what?"
"We hide."
"Okay. I mean, we could try. But what if they actually walk in here?"
"We hide." Taemin grabbed a blanket. "And I'll be ready."
Key giggled. "That won't work. They'll know we're here." Key kissed Taemin's nose.
"How do you know? It could work."
"Really, Taemin? It's a blanket. They can easily see if someone if under it. If they can't, then they are just pure blind."
Taemin shrugged. "Do you have a plan?"
"Ani. We'll just have to wait."
(I posted something for you.)
(Brb, shower.)
Key kissed Taemin's nose again.
{It's actually bedtime.. I'll message you in the morning! Annyeong! Sleep well! Saranghaeyo, chingyu!!}
(Ah, oh yeah! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
"Why do you like noses so much?"
"I don't know."
"It's cute."
Key smiled.
Taemin smiled, too, and hugged Key's arm.
Key smiled more.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Onew was being carried on Minho's back when they got home. Taemin instantly hid under the blanket he'd gotten earlier and curled up into a ball.
"Oh, Annyeong hyungs!" Key called. "Annyeong." Minho replied.
"Hi!" Onew pointed to the blanket. "Who's that?"
"Uhm, no one. it's just a blanket." Key bit his lip.
"Don't lie."
Key slouched like a little kid. "Fineee..." he whined. "Taemin, they know you're here. Come out."
"No.." Taemin held the blanket down.
"Taemin. Come on." Key grabbed the blanket.
"No. I'm hiding."
"Taemin, they can here you and see you. You're not hiding anymore."
"Fine." Taemin pulled the blanket back only to show his face. "Hi."
"Oh.." Minho looked shocked. "Well, Jonghyun was right."
"The weird one?"
"Ne." Minho nodded.
"Okay. What's your name?"
"Cool. I'm Taemin."
{Gotta go.. See ya after school! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
"So was it you two yesterday that I heard, Key?" he looked at Key. Key nodded. "What a shame. You lied to me," Minho said.
(Oh! Okay! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
"No, Taemin. You shouldn't be sorry. Key should be. He lied to his dad," Minho said. Key looked at the floor. "Sorry, dad..."
Minho carried Onew to the other room.
Taemin rested his head on Key's lap. "Minho's cool."
"Ne. But he can be strict sometimes."
"He's still cool."
"Yep. He is my 'father'."
"Not my real father. He just acts like it."
"Oh, okay."
"That's cool."
Taemin grabbed Key's hand.
Key smiled and rubbed Taemin's thumb with his.
Taemin smiled.
Key leaned down and kissed Taemin's forehead.
"Guess what."
"I love you."
"Awe! I love you too!" Key giggled.
Taemin smiled more.
Key kissed Taemin.
Taemin kissed back.
Key ran his hand through Taemin's hair.
Taemin smiled into it.
Key pulled away after a while.
Taemin sat up and hugged him.
Key hugged back.
Taemin buried his face in Key's neck.
Key smiled.
"You're cool, too."
"Thanks, but you're awesome."
Taemin giggled. "Thanks."
Taemin pulled away and started messing with Key's hand.
Key smiled as he watched Taemin.
Taemin pressed his hand to Key's.
Key smiled more.
"Are you comparing our hands now?"
Taemin spread Key's fingers out as far as they would go.
Key winced.
"Sorry.." Taemin let go.
"It's okay."
Key smiled.
{Have you heard of Interstellar?}
{Oh, well one of the scores from it, called First Step, is phenomenal!}
{Now back to thinking English words.}
{*strokes nonexistent beard thing*}
Taemin tilted his head while they were watching TV one morning. He pointed to the words. "What's that?"
"I don't get it."
"How come?"
"It doesn't make sense."
"How does it not make sense?"
"I don't understand it."
"The words?"
"Oh, Uhm.."
"I don't know how to explain it."
"Oh, okay."
"It's okay."
{Ooh! Ooh! I got it!}
(OOH!! OOH!! SHOOT!!!)
{Ah, PC won't let me post it!}
(D*** IT!!!!)
{I KNOW!!!!}
(post it on your profile and once I like it, you can take it down. if you want.)
{It can wait, actually. I'm second guessing..}
(it's ok.)
{Cool! I don't listen to them! 😅}
(Ik, but still! You should check it out! it's Overcome by NU'EST. REN is the one with the long, black hair.)
(I posted it.)
(and it's not showing up...)
{I saw it.}
(there. it's up. it wouldn't post cause I put a swear word in the sentence.)
{Oh, okay.}
Key told Taemin to take a shower/bath one day because he still smelled like seawater. Taemin obeyed and after about ten minutes, he fell asleep.
{OH! IT SENT!!!!}
(He fell asleep on the bed or in the tub?)
{The tub! Lol! Sowwy!}
(okay! it's okay!!)
Key knocked on the door. "Taemin?"
No answer.
Key opened the door. He saw Taemin and started freaking out. He closed the door and ran over to Taemin. He shook him.
"F***...Don't ever do that. Let's get you dried off."
(brb, gotta eat.)
"No.." Taemin turned onto his side, gently hitting Key with his tail.
"Taemin, please. You can sleep in the bed, okay?" (I gotta leave soon. My brother and his friend and want me to play Minecraft with them.)
{Okay.} "I wanna sleep here.."
"Ani. Not in the tub. Someone will come in here, wanting to bathe or go pee, and they'll see you."
"What's wrong with that..?"
"I don't want anyone finding out about you."
"Because they'll take pictures and post it on the Internet." (gtg now. see you later!)
"You don't know that.." {Okie. Have fun!}
"Yes I do. They post everything on the Internet. Even if they're watching television, they'll post it on like snapchat and Instagram and Twitter that they're watching tv."
Taemin shrugged.
"I've known them for many years, Taemin. Now, let's get you dried up.
"Fine.." Taemin sat up and held his arms out to Key.
Key picked him up and sat him on the toilet. He started drying him off with a towel and a hair dryer.
Taemin changed back once he was dry enough. "Carry me?"
"Okay." Key drained the water from the tub first and dried his arm then picked up Taemin and carried him to their room.
he laid him down on the bed.
Taemin curled up under the blankets. He was kind of obsessed with them. He was almost instantly asleep again.
Key smiled down at him. He crawled up next to him and held him close as he fell asleep.
{I am also slightly obsessed with blankets. Help!} Taemin buried his face in Key's chest.
(Well, it's still winter so...same here.)
(Lol! I'm gonna plays On my way! more games w/ them!)
{I see!}
{It's your turn!}
Key fell asleep about ten minutes later.
No matter what the weather was like, Taemin was always covered in a blanket. He was obsessed with them.
Key would stay with Taemin, keeping him close, every night.
There was one day when it was storming outside. Taemin was watching it from the window, desperately wanting to go outside.
Key snuck up behind Taemin.
Taemin had the same blanket that he hid under wrapped around himself.
Key wrapped his arms around Taemin.
Taemin jumped and turned to face him. "Geez, you scared me."
Key smiled. "Good," he teased.
"Aw, that's mean."
"I'm just kidding."
"Mmhmm. I wouldn't scare you for fun."
"I know."
Key rested his head on Taemin's shoulder.
Taemin wrapped his arms around Key. "I really wanna go out there."
"I can't let you.."
"I know.. I still want to."
"I know.."
"Can't the blanket cover me and you can carry me?"
"No, the blanket will get wet then you will too."
"And it'll cover me."
"Yeah, but you'll get your tail. And when I bring you back in, they will see you."
"We can sneak back in."
"Uh, through a window or something?"
Key shook his head. "Maybe next time."
"It's okay."
"Maybe we could use two blankets."
"You sure?"
Key looked at Taemin through the reflection in the window.
"Do you think it'll work?"
"I don't know."
"Can we try?"
"I really really wanna go out there." Taemin sounded like he was 5.
"I know, but it's too risky and I don't want us to get sick."
"I won't, and you won't either. We don't have to be out there long."
"So, even if I just bring out on the porch, will you be okay with that?"
"Okay.." Key sighed. "Hop on." he pulled away and held his arms out.
Taemin climbed into Key's arms.
He covered his bottom half with the blanket.
Key held him close as he carried him outside.
Taemin was mesmerized by the rain. He almost reached his hand out to touch it, but he remembered he couldn't.
Key smiled at Taemin.
Taemin forgot about everything and let the rain fall onto his hand. He changed instantly, and the blanket hid it.
(well, I'll try to stay on as long as I can.)
{You don't have to.}
(but I wanna keep going...)
{Okay, then let's do it!}
Key shook his head a little.
"It's so pretty."
"Mmhmm. It scares some people."
"Then they haven't lived in water for 22 years."
"What if they're older than 22? Hm?" Key teased
"They still haven't lived in it that long."
Taemin pulled his arm back and rested his head on Key's shoulder.
Key smiled.
Taemin felt like he could watch the rain all day.
"If this was a movie, I would so get it for you."
"What do you mean?"
"If there was a movie that just showed this weather, I'd get it for you."
Taemin giggled. "That'd be cool."
"Mmhmm. Very."
Key kissed Taemin's cheek.
Taemin smiled.
He held Key really close.
Key kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Key closed his eyes.
Taemin pulled Key's face closer.
Key bit Taemin's lip.
Taemin grabbed Key's hair really tightly.
Key pulled away. "Wwe should go back inside."
Key carried him inside and down to the basement. He laid him down on the bed and dried him off quickly.
Taemin was human again in no time.
Key climbed on top of him.
Taemin pulled Key close by his shirt and kissed him.
{You there?}
{It must've been bedtime. Well, sleep well! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(I'm sorry. I fell asleep. I didn't mean to.. I'll see you in the morning though. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{No, it's okay.}
{I gotta go to a funeral now. I'll message you when I get back.}
{I'm back!}
(Awe! Who's funeral was it?
{A friend of my mom's father. I never met him.}
(Awe...I'm so sorry for your loss.)
{Can we c?}
Key smiled as he kissed back.
{Idea!} Somtimes, when Taemin couldn't sleep, he'd go online and teach himself to read.
Sometimes, Key would groan or moan in his sleep.
Taemin would think Key was awake. "Key?"
Key would just groan again.
Taemin got up and laid back down next to him.
Key pulled him close. "Taemin-ah..." he moaned.
He grabbed onto Taemin's shirt tightly.
Taemin held Key close and gently rubbed his back.
He tightened his grip, digging his nails into his sides.
"Key?" Taemin pried Key's hands off of him.
Key moaned. "Taemin..."
Key didn't respond after that.
Taemin pulled Key close again.
Key buried his face in Taemin's chest. "Are we naked...?"
"I'm not."
"You're not either."
"okay...must've been a dream."
(Listening to Sing Your Song by SHINee!!!! On SBS PopAsia)
"Mmhmm. I made you put underwear on."
"You okay?"
Taemin rubbed Key's back again.
Key fell asleep again.
Taemin fell asleep a little while after him.
(.darn....always happens...)
Taemin still felt really distanced from the others. They all seemed to tell each other everything, and he couldn't tell them what he really wanted to.
Minho came up to him one day. "Hey what's up?"
"Nothing much." Taemin was watching the rain again.
"Do you want to go out there?"
"Ne, but I can't."
"Why not?"
"Key won't let me."
"Why not?"
"Uh, I could get sick, yeah."
"Whatever." Minho wrapped his arm around Taemin's shoulders
"What're you doing?"
"Can't friends do this?"
"I guess."
Minho smiled.
"What's a job?"
"A thing that you work at and get money."
"Oh, okay. That's where Key said he was going."
"I miss him."
Taemin leaned back on Minho.
"You're cool."
"You are too."
Taemin smiled a little. "Thanks."
"Why do I miss Key so much?"
"I don't know."
"I've been away from him for longer, so why is this time any different?"
"Because you're in love."
"I was before and I still didn't miss him this much."
"Well, I don't know then."
Taemin cuddled up with Minho.
"Can friends do this?"
Minho held him close.
Taemin stared out the window again. "Are you scared of rain?"
"Nope. I always go out with Onew and run around."
"Aw, that's cute."
"If you couldn't tell already, Onew and I are together."
Minho smiled."
(Ooh!! Idea!!)
Taemin smiled, too.
{Ooh! Shoot!}
Leter that day when everyone came home, they played Truth or Dare. "Jonghyun, truth or dare?" Minho asked.
"Uh, truth," Jonghyun said.
"Who is the cutest in this room? And you cannot choose yourself."
{Is Amber there?}
{Okie!} Jonghyun looked over at Amber and pointed to her. "Amber."
Amber smiled. "Gomawo."
Amber kissed his cheek.
{위 아래!!!!!!}
(DxDxD tonight!!!)
Jonghyun wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.
"No making out, you two," Minho said.
"We won't."
"Good. Your turn, Jonghyun."
"Oh, right. Uh, Key-ah, truth or dare?"
Key responded.
"Let the person on your left draw on your face with a pen."
"A pen? Why not a marker? Pen hurts.."
"Fine, a marker works too."
"Yay!" Key looked to his left. He waved at Onew.
For some reason, Onew had a marker in his pocket. He pulled it out and drew a star on Key's cheek.
Key kept himself from smiling because it tickled.
"Okay, that's good." Onew pushed it back into his pocket.
"Okay. What is it?"
"It's a star."
Key smiled. "Next person is Amber," Minho said. "Okay...uh, Taemin. Truth or Dare?"
Amber said.
Taemin hugged Key's arm. "Truth."
"What is your deepest secret that you haven't told anyone?"
Taemin's eyes widened as he hid behind Key.
"I'm not human..." he whispered.
"Mwo? What are you?"
"A merman..."
"Woah! Awesome!!"
"Woah! Awesome!"
"I guess."
"You don't have to be scared of telling us." Amber smiled at him.
"Okay, Taemin. Your turn." Key said.
"Minho-hyung, truth or dare?"
"What's the cruelest joke you've played on someone?"
"Hmm...Probably when I scared this little one here. He hates it when I scare him." he pointed at Key.
Taemin giggled. "That's true."
"I woke him up wearing a clown mask. I was waiting in his closet. I honked a horn and it woke him up. He turned on the light and came to the closet. you can guess what happened next."
"But he hit me more than expected."
Taemin giggled again. "He's weird like that."
"Mmhmm." Key blushed.
Taemin rested his chin on Key's shoulder.
"Uhm, my turn now.." Key said. "Amber? Truth or Dare?"
"Truth." Amber replied. "How long have you and Jong been together?" Key asked. "A few weeks. So about a month and a half," Amber replied.
(you there?)
{Ne, sowwy. Watching art videos.}
(oh, ok.)
"Best month and a half of my life," Jonghyun added.
Now Key realized why Jonghyun rejected Key when he asked him out that one day. Because Jonghyun was dating Amber. His ex from 7th grade.
Key started to have a flashback of when he and Amber dated. He looked at the floor as he tear feel from his right eye.
Taemin pulled him close. "You okay?"
Key wiped his cheek. "Ne."
"Okay." Taemin gently rubbed Key's stomach.
Key bit his lip. "Next please."
"Who's next?"
"Key-ah, truth or dare?" Onew asked.
"Seduce a member of the same gender in the group."
Key looked at Taemin.
Taemin smiled. "Hi."
Key smiled back.
"You can try."
"It won't work."
"It might."
"Okay." Key tried to seduce Taemin, though he sucked at it.
Taemin giggled as he tilted his head. "You're awful at this."
"Thank you."
Key stopped trying.
"Now, my turn is it?" Minho asked. "Uhm, Jonghyun truth or dare?"
Taemin smiled and ruffled Key's hair.
"Truth again," Jonghyun said.
"Darn you. Uhm...Name three things you love about Amber."
"Her eyes, her hair, and everything else."
Amber giggled. "I love everything about you too."
Jonghyun smiled.
"Your turn."
"Right." Jonghyun poked her nose. "Truth or dare?"
"Choose someone to slap you."
Amber gasped. "You want me hurt?"
She looked as if she was going to cry.
"What? No, of course not."
"Well, then you do it."
"Alright." Jonghyun really, REALLY gently slapped her.
"Come on, you baby! You can do better!"
"I thought you didn't want to be hurt."
"Just do it." She looked at his eyes.
"Alright." He slapped her.
She held her face as she purposely fell to her side. Though she had a hand print on her cheek.
Jonghyun laid down next to her and pulled her close. "I'm sorry.."
She smiled. "It's okay, Jongie." She quickly pecked his lips and sat up.
"Okay." Jonghyun sat up and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
She took her hand away from her cheek.
{I'm working on my entry for your contest!!}
(Ooh yay!!)
(I have another contest also! For a new icon!)
{Okie!} "Your turn."
"okay. Jongie, truth or dare?" She smiled again. 'Please pick dare. I have the best dare for you, ya goof.'
"I dare you to take a picture of my cheek and send it to everyone on your contact list saying, 'I did this to my girlfriend. Is this bad?'"
"Aw, fine." Jonghyun pulled out his phone and took a picture of her cheek. He sent it to everyone with the text Amber told him to use.
Amber smiled more.
"Okay done." Jonghyun put his phone back into his pocket.
Key looked at Taemin. "Your turn."
"Who's next?"
"Minho-hyung? Truth or dare?"
Taemin asked.
"Kiss the person to your left."
"Left? Eww...But it's a shortie.." Minho looked over at Jonghyun.
He whined.
"Are you too scared to?"
"No, I'm just disgusted by how short he is."
"That's mean," Jonghyun said.
"I know." Minho smiled. "Onew is more in the range of my height."
"But he's not to your left."
"I know."
He looked at Taemin. "Do I have to?"
Taemin shrugged. "If you really don't want to, I guess you don't."
Minho sighed. "Thank you." Key whispered in Taemin's ear. "It's a dare. he has to."
"Oh. Never mind, you have to."
Minho groaned. "Fine.. Come here Jong."
Jonghyun scooted a little closer and slowly leaned in. Taemin covered Key's eyes.
"Stop! We aren't a couple, idiot! Stop leaning in slowly!" Minho complained. Key pulled Taemin's hands away from his eyes.
Minho pulled Jonghyun close and kissed him.
Jonghyun pulled away instantly.
Minho smiled as he pushed Jonghyun away. He kept wiping his lips.
"Ew.." Jonghyun leaned back on Amber.
'Sorry,' Minho mouthed to Onew.
Onew shrugged. 'It's okay,' he mouthed back.
Minho kissed Onew's cheek.
Onew smiled and rested his head on Minho's shoulder.
Minho held him close. "Uhmm...Jonghyun? Truth or dare?" Key asked.
"Truth," Jonghyun said.
"How many real dates have you and Amber gone on?"
"5 or 6."
"Actually, 5 and a half. Remember? I got sick on the sixth date and we had to leave early," Amber added.
"Oh, yeah."
"Oh, okay," Key said. He kept going into the past. He and Amber only really been on three real dates.
"Key, truth or dare?" 'Please pick truth.'
"Truth, I guess. I don't want to do anything gross like what Minho did."
"How did you meet Taemin?"
"Well, Uhm, when we went to look for that 'monster' so you called him. You went to get our lunch and he came out. I talked to him and we kept meeting up."
"Oh, that was him?" Jonghyun looked at Taemin. Taemin nodded. "I'm sorry." Taemin shrugged. "It's okay."
{I posted my entry!!}
(Ooh!) Key smiled a little.
"Key's turn."
"Mwo? Wait, you skipped Onew and Minho. Let them go too."
"Onew, go."
"Amber, truth or dare?"
"Dare. 100% baby!"
"Slap Jonghyun like he slapped you."
"oh Uhm, I'll go 20%..." She turned to Jonghyun. "Ready?"
"Ne," Jonghyun said. "I'm ready."
Amber slapped Jonghyun, like he had, but a tad harder.
Jonghyun pretended to pass out.
"Jongie? S***. Did I hit him that hard?" She leaned down.
"Jongie?" She shook him.
Jonghyun wrapped his arms around her. "No."
"Oh, thank God.." She hugged him.
"Don't do that.."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
"Just never do that again."
"I won't."
"good. Your turn."
"Wait no, it's Minho's turn."
"Uhm...Taemin, truth or dare?" Minho asked
"Dare," Taemin said.
"I dare you us your tail."
"Okay." Taemin, very carefully, got a glass of water from the kitchen and brought it back to the living room. He sat back down next to Key before dipping his hand in it and changing.
Key bit his lip. "Woah! that's cool!" Minho exclaimed.
Taemin smiled. "Thanks, that's what Key said."
Key nodded. "Nice," Minho said. "Twinsies."
Taemin giggled as he leaned on Key.
Key wrapped his arm around Taemin. "I'm bored..can we do something else?" Amber asked.
"Like what?" Jonghyun asked.
"I don't know. Something that doesn't take a lot of thinking."
"Like video games!"
"Okay. Do you want it to be just us?"
"Alright." Jonghyun picked her up and carried her to his room.
Amber smiled as she held onto Jonghyun.
Jonghyun set her down on the bed and put in Mariokart.
"Oh my God. How did you know my favorite childhood game?!"
"Because you're my girlfriend."
"Right, I tell you everything. Well, sorta."
"What do you mean sorta?
"I didn't exactly tell you everything yet...I feel like I should leave something out, too."
"Is it bad?"
"Uhm...I wouldn't say it is, but to him it is.."
Amber looked at her hands.
"Who is he?"
Her eyes looked around for a while. "Let's just drop this, okay? Let's play the game."
"Now you have to tell me." Jonghyun sat down next to her.
Amber bit her lip.
"Please?" Jonghyun grabbed her hand.
"What about Key?"
"Key and I dated."
"I should've told you earlier.
"I'm just glad you told me." Jonghyun handed her a controller.
"Okay." Amber grabbed the controller.
Jonghyun kissed her cheek. "You pick first."
"Okay." She smiled as she chose a map.
{Now what?}
Taemin was spinning around in Key's chair that night, He was really happy now that he'd told the others.
Key changed into his pajamas. "You should put on some pajamas too."
"I will."
"Okay," he yawned
Taemin got up a couple minutes later and got some pajamas on. After that he just kept spinning in the chair.
Key watched him.
Taemin stopped facing him and held his arms out. "Come here."
Key got up and walked to Taemin. He sat on his lap.
Taemin held him close and started slowly spinning.
Key leaned his head on Taemin's shoulder.
Taemin ran his fingers through Key's hair.
Key smiled.
"I finally told them. Isn't that great?"
Taemin smiled and rested his head on Key's head.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
Key closed his eyes.
Taemin stood up, still holding Key, and laid him down in bed. He laid down next to him and pulled the covers over them.
Key was asleep in minutes.
Taemin kissed Key's nose before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
(now what?)
(I don't have any ideas what so ever..)
(did we run out?)
{I think so.}
(Well, I have a quick idea and if we don't have any ideas after this then should we make a new rp?)
(Okay.) A few months later, Amber was taking a shower, singing a song that Jonghyun sang to her on their first date. She was hoping Jonghyun heard.
Jonghyun heard the entire song. He couldn't stop smiling.
she turned off the water and got out. she realized she forgot her underwear, wrapped herself in a towel, and opened the door.
"Oh, annyeong Jongie. Did you hear me singing?"
He covered his eyes once she got what was practically their room. "That was beautiful."
"Thanks. You don't have to cover your eyes, ya goof. You've seen me naked before." she walked to the dresser.
she grabbed a pair of underwear.
"I know."
"Plus I have a towel." she walked back into the bathroom and quickly got dressed.
Jonghyun uncovered his eyes.
She came out once she was done and put her dirty clothes and the towel in the basket. She sat on Jonghyun's lap.
"Hi." He wrapped his arms around her waist.
"Hey. So, I was thinking something when I was in the shower."
"What's that?"
"We should get married."
"Wait, really?"
Amber nodded.
"I've been thinking about it a little."
"Mm. So that's a good thing." Amber smiled.
"Mmhmm." Jonghyun smiled, too.
"Did you get a ring?"
"Not yet."
"Okay. That's fine." Amber kissed him.
Jonghyun kissed back.
Amber pulled away after a while.
(that's Ali got.)
{Yeah, same.}
(new rp now?)
(I got de idea)
{Yup! Does it have supernatural creature stuff?}
(we can add that along the way!!)
Minho was the school bully. His group name is F4. His group consists of him, Kim Kibum or also known as Key, Lee Jinki also known as Onew, and Kim Jonghyun.
There was a new student, or commoner, which his name is Lee Taemin. This is a school for rich people.
(there's more. hold on.)
Lee Taemin wasn't even close to being rich. One day when F4 came into the school, which was Lee Taemin's first day of school, everyone gathered at the front doors and said, "Omo, it's F4.
They're so gorgeous," and other things similar to that. They pushed passed the crowd and bumped into Taemin. "Yah. Move," Minho said.
(there we go.)
Taemin didn't say anything. He stepped out of Minho's way.
Minho glared at him for a few seconds before walking away. Onew and Jonghyun followed right after him. Key smiled slightly at Taemin and shook his head as he followed the other three.
Taemin watched Key for awhile until he was gone. He ran to his class, not wanting to be late.
One of the richest girls in the school walked into the class with her two friends. "Oh, it looks like we got a commoner."
Taemin didn't say anything again. He didn't want to talk to anyone.
"Hey, commoner. Do you have a lunch?"
He shrugged.
"It's a yes or a no. Did you bring your own lunch?"
He shook his head.
"Well, it looks like you'll be getting a treat later today, or should I say the rest of the day."
"What do you mean..?"
"You'll see." She and her friends sat down.
Later that day, a few kids came up to him and threw flour at him and got his school uniform full of flour.
Then some others threw eggs at him.
Taemin wasn't expecting anything less to happen that day. He just went on with the day like nothing had happened.
At the end of the day, when Taemin was just leaving the school, someone pushed a vase of the ledge above him but he got pushed out of the way.
Taemin fell to the ground and looked to see who'd pushed him.
It was Key. "Be more careful next time, okay?"
Key smiled that smile he did at the beginning of the day. He turned and walked away. He was in all white. He headed toward the woods.
"Wait!" Taemin ran after him.
Key stopped. "What?"
"What's your name?"
"Kim Kibum."
"I'm Taemin." He shyly held out his hand.
Key shook his hand.
"Shy, are you?"
Taemin smiled a little.
Key pulled his hand away. He took a deep breath as he turned and started walking away again.
Taemin ran home.
Key went to his bench in the woods, found his violin, and started playing it.
"Hey sweetie. How was school?" Taemin's mom asked, paying attention to the food.
she turned to look at Taemin and screamed. "What happened to your uniform?!"
"They hate me. Except Kibum. He doesn't hate me."
"Who's they? And who's this Kibum?"
She made Taesun watch the food as she pulled Taemin to his room and found him clothes.
"They is everyone. And Kibum is just a guy, a really attractive guy." Taemin smiled.
"Awe! My little boy has a crush."
"What's his full name?"
"Kim Kibum." Taemin smiled more.
Her eyes went wide. "THE Kim Kibum?"
"I guess."
"F4, Kim Kibum?"
"Oh young boy has a crush on a billionaire."
"Even ask Taesun. He knows everything about F4."
"Now hurry. Take a shower then come out. Dinner should be done by the time you're done."
She left the room.
"Okay." Throughout his shower, Taemin thought about Key. Everything was perfect about Key to him. He got out, dried off and got dressed really quickly, and ran into the living room. "Hey Hyung?" He sat down next to Taesun.
"Ne?" he was eating.
"Tell me everything about F4."
"Everyrhing. Especially Kibum."
"Oh, okay. Uhm, well, the leader is Choi Minho. Currently he is 18 years and 9 months old. He is practically the meanest you could say."
"The short one is Kim Jonghyun. He's nicer than Minho. But not much."
"Lee Jinki, or Onew, is the oldest but doesn't like being the leader. He is way nicer than Minho and less strict."
"Jonghyun is 18. Onew is almost 20. And now leaves Kim Kibum."
"Kim Kibum is the quietest out of all of them. He barely talks. He. sort of stopped talking after his parents died when he was 6."
"Oh, he doesn't seem quiet."
"He is almost 18. He'll be turning 18 this month. Uhm, he loves to wear white."
"He is very quiet."
"He loves to play the violin and piano. He was the lead in a few concerts at his school when he was in grade 7."
"He hasn't talked to his uncle, who is the head doctor of this town, for many years. His uncle killed his parents."
"He put something in the motor of their car and the car exploded. Ever since then, Key has been an orphan. He's been taking care of himself."
"Also, after his parents died, his uncle watched over him. When he found out his uncle was to blame for his parents deaths, he ran away."
"Is he gay?"
"That, no one knows his sexuality. The only people who do are Minho, Jinki, and Jonghyun."
"D*** it.."
"Do you like him?"
Taemin smiled. "He's nice."
"He is. So, tell me what happened. I saw you when you walked in. You didn't look good."
"The others there don't like me. They threw flour and eggs at me. And Kibum saved me from something else."
"Oh. Well that was nice of him."
"Maybe he likes you."
"That'd be amazing."
Taesun smiled. "We'll just have to wait and see. Just don't kill him." he teased as he stood up and brought his bowl to the sink and washed it.
"I won't kill him."
Taesun looked at him, smiling with his teeth showing. He had some sharp canines.
"Are your teeth okay?"
Taesun looked away as he pulled his teeth back in. "Yeah. Of course. What are you talking about?" he quickly dried his hands.
"You had fangs."
"No I didn't."
"Yeah you did. I saw it."
Taesun walked to Taemin, grabbed him by the arm, and pulled him to their room. "You cannot tell anyone about me."
"I am a vampire. Please, don't tell anyone."
"I won't.@
"Thank you." Taesun hugged him.
"Mmhmm." Taemin hugged back.
The next day was worse. There were many horrible things written on Taemin's desk and there was a paper in Taemin's locker.
Taemin reluctantly looked at the paper.
It was a red card with a scull with bones making a cross and F4 on it as well. Everyone gathered around. "Ooh. He has the card."
"The card?"
A few people came up with a bucket and a stool. they placed the stool down and one stood on it. he had the bucket.
he dumped the bucket of water over Taemin.
Taemin looked up at him.
He smiled as he and the other people backed away. The other students started throwing flour at him again, just like the day before.
"What the h*** was that for?" Taemin ran his fingers through his to kind of try it.
"Yah!" Someone called from the stairs. Everyone stopped and cleared a way. It was Key.
Taemin ran to the restroom and locked himself in a stall. "Why me?"
Key followed Taemin. When he entered, he let the door close by itself, with had a slight *bang* to it.
Taemin jumped. "Why can't you leave me alone..?"
"Taemin?" Key stood outside the stall Taemin was in.
"Unlock the door please."
Taemin unlocked the door.
Key opened the door and pulled Taemin out. He picked him up and sat him on the counter next to the sink. he pulled out his handkerchief.
Taemin's heart was beating faster than it ever had. He'd never been that close to Key. He just stared at Key.
Key smiled slightly as he started cleaning off Taemin's face.
Taemin's face turned slightly red.
"You feeling okay?" He pressed his hand to Taemin's forehead.
"You're slightly red."
"Oh, uh, I'm fine."
"I'll protect you for now on, okay?"
Key smiled again. He put his handkerchief away and got his hands wet. He ran his fingers thought Taemin's hair.
He styled Taemin's hair.
"Why are you doing this?"
"I like to help people."
"I mean my hair."
"Well, I worry about hair too much."
"Oh, okay."
Key licked his lips.
Taemin's face became slightly redder.
Key bit his lip?
Once Key was done, Taemin hugged him.
Key was shocked but hugged back.
"Why do they keep doing that?"
"They don't like anyone that's not rich."
"I don't know, really."
"Let's get to class. I'll see you later, okay?"
Key helped Taemin down then left.
Taemin finally realized how late was about to be. He ran to class and got there just in time.
For the next two weeks, Minho kept sending people to do worse things to Taemin. He liked only because he was starting to like him.
One time, he sent two guys to rape him in the bathroom. The two guys followed Taemin into the bathroom one day.
Taemin made sure he locked the stall.
"Open the door, Taemin." one said. "Come on. We just want to talk." the other said.
"No. I'm good."
"Open the door, Taemin." the first one said.
"Fine, do it the hard way." the first one started to climb over the door while the other one went to the bathroom door and locked it.
Taemin finished and turned to leave. He saw the first guy climbing over and he immediately snuck under the wall to the next stall.
He jumped down, giving up on climbing over the door and went to the next stalls door. He opened it. "Come on."
Minho sent another person and the second guy let him in then locked the door again.
"No." Taemin went back to the other stall.
So did the guy. "I swear, just come out and talk or I'll make you."
"You can't make me."
"Yes I can."
He got down and started to crawl under the door.
Taemin started panicking. He stepped up on the toilet and pressed himself as close as he could to the wall.
He got in the stall fully and pulled himself up. He grabbed Taemin's hand. "Come here."
Taemin yanked his hand away.
He grabbed Taemin's shirt and pulled on it. "Come here."
Taemin pushed the guy away.
He unlocked the door and opened it so the other two could come in. they surrounded Taemin.
Taemin ducked down under the them and ran out of the bathroom.
Minho was outside the bathroom. Taemin had ran into Minho. Minho grabbed Taemin's arm tightly and didn't let go.
{Disregard the "the"}
(I didn't notice it.)
"Let me go!" Taemin tried to pry Minho's hand from his arm.
"Shut up." He covered Taemin's mouth with his other hand as he pushed him against the wall.
Taemin bit Minho's hand.
Minho pulled his hand away put pushed his arm against Taemin's chest. "You need to shut up."
Minho pulled him back into the bathroom. He threw him to the floor in front of the three guys.
"Shut up." Minho stepped on Taemin's foot.
Taemin winced and used his other foot to kick Minho away.
Minho nodded at the guys. Two of them held Taemin, one with his arms the other with his legs, and the last one got on top of him.
Minho left the room.
Taemin wanted to punch him or kick him or something. After a few minutes of trying, he finally gave up.
He unbuttoned Taemin's shirt and kissed his neck.
Taemin forced himself to stay quiet, but that wasn't difficult.
He moved his hands down to Taemin's pants.
Taemin started panicking again. "Key-hyung?!"
He started to undo his pants. The door swung open. The three guys looked at the door to see Key. They got up and ran to a corner.
Taemin got up and scurried over to Key. He redid his pants and buttoned his shirt.
Key helped him. He pulled out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from Taemin's face. He put his handkerchief away and hugged Taemin.
Taemin hugged back and buried his face in Key's neck.
Key rubbed his back. "You're okay now."
Key glared at the guys. they bowed and left the bathroom. Key made sure the door was closed and pulled away.
Taemin sniffled as he looked down at the ground.
Key lifted Taemin's head a little and kissed his forehead.
Taemin was surprised at that. He grabbed Key's hand without even noticing he did.
Key smiled as he pulled away. "Next time, don't come into the bathroom when someone is following you.
"I'm giving you advice. Take it. You'll need it."
"I am."
"I'll have a talk with Minho. Get back to class, okay?"
"Okay." Taemin squeezed Key's hand before he ran back to class.
Later that day, Minho walked to Taemin, grabbed his hand, and pulled him outside, to a black car.
Taemin pulled his hand away and ran away from him.
"Taemin, stop!" He called.
"I'm bringing you home."
"No you're not!"
"Yes, I am! Onew stop him!" Onew was at the entrance way with Jonghyun.
Onew grabbed one of Taemin's arms and pulled him back. Taemin wouldn't stop trying to get away.
"Bring him here!"
Onew dragged Taemin over to Minho.
Minho opened the door and got in. "Put him in."
Onew pushed Taemin into the car and shut the door.
Minho grabbed Taemin and pulled him close. "Settle down."
"We're going on a date."
"What? No."
"Yes. Trust me, you will like it.*
"No, I won't."
"Yes you will. Just wait and see. Please."
"I don't even like you."
Minho stared into Taemin's eyes. "Just stop. Please? You will love it."
Taemin rolled his eyes. "Fine.."
Minho smiled. "Thank you."
Minho hugged him as the driver started driving.
{Well, I gotta go to bed and my phone's about to die. So I'll see you in the morning! Annyeong! Sleep well! Sarangaheyo, chingu!}
(Okay! You too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
Taemin wouldn't hug back.
{I gotta go to church. I'll message you when I return at 1 my time.}
(awe, okay...)
( I just got back from Kmart....)
"I like you. You know how to fight back. No one has ever fought back."
Taemin just nodded.
"Who taught you to fight back?"
"My brother."
"He must be good at fighting, right?"
Minho smiled as he pulled away. "Do you like seeing a view of the whole town?"
"I guess."
"Well, the you'll love this date."
"You'll want to go there every night."
They arrived at the tallest building in town and Minho pulled Taemin all the way to the top. They went onto a balcony, which had one door to go in and out of.
Minho looked out the glass wall. "Don't you just love it?"
Taemin didn't want this to be with Minho, he wanted it to be with Key. He didn't feel comfortable around Minho, so he kept distance between them.
Minho looked at Taemin and smiled. "Come on. Cheer up." he Ruffles Taemin's hair.
"How? I'm being forced on a date with someone I don't even like." He stepped farther away from Minho.
Minho sighed. "Hey, I'm sorry, okay? I don't really say sorry to anyone. I'm just used to getting what I want."
"I've noticed."
"You are one of the things I want."
"Because you're cute."
"What if I like someone else?"
"I don't care who you like. I'll have you soon."
"But I want Key-hyung."
"He's not looking for a relationship. He's too depressed."
"He said he'll protect me."
"From what?"
"Monsters under your bed?"
"From everything that's been happening to me."
"Yeah, he talked to me. I know. I stopped, okay?"
"It won't happen anymore."
Minho coughed a few times."
"You okay?"
"Yeah, perfectly," *cough* "fine.."
"You don't seem like you're fine."
Minho coughed two more times. "I am.." he sat down and leaned against the wall.
Taemin sat down next to him. "You're lying."
"Are you cold?"
"You sure?"
"Okay. We should get going then."
He stood up.
"Okay." Taemin stood up, too.
Minho walked out of the room. When he arrived at the door to enter into the building, it was locked. "F***..."
"It's locked... The manager must've locked it."
Minho sighed. "We're stuck up here then..."
"Do you have a knife?"
"I'm going to pick the lock. Duh."
"Well, I don't carry a knife around with me."
"D***." Taemin searched the entire building for one. He came back with one after five minutes and started picking the lock. They were out after another five minutes.
"Awe..I wanted to be stuck out here with you..."
"Sorry, but that's not happening."
"Why not?"
"I still want Key."
Taemin set the knife down on some random table and held the door open for Minho.
"Thanks.." Minho stepped out and waited for Taemin.
"Mmhmm." Taemin let the door close and he followed Minho.
Minho brushed his hand against Taemin's hand.
Taemin pulled his hand away and made more distance between them.
Minho looked at Taemin when they got in the elevator.
Taemin stayed on the opposite side from Minho.
Minho locked his lips.
Taemin wouldn't look at him.
Minho stepped closer to him.
"What're you doing?"
Minho grabbed Taemin's hand.
Taemin pulled his hand away.
Minho kept grabbing his hand.
Taemin was getting annoyed. He grabbed Minho's wrists and pinned him to the wall. "Quit it, okay?"
"I still want Key, and only Key."
"I will have you."
"You can't."
"I will."
"You won't."
"Yes I will."
Taemin let him go.
"Just leave me alone." The elevator opened and Taemin left. Once he was out of the building, he started towards home.
When he did get home, he went straight to his room and shut the door.
The next day, someone knocked on the door to their apartment. It was Minho.
No one else was home, so Taemin had to answer. "Why are you here?"
"Let's hang out here."
"Becaus I want to."
"But we've already established that we'll never be a thing."
"No we didn't."
"Well I did."
"Well, I didn't."
"I'm lonely anyway." Taemin let Minho in.
Minho smiled. "Are you the only one here?"
"Right now I am."
"Let's play a game in your room."
"Oh, okay." Taemin closed the door and led Minho to his room. "Make yourself comfortable."
Minho sat on what was supposed to be Taemin's bed, but was just one mattress. "Don't you think this bed is short?"
"I think it is. And why do you have only two pillows?"
"Do you share a room with someone?"
"I'm not rich like you."
"Come sit." He patted the mattress.
Taemin sat down next to him, making sure there was some space between them.
Minho looked at Taemin. "Did you like the date last night?"
"Sure, I guess."
"Awe!" Minho hugged him. "Maybe I should take you on another one."
Taemin pushed him away. "Only if it's with Key-hyung."
Minho sighed. "Why do you hate me so much?"
"You made someone try to rape me."
"They don't usually do it because they're chickens but I guess they like you too. Plus I wanted to see if you could fight back but you yelled."
"So what?"
"I didn't think they'd actually do it. But I guess they were going to because they like you too maybe."
"And I told them 'If he yells, stop.' but they didn't listen."
Taemin shrugged.
"My plan messed up."
"I noticed."
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine, I guess."
Minho hugged him again.
Taemin cautiously hugged back.
Minho smiled.
Taemin rested his head on Minho's shoulder.
Minho buried his face in Taemin's neck.
"I can trust you now, right?"
"Ne. And it all depends on if your heart wants to trust me."
"Would you trust me with all your heart?"
"Okay, I trust you."
Minho smiled. "Good."
"I have a question."
"What's that?"
"Can I kiss you?"
"Uh, not yet."
Minho smiled again. "Okay."
Minho pulled away. "Let's do something fun. Like go to my house."
"And get you new clothes."
"I don't need new clothes."
"Come on. Just come to my house and try on some clothes. Maybe some shoes and have a meal with us."
"Okay, fine."
Minho squealed like a little kid and jumped up, pulling Taemin with him. "Let's go!" He ran out of the room.
Taemin followed him.
Minho grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the apartment.
Taemin stayed close to him.
They started walking to Minho's house. Once they got there, they got a view of the house and part of the yard. He owned about 75 acres of land.
Taemin just stared at it.
"Do you like it?" Minho asked as he opened the gate with the passcode.
"Good." Minho pulled him through the gate. "Key's house isn't anywhere close to being as big as mine."
Taemin had forgotten about Key until then. "Oh god.. what about Key-hyung?"
"What about him? He's busy."
"I don't know.."
Minho pulled Taemin up the driveway to the front door. In middle of the driveway was a fountain.
Taemin found himself unable to comprehend what he was seeing.
He clung to Minho's arm.
Minho smiled as he pulled Taemin close. He pulled him inside.
Taemin thought he'd get lost there.
Minho pulled Taemin up to his room. He opened his closet. "Here's my clothes. Try some on."
"Okay, but you can't look."
"I'll wait in the other room."
Minho went to the other half of his room and pulled a curtain, separating the room.
"Start trying things on." he sat on the couch.
Taemin pulled out random things and changed into them. He showed Minho.
Minho smiled. "Nice."
"Thanks, I guess."
"Try some other things. You can have some."
"Wait really?"
"Of course. I can always get more things."
After he tried on some more things, Taemin only kept the first things he tried on.
Minho's butler put the clothes in a bag and kept it by the door downstairs. They also had 15 maids walking around the house, keeping everything clean.
Taemin held Minho as tightly as he could so he wouldn't get lost.
"Let's get you in a cute outfit for dinner. We have guests coming over for dinner." Minho looked in his closet again.
"Oh, okay."
He grabbed a white button up shirt, a scarf, and black pants for himself. He picked a white shirt and white pants with black shoes for Taemin.
"Here, change into these." He handed the clothes to Taemin. He started to unbutton his shirt.
(his own shirt)
{Got it!} "Okay." Taemin closed the curtain between them and quickly changed.
Minho changed into his clothes and looked in the mirror. He messed with his scarf for a bit, then called for room service. "You done there, Taemin?"
"Ne." Taemin stepped out.
"Is this good?"
"Gorgeous." Minho smiled.
Taemin smiled. "Thanks."
"Of course."
"Dinner will be done soon and the guests will be here." Minho held his hand out to Taemin.
"Okay." Taemin took Minho's hand.
Minho intertwined his fingers with Taemin's as they walked out. They walked down to the dining room. A maid pulled out their chairs.
Taemin didn't let go of Minho's hand as he sat down.
Their hands were on the table. The butler brought in the guests, his sister and grandma. He pulled his hand away from Taemin's.
Taemin didn't want to let go, but he knew he had to.
Minho stood up. "Annyeong, Grandmother and sister." he bowed as he looked at Taemin. He gave him the look 'do as I do.'
Taemin quickly stood up and bowed to them.
Grandmother nodded and his sister bowed back. They sat down and started eating. Minho looked at Taemin again.
'Mwo?' Taemin mouthed.
'Saranghaeyo,' he mouthed.
Taemin smiled a little. 'Saranghaeyo.'
Minho smiled back and started to eat.
Later, after dinner, Minho and his sister started talking about the family business. They talked about that until his sister and Grandmother left.
Taemin hugged Minho once the guests left.
"Woah, what's this for?" Minho was surprised.
Taemin shrugged. "I'm not allowed to hug you?"
"No, you are." Minho smiled and hugged back.
"So, now do you want me?"
"I have another question."
"What is it?"
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
Minho smiled as he pulled away. "Did your parents or brother say when they'll be back?" he asked as he went into the coat closet.
It was a big closet with tons of jackets.
"My mom will be back after work, I don't know about Taesun."
"When does your mom get off?" He put a jacket on and put one on Taemin.
"Well, it's way passed 5 so, we should get you home."
"Well, actually," he pulled out his phone, "5:10 to be exact."
"I wish you could stay but we have school tomorrow."
Minho stepped close to Taemin and put his hand on his cheek.
{I gotta go to Youth Group! I'll be back at 7:30 my time! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(AAGGHH!! That an hour and a half away!!! 😭😭😭😭😭but okay.... have fun! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
Taemin leaned his head into Minho's hand.
Minho slowly leaned in.
Taemin froze.
(I'm listening to SBS PopAsia and before I clicked play I was singing One Of A Kind by GDragon and I clicked play and it started playing!!!! OMG!!! IM PHYSIC!!!!)
Minho pressed his lips to Taemin's.
Taemin slowly kissed back.
Minho brought his other hand up to Taemin's other cheek.
(you there?)
Taemin didn't know what to do then. So he carefully wrapped his fingers around Minho's wrists.
Minho pulled away after a while.
Taemin hugged him again.
Minho licked his lips and hugged back. "Your lips taste good," he said, out of nowhere, without noticing.
"Um, thanks."
Minho realized what had said. "Oh, oops..I just said that out loud.." Minho pulled away. "Sorry if I made you feel awkward."
"It's okay."
"Okay. Well, let's get you home now." Minho grabbed Taemin's hand.
"Mmhmm." Taemin led him back to the apartment.
He grabbed the bag before they left.
Minho held onto Taemin's hand, even when they arrived. Taemin's mom was home. "Taemin! Where have you been?!" She hugged him.
"With Minho." Taemin hugged back.
"This man?"
She pulled away.
"Why didn't you text me or call me?"
"I called you like four times. I even left voicemails and texts."
"Oh, I didn't notice."
"Where is your phone?"
"In here." Taemin pulled it out of the bag.
She glared at him. "I told you many times to keep your phone with you at all times. You know what happened the last time you didn't."
"Ne, I know."
"Taesun got hurt and you didn't know until the next day."
"I know."
"Give me your phone." She held out her hand.
Taemin gave her his phone without a fight.
"You, young man, are grounded." She walked to her room.
Taemin nodded. "Great.."
"I'm sorry.." Minho hugged him.
Taemin pushed him away. "You'd better go..."
"Just go..."
Minho kissed him before leaving.
Taemin locked himself in his room and changed back into his old clothes.
Taemin's mom knocked on the door.
Taemin unlocked the door. "It's open.."
She opened the door. "I'm sorry but this is how we live. We aren't rich like everyone else, I know, but we're just making it."
"I know.."
"Come here."
Taemin hugged her. "I'm sorry.."
"You should know better, Taemin.." she hugged back.
"I know.."
{You there?}
she sighed.
(sorry. watching TWD)
"I'm sorry.."
"It's fine. Don't do it again." she put Taemin's phone in his pocket.
"I won't."
"Good." she pulled away. "Now go to sleep." she walked out the door. "But keep this door unlocked for when Taesun comes back." she closed the door.
Taemin nodded. He set his phone beside the bed as he curled up under the blanket.
Taemin got a message from Minho.
Taemin looked at it.
{Well, uh, bedtime. I'll message you in the morning! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Okie.. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
{Good morning! Your turn!}
(Sorry I'm late! My dentist is at 8:30 my time and we didn't get woken up at the same time.)
There was a cute picture of Minho, laying in bed, with his shirt off, but it was a selca. 'I know you won't see this but goodnight. I love you.'
'I love you, too.'
Taemin sent a selca of himself to Minho. No shirtlessness, though.
(lol same. same.) Minho read the message right away. He put his phone down and went to sleep, listening to a song.
(Patrick Brasca 'Can't Loose You Now')
{Cool cool!} Taemin turned his phone off and went to sleep.
The next day at lunch, F4 came to the lunch room, which they never did unless they had announcements, and which Minho makes the announcements without telling the others.
"Attention!" Minno called as they entered the lunch room. They were at the top of the stairs, which was three steps. The lunch room was small since there was a small amount of students.
{Is Taemin with them?}
(Taemin is in the lunch room, since he's practically a normal student and not one of F4.)
{Okie, that's what I thought.}
Taemin looked up at them from his textbook.
Everyone looked at F4 and gathered around. Minho looked at Taemin and smiled. The other three, of F4, didn't know what Minho was going to say.
Taemin stayed in his seat.
"I have an announcement to make," Minho said. "Lee Taemin is now my official boyfriend. Treat him nicely." Key, Jonghyun, and Onew were even shocked. Everyone started chatting.
Minho pushed through the crowd, though they made a path, to Taemin. He held out his hand, smiling.
Taemin grabbed his textbook and slid under the table. He did not want any attention from everyone.
"Hey come on. Come with me and no one will bother you here." Minho looked under the table.
"I like it better here."
Minho smile faded.
"Why did you say that?"
"So that stupid girl will stop asking me out. Come on." Minho held his hand out again.
Taemin took Minho's hand.
Minho pulled out from under the table and pulled him close.
he smiled again.
Taemin put the book down and hugged Minho.
Minho hugged back. "Aish..he's so lucky.." that rich preppy girl whined.
Taemin buried his face in Minho's chest.
"Come on, let's go." Minho pulled away and grabbed Taemin's textbook.
"Where are we going?"
"Where F4 goes." Minho smiled. "Where else?"
Taemin shrugged. "I don't know."
Most of the students stepped closer. "Oppa! Oppa!" some of the girls said. "You're so lucky." they said to Taemin.
Taemin clung to Minho's arm and hid his face. He hated all the attention.
"Oppa, can you kiss to show that you're really dating?" One asked Minho. Minho looked at Taemin. "Do you want to?"he whispered.
"Ani," Taemin whispered back.
Minho looked at the crowd. "Sorry. Maybe next time." Minho pulled Taemin out of the lunch room with the other three behind them.
Taemin didn't let go of Minho's arm for awhile.
They arrived at the F4 room in a few minutes. "Wait, so, you two are dating and didn't tell us?" Jonghyun asked.
Taemin nodded.
And like always, Key had a straight face.
Though Key had a straight face, on the inside, he was telling himself he could've done better to get Taemin, but it was too late.
Taemin felt guilty for not telling them. "Sorry.."
"Ani, it's not your fault. Minho should be telling us this kind of stuff." Jonghyun didn't take Taemin's apology. Minho sat Taemin down and went to get them tea, from the other room.
Taemin felt really awkward as he held his book close to his chest.
they sat down.
Taemin, as usual, was really quiet.
"So, how long have you been together?" Jonghyun asked Taemin.
"A day."
"Oh, okay. That's probably why he didn't tell us. He probably wanted to make us surprised like everyone else."
(brb dinner)
Minho came back with the tea.
Taemin carefully took one from him.
Minho handed each of the other three a cup each.
Taemin scooted closer to Minho.
Minho sat down and set his cup on the table. the other three sat on a couch across from Minho and Taemin. Minho wrapped his arm around Taemin's shoulders.
Taemin made sure Minho's arm didn't go down too far.
Minho crossed his legs, like the other three. They always did that.
Taemin thought it was weird, but he didn't question it.
Minho looked at Taemin, thinking of something.
Taemin slowly took a sip of tea.
Minho nodded to himself and smiled as he looked away.
"Mwo?" Taemin whispered to Minho.
"Oh, okay."
"I just have something planned."
"You do?"
"But trust me, you'll love it."
"I trust you."
"Good." Minho kissed his cheek.
Taemin smiled. "Mmhmm."
Minho licked his lips.
Taemin set his cup down next to Minho's and rested his head on Minho's shoulder.
Minho smiled and rubbed Taemin's arm. "You know what?"
"Let's go now."
"Just come on, let's go." Minho stood up.
"I can't."
"Of course you can."
"I have to stay here."
"No, not when you're with me."
"Yes I do."
"When you're with me, we can leave whenever we want."
"Can it wait until after school, please?"
"I have to stay, I can't miss class."
"Don't worry. I'll have the teacher not give you homework."
"I still need to stay. I promised my mom I would."
"She won't find out. Trust me."
"I'm not leaving."
Minho thought for a minute. "Okay." He pulled out his phone. "What's your mom's number?"
"Tell me what it is."
Taemin told him.
Minho texted Taemin's mom. 'Annyeong eomma! Sorry if that made you uncomfortable but, I was wondering if you'd let Taemin live with me.'
Taemin's mom answered a little while later. 'I'm sorry but I can't let him. He's very young. He's of old enough to move out. Especially with an adult.'
'it's fine, eomma. I was just wondering. Annyeong!' Minho put his phone in his pocket as he sat down. "Bye bye plan A."
"Plan A?"
"What time does class start?"
"Ten minutes from now."
"Just asking."
Minho wrapped his arm around Taemin again.
And again, Taemin made sure Minho's arm didn't go too far down his back.
Later that day, Taemin got called to the office. Minho was waiting, in a black shiny car, for Taemin. 'Lee Taemin, come to the office.' said over the overcom.
Taemin was scared he'd done something wrong. He practically ran down to the office.
"Hi, Taemin. Your dad is here to pick you up." the secretary said. "Good luck at your dentist. And your dad is quite attractive. And has a nice car."
Taemin tilted his head. "My dad hasn't been around in years."
"Well, he's here. Aren't you glad you get to see him?"
"I guess."
"He's in that black car." she pointed to the car.
"Okay. Thanks." Taemin held his things close as he ran outside. "Dad?"
Minho had a mask, sunglasses, and a hat on. He motioned Taemin to come in.
Taemin got in and set his stuff down. He hugged Minho. "I missed you..."
Minho hugged back. He nodded.
Taemin tightened his grip.
Minho pulled away. Taemin's dad was actually at his house, talking to his mom and brother. Minho pointed to his throat, shook his head, and made a talking motion with his hand.
"You can't talk?"
he shook his head again. He made a puking motion, saying he was sick.
"Oh, okay."
he nodded as he pulled out of the parking lot.
"I have a boyfriend now, he's great."
He held a thumb up, as if he was saying good for you.
Taemin smiled.
He drove to the park. He got out and walked to the swings. Taemin and his dad always went to the swings when Taemin was a child.
Taemin followed him, he couldn't stop smiling.
He waited at a swing for Taemin. He grabbed the chains.
Taemin sat down on the one next to him. He took off his uniform jacket, which revealed his wings.
Minho looked at Taemin, in awe, though Taemin wouldn't be able to see his face.
Taemin spread them slightly, just to stretch them.
Minho reached to touch them.
"Go ahead."
Minho petted Taemin's wing.
'Wow...' he thought. 'he's been keeping this a secret.'
Taemin smiled again.
{Sleep well! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
Minho stopped petting his wing and started to swing.
( too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
Taemin folded his wings back in and pushed himself back and forth with his foot.
Minho didn't go too high. He stayed close to the ground.
They were at the park for at least an hour.
Taemin didn't want to leave.
Minho brought Taemin home. He hugged him before he got out.
"Do you have to go?"
He nodded.
{I soupy I'm so late..} "Okay.. I'll miss you.." Taemin pulled away and got out. He grabbed his books and stuff before he went inside.
(lol soupy.) Minho quickly drove away. When Taemin got inside, his dad engulfed him in a hug. "Hey son. I missed you so much."
"But, I just saw you drive away.."
"What are you talking about? I've been here all day. I wouldn't leave without seeing you."
"But, you just took me to the park.."
"No, i didn't."
"Then who did..?"
"I don't know. Find out."
"Hold on.." Taemin pulled out his phone as he went to the other room. He called Minho.
Minho answered on the fourth ring. "Annyeong."
"We're you the one who took me to the park?"
"Mwo?" he acted as if he didn't know what he meant. "What park?"
"I know it's you."
"What do you mean? I've been home."
"No you haven't. I know it was you."
"How do you know?"
"My dad is here."
"And what makes you think it was me?"
"You wouldn't stop trying to make me skip class."
"Well, that's not my reason to leave. To go to the park? No, I had something different planned."
"What was it?"
"I'm not telling. You'll see on Friday, after school."
"Fine. And, uh, I may have showed you something while we were there."
"Yeah, you did."
"I wanted to wait longer.."
"And would that be?"
"Whenever I was ready.. and trusted you enough."
"You don't trust me..?"
"I trust you, but it's still only been a day."
"So? I trust you. Trust you enough to tell you anything, but one thing because it's horrible, but other than that I can tell you anything."
"I guess having trust issues doesn't help."
"Sorry. I guess it doesn't."
"Not really."
"Well, uh, I'll see you later, okay?"
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
Minho hung up.
Taemin put his phone back in his pocket and ran back into the living room. He hugged his dad really tightly.
His dad laughed as he hugged back.
"I missed you, too."
"It feels good to hug my baby again."
"I'll be doing this everyday for the rest of my life."
"I'm staying here, Taemin."
"That's even better."
"Oh, guess what."
"I have a boyfriend."
"Oh really?"
"What's his name?" he asked as he pulled away.
"Choi Minho."
"Nice name. I would like to meet him sometime."
"Okay. You will."
"Good." he smiled. "Let's go watch some tv, shall we?" Taemin's mom asked everyone.
Taemin nodded.
They all went to the living room. The next day, Minho came up to Taemin in the lunch room. "Come with me," he whispered in his ear.
Taemin grabbed his book and followed Minho.
Minho led him to the F4 lunch room, the same place they had tea.
Taemin still felt weird around the other three. He held his book close to his chest.
Minho pulled Taemin onto his lap and rested his chin on Taemin's shoulder
"Hey." Minho closed his eyes as he took a deep breath from his nose.
"You okay?"
"I'm fine." Key looked at Minho as Minho opened his eyes. His eyes were black.
Key shook his head a little bit. Minho's canines grew as he opened his mouth a little.
Taemin held Minho's hands.
Minho closed his mouth and shook off the urge to bite Taemin.
Taemin leaned back and cuddled up with Minho.
Minho smiled.
Taemin rested his head on Minho's shoulder and closed his eyes.
Minho kissed Taemin's cheek.
Taemin smiled.
"What day is it today?"
"Darn it...on ore day.."
one more***
Minho kissed his cheek.
Taemin smiled again.
(now what?)
(Sure!) After school, Minho was waiting for Taemin by his car.
Taemin got there a couple minutes later. "Hi."
"Hey." Minho wrapped his arms around Taemin's waist as he hugged him.
Taemin hugged back.
"Aish, I can't resist you..." Minho's canines grew and he lightly bit Taemin's neck, not hard enough to break the skin.
"Ow, what're you doing?"
he hadn't had human blood in years.
Minho realized what he was doing and pulled away. "I'm sorry..I didn't mean to, I just..." he covered his mouth as he walked to the driver side and got in.
"It's fine." Taemin got in the passenger side.
Minho bit his lip.
Taemin grabbed Minho's hand.
Minho squeezed his hand.
"Where are we going?"
"The beach. And yes, I know. It's half hour away."
"That's fine."
"Is it?"
Taemin rubbed Minho's hand with his thumb.
Minho smiled and started driving.
Taemin almost fell asleep on the way there.
{Hey, uh, gotta go. I'll be back in an hour-ish. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
They arrived at the perfect time. The sun was setting. Minho got out and, like a lightning bolt, appeared at Taemin's door and opened it.
(Awe! okie...Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
Taemin stepped out and grabbed Minho's hand again.
Minho smiled as he led Taemin to a cabin.
Taemin hugged Minho's arm.
"Your parents don't mind if you stay the weekend with me, do they?"
"I'll ask." Taemin texted his mom. 'Can I stay with Minho for the weekend?'
'On one condition.'
'What's that?'
'Message me when you come back and behave."
'Okay. I will.'
'Good. I love you and have fun.'
'I will. 사랑해요.'
"So?" Minho asked.
"I can stay."
Minho hugged him
Taemin hugged back.
"I have so much stuff planned for us here."
"I'm sure you do."
Minho smiled.
Taemin smiled, too.
Minho grabbed his hand.
Taemin laced their fingers together.
Minho pulled him into the cabin. "The others will have their own cabins. We will share one. There was only four cabins."
"Okay." Taemin hung his jacket up.
Minho did the same. He sat down on the bed and looked at his hands.
"You okay?" Taemin sat down next to him.
"Yeah, it's just..I didn't think this through...I'm a monster and an angel."
"Not exactly."
"What do you mean?"
"I was a science experiment."
"But your parents love you the way you are and so does your brother. I love you no matter what. You're still like an angel to me."
Taemin smiled. "Thanks."
"Mmhmm." Minho pulled him close.
Taemin hugged him again.
Minho smiled and hugged back.
"I love you."
About 20 minutes later, the other three got to the beach as Minho and Taemin were sitting under an umbrella in beach chairs.
"I love you too"**
Taemin was half asleep again.
Minho reached over and tapped Taemin's shoulder. "They're here."
"The other three."
"Oh, okay." Taemin sat up.
Minho stared at Taemin's chest, smiling.
"Nothing." Minho looked away as he sat up. The other three came under the umbrella with them. "Did you two make out before we got here?" Jonghyun asked.
Taemin shook his head quickly. "Ani."
"I bet you did." he smiled.
"We didn't."
"But you don't remember."
"Are you sure about that?"
Minho got up. "We didn't make out, so drop it," he said. "Woah, feisty," Jonghyun held his hands up. "You wanna see feisty?" Minho pinned him to the ground.
His canines grew again and his eyes turned black. Jonghyun started to freak out. Minho hissed.
Taemin wrapped his arms around Minho's waist and pulled him up. "Calm down."
{Yeah.. same.. I don't wanna..}
(I'll try to answer in the morning! if not, then after church! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo! sleep well!!)
{Quick question, when will we have Kik back?}
(I have no idea still)
{Okie, I was just wondering. Sleep well! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
(Good morning!)
Minho stared at Jonghyun with his pitch black eyes, still showing his teeth.
Taemin pulled him back from Jonghyun.
Minho pulled his teeth in and changed his eyes. "Sorry.."
"It's okay." Taemin held him close.
Minho took a deep breath.
"You good now?"
"My vampire strength took over. If someone didn't stop me...."
"I know."
"Now do you see what I mean by monster?"
"I guess."
Minho hugged Taemin.
Taemin hugged back.
Minho pulled away. "I need to settle down..when you need me, I'll be in our cabin." he started to walk away.
Key walked up to Taemin and wrapped his arm around Taemin's shoulders. "He'll be okay. Trust me."
"I trust you."
{I gotta go now. See ya later! And have a lovely day! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Okie! you too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
Minho stayed in the cabin.
(you there?)
{I soupy! I was studying!}
Taemin wanted to see if he was okay, but he thought it was best to leave him alone.
{I soupy! I really soupy!}
{Please answer!}
{I soupy I soupy I soupy I soupy..}
{Hailie please.. you're scaring me.. and I know I scared you, and I'm really really really sorry..}
{I'm sorry.. I'm overreacting..}
(Sorry! I was at the grocery store!)
(you're not overreacting, I promise.)
{Okay.. I'm just glad you're here.}
(I'm sorry I scared you...I didn't mean to...)
{It's okay.. I'm just really anxious again. Cuz I had another panic attack in science yesterday and I'm still edgy with that.}
{Yeah... not fun..}
(not at all.)
(so........will c help? somewhat at least?)
{Your turn.}
Minho took out a blood packet he had in his bag, cut it open, and drank the blood.
Taemin finally gave in and ran to the cabin to check on him. He ran into the cabin. "Minho?"
Minho was on the bed, still drinking from the bag. He looked up at Taemin, blood running down from his mouth, going down his neck.
"Uh, are you okay?"
Minho swallowed and licked his lips.
"Here." Taemin grabbed a towel and wiped Minho's neck off.
Minho stared at Taemin.
"Nothing.." he looked away.
Minho sucked the rest of the blood out.
"Feel better now?"
(brb dinner)
"It tastes weird.."
"It does?"
"Mmhmm. it's blood in a bag, of course it's going to taste weird."
"Yeah, I guess."
"You wouldn't know."
"Unless I turned you." he looked at Taemin and licked his lips.
"I'm, uh, I'm good." Taemin scooted a little away from him.
Minho smiled. "I'm just messing with you. I wouldn't turn you, you know that."
"Yeah, I know."
"Don't be scared, Taemin." Minho scooted closer to Taemin.
"I'm not."
"Then stop scooting away." Minho grabbed Taemin's hand.
Minho licked his lips once again.
Taemin hugged him.
Minho hugged back, tightly.
"You okay?"
"Ne. Why wouldn't I be?"
"I'm just making sure."
Minho kissed Taemin's neck.
Taemin smiled and grabbed Minho's hands.
Minho continued to kiss Taemin's neck, leaving blood on his neck.
"Don't get any ideas."
"What ideas?"
"Biting me, or the other thing."
{Hey, gotta go, but I'll be back in an hour. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
"Other thing?" Minho lightly bit his neck.
(Awe!!! okie.....Annyeong. Saranghaeyo.)
"You know what I mean."
{Bedtime.. Cya in the morning! Annyeong! Sleep well! Saranghaeyo!}
(I'm sorry I didn't respond! I was at the store! But, cya! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{Ah, okie. Also, I has a new RP idea for when we run out of ideas of this one.}
(okie!!) Minho tugged on Taemin's skin.
Taemin squeezed Minho's hands.
As a lightning bolt, Minho quickly pulled Taemin up and pinned him to the wall.
Taemin bit his lip and looked up at Minho.
Minho went back to Taemin's neck.
Taemin grabbed Minho's shirt as he closed his eyes.
Minho licked the blood off of Taemin's neck.
"Do it."
"Turn me. I know you want to."
"But I can't.." Minho pulled away, again like a lighting bolt, he appeared looking out the window.
"Why not?"
"I haven't had live blood in over three centuries."
"So you can have some now."
"I'm afraid." he looked at Taemin, with worry in his eyes.
"That I won't stop..and I'll kill you."
"I trust you. I know you won't kill me."
"We don't know that... I could.."
"Don't you want us to be together forever?"
"Yes, i do. I really do."
"Then do it."
{Gotta go, cya later! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
Minho just stared at Taemin, not moving.
(okie! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
"I mean, you don't have to." Taemin looked away.
Like lightning, he appeared in front of Taemin, pinning him to the wall. "If you insist."
Taemin smiled and tilted his head to the side.
Minho grew his fangs and quickly bit onto Taemin's neck, immediately breaking the skin.
Taemin passed out a little bit later. He fell limp.
Minho thought he had killed him, so he started to cry. "No...this can't be happening...I knew I shouldn't have done that..." he laid Taemin on he bed. "What am I supposed to do..?"
he laid next to Taemin and held him close. "I'm sorry, Taemin...."
Taemin woke up about half an hour later.
He grabbed Minho's hand.
{Hey, I gotta go to dance. Cya in an hour!}
{Ayo, I'm back! Are you?}
(yea! I was at bible study/crochet class!)
Minho jumped and looked at Taemin. "Oh my god.." he sighed in relief as he hugged Taemin.
"Hi.." Taemin hugged back.
"I thought I killed you..."
"You kinda did."
"I mea-" he sighed. "You know what I mean."
"I know."
Minho hugged him tighter.
Taemin buried his face in Minho's neck.
"Are you hungry?"
"Ne, I haven't eaten since breakfast."
"Oh, here." Minho pulled away as he pulled his sleeve up, revealing his wrist.
"Will it hurt you?"
"I honestly don't know."
"Okay." Taemin grabbed Minho's arm and bit down into his wrist. It took him a little while to break the skin.
Minho's eyes watered, not from pain, but from love. Thinking of their future.
Once he was done, there were two small holes in Minho's arm. Taemin wiped the blood from them with his sleeve.
Minho but his lip, watching his wrist as it healed.
Taemin looked up at him, smiling.
Minho smiled back.
"That was amazing."
Minho kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Minho placed his hands on Taemin's neck, pulling him closer.
Taemin climbed onto Minho's lap and wrapped his wings around them.
Minho moved his kisses to Taemin's neck.
Taemin bit his lip.
He then bit his neck.
Taemin moaned really quietly.
He tugged slightly.
Taemin grabbed Minho's shirt.
"Naughty so sudden?" Minho teased.
"Quit teasing.."
"Awe, wae?" Minho slowly pushed his hands up Taemin's shirt.
"Because.." Taemin tugged at Minho's shirt. "I need you.."
"How bad?"
"Really bad.. I need you, Minho."
Minho smiled, showing his fangs. "Okay."
Taemin pulled Minho's shirt up.
{Ani.. I soupy.}
(it ok)
(I don't either...)
{If we don't think of something, I have that idea.}
{I wrote it down and everything.}
(Do you like this rp? It's based off of a K-Drama.)
(You do?)
(Oh, okay.)
(Just asking, cause I feel like I'm making it weird. A vampire angel thing and a vampire. What a cute couple!! Right? lol)
{Yep! Lol!!}
(Well, at least this is keeping me from crying rn..)
{What's wrong?}
(Well, we're talking about who we're voting for president for and I said, "If you're so scared of getting bombed, then let's move to South Korea." and my dad said, "South Korea will most likely be bombed by North Korea from North."
{Oh.. yeah. That won't happen.}
"So, by next year, you don't have to worry about your favorite K-Pop group, because they'll be out of this world. Literally. Out of this world. Blown up." and I started to break down)
{What the f***?!!!!!}
(Ik,....I'm going to break down again...)
(I thought about it and....then I started to break down...)
{No no no, don't do that. Uh, CATS!!! THINK ABOUT CATS!!!}
(in these situations? no...not going to help...listening to K-Pop helps.)
{Or dogs if you're more of a dog person!}
(More of a cat person..)
{Okie, that works too!}
{Same here bro!}
(Mmhmm and yay!)
{Any ideas?}
{Wanna do mine?}
(should we just end it here and start yours then? I really have no idea what to do, but a kiss, but idk if that matters..)
{For a new RP I mean.}
(start whenever you want!)
[Backstory] The five were all somehow transported to a top secret lab. They were experimented on, infused with some DNA from different species. {To be decided} The experiments were successful. They were shown to many scientists and many more merely normal people. In dreadful honesty, they hated it. Being presented because they were different, they loathed it.
(I actually gotta go....we have to figure out what to have for dinner then we're gonna leave...ill text you when I get back!)
(Mianhae... Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{It's cool. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(I'm sorry I'm late and Ik you're most likely asleep or going to bed so, sleep well! I'll see you in the morning! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{I'm up for another 15 minutes, maybe 10}
{But, I should be asleep, so. Same to you! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
Taemin liked Key, it was obvious. Key would catch him staring sometimes. Taemin would get all embarrassed and look away as his face got all red.
One day, they had to take showers, but there wasn't any walls separating the stalls. Jonghyun looked over at Minho and eyed him, up and down. Minho did the same to Jonghyun.
Taemin kept looking over at Key, but he was scared of Key thinking he was weird or something.
Key looked over at Taemin and smiled.
Taemin kind of smiled, too. He quickly finished and ran out to get dressed.
Key watched him leave as he turned off his water and followed him. He wasn't dressed, though he had a towel hanging from his neck.
Taemin dried off really fast and got dressed.
"Hey, what's the rush?" Key asked.
"Am I small?" he looked down at himself.
"Are you in a rush to leave because I'm small?"
"N-no, it's not that."
"Then why are you in a rush to leave?
Taemin shrugged.
"Okay, I'll stay out with you then."
Key smiled as he got dressed.
Taemin dried his wings off before he put his shirt on.
"I love how pretty your wings are," Key said as he walked behind Taemin and touched his wing.
"Oh, uh, thanks." Taemin's face started turning red.
{Gotta go. Cya after school! Have a great day! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
Key smiled as his hand ran along Taemin's back, onto his side, then his stomach.
(darn. you too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
"W-what're you doing?"
[More Backstory] They'd been brainwashed. They had no memories of family, or anything before they woke up at the lab.
"You're blushing." he smiled more. "I'm guessing you like it?"
"N-ne." Due to some crazy medication they had, Taemin's gave him an uncontrollable stutter.
"Are you gay?"
"No, no. We can make this work. I'm bi so...we could try.."
"Why not? There's no one else to fall in love with."
(Ooh! Idea!)
The next day, there was a new person to experiment on. He survived, luckily. They gave him a new name since he didn't like his old one. He was shy at first.
He saw Onew first but wouldn't stop looking at him.
Taemin stayed away from him. With what he knew about the scientist people, he knew this could be some kind of test.
(Can you be Onew?)
{Yep! I was just about to!}
Onew waved to the new person.
He smiled and waved back.
Onew motioned him over.
Ryeowook jogged over to him
"Hi." Onew patted the bed. "What's your name?"
Ryeowook sat down. "I'm Ryeowook."
"Cool, I'm Onew."
"Nice name."
"Thanks. You too."
"Thanks." he smiled, blushing a little.
Ryeowook looked at the floor.
"You okay?"
"Okay, good."
"Did you catch me looking at you?"
"Oh, sorry."
"It's okay."
"I just haven't seen anyone different from the people in white suits.."
"Yeah, I know."
"And you.." he looked up at Onew.
"You just stood out the most to me."
"Was it the ears?" Onew pointed to his ears, which were cat ears.
"Oh, okay."
"Just you. All of you."
"I'm sorry, am I making this awkward?" Ryeowook stood up.
"A little. But it's okay."
"Should I go?"
"Only if you want to."
"I don't really want to crush.. so that's why I'm asking you if you think I should go.."
"Oh, uh, well, uh, I'm straight.."
"It's okay."
"Would it be best that I go then?"
"I guess."
"I don't think you'd want to see this face when the waterworks come."
"Oh.. I'm sorry.."
"Don't be.." Ryeowook looked at the floor again. He remembered that one thing, as if the scientists left that part of his memory in him for a reason. Everytime he got turned down, he cried.
"I'm...I'm gonna go..ill see you later." He turned away as his eyes started to water. He wiped them.
Onew felt like s***.
Ryeowook went back to where he slept, his cell/room. In there, he cried. He told himself how stupid he was to even flirt with Onew in the first place.
[Even more backstory] Some people hated the five. They hated they were different, that they weren't like the rest of them.
The next day, they were packed into a van that would take them to their next presentation place. They left Ryeowook behind, since he was new and needed more experience with his abilities.
(Ooh! cool! I have to go soon. I'm going to Serenity's house!)
Ryeowook felt lonely, too lonely.
{Okie!} About halfway there, they got attacked. A hold was blown into the side of the van. Taemin grabbed Key's hand and pulled him towards it.
Key held onto Taemin's arm tightly.
Once outside, Taemin pulled Key close and took off into the air with him.
Key looked up at Taemin. "What about the others?"
"They'll figure it out."
"T-trust me."
Key buried his face in Taemin's chest. "I don't want them to die..."
"They w-won't."
"You don't know that."
"Trust me, o-okay?"
"I'll try..."
Key closed his eyes.
(I have to go now....Ill see you when I'm available!)
(Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{Okie! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
Jonghyun was carried out on Minho's back. And Onew just ran.
{Hey, if I don't answer, I'm at a church thing until 7:30ish my time.}
(awe! that's cute!!!)
{Ayo! Back!}
{I soupy I'm late.}
(It's okay!!! I'm late too! We went to her Aunt's house and dyed her hair.
Minho tracked Taemin and Key's scents down and ran after them with Jonghyun on his back still. He wanted to make sure everyone got to the same place, safely. He grabbed Onew's hand and pulled him along.
"Do you s-see them?" Taemin asked.
"Just now.." Key said as his eyes looked around. He was seeing visions.
"S***...I can get into Minho and Onew's heads and see what they're seeing but I can't get into Jonghyun's..."
his eyes started to water.
"I'm sure he's f-fine."
"But I can't get into his mind...that's never happened before.."
Taemin rubbed his back.
"I swear...if he's dead..."
"He's not."
"You don't know that.."
"I know, b-but still."
Key held onto him tighter.
They landed in a small forest like area awhile later. Taemin carefully set Key down.
Key wouldn't let go of Taemin. "He's such a great friend.."
Key then pulled away.
Taemin sat down and leaned back against a tree. He was exhausted
Key sat next to him, leaning his head on Taemin's shoulder.
Taemin wrapped his arm around Key's waist.
Key looked up at Taemin.
Key brought his hand to Taemin's cheek.
Taemin leaned in and kissed Key's nose.
Key smiled. "You missed."
"Oh, r-right." Taemin kissed him.
Key kissed back.
Taemin pulled him closer.
Key sat up a bit and placed his other hand on Taemin's neck.
(awe have to go to bed now bc we have to get up at 5 in the morning for speech meet. So, I'll message you tomorrow after the meet.)
Taemin wrapped both of his arms around Key's waist.
(Sleep well! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{Oh, okay. Well, sleep well! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
{Good morning!}
By the time the other three got there, Taemin was sound asleep with Key on his lap.
(I'm not back yet, my iPad is at like 8% and I'm still at the speech meet so....imma just reply cause I wanna....o guess...)
Minho looked at the two, confused. Key was also asleep. Minho walked over to them, with Jonghyun on his back still, and tapped Taemin's shoulder.
{Okie.} "Mm.." Taemin turned his head away.
"Yah! Get up!" Minho exclaimed. "We're going back."
"We can't stay out here in the middle of no where, really."
"I'm not g-going back there.. n-neither of us-s are."
{If I happen to not answer, we went out to eat. I'll message you when we get back!}
"But what about Ryeowook?"
"We can't just leave him there.."
{HI!!! OMG!!! I MISSED YOO!!!!}
(I missed you too!! I have my iPad plugged in and it's almost at 30%)
(Awe! Nu cri!)
{I'm not! I'm good!}
Key was still asleep.
Taemin shook Key a little.
Key groaned. "What...?"
"We have t-to go."
"Carry me."
"Mmhmm." Taemin held Key close as he stood up. He picked Key up.
Key held onto to Taemin tightly.
Minho started to take off with Jonghyun on his back.
Taemin and Onew followed.
Ryeowook sat at a barred window, looking out.
Taemin got more and more uneasy as they got closer to the lab. He tried to distract himself. "I-is Jonghyun-hyung okay?"
"Ne, he just got knocked out."
"He's fine."
By the time they got back, it was dark and Jonghyun was up.
Minho looked at Jonghyun a few times, checking when he woke up. "Hey, how are you feeling?"
"Okay. you'll feel better soon."
"I hope so.."
"You will. Trust me."
"I trust you.."
Minho smiled.
Jonghyun rested his chin on Minho's shoulder.
Minho smiled more
"Where are we going?"
"you'll see."
"Aw, tell me."
"Oh, okay."
"Are we staying?"
(gtg to bed, I'll message you in the morning!)
{Okie! Annyeong! Sleep well! Saranghaeyo!}
(you too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
Ryeowook was getting pulled to the ER. He was squirming and screaming at the top of his lungs. For some reason he called, he called for Onew. "Onew sunbae!"
He thought, maybe even after Onew turned him down, he'll still be a friend and help him. One of the scientists got tired of his screaming and knocked him out.
Key heard the faint sound of Ryeowook screaming just before he got knocked out. "Ryeowook..." he said. "He's in danger! We have to hurry!" he jumped out of Taemin's arms and started running towards the scream.
Onew was already way ahead of Key. He ran inside the building, searching frantically for the screaming or any sign of Ryeowook. When he finally found him, he quickly knocked scientists out and carried Ryeowook out.
{Hey, I'm at church if I don't answer.}
Ryeowook was limp. When Key saw them, he immediately said, "Is he okay?"
Onew shrugged. "He's breathing."
"Thank God. Here, lay him down."
Onew carefully laid Ryeowook down and covered him in his jacket.
Key kneeled down next to him and placed his hand over his heart.
"Is it beating?"
{You there?}
(Sorry! I was trying to figure out how to add people on Skype on chrome but it's not working..)
{Okie! That's fine!} "Good."
"Mmhmm. Keep him warm, can you do that?"
"Or do you want me to take him?"
"I'll take him."
"You sure?"
"I could give him a ride."
"I'm sure."
"Or I could give both of you a ride. You could hold onto him."
"I'll take him. Don't worry about it."
"Whenever you get tired, tell me. We'll be walking for a while."
Key stood up as the others arrived.
Onew picked Ryeowook up again.
Key walked over to Taemin and grabbed his hand. "We should get going."
Taemin nodded.
Minho led them out of the building. He was carrying Jonghyun again.
Taemin had his arm around Key's shoulders, he was rubbing Key's arm.
Key smiled.
(Be Right Back)
They weren't attacked again that night, and they were able to rest again in the forest area.
Key stayed in a ball next to Taemin.
Taemin held him close and rubbed his back.
Key was asleep within minutes.
Taemin was asleep a little while after him.
Minho couldn't really fall asleep until he wrapped his arm around Jonghyun, making sure he was safe.
Jonghyun was asleep even before they settled in.
Minho watched him for a while then fell asleep. While everyone was asleep, or so Ryeowook thought were all asleep, he scooted over to Onew and cuddled close to him. He felt warm and safe.
Onew loosely wrapped his arm around Ryeowook.
Ryeowook smiled. He felt home.
The forest area was actually a park. And by morning, everyone knew they were there. They'd give weird looks as they passed by.
Ryeowook was the last to wake up.
Taemin held Key behind him, he was ready to defend if he had to.
"We're okay, don't worry." Key assured Taemin.
"If you need, take my jacket to protect your wings."
Taemin nodded. "Right now?"
"Whenever you need. Now would be good."
"Okay, here." Key took off his jacket and gave it to Taemin.
"Thanks." Taemin folded his wings in entirely and put the jacket on. It was slightly big on him.
Key smiled.
Taemin smiled, too.
Key grabbed his hand.
Taemin hugged him.
Key hugged back.
"Y-you carry me today, o-okay?"
Key smiled more. "Of course."
Key rubbed his back. Ryeowook was still asleep.
Onew was asleep also, he never was a morning person.
Key looked at them. "Do you think they're together?"
Taemin looked at them, too, and shrugged.
"They look cute together."
"We should try to hook them up."
Taemin smiled again. "Mmhmm."
"I don't want to leave yet. I wanna wait until they wake up by themselves."
"Can we at l-least get food-d?"
Taemin smiled again. He jumped up and pulled Key up.
Key smiled more as he grabbed Taemin's hand again.
Taemin practically ran with him into the city. He was overwhelmed with the amount of cars and buildings he saw.
Key pulled him to a nearby gas station. "Do you have any money?"
"Uh.." Taemin pulled 18000 won out of his pocket. "N-ne."
"Good, come on." Key pulled him to a random isle. "Pick something not too expensive."
Taemin nodded. There was one problem, none of them could read. Taemin looked really confused when he saw the words on the packages. He grabbed a bunch of small bags of chips.
Key was confused as well. They went to the counter. "Uhm, sir?" Key asked. "How much are all of these?"
"20000 won," the guy said.
Key grabbed the 18000 won from Taemin. "Is this enough?"
He shook his head.
"Darn...Taemin, go put some back."
"Wait, I know that name. Are you those weird kids everyone's freaking out over?"
"Uh, I don't know."
"Hold on." He pulled out his phone and opened up a picture. It was the first time they were ever presented.
"Oh..uh..." Key looked over at Taemin. "If it is us, then what would you do?" he looked back at the guy.
"You pay half the price if I can get a picture with you guys."
"What would you do with the picture?"
"You have no idea how popular you are, do you?"
"No, everyone hates us."
"I don't. My friends don't. To us, you're as popular as Psy."
"Who's PSY?"
"Oh, he's a music superstar."
{And my hero!!!}
"Do you want the chips or not?"
"Of course."
"Good." The guy climbed over the counter and stood between them. He held his phone out in front of them.
Key smiled.
(gtg, be back later)
(in less than an hour at least)
(Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
The guy smiled, too. Taemin hid his mouth with the chips. The guy took the picture. He was practically fanboying. "Thank you!" He climbed back over the counter. "Now, that'll be 12000 won."
{Okie. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
Key handed him the money. "We don't really know how to read or do any sort of math so can we have the change back?"
"Sure." He handed Key 6000 won. {WOAH DÉJÀ VU!!!!}
"Thank you. We have no where to go so we're in the woods with the others."
"Yeah.." Key felt awkward as he took the bag. "See you around, I guess."
"Yeah. Enjoy."
Key thought he'd invite them to stay at his place, but he was wrong. He pulled Taemin out of the store and started back for the woods.
The guy still lived with his aunt and uncle, and he thought was embarrassing, so he definitely didn't want six more people in that house.
They returned to the others in a couple of minutes.
Onew was still asleep, as usual.
So was Ryeowook.
Key sat down next to Minho and Jonghyun. "Are you two together?"
Jonghyun shrugged, though he was laying on top of Minho.
Minho smiled, as for Key too.
"And are you and Taemin together?"
"Thank you. Do you think Onew and Ryeowook are together?"
"They could be."
"They look cute together."
Key looked over at Onew and Ryeowook.
Taemin gave everyone awake a bag of chips.
Minho was excited at the sight of food. He sat up, holding Jonghyun so he wouldn't fall back, and opened the bag. "Oh my goodness...that smell.."
Jonghyun giggled and opened his bag. Taemin sat down next to Key.
Minho took a chip out and put it in his mouth. "Oh my goodness...the taste.." he looked up at Jonghyun.
"I'm guessing they're good."
"When was the last time we even ate?"
"Yesterday, I think."
"Exactly. These taste amazing."
"I haven't tasted this taste before. At least I don't remember tasting it.."
"Yeah." Jonghyun started eating his.
Minho checked to make sure Key or Taemin weren't looking, they weren't, and he quickly kissed Jonghyun's cheek.
Jonghyun stopped and looked up at him.
Minho looked down at his bag of chips and put one in his mouth. He was slightly blushing.
Jonghyun smiled and ruffled Minho's hair.
Minho smiled.
"Why d-did he call us-s weird?" Taemin whispered to Key.
Key shrugged. "I guess we're different."
"Yeah.. I g-guess."
Key smiled. "But being different is good."
Key smiled more as he looked at Taemin.
Taemin hugged Key's arm.
Key giggled.
Key kissed his hand.
Taemin smiled.
Key turned and leaned against him.
Taemin held him close.
Key looked up at him.
Taemin kissed his forehead.
Key pouted.
"You missed.."
Taemin smiled a little and kissed him.
Key smiled and kissed back.
Taemin pulled away after awhile.
Key reached up and touched Taemin's cheek.
Taemin leaned in and pressed their foreheads together.
Key smiled again.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Taemin smiled again.
Key kissed him again.
Minho was jealous seeing the love they shared.
Taemin ran his hand through Key's hair as he kissed back.
Key pulled him closer.
Taemin bit Key's lip.
Key closed his eyes, forcing himself to not make any noise.
Taemin let go and pulled away. "S-sorry."
"It's okay."
Key smiled more.
Taemin hugged him.
Key hugged back.
"I l-love you."
"I love you too."
Taemin rubbed his back.
Key smiled more. (IM BACK!!!!)
{I see!} Taemin kept telling Key he loved him until it wasn't understandable because of the stutter.
"You okay?" Key asked. "I can barely understand you."
The more he talked, the worse it got.
Taemin buried his face in Key's neck.
Key held him close.
Taemin was quiet for awhile.
"I-is it annoying..?"
Key closed his eyes.
"Is it?"
"No, of course not."
"I love it. It's cute."
Taemin smiled. "Thanks."
"Of course."
Taemin kissed his neck.
Key giggled.
"Ani. I just wasn't expecting it. It's cute."
Taemin smiled and did it again.
"Don't stop until you need to."
Taemin kept going.
Key played with Taemin's hair.
Taemin smiled more and really gently bit down.
Key bit his lip.
"T-too much?"
"Okay." Taemin tugged a little.
Key bit on his lip harder.
Taemin stopped and rested his head on Key's shoulder.
Key smiled. "You are too cute."
"T-thank, you are t-too."
{It's bedtime..}
Key kissed his head.
{I know. And I have a band concert tomorrow night until 8-ish.}
( we won't really have time to talk...)
{Nope.. but we have the morning.}
(If I wake up on time. But, Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{Yeah. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
After a long time of cuddling, everyone was finally up. They went exploring, Key carrying Taemin as he'd promised. He was looking at everything.
At one point, Ryeowook grabbed Onew's hand.
Onew smiled and looked over at him.
Ryeowook smiled back and intertwined their fingers.
"You're cute."
"Thank you."
Ryeowook quickly looked at Onew's lips then looked away.
Taemin tapped Key's shoulder.
Key kept his gaze forward. "Hm?"
He pointed to a building. It was really colorful.
Key tilted his head. "I wonder what that thing is."
"Should we check it out?"
"Okay." Key led everyone to the building.
The place was bright inside, with lots of girly stuff in it.
"Ooh! Shiny jacket! Beautiful shoes. And shirts. Skinny jeans are a yes! I wish we had enough money to buy the whole store.." Key said as he set Taemin down and started looking at some jackets.
Taemin laughed and followed him.
"Don't laugh at me." he said as he grabbed a pair of shoes and tried them on.
"Too l-late."
Key looked up at Taemin and stuck his tongue out.
"Hey, t-that's mean."
"Not in my world."
"You're a m-meanie." Taemin sniffled.
"Awe...I don't wanna be a meanie...come here."
Taemin knelt down and hugged him. "J-just kidding."
(😥 Gotta go..}
(Yeah....well, have a wonderful day!! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
{Cya! Have a great day! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
"Y-you're not a meanie."
(I have to go to church. let's hope your still available when I get back! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
(Yeah. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
(Hey!! Are you available?)
(how long?)
{Fifteen minutes.}
(if I'm not back by then, sorry.)
{It's fine.}
('re gone, Ik...good luck at your concert!! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{Thanks!! It went great!!}
(That's good!!)
Key kissed Taemin's head.
Taemin closed his eyes. "I l-love you."
"I love you too." Ryeowook, again, kept looking at Onew. he couldn't get over the fact that he was very cute yet Ryeowook was two years older than him.
Taemin pulled away. "W-we should go."
"But I love this place. It's gorgeous."
"B-but I don't want y-you spending all the m-money here."
"I won't. I won't spend a cent. I swear."
"Doesn't 'I swear' mean the same thing?"
"Yeah.. s-sorry."
"It's okay. Don't be." Key kissed his nose.
Taemin giggled. "Okay."
Key smiled and tried on some more shoes, though only a few fit.
The others had left, they were getting bored. There were a could kids there, just staring at Key and Taemin.
Key put all the shoes back. "Where'd the others go?"
Taemin shrugged.
"We have to stick together. Let's go." Key grabbed his hand and started to walk out.
They ran into someone. "Hey, watch it!" she said.
Key was surprised by how rude she sounded. He scoffed. "How rude!"
She sighed. "Sorry.. I'm just stressed.."
"About what?"
"My wife and I just adopted a kid, our first one, and it's super stressful."
"Awe, that's cute. I wish you both luck."
"Thanks. I'm Krystal."
"I'm Key and this is Taemin. The others just kinda left us behind."
"Aw, I hate it when friends do that."
"Yeah. We're used to it though."
"That kinda sucks."
"So, uh, what brings you two here?"
"Well...we're kinda new here and this place is colorful and the clothing here are amazing. I wish we had enough money to buy some things but we only have 8000 won.."
"You're new? Where are you from?"
"Uh...that's the thing...we don't know really.."
"We live in a building full of people with white suits and that's all we know. We don't know how do read."
Krystal tilted her head. "Where are you staying?"
"In the woods..maybe some side of a street."
"You can stay with Amber and I. I'm sure she won't mind."
"Really? Six more people in your house?"
"Sure. We have room."
"Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" Key hugged her.
"Of course." She hugged back.
Key was so happy, he almost started to cry. "I didn't think anyone would let us stay with them."
"Why not?"
Taemin awkwardly hugged both of them.
"I don't know." (bedtime....)
{Aw, okie. Sleep well! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Ik...You too! Cya in the morning!! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!!)
"So, there's four more of you around here somewhere?"
"Let's go find them, okay?"
"Okay." Key smiled.
Krystal pulled away and led them outside. "Do you have any way to contact them?"
"No, sadly."
"Okay, that's fine." They found everyone about fifteen minutes later. They were found an arcade and it took forever to get them out.
Of course, Ryeowook stayed close to Onew just in case if something happened. He payed more attention to Onew than the games.
Onew didn't mind. He held Ryeowook close with one arm around him.
Ryeowook had his head on Onew's shoulder.
Taemin tapped Key's shoulder when they were passing the arcade.
He pointed inside at Minho.
"Oh, uh..Krystal? I think Taemin found them..."
"He did?" She stopped and looked at where Taemin was pointing. "Okay, let's go get them." She led them inside.
Key went to Minho and Jonghyun first. Minho was behind Jonghyun with his arms wrapped around him, helping him win the game with extra hands.
Taemin went and got Onew and Ryeowook. Jonghyun didn't want to leave yet.
Key tapped Minho's shoulder, but he didn't reply. He tapped Jonghyun's shoulder.
"Hold on." Jonghyun didn't look away from the game.
"We have to go. We found a place to stay."
"Holy s***, really?"
"We have to go then." He just finished level as he grabbed Minho's hand. Taemin came back with the other two.
{Gotta go. Cya later! Have a great day! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(You too!!! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
"Good that. Now where's Krystal?"
Krystal was texting Amber. 'Hey, if you don't mind, we'll be having six people staying at the house.'
'How did you get six people to stay at our house?! Holy s***, Krystal!'
'They don't have a place to stay. They said they live in the park.'
'Oh...that's sad."
'Yeah, so I invited them to stay with us.'
'We'll all be there soon.'
'make sure you tell them to be quiet."
'Will do.'
'I love you!'
'I love you, too!!'
Amber sent a picture of her and their, sleeping, child.
Krystal smiled as she put her phone back in her pocket. The others found her. "Ready?" she asked.
"Ne," Key replied.
"Alright, let's go." She led them down the sidewalk. It took them ten minutes to get to the house, and it was huge. "You guys have to be quiet, okay?"
Key nodded as everyone stared in awe. "Wow..." Ryeowook whispered, squeezing Onew's hand. "This place is huge. How do you afford it?"
"Amber is part of a very wealthy family."
(Ooh!! Idea!!)
"Mmhmm." She led them inside. "Make yourselves comfortable."
{Ooh! Shoot!}
(Ik his power!!)
Later that night, there was a wolf in the house. It went up to Onew and pushed its nose to Onew's face.
Onew was scared initially, but he didn't really show it. He held his hand out to the wolf.
The wolf sniffed Onew's hand and licked it. The wolf was bigger than any normal wolf. it was at least three times bigger, maybe four times bigger.
Onew smiled a little. "You're cute."
Ryeowook was no where in sight. The wolf almost smiled when Onew called it cute.
"Come here." He patted the bed.
The wolf crawled onto the bed, laid down, and rested its head on Onew's lap.
Onew pet its head.
The wolf closed its eyes.
"Do you mind if I go back to sleep now?"
And of course, like a wolf, it didn't respond.
"Ryeowook-hyung? Can I sleep now?"
No respond.
"Fine." Onew carefully pushed Ryeowook's head off of his lap and laid back down.
He opened his eyes and looked at Onew. He licked his cheek. He then rested his head on the bed.
Onew pet Ryeowook's head again as he fell asleep.
The next morning, Ryeowook was sleep, though he was naked and laying on his side curled up in a ball with his head on Onew's lap.
Onew, of course, was still asleep.
Minho came in to wake them up for breakfast. He saw them and his eyes went wide. He closed the door and went down stairs. "Jongie?"
"Ne?" Jonghyun asked.
"Onew is under the blanket, I don't if he's dressed, but Ryeowook isn't."
"I did not want to see that.."
Jonghyun held his arms out to him. "Come here."
Minho hugged him. "It was disgusting..."
Jonghyun hugged back. "I know."
"If it was you..." he smiled.
Jonghyun smiled. "Shut up."
"Make me."
"No, not here."
Minho giggled. "Okay. I'll stop....for now."
Minho pulled away.
Jonghyun grabbed Minho's hand.
Minho smiled more.
Key and Taemin were still asleep, too. Taemin had his wings wrapped around Key.
(I'm sorry I was sooooooo long!!! I had to clean the room, do the dishes, and eat dinner! I'm so sorry!!!)
{It's okie!}
Amber was feeding her and Krystal's child.
Coincidentally, Taemin and Key woke up at the same time.
Key looked at Taemin and smiled.
Taemin smiled, too. "Hey.."
"Hey." Key kissed Taemin's forehead.
Taemin smiled more and kissed him.
Key kissed back.
Taemin pulled away and sat up and stretched.
Key crawled out of the bed. "I haven't slept like that in years..well, that's what it feels like."
"It was n-nice. Especially b-because I was with y-you."
"awe!" Key hugged him.
Taemin giggled and hugged back.
"How cute!"
Taemin giggled again. "I l-love you."
"I love you too."
Taemin smiled more.
Key kissed Taemin's neck and kept kissing and kissing, not stopping.
Taemin played with Key's hair.
Key lightly bit down.
Taemin bit his lip.
Minho walked in. "What are you two doing?"
"K-Key's making me a v-vampire." Taemin smiled again.
Minho's eyes went wide. "What?"
he was terrified at the sound of that.
"N-not literally."
Minho sighed in relief. "Thank God.." he had his hand over his heart as he leaned against the wall.
{Hey, I gotta go, but I'll be back in an hour! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Awe! okie...Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
"I'm s-sorry I s-scared you."
"It's fine." (Yay! you are!)
{Mmhmm!} "Okay."
"Just hurry up with whatever your doing and come down to eat."
Minho left the room.
Taemin nodded.
"Do y-you want t-to go now?"
"If you want."
Taemin nodded again. He grabbed Key's hand and they went downstairs.
Key smiled.
Taemin sat Key down at the table and got them both food.
"Where's Onew and Ryeowook?" Key asked after everyone started eating.
"Still asleep," Krystal said as she wiped Alex's mouth. Alex was her and Amber's daughter.
(How old is Alex?) "Ah, okay."
{2 or 3} "Mmhmm."
"Well, that's them for sure."
"They sleep a lot?"
"It's their hobby."
Krystal smiled a little. "Nice."
Alex smiled and grabbed Krystal's arm. "Mama."
Krystal giggled. "Ne?"
She pointed to Amber. "Mama."
She pointed to Minho. "Dada."
"Ani, ani. Minho."
"Mm...M. Min.." She had a little trouble.
"That's it. Minho." She said it slowly.
"Min...Min...ho? M-Minho?"
"Ne. That's it." She smiled and clapped a little. "Good job."
Alex clapped with her. She then pointed to Amber again. "Mama."
"Ne." She pointed to Key. "Key."
Alex pointed to Key also. "Key?"
"Ne. Good job!" She clapped again.
Alex clapped with her once again. She pointed to Krystal after a while. "Mama. Mama name?"
"Krystal." She said that slowly, too.
"Ne!" She pointed to Taemin. "Taemin."
"Ani, Taemin."
"T...T. Tae...Taemin..?"
"Mmhmm, ne!" She pointed to Onew. "Onew."
"A new."
(lol Onew is still asleep so is Ryeowook but okay)
"Ne ne!" She pointed to Jonghyun. "Jonghyun."
"Junhun." she held her arms out to him "Junhun. Junhun."
{S*** RIGHT!!! *facepalms* SOWWY!}
(Lol it's okay!! who says we can't have imagination!?)
{Right, exactly!} "Jong-hyun."
{Bedtime. Sleep well! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(D*** it!!! This was the cute part...*sighs* da** it... well, you sleep well too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
"Ani, Jonghyun."
She started to throw a fit and crying.
"Hey, what's wrong?" she took Alex out of the high chair and held her close.
She pointed to Jonghyun. She squeezed her hand into a fist a few times as if she was holding a ball.
"You want to see Jonghyun?"
She smiled.
Krystal smiled, too. She picked up Alex and brought her to Jonghyun and set her on his lap. Jonghyun looked down at her. "Hi."
She reached her hands up to Jonghyun's shoulders. "Baba."
"What's that?"
"Junhun broter."
"Ani, I'm Jonghyun."
"Ani!" she giggled. "Broter!"
"Ani. Just Jonghyun."
"Ani? No broter?"
"No brother."
She pouted, tears in her eyes. She sniffed a few times and wiped her nose.
"Hey, don't cry. I can be your brother. How's that?"
She stopped crying and started to bounce. "Yeah!!"
"Good, now a hug?" He held his arms out.
She giggled and hugged him. " love.."
He smiled and hugged back. "I love you, too."
She started to laugh. "Ani. Hugs, not you."
{😭 Time to go.. I'll see you later! Have a great day! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Darn...okie. You too!! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
"Right, right, I knew that."
{Hey, just being nosy, what is your religion?}
{You okay?}
{If I don't answer, I'm at dance until 9 my time.}
"I love you too!" she hugged him. (Yes I'm okay. We just had family time when I got home from church and we played Monopoly..and my religion is Christian.)
(Also, conferences are tomorrow from 5-7 so, I have bible study then when I get back, we're going there so sorry if I don't answer. Idk if it's cancelled due to the basketball game so....ill tell you after school.)
{Okay! I missed you!}
(I missed you too!!!)
Jonghyun rubbed her back.
She smiled. "You're cute."
"Aw, ani, you're adorable."
"'re....she pulled away as she thought. "Hot."
"Woah, ani ani, only Minho can call me that."
Her eyes went wide. "You're married?!" she smacked her hands onto her head. "Oh my goodness!!"
"No, he's my boyfriend."
"Oh." she sighed. "Good. Cause you are be mine forever."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah. And we'll gonna grow up together and date and have kids and have a huge wedding!" she held her hands out wide.
Jonghyun gently grabbed her hands. "I thought I was your brother."
"Not anymore."
"You are too hot!"
"Oh.." Jonghyun looked over at Minho.
Minho had his mouth covered, his face red as if he had died of laughter. "Hey! I'm over here!"
Alex said.
"But, Minho's my boyfriend."
"And?" she put her hands on her hips. "You can still have my children and marry me."
"Not really."
"But you're my sister, and it'd be weird if we got married."
"But I love you that much and you love me that much. Right?"
"Not like that."
She pouted, looking like a dog.
Sticking her bottom lip out.
"Ooh, do you want to know something cool?"
She sighed. "Why not? You're my brother."
"I can breathe underwater."
Her eyes went wide again. "Can I?"
"Ani. Sorry."
"Darn it..."
"Do you see anything different on anyone else?" Jonghyun turned her to the others. Taemin made it look like Key had wings instead of him.
"That guy." she pointed to Key.
"You sure?"
"He has wings! Duh. Of course I'm sure."
"Look behind him."
She tilted her head. "Ohhh!! That guy!" She pointed to Taemin. "They're his wings!"
She giggled. "Cute!" she looked at Ryeowook. She squinted her eyes. "Are those..."
"What?" Jonghyun looked at Ryeowook, too.
"There's whiskers on his face!" she squealed as she turned and hid her face in Jonghyun's chest.
Jonghyun smiled. "What about Onew-hyung?"
She shrugged.
"He has cat ears."
She gasped. "Kitty?!"
"Bring me to him."
"Alright." Jonghyun picked her up and brought her over to Onew. He set her on Onew's lap. "Woah, hi." Onew said.
{Bedtime... I soupy.. 😥}
"Annyeong!" she reached up to Onew's head. "I wanna touch them."
(Ani, it's okay!)
{Okie.. Sleep well and I'll see you in the morning! Annyeong! Saranghayo!}
(Yup! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
"Oh, uh, go ahead." He tilted his head down a little.
She smiled and grabbed his ears. She giggled.
Onew smiled, too. "You like cats?"
"Ne! I want one but mama says no.." she let go of his ears.
"Now you have one."
She gasped as she smiled. "Yay!" she hugged Onew.
Onew carefully hugged her back.
"I think I might love you more than Junhun," she whispered.
"Are you sure?"
"Well...maybe not. He's still hot."
Onew smiled again. "You're silly."
"Thank you."
She smiled as she turned, having her back facing Onew, and leaned against him. "I'm tired.."
"I see." He held her close.
"Can you bring me to my room?"
"Of course." He picked her up and carried her to her room. He set her down on the bed and covered her up.
"Good night."
"Good night." He shut the lights off and closed the door and went back downstairs. He sat down next to Ryeowook.
Ryeowook smiled at Onew. "Hey, I have a few questions," Ambee said.
"Go ahead."
"First of all, are Taemin and Minho dating?"
Taemin shook his head. "M-me and Key are."
"Ah, okay. Sorry. I just got mixed up with the names. Uhm, so then Minho and Jonghyun are dating?"
"Okay. and Onew and Ryeowook are dating?"
Onew shrugged. "Maybe."
"Are you like still trying to figure things out?"
{Gotta go.. Cya later! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
"Krystal and I understand what you're going through. We were like that at first. Now look at us."
(Okie! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
Onew smiled. "You guys are cute together."
{Also, I won't be available until 9:15ish my time tomorrow.. I's band contest.}
(Ooh!!! Cool!!)
Amber smiled back. "Thank you."
Amber grabbed Krystal's hand.
Krystal smiled and scooted closer to Amber.
Amber kissed Krystal's cheek.
Krystal smiled more. Taemin tightened his arms around Key.
Key looked back at Taemin.
Taemin felt like he needed to be in constant contact with Key.
Key pushed himself into Taemin's head, trying to see what was wrong.
There was really nothing wrong.
Key squinted his eyes as he shook his head. 'Dork,' he said in his head.
"Shut up," Taemin whispered.
"What?" Ryeowook looked up at him. His ears disappeared as wolf ears formed on his head.
"N-not you. Key."
"He didn't say anything."
"He s-said it in m-my head."
"Ah okay."
Ryeowook looked back at the others.
(I correct myself) Ryeowook looked back at Onew.
Taemin looked up at Key, right into his eyes.
{Ah, okie!}
Key looked back at Taemin. 'What?'
'I really love you.'
'I love you too.' Key kissed him.
Taemin kissed back, hiding them with his wings.
Key pulled away as he leaned his head back.
Taemin started kissing his neck.
Key couldn't control himself and quietly moaned.
Taemin smiled and pulled away. "P-privacy?"
Key nodded.
Taemin took him upstairs and locked the door after closing it. He pinned Key to the wall.
Taemin roughly kissed him. {😥 Be back in an hour.. sowwy..}
{Sowwy.. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo}
(Have fun with whatever it is you're doing! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
{It's dance class! And I'm back! Are you available?}
(Uhm actually, I'm going to conferences now. I'll try to message you when I get back! If I don't answer, I'll be here tomorrow morning and tomorrow when you get back!)
(Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
{It's okay. I understand. Good luck! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(I will be available in about half hour or so.)
{*dramatic narration voice* Last we know, TaeKey did the do. What will happen next?}
(lol idk)
{Yeah, same here. Hmm..}
(Be Right Back)
(IM BACK!!!!)
(I was showing my mom and sister how to make a cover aka place setting. the 'real' way)
{Ah okay!}
(Mmhmm! also I have an idea!!)
{Yay! Go ahead!}
Minho and Jonghyun were going on a walk, looking at the things they had never seen (or since they've been brainwashed). One of Minho's childhood best friends ran into him. "Oh my God.. Minho!" Chanyeol exclaimed, hugging him.
"Who's this?" Jonghyun asked.
Minho gave him the 'I don't know' look.
"Oh, excuse myself. I'm Chanyeol. Minho's old friend." Chanyeol said as he pulled away.
"Old friend?"
"Yeah. Before he got taken from those people in white suits, giving him a shot."
"You must be thinking of a different Minho then. Neither of us know you."
"No, I know what he looks like. I am not mistaken. He has not changed a bit."
Jonghyun was really confused. "We've never been out of the lab, well until a couple days ago."
"But before Minho got taken when he was a child. We were friends."
"What do you mean taken?"
"We were never kidnapped."
"Well, I bet I can prove you wrong. Do you have anyone, like a friend of yours, maybe Key, who could read my mind?"
"Ne, we have Key."
"Then I will prove you wrong. Bring me to him and he'll tell you what he sees."
"Alright. But you're wrong." Jonghyun led them back to the house. "Hey Key?"
"What?" Key asked, not looking away from Taemin.
"Look into Chanyeol's mind and see if he's lying about us being kidnapped."
Key sighed. "Okay fine.." He pulled Taemin off of his lap. Chanyeol walked over to Key and sat on the floor. Key looked into his eyes.
he almost started to cry.
Taemin wrapped his arms around Key's waist from behind. "I-is he lying?"
"The person that kidnapped Minho was his sister..."
"Oh.." Taemin pulled him closer. Jonghyun was even more confused. "He doesn't have a sister."
"But he does." Key looked up at Jonghyun. "We don't know but he does. She very pretty too..but, she's..." he looked at the floor.
"Oh.." Jonghyun grabbed Minho's hand.
Key took a deep breath before looking at Chanyeol's memories again. "Woah!" he said after a while, pulled away, got up, and jumped onto the couch.
"W-what?" Taemin jumped up next to him.
"Chanyeol and Minho were dating and didn't break up!"
"What?!" Jonghyun looked up at Minho.
Minho was confused.
"Didn't you hear Key?"
"Doesn't that mean you're still dating him?"
He shrugged.
Chanyeol bit his lip.
Jonghyun hugged Minho's arm.
"Well, it's fine anyways..." Chanyeol said. "I broke up with him through the stars.."
"Oh, okay."
"When I was younger, I thought he had gotten killed because he never returned so I looked up, thinking he'd been looking down at me, and said 'sorry we're through...its for the best..' and I guess it really is now..because I have a huge crush.."
"On who?"
"I don't think you'll know him...because he's famous and all and won't notice me...ever.." he sighed.
"Yeah, we probably won't know him."
"His name is Byun Baekhyun."
"Nice name."
"Mmhmm. He's very cute.."
"I bet he is."
Chanyeol smiled at the thought of him, then it faded. "I wish he would notice me...."
Jonghyun nodded.
"Do you know anyone who could help?"
"Ani, sorry."
Amber came running in. "Did I hear Byun Baekhyun?"
"What about him exactly? If someone wants to see him, I can write VIP passes."
"Chanyeol really likes him."
"Ooh!! I'll be right back!" She ran up to her office and wrote a VIP pass, ran downstairs and put it around Chanyeol's neck. "Let's go. Who else wants to come?"
Taemin looked at Key.
Key nodded. "Let's go!" Amber exclaimed. She ran upstairs to grab her jacket. "I'll be back soon," she told Krystal, kissing her.
"Is it Baekhyun?" Krystal asked.
"Alright, you go have fun."
"I will." she kissed her again as she rubbed her leg.
Krystal kissed back.
Amber pulled away after a while. "We can have some fun when i get back. My mom wants some time with Alex as well tonight."
Krystal smiled. "I'll be ready."
"Good." Amber left the room and went downstairs again. "Okay. Now let's go!" She exclaimed. Chanyeol was really excited. He hadn't really met anyone famous.
Taemin hugged Key's arm and held it close.
Key smiled.
{Bedtime.. we can continue in the morning, though.}
(Darn...always at the best parts....this part was going to be cute, funny, a little weird minded..)
{I'm ready! Sleep well, buddio! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Same here!! You too!! Annyeong!! Saranghaeyo!!)
"I l-love you," he whispered.
"I love you too," he whispered back.
They followed Amber.
In about 10 minutes, they arrived at Baekhyun's house. It was his day off from being the star he's always been. (if you know what I mean) "Baekhyun?" Amber called as she unlocked the door and opening it.
Baekhyun sat up on the couch, he looked exhausted. "Ne..?"
"I brought you a visitor." She pulled Chanyeol in.
"Oh, hi." He waved.
"Hi," Chanyeol waved back. Amber pulled Chanyeol over to the couch and sat him down.
"What's your name?"
"I'm Chanyeol."
Chanyeol was getting shy and started blushing.
"You okay?"
"Mmhmm..just shy."
"Aw, don't be shy, I don't bite."
Chanyeol smiled. "In your videos, you do," he joked.
"Yeah, I know. But this isn't a video."
"No, it's okay"
"So, what brings you here?"
"I wanted to meet you and see if you'd notice me."
"Well I've definitely noticed you."
Chanyeol smiled more.
{Well, I soupy, but I gotta go..}
(Darn...and won't be available until 9:15 tonight?)
{Right.. I sowwy..}
(It's fine. I hope you do good!)
(No, I hope you do AMAZING!!!!)
{I do too! Have a lovely day! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(You too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{Might be a little late..}
(it's okay)
{You there?}
(I am so sorry! I was playing some games with the fam and i let my brother's friend go on my iPad. I'm so sorry..)
{Aw, no, it's okay!}
(You sure? I feel like it's not...)
{It's absolutely fine! I promise!}
(Okay, I trust you!)
(And do you still have that idea of yours?)
(Okie! Shoot!)
{Yes sir!}
Krystal and Alex always watched the news before Alex went to school. And the six were all over it. The news almost portrayed them as criminals, and their whereabouts were unknown to them.
"Mama? Are they bad people?" Alex asked.
"No, of course not," Krystal said and pulled Alex closer.
"Promise? I don't want them to go away.."
"They won't go away, I promise."
"Good. I don't want Junhyun to go.." she was getting better at saying his name.
"I know, he won't, none of them will."
"Good." She smiled.
"Where are they?"
"They're all sleeping."
"Darn it.."
"But you can go bug them if you really want to."
Alex smiled. "Can I bug Onew oppa?"
"Go ahead."
Alex jumped off of the couch and ran to the stairs. She took one step at a time. She made her way to Onew and Ryeowook's room. She climbed onto the bed and started to tickled Onew's nose.
Onew groaned and turned onto his side.
"Oppa, cutie oppa. Wake up," she whispered.
"Come on, five more hours..."
"But I'll be at school!" she whined
"Alright, alright.." He sat up. "I'm awake.."
Alex smiled and hugged him. "Good."
"Mmhmm.." He hugged back.
She kissed his cheek. "Now, let's go eat before I have to leave. If you don't want to, I can go get Junhyun."
"No, I'll go.." He picked her up and shuffled downstairs to the kitchen.
She held onto him tightly.
"What do you want?" He set her down on one of the stools. "Cereal or something?"
"Ne. My favorite cereal please."
"Which one is that?"
"The only one we have...duh.."
"Right, right, sorry." He got a bowl and the cereal and the milk and got everything ready. He slid a spoon and the cereal to Alex.
"Thank you, oppa." she tried to make an aegyo.
Onew smiled. "Anytime."
She ate her cereal in a few minutes then got on her shoes, jacket, and backpack.
Onew hugged her again.
"Annyeong, oppa."
She went up to Krystal. "I'm ready."
"Alright, let's go." Krystal grabbed her hand and took her out to the car. Once they were both in, Krystal drove off. Onew went back upstairs and laid down next to Ryeowook. He was asleep again in seconds.
(Any more ideas?)
{Nah.. sowwy..}
(same...let's use our American brains like you did.)
(Ooh! Small-ish idea!!)
{Ooh! Okie!}
Amber called Baekhyun one day.
Baekhyun answered after a few rings. "What's up?"
"How are you and Chanyeol? We haven't heard from him since the day we brought you to his house. Did you do anything fun?"
"We went to a movie."
"Anything else?"
"Not really, I've been busy."
"True true."
"I hope you two get together. You would make a cute couple."
"I hope so, too."
"Well, call me when you get some further notice with you two."
"I will."
"Good. Good luck now! Annyeong!"
"Thanks. Annyeong!"
Amber hung up.
Baekhyun did, too.
Chanyeol arrived at Baekhyun's house about 57 minutes after they hung up. He had a bouquet of flowers. He took a deep breath then rung the door bell, thinking, 'Maybe he's not here...if he's not here in a few seconds, I'll just's probably for the best...'
Baekhyun answered the door and hugged Chanyeol.
Chanyeol smiled and hugged back. "I brought you a present."
"You didn't have to."
"But I wanted to."
"Alright, if you insist."
Chanyeol pulled away and handed Baekhyun the flowers. "They're for you. But only on one condition."
"What's that?"
"Will you except my love for you?"
"Oh my gosh, of course!"
Chanyeol smiled more. "Good." He cupped Baekhyun's face in his hands and kissed him.
Baekhyun stood on his toes and kissed back.
Chanyeol bent his knees a little.
"You're really tall."
"Heh, yeah, I get it from my dad...maybe..."
Baekhyun hugged him again.
"I'm only like 6 foot. And your 5 foot 9."
"You're still really tall."
Chanyeol smiled. "Thanks."
"But if you don't want me to be too tall, we could cuddle on your couch or bed."
"Get in here." Baekhyun pulled him inside and shut the door. He sat Chanyeol on the couch and cuddled up next to him.
Chanyeol giggled. "I love you so much," he said as he pulled him closer.
"I love you, too."
Chanyeol picked Baekhyun up as he laid down then laid Baekhyun on top of him.
{Dude, I totally have an idea for a new RP when we're done with this one!}
Baekhyum rested his head on Chanyeol's chest.
( many new ideas!! haha!!)
Chanyeol kissed his head.
{Haha! 😅} Baekhyun smiled and closed his eyes.
Chanyeol rubbed his back.
Baekhyun was actually half asleep.
"Sleep well, baby," Chanyeol whispered
Chanyeol kissed his head again.
Baekhyun was asleep a minute or two later.
Chanyeol stayed with him and fell asleep a little while after Baekhyun.
{Now what?}
{Yeah, I think we're out}
(Yeah, but it's so cute too!)
(Okie! on with your Idea then!!)
Taemin and Minho were friends when they were kids. They were practically inseparable. That changed when they developed their powers. They were different. They were torn apart, sent off the separate training facilities. The next time they came in contact would be the final assessment. They'd have to fight each other.
Minho didn't know who he was fighting until he saw Taemin. He immediately went still, though fire still came out of his hands.
Taemin didn't recognize Minho or even remember him.
Memories of him and Taemin ran through his mind. Now, he was scared to fight Taemin.
Taemin looked him up and down quickly. He could tell Minho was very strong.
'I would die to stay with you,' Minho's flashbacks came in. 'I would take a bullet everyday for you.' Many cute things he and Taemin said back and forth, even bough they were never dating.
"Are you just going to stand there?" Taemin's hair got all staticky.
Minho shook the thoughts away. "No, are you?"
"Because if you do, it'll be easy for me to take you down. In a heartbeat." 'In a heartbeat.' He and Taemin always told each other that when they were younger, saying it at least once a day.
"Well I'm not." Taemin got closer to him. He pushed his hand into Minho's side and shot electricity through him.
Minho stood still as the electricity shot through him. Fire built in his eyes now. "Bad mistake, Taemin." He swung his leg, kicking Taemin's legs, making him fall, and threw a fire ball at him.
Taemin teleported behind him. He pinned him to the wall. "How the h*** do you know me?"
"I would die to stay with you. In a heartbeat, I would take a bullet for you."
"What are you talking about?"
"Think really hard. Into your past. Who was your best friend?" Minho turned his head to look at Taemin, his arms burning, burning Taemin's hands as well.
"I didn't have any friends. I was orphaned, living on the streets, until they found me." Taemin teleported out of Minho's sight.
'How is that possible..?' Minho pulled away from the wall, a tear running down his cheek.
Taemin came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Minho's neck really tightly.
Minho grabbed Taemin's arms.
Taemin only tightened his grip.
Minho started choking.
Taemin wouldn't stop.
"W....Why...?" that was his last word before he couldn't breathe at all, turning purple.
Taemin let him drop to the floor.
Minho gasped for air and coughed a few times. He even coughed up a little blood.
Taemin kicked him in the side. "Are you done?"
"Why can't you remember me?" Minho looked up at Taemin.
"I don't even know you."
"But you do."
"If I did, I wouldn't be fighting you."
"But we've been separated for years."
"Listen, I didn't know anyone until they found me on the streets."
"You weren't on the streets. You lived with an amazing family and we were the bestest friends in the whole world."
"Quit lying!" Taemin kicked him again.
"I'm not lying!" Minho coughed.
"Yes you are!" He kicked Minho again. "Just shut up!"
"Don't you know Choi Minho...?"
"I've never heard of him."
"Well, you're killing him right now.."
"Okay, I'm just trying to knock you out."
"So are you done or not?"
"Alright." Taemin vanished.
Needless to say, he won and graduated.
He went to go see Minho he next day. He knocked on the door to Minho's room.
{Well, uh, bedtime. See you in the morning! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Okie! Sorry! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
Minho was in pain, though he got up to answer the door.
(Good morning!!)
(Hannah? Please answer...)
{I'm sorry, I just woke up! I'm sorry!!!!}
(Oh, haha! Sorry!!)
{It's okay!}
{Sorry I scared you!}
(It's okay! it's not your fault. I get scared easily.)
(it's ur turn)
"Now what do you want?"
"I'm just checking on you."
"Why do you care? You obviously don't want your best friend back.."
"Now I do."
"What do you mean?"
"I want my best friend back."
Minho chuckled. "You don't even remember me.."
"So what?"
Minho didn't respond.
Minho looked away.
"What's wrong?"
"No- You'll never understand.."
"How do you know?"
"Because you don't know how I feel."
"Then tell me."
"When we were kids....we would tell each other how we would die just to stay together, though we were never dating...and it hurts me to see that whoever took you, brainwashed you...and....that...." Tears started forming in his eyes.
"But, we can't date."
"Of course we can't because you don't even know me! Plus, you nearly killed me yesterday! Which means you don't care if I wanted...."
"Wanted what?"
"If I wanted to die...just to be with you...again..."
"That wouldn't work."
"It's a-... forget it.."
"You clearly don't care about me."
he wiped the tears from his eyes.
"I would if I got to know you."
"What is there to know? I haven't lived a normal life since I was a young child."
"That's something."
Minho rolled his eyes. "Being trapped in a building, having to train myself with just a few apples a day. One glass of water. Everyday, wishing and hoping that I would meet you again. It happened but not how I wanted it to."
(I got that)
(keep trying)
"But were you constantly training?"
{I had to change my response..}
"Yes, all day everyday." (darn...)
"I didn't think you'd have such cool powers."
{Yeah..} "And you actually got to eat."
"I got nothing. I'd have to sneak food late at night."
"Not my fault." Minho turned and walked back into his room. He didn't close the door.
He was limping.
"I know it's not." Taemin followed him and closed the door.
Minho carefully sat on the couch.
Taemin sat next to him.
One of his stitches came loose on his side as blood started to fill that side of his shirt.
Taemin was gone and back in a spilt second. He lifted Minho's shirt and pressed a wet towel to where the blood was coming from.
Minho winced in pain.
"Don't worry about it.." a tear ran down his face.
"Alright." Taemin held it there until the bleeding stopped.
Minho bit his lip. When they were younger, Minho was afraid to tell Taemin his sexuality and to ask him out.
Taemin was gay, but the brainwashing changed him.
He looked over at Taemin.
Taemin still had the towel against Minho's side.
"Pull it away."
"Oh, right." Taemin pulled it away.
Minho took it from him and placed it on the stand next to the couch. Blood started coming out of it and onto the table, not much though.
Taemin pulled Minho's shirt back down.
Minho looked at Taemin again.
Taemin looked up at him.
Minho brought his hand up to Taemin's face, pushing his hair to the side.
Taemin put his hand on Minho's.
Minho started to lean in.
Taemin leaned back away from him.
{You there?}
Minho grabbed his hands.
Taemin swallowed.
(yeah, sorry.)
{It's okay.}
Memories flashed in Minho's head as he kept leaning in. Memories, burning in his head. Now, to Minho, those memories were almost nothing.
(I was playing Zombies with my dad and brother.)
Taemin was eventually on his back.
{Ah, okie.}
Minho crawled on top of him, staring into his eyes. Small flames were built up in Minho's eyes. So, instead of pupils, they were small flames of fire.
There was a bunch of lightning in Taemin's eyes.
'I don't care if you were I still love you...' he thought. It seemed to come out, able to be heard, but Minho didn't move his mouth.
Taemin really slowly wrapped his arms around Minho, though he seemed unsure.
Minho swallowed.
Taemin bit his lip.
Minho leaned in and soon had their lips together.
Taemin's heart was racing and he accidentally shocked Minho.
Minho pulled away. "Ow.."
"That hurt.."
"I know.. I'm sorry.."
"It's fine..."
"Are you like...straight?"
"I don't know anymore.."
Minho nodded. "Okay.."
Minho responded with another kiss.
Taemin actually kissed back.
Minho smiled a little as he ran his hand down Taemin's side.
Taemin ran his hand through Minho's hair. He had no idea what he was doing, he was just going by instinct.
Minho pulled Taemin's legs up, around his waist.
Taemin wrapped his other leg around Minho.
Minho made the kiss rougher.
Taemin pulled at Minho's hair.
Minho bit Taemin's lower lip.
Taemin moaned and pulled his hair even more.
Minho pulled away and started to kiss his neck.
Taemin was starting to remember. "Minho..?"
Taemin hugged him the way he always used to, he buried his face in Minho's neck,
Minho stopped what he was doing. He smiled when he felt that heartwarming hug. "Is it really you..?"
Minho hugged back.
"We weren't dating, were we?"
"We should've been."
"Mmhmm. We should now."
Minho continued to kiss his neck.
Taemin pulled Minho's shirt up.
Minho smiled as he pulled away, lifting his arms up.
Taemin pulled his shirt off. {Doot doot skip!}
Taemin was cuddling with him afterwards, like they always did.
Minho smiled. "I've wanted to do that for a while."
Taemin smiled and looked up at him. "I missed you."
"Imissed you too."
"And I forgot how warm you always are."
Minho smiled.
"And I love you."
Hearing that that was the second time anyone had said that to him, he smiled. "I love you too."
Taemin cuddled up closer to him.
Minho smiled more.
"Is this normal? Us being together?"
"I don't know."
"What if one of dies...?"
"Tomorrow..There's another tournament. The person that we'll be fighting is really big and strong."
Taemin shrugged. "We'll be fine."
"But he's scary.."
"Not if you don't think about it."
"Ive seen him.."
"Who is he?"
"He's known from killing his own brother, wife, and kids."
"Do you really want to know who he is?"
Taemin shrugged again.
Minho sighed. "His name is Ok Taecyeon."
"He's pretty scary."
"What if I told you I've beat him?"
"What?" Minho jumped up and looked at him.
"You did? Like for real?"
"Holy s***!!!" Minho was excited.
"They put against everybody. I'm their strongest fighter."
"That's how you beat me! Oh, you!" Minho jumped on top of him and started to tickle him.
"Ah! No! Stop!" Taemin started laughing.
Minho didn't listen. he kept tickling him.
"Mwo?" Minho scooted forward so he was sitting just above Taemin's thing.
"That tickles."
"That's the point, dork." Minho continued to tickle him.
"Shut up, I'm not a dork."
"Are too." He stopped tickling him.
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not." Taemin made a pouty face.
"Awe! Don't do that!"
Taemin didn't listen.
"I'll kiss that pouty face if I have to."
"I'm not a dork."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not." Taemin sniffled.
"You are a big dork."
"That's mean.."
"No, it's a compliment." Minho pushed the hair away from Taemin's eyes.
"I know." Taemin smiled.
"Since you called it mean, you're practically calling me abusive.."
"No I'm not."
"Just a tad bit."
"I didn't mean it."
"It's fine." Minho kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Minho pulled away after a while.
Taemin pulled Minho down on top of him and held him close.
Minho smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you too!"
Taemin rubbed his back.
Minho fell asleep in a few minutes
It was getting close to curfew. Taemin carefully slipped put from under him and got dressed. He covered Minho with a blanket and kissed his head before he left,
Minho groaned, but was asleep.
It was late when Taemin got back. He had to sneak into his room through the window in order to stay out of trouble. He curled up under the covers of his bed and instantly fell asleep.
The next day, Minho trained extra hard so he could try to beat Taecyeon.
The last time Taemin had seen Taecyeon, Taecyeon was terrified of him.
But this time, Taecyeon was stronger than before. He knew a week before that Taemin was going to be there. He knew just what he wanted to do.
Taemin was expecting this to be easy.
This time, it isn't going to be easy like last time.
When Taecyeon got there, Taemin made sure he wasn't in sight.
Taecyeon was getting ready. Drinking bottles of water, practicing on a dummy his powers.
Taemin watched him.
Taecyeon grew his wolf snout, which was new. He could sense Taemin was there. "Where is he?" he growled at a makeup stylist.
Taemin stayed quiet and still where he was.
"Where is he?" he growled again. (can you be the person real quick?)
{Ne.} She shrugged.
"Answer with words!" he demanded.
"I don't know."
"Send a search team. He's here, I can smell him."
"Why don't you go find him?"
He went back to his normal self. "Does a celebrity do their own things? No, they don't." He stepped closer to her.
"You're going to fight him aren't you? He's in here somewhere."
He grabbed her hair.
"Listen, he's already here." She gestured to the room.
He tugged on her hair. "Tonight I'll teach you your lesson of telling a celebrity to do their own stuff."
Taemin came up behind him right then. He tapped Taecyeon's shoulder.
"What?" Taecyeon let go of her hair and turned to Taemin.
Taemin waved. "Hi."
"It's about time you got here."
"I've been here."
"Never mind... you better get ready to feel pain or die."
"I'm ready."
"Are you?"
"I sure am. Just give me a minute. Meet me at the platform." He turned back to the stylist.
Taemin nodded and teleported to the platform.
"Wish me luck, babe." he said as he placed his hands on the stylists' hips.
"Good luck." She pushed his hands away.
"Come on, at least give me a good luck kiss."
"Not here."
"Come on, please? You won't get in trouble. I promise."
"Fine." She quickly kissed him.
Taecyeon smiled. "Thanks baby."
"Sure. Now go."
Taecyeon turned and jogged to the platform. The judges told them the rules, which there weren't many.
Taemin was watching Taecyeon the entire time.
"And begin!" The main judge said. Taecyeon looked at Taemin. "Ready to die?"
"I won't die."
"Well, how about near death?"
"Not even close."
"Well, it'll happen. Trust me babe."
"Not likely." Taemin shot lightning through him.
"Nice move." Taecyeon jumped into the air and pushed the air to Taemin, throwing him flat onto the floor. He came down on top of Taemin, growing his wolf snout.
Taemin kicked him in the stomach.
Taecyeon only stumbled backwards a bit. "I can rip your face off in one bite. Would you mind if I did that?"
Taemin just kept kicking him.
Taecyeon grabbed Taemin's leg and threw him to the wall.
Taemin shocked him again.
He stared at Taemin.
(changed my response...)
{Okie} Taemin shocked him again.
"Ouch, that really hurts." he just stood there, an eyebrow raised.
"Good." He did it again.
He rolled his eyes. "It's called sarcasm."
"I know." Taemin did it again.
"Give up Taemin. You'll never beat me anymore." He started walking around the platform.
Taemin teleported in front of him and punched him.
Taecyeon turned and spit out some blood. "You got some guts, Taemin." He kneed him right in the nuts.
Taemin winced and dropped to the ground.
Taecyeon kicked him again and again.
Taemin shocked him again.
"That's not going to help you Taemin." He kicked his head.
Taemin felt dizzy but he did it again anyway.
Taecyeon kneeled down next to him, grabbed his hair, and punched him.
Taemin teleported across the platform.
"F****** b****."
"Shut up..." Some blood dripped from Taemin's mouth.
"No. I'll talk if I want to." He shot ice at Taemin.
Taemin teleported out of the way.
Taecyeon sighed. "Come on babe. Fight like a man would. Try your best to fight like me."
"Shut up.." Taemin shot lightning at him.
He caught it before it touched him. "Tssk Tssk Tssk. Stupid little baby boy."
"Stop!" Taemin ran over to him and punched him.
"Wow! The baby is all grown up. How wonderful." he chuckled. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Is that all you got? Or is it my turn?" he stepped back, jumped, and kicked Taemin in the chest, making him go flying backwards.
Taemin felt really dizzy as he slammed against the wall. He slid down to the ground.
Taecyeon flew over to him. He picked him up and threw him at the wall.
Taemin finally passed out. There was more blood coming from his mouth.
By the time Taemin woke up, he was in someone's room. Not his.
No reply. It was silent.
Taemin couldn't sit up, it hurt too much. "Minho...?"
There was screaming from the hall. "Where is he?!" It was Minho. "I told you, I don't know!" Taecyeon yelled back. Taecyeon came into his room, shut the door. He looked at Taemin. "Oh, you're awake."
"Where's Minho...?"
"Out there, why?"
"Can I see him...?"
He sighed and rolled his eyes. "For a few minutes. Then I'm bringing you to your room."
"Okay... thank you..."
he walked to the door and got Minho in. Minho was angry at Taecyeon for lying to him. He ran over to Taemin. "Oh my god...Are you okay?"
"I'm alive... so yes..."
"Good." Minho kissed him.
Taemin weakly kissed back.
Minho pulled away after a while. "Let's try to bring you to your room, okay?"
Minho pulled the blanket off of him and carefully picked him up.
Taemin buried his face in Minho's neck and held him close.
Minho carried him to his room.
"It hurts..."
"I know, baby. I know.."
"I don't like it..."
"I don't either."
Taemin held Minho a little tighter.
They arrive to his room and Minho laid Taemin on the bed.
Taemin curled up in a ball.
"Do you want me to stay here for a while?"
"Will do." Minho smiled, laid down, and held Taemin close.
Taemin buried his face in Minho's chest.
"Get well soon."
"I'll try..."
Minho kissed his head. (brb gotta take a shower bc my sister is complaining...ugh...)
{I see!}
Taemin closed his eyes.
"Goodnight, Taemin."
Minho rubbed his back
Taemin was asleep again a couple minutes later.
Minho stayed with him, even after curfew.
Taemin was asleep all night and even later the next day.
Minho wouldn't leave him. "Come on...please be okay..."
Taemin woke up half an hour later.
"Oh, thank God you're okay.."
Minho immediately kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Minho pushed Taemin's hair behind his ear.
Taemin wrapped his arms around him.
Minho lightly bit onto his lip.
"Not now.." Taemin pulled away.
"I know.."
"Yeah.." Taemin actually had a bruise on his lip from Taecyeon.
"I'm sorry.."
"It's okay.."
"I didn't notice that.."
"I can tell.." Taemin smiled a little.
Minho smiled back.
"I love you.."
"I love you too."
Taemin hugged him.
Minho hugged back, carefully.
"I've never been beat before.."
"Yeah...I noticed...he's changed..."
"It's okay. You'll get your strength back and you'll win again."
"I hope so.."
"You will. I have faith in you."
"Okay.. thanks.."
Taemin played with Minho's hair.
Minho giggled. (brb)
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Taemin smiled again.
"I bet I love you more."
"I bet you do."
Taemin pulled away and slowly sat up.
Minho sat up with him.
Taemin closed his eyes as he stretched. The shirt he had on was really big on him.
"Who's shirt are you wearing?"
"Wow..its huge."
"I'm just really thin.."
"Yeah, but still."
"I guess.." Taemin pulled shirt in so it seemed tight on him. He was way too thin.
{Brb, gotta eat}
{I'm back}
(sorry I'm late btw. I had to peel potatoes.)
{That's okie.}
Minho's eyes went wide. "Wow, that's like 5 times your size."
"That's freaky."
"I guess.."
Minho smiled.
Taemin stood up. "I'm going to shower, okay..?"
"Be careful."
"I will.."
Taemin went to the bathroom and got undressed and got in the shower. He was in there for fifteen minutes and he came out wrapped in a towel that seemed huge compared to him.
Minho was laying on the bed.
Taemin had underwear on already. He put sweatpants on, then took off the towel and put on a shirt. His hair was still damp as he hung the towel up. He laid down next to Minho.
"Feeling refreshed?"
"Mmhmm." He rested his head on Minho's shoulder.
Minho held him close.
Taemin laid on top of him.
(Sorry, I had to eat.)
"You're so cute."
{It's cool.} "Thanks."
(okie.) "Of course."
Taemin hugged him.
Minho hugged back.
"How old are you?"
"Okay. I was told I'm 5."
Minho had to keep himself from laughing. "You are no where close to being five right now."
"I'm not?"
"No. you're 21."
"Oh, okay."
"I've been keeping track."
"I see."
"Is there anything we have to do today?"
"I don't think you'll be able to do much. I don't have anything."
"Probably not. I don't think I have anything anyway."
"But I'm leaving...tomorrow.."
"I have to go back to where I came from..."
"No, you can't go." Taemin propped himself up on his arms and looked down at Minho. "I won't have anyone.."
"I can take you with me." Minho kept his arms around Taemin.
"I will tell them that you want to join us."
"Thank you." Taemin hugged him.
"Of course. I wouldn't leave you alone." Minho hugged back.
"Thank you."
(Wifi is being mean now...)
"I love you so much."
{I see.}
"I love you too."
Taemin was quiet as he closed his eyes.
"It will work. It has to."
Minho kissed his head.
Taemin smiled,
"I promise, I will keep you with me."
"Thank you."
Taemin hugged him tighter.
Minho smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Taemin smiled again.
Minho unexpectedly bit Taemin's neck.
"Ow, Minho.."
"What? Too hard?"
"I'm sorry..."
"It's okay."
Minho kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Minho pulled Taemin close.
Taemin ran his hands through Minho's hair.
Minho grabbed onto Taemin's shirt.
Taemin pulled away. "Hold on." He got up and opened a drawer and got a c***** out. He sat back down on Minho and handed it to him.
"How do you have these? WHY do you have these?"
Taemin shrugged. "Don't question."
"I already did.." Minho sighed. (skip skip?)
{Yep yep!} Taemin was asleep afterwards. Since the malnutrition started, he'd slept more and more.
Minho couldn't get enough of Taemin. How highly adorably cute he was.
Taemin had his head on Minho's shoulder. They always used to do this, watching the stars like this.
Minho kept his arms wrapped around Taemin.
Taemin was asleep for about an hour. He kissed Minho's cheek when he woke up.
Minho was half asleep by then. "Hm?" he looked over at Taemin and smiled.
"Hi.." he stretched.
"Did I wake you up?"
"Don't worry about it."
"Okay, I won't."
Minho kissed his nose.
Taemin smiled.
Minho smiled back.
"Stop being so cute."
"What are you talking about? I am not cute."
"You're adorable."
"No, I'm not adorable."
"Yes you are."
"No. Not at all."
"Shut up. You're adorable."
"Fine.." Minho sighed. "You win again."
Taemin smiled. "Good."
"But you should correct your self. I'm not cute or adorable. I'm hot"
"Oh, true."
Taemin smiled again. "Very hot."
"Thank you."
Minho kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Minho smiled into the kiss.
Taemin pulled away after awhile. "Do you really want to know where I got those from?" He pointed to the drawer.
"Okay." Taemin sat up. "They told me I had to like girls, and I had to agree to it. I did. And they have me those, just in case."
"Oh, well, it's a good thing they gave them to you. But guess what."
"There's only guys at the place I'm from and most of them are gay."
"We don't have to like girls. That's the best part in being there. You can like whoever you want."
"Mmhmm. And we don't have a curfew."
"Nice. That's good."
"Do you know how many times I've been out past curfew?"
"Probably too many." Taemin got a beat up calendar and handed it to Minho. Almost everyday had any X on it, indicating when he'd gone over curfew.
(Check Wattpad on my profile plz? You'll see something involving you)
{Oh, wow.}
"That's a lot."
"Well, you won't have to be marking X's anymore."
Minho smiled.
Taemin smiled, too.
Minho handed him back the calendar.
Taemin put the calendar back and sat back down next to him.
Minho smiled and laid down. "I like this place a bit.."
"Me too." Taemin laid back next to him.
"Mostly because of the beds. They're comfy."
"Mmhmm." Taemin sighed, and his ribs were very visible. "I might miss it."
Minho turned his whole body so he was facing Taemin. He rubbed his stomach, feeling his rib cage.
Taemin looked over at him.
Minho looked into his eyes.
"Hi." Minho smiled.
Taemin smiled, too.
"You're so cute."
"Of course."
"And you're cute. I mean hot."
Minho smiled. "Thank you."
"You're sexy," Minho whispered.
Taemin's face started turning red. "Am not."
"Very sexy." Minho bit his lip.
"Hey, calm down." Taemin took Minho's hand away.
"What?" Minho chuckled.
"Calm down."
"What do you mean?"
"We already did that. The, well, you know.."
"I'm not hinting at that, jeez.." he looked away.
"I'm sorry.." Taemin pulled him close.
"Assumptions, assumptions.."
"I'm sorry, okay..?"
"Okay..I forgive you.." Minho turned back to him.
Taemin smiled. "Good."
Minho kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Minho lightly bit his lip and tugged.
Taemin pulled away after a little while.
Minho smiled again and kissed his nose.
Taemin smiled, too. "I love you."
"I love you too."
{Next day? When they leave?}
Minho had packed his things and helped Taemin. "Ready?" he asked once they were done.
Taemin didn't have much, all he brought was a backpack full of clothes and other small things. "Ready."
"Okay. Let's go." Minho led him out of the room.
Taemin grabbed Minho's hand.
Minho smiled.
He squeezed Minho's hand.
"Don't be scared. Our leader is nice."
Minho let go of Taemin's hand when they arrived at the front doors. "Hyung?" Minho tapped the leader's shoulder.
(it's Onew, btw)
{Cool cool!} Onew turned to them. He hugged Minho. "Hello."
"Annyeong, hyung. We have a new member. He wants to join us. He's really good at fighting but he got hurt during the tournament."
"Oh, that's cool. Where is he?" Taemin was hiding behind Minho
"Behind me."
Onew looked over Minho's shoulder. "Oh, he's that kid."
"Got it. Well, come with me." Onew led them to the van and slid the door open.
Minho smiled as he pulled Taemin with him.
Taemin held Minho's arm.
"Gamsamhamibnida, hyung." Minho bowed to Onew.
"Anytime." Onew slid the door closed once they were in. He got in the driver's side and started driving them to their base.
Minho told Taemin all the rules and showed him a map and where everything was.
Taemin held both thumbs up.
Minho smiled. "Cam you remember all of it?"
"Okay good."
Minho put his head on Taemin's shoulder and closed his eyes.
Taemin rested his head on Minho's head. He was already half asleep.
"Don't fall asleep yet."
"Are we almost there, Hyung?"
"Ne," Onew said. "He's sleeping already?"
"He's very tired lately..."
"Oh, okay."
"Yeah, is that a bad thing?"
"Could we like run a test on him to see why he's always so tired?"
"Sure, when we get there."
"Okay, thanks hyung."
Minho smiled.
Taemin was almost asleep again.
"Stay awake just s little longer.."
"I'm trying.."
"Here, have an energy drink." Minho pulled an Energy drink out of his bag and handed it to Taemin.
(I should try to get some sleep though...I'm sowwy...)
(I'm falling asleep...)
"Okay.." Taemin sat up and popped the can open. The drink was gone in under five minutes.
Minho watched him.
{Okie, I gotta go to bed to. So, sleep well! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(You too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
After a couple minutes, Taemin got all jittery.
Minho found it cute.
Taemin hadn't had that much energy in years. He didn't know how to use it. He squeezed Minho's arm.
"Yah! Yah!" Minho pulled his arm away. "We're almost there. Save your energy. We have a field you can run in."
"It's okay."
Minho smiled.
They arrived a few minutes later, and Onew slid the door open. "Show him around, will you?"
"Yes sir." Minho got out and bowed. He helped Taemin out and grabbed his luggage.
Onew bowed as well and walked off. Taemin grabbed his things, he was really shaky.
"Alright. Let's go." Minho closed the door and led Taemin inside.
Taemin held Minho's arm.
On the outside, the building didn't look big. On the inside, it was huge.
"Big isn't it?"
"Good. You'll love this place."
Minho brought Taemin up to his room, which was on the fifth floor. "Many things happened in this room. Good and bad things. I'm only in here still because it feels like home."
Taemin nodded. "It's still nice."
"Mmhmm. Whenever you want to know what happened in this room, tell me and I'll tell you a few."
{Hey, I gotta go to church now. I soupy. I'll you in an hour though! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Okie! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
Taemin's hair started standing up.
Minho looked at Taemin. "You okay there?"
"Ani, it's static electricity."
"Ah, okay."
"I learned a little about that when I first came here. They had a small school for newcomers. But after like two months, they took me out of school and trained me in the training room.
Taemin nodded. "That's cool."
"Yeah, let's just see if you're going to go to school. You might not since you're already strong."
Minho smiled as he put his stuff away.
"Didn't you say something about testing me for something?"
"Ah, ne."
"I don't want you to be tired all the time."
"I can't help it."
"I know, but I just want to make sure there's nothing wrong."
"Don't take it the bad way, please." Minho turned to him and wrapped his arms around his waist.
"I'm not."
"Good." Minho pecked his lips.
Minho smiled.
Taemin smiled, too.
Minho kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Minho carefully pushed him against a wall.
Taemin wrapped his arms around Minho.
Minho picked him up.
Taemin held him tighter and bit his lip.
Minho smiled more than he was before.
Taemin bit down harder and tugged.
Minho moaned
Taemin smiled and kept tugging.
(I have to go....)
{Aw, okay.}
(I know...I have to do the dishes then to to the recycling center...ill message you when I get back!)
{Okie, if I don't answer, I'm at a church thing!}
(awe! okie! how long?)
{Idk, an hour maybe. It starts at 3 my time.}
(okie! I might be back before then! we'll have to see! Anneyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
{Yup! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
{Gotta go now. Cya after the church thing! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
{I'm back!}
Of course, after they were done, Taemin was asleep.
{You there?}
(Yeah sorry. I'm looking at pictures...a man found a trap door under his carpet after moving in and went down there and it's creepy. Instead of calling someone that would know not to go down there, he called a friend..)
Minho was worried that there was something wrong.
{Ooh, cool!} He was awake an hour later.
Minho was out on the patio.
Taemin got dressed and went up behind Minho and hugged him.
"Good afternoon." Minho smiled.
Taemin smiled.
"Sleep well?"
"That's good."
Minho turned to face Taemin.
Taemin rested his chin on Minho's shoulder.
"You're so cute."
"Do you think there's something wrong with me?"
"I don't know."
"I hope not."
"Me too."
Minho wrapped his arms around Taemin's waist.
Taemin smiled again.
"I love you no matter what."
"I love you, too."
Minho kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Minho pulled away after a while. "I have to go to the lab at 4 tonight. I'll be back around 6 unless you want to come."
"I'll come."
"Okay. But you'll see some weird things. They're putting something new in my blood."
"Something that I'm new to, at least. Onew hyung has it in his blood and he says it's useful."
"I trust him."
"You should. He's the leader."
"Best leader I've known."
"That's good."
Taemin hugged him tighter.
Minho smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Taemin smiled again.
"What do you want to do until 4?"
"I don't know."
"It's up to you."
"Aw, fine. But I really don't know."
Minho smiled. "How about Netflix and cuddles? Maybe add in some popcorn and energy drinks?"
"Ooh, okay!"
Minho giggled. "Go pick a movie," he said as he pulled away.
"Okay." Taemin ran over to the movies and searched through all of them at lightning speed. He pulled one out called 'The Martian' and showed it to Minho.
"Nice pick." he walked into the kitchen.
"It's good?"
"It's amazing!" he called from the kitchen as he grabbed energy drinks from the fridge. he grabbed four. two for each of them. He cooked the popcorn.
Taemin nodded and set it up.
When Minho was done, he brought the things in and set them on the stand next to the bed.
The popcorn smelled amazing to Taemin. He hadn't eaten since the day before, which is what his diet told him to.
Minho sat down and patted the seat next to him. "Come here."
Taemin sat next to him.
Minho held him close and put the popcorn in his lap.
Taemin immediately dug into the popcorn.
Minho smiled as he watched him.
Taemin stopped after a while and looked up at Minho.
Minho ruffled his hair. "You're so cute."
Taemin smiled. "Thanks."
"Of course."
"I haven't eaten since yesterday."
"I noticed."
Minho kissed his forehead. "It's okay."
When they got to the lab at 4, Minho was strapped to a bed. Minho looked over at Onew and Taemin.
Taemin didn't like seeing him like that. He looked away.
Minho mouthed, 'Tell him it's okay' to Onew.
Onew nodded. "It's okay," he whispered to Taemin. "Minho says it's okay." Taemin nodded as he looked up at Minho again.
Minho smiled at Taemin. "Come here."
Taemin walked over to him and hugged him.
Minho wanted to hug back but he couldn't move his arms. "Give me a kiss please."
Taemin nodded again and kissed him.
Minho kissed back.
Taemin pulled away.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
"Just know that everything will be okay. I promise."
"I trust you."
"Good. Now go stay by Onew. You might need to hug him when you see me."
Taemin nodded and sat back down next to Onew.
A lab scientist stuck a needle in his arm and injected the fluid. After a few minutes, the pain started to kick in. Minho started to scream. Screaming bloody murder.
Taemin hugged Onew really tightly and buried his face in Onew's chest. Onew rubbed his back and kept reassuring him.
Minho grew a wolf head and wings. then the pain slowly went away as he transformed back to his normal self. He stopped screaming as the pain went away. He was shaking badly though.
Taemin was too afraid to look at Minho.
Two lab scientist unlocked the straps on the bed, but Minho stayed there. He was afraid to move, thinking he'd fall.
Taemin heard them release Minho and he was instantly by Minho's side. "Hi."
Minho looked at Taemin. "H-hi.."
He grabbed Minho's hand. He'd never been this anxious around Minho or anyone. "How are you feeling?"
"I-I don't kn-know...I'm just s-scared to stand..."
"I'll be right here, okay?"
Minho nodded.
Taemin rubbed Minho's hand with his thumb.
Minho took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.
Taemin played with Minho's hair, trying to clam him.
Minho closed his eyes.
{I know!! 😅😂}
"I love you."
"I-I love you too."
Taemin kept playing with his hair.
Minho smiled.
Taemin smiled, too.
"Help me to our room please?"
"Mmhmm." Taemin helped him up and helped him to their room. He laid Minho down on the bed and covered him with the blanket.
"Why did I sign up for that..?" he chuckled.
Taemin shrugged.
"God, that hurt.."
"I could tell."
"How loud was I?"
"Pretty loud."
"I couldn't hear anything..."
"Cuddle with me please."
"Mmhmm." Taemin laid down next to him and held him close.
"If you weren't here...I probably would have told Jon-" he stopped. He couldn't say his name, so he changed the name. "I would've told Onew to bring me up here."
"Who's Jon?"
"I didn't finish his name.."
"It's not Jon.."
"Oh, who is he then?"
His name is....Jonghyun.."
"Oh, okay."
"I've had some bad experiences with him..."
"We dated a few times since I've been here...he's a little abusive...and he's still here.."
"I'll protect you."
"He's stronger than you think, Taemin."
"I'll still protect you, no matter what."
"Thanks.." Minho rested his head on Taemin's chest.
Minho smiled as he closed his eyes.
Taemin rubbed his back.
Minho smiled.
Taemin kept rubbing his back.
Minho started to fall asleep.
For once, Taemin wasn't tired.
Minho fell asleep in a few minutes.
Taemin stayed with him.
Minho didn't wake up for a few hours.
Taemin was playing with Minho's hair when he woke up.
Minho yawned, showing he was awake.
Taemin smiled. "Hi."
"Feeling better?"
"Very much."
"What else did you learn in school?"
"Martial Arts and other things. Normal stuff."
"Mmhmm. Zi Tao is the best at Martial Arts."
"He sounds like it."
"What's Onew-hyung's power?" {Psst! He can talk to animals!!}
"Well, his is amazing. I wish I had it. First off, that blood they injected into me, he has but he has the alpha blood. Also, this is my favorite, he can talk to animals."
"Woah, really?"
"That's awesome!"
"I know right?"
(same...I have a small idea.)
{Ooh! Okie! Go ahead!}
The next day, someone knocked on the door. Minho was still asleep.
Taemin answered it. "Hello."
"Hi. I heard Minho's back." it was Jonghyun.
"Ne. Who are you?"
"I'm Jonghyun."
"He's told me about you."
"What has he told you?"
"You were abusive."
"I am not."
Taemin shrugged. "He told me you are."
"Well, I'm not. Where is he?"
"Can you leave him a message?"
"Tell him I'm sorry and I'll be waiting for him. He knows where I'll be."
"Thank you." he turned and walked away.
Taemin nodded and shut the door. He went back to Minho and laid down next to him.
Minho woke up 29 minutes later. "Good afternoon," he said as he yawned.
Minho smiled. "Anything new?"
"Ne. Jonghyun was here and he says he's sorry and he's waiting. You'll know where he is."
Minho sighed. "Okay, thanks."
"I'll be right back then. Wish me luck."
"Good luck."
Minho kissed Taemin before he left.
Taemin wanted to make sure Minho was safe, but he really couldn't.
Minho went to Jonghyun's apartment, on the fourth floor. It looked normal at his apartment until Jonghyun pushed him to his room. There were lit candles and the light was off, the curtains pulled. "What are you doing?" Minho asked. "What I promised you before we broke up that last time."
Minho tried to escape, but Jonghyun punched him. He then grabbed a rope and tied him to the bed.
(you there?)
Taemin could somehow sense there was something wrong. He ran around, knocking on doors and calling Minho's name over and over again.
Jonghyun did things to him as he screamed for help.
Taemin eventually found where the screaming was coming from. He ran into Jonghyun's apartment. "Minho?!"
"Help me!!" Minho kept yelling. Jonghyun smacked him across the face each time he yelled, so by now, he had cuts and bruises on his face.
Taemin ran into the room and immediately pushed Jonghyun off of Minho.
Minho was in tears. Jonghyun hit the floor with a thud.
Taemin pinned Jonghyun down and punched him.
Jonghyun reached his hands up to Taemin's neck.
Taemin pulled his hands away and held them against the floor.
Jonghyun coughed up blood.
Taemin climbed off of him and checked Minho. "Let's get back, okay?"
"Help me.."
"Mmhmm." Taemin carefully helped him up and led him back to their room. He took him right to the bathroom and started cleaning the cuts.
"I should've known..."
Taemin was quiet. He pressed the washcloth against another cut.
Minho went silent after he said that. "I'm sorry.."
"It's okay."
Minho looked at Taemin.
Taemin looked up at him.
Minho bit his broken lip.
"I'm sorry this happened.." Taemin moved to another cut.
"It's not your fault.."
"I let you go, though.."
"I went..I shouldn't have..."
"And should've stopped you.. I wasn't protecting you like I promised I would.."
Minho was silent again.
"So I'm sorry.."
"I accept your apology.."
Minho smiled.
Taemin smiled, too.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
"I love you more."
"I know."
Minho chuckled.
Taemin smiled more. "What?"
"Nothing. Nothing."
{Bedtime. Sleep well! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(You too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
Taemin was getting healthier the longer he lived with Minho.
Minho's cuts and bruises started going away after a while.
They were both always cuddling when they had free time.
"Be honest, do I have any scars?"
Taemin poked a really small scar on Minho's forehead. "1."
"Okay. So that's a total of two scars.."
he sighed.
"Where's the other one?"
Minho spread his legs and pointed at his inner thigh.
"Oh, okay."
"Guess what."
"I love you."
Minho smiled. "I love you too."
Taemin cuddled up closer to him.
{D*** gotta go now.. Have a great day! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
Minho wrapped his leg around Taemin.
(Awe...You too! Annyeong!! Saranghaeyo!!)
Taemin rested his head on Minho's chest.
Minho held him close.
(I'm crying...)
"I love you."
(Ik....three times today...) "I love you too."
{What's wrong?}
(Well, the fact that Taemin asked her out made me cry. Also an rp I'm in made me cry. The person that I'm rping with had their character cut his throat and it made me cry. When they got to the hospital, the line went straight. Lucky the doctors brought him to life again! I cried in Science....)
{Aw, I'm sorry. *hugs* Wanna here some good news?}
{My dad's getting me a new phone on Saturday!!}
(OMG!!!! AWESOME!!!)
(Be Right Back)
{Also, have you heard of Twice?}
(yes, I'm playing a game with my dad and brother.)
{Okie. Well, I kinda hardcore ship Dahyun and Chaeyoung! Oops!}
(Lol, they're cute.)
{Mmhmm! And guess what.}
{I kinda already have another RP idea.}
{We don't have to do it yet, I'm just letting you know.}
(You're turn. 😊)
{Yay!} "You're something more than hot."
"What am I?"
"Ooh, thank you." Minho chuckled.
"And you are..." Minho thought real hard.
Minho stroked his imaginary beard. "Gorgeous? Is that the word I'm looking for? Maybe."
Taemin giggled. "Thanks."
"Of course."
Minho kissed Taemin, tickling under his chin.
Taemin grabbed Minho's hands.
Minho smiled.
Taemin giggled again and pulled away.
"You're so cute."
"Of course, bunny."
"Is there something wrong with that? Should I call you llama instead?"
"Ani, bunny is fine."
"Now what do I call you?"
"What do I look like?"
"Uh." Taemin tilted his head. "A bird, I think."
Minho smiled. "What kind?"
Taemin smiled. "Birdy."
Minho chuckled. "Okay, bunny.,
Taemin smiled more.
Minho kissed Taemin's nose.
Taemin giggled again.
Minho pulled him closer.
Taemin licked Minho's nose.
"Ew.." Minho wiped his nose.
"Aw, you're no fun."
"It's bunny slobber..." Minho giggled.
Taemin giggled, too. "Mmhmm."
"Let me give you some bird slobber." Minho smiled as he licked Taemin's cheek.
"Aw, ew." Taemin wiped his cheek. "I guess we're even now."
"Ne." Minho kissed him again.
Taemin kissed back.
Minho pulled Taemin on top of him.
Taemin ran his fingers slowly through Minho's hair.
Minho smiled.
Taemin wrapped Minho's legs around him.
Minho grabbed his butt.
Taemin moaned a little.
Minho smiled.
Taemin pulled Minho closer.
Minho bit Taemin's lower lip.
Taemin moaned again.
Minho tugged.
Taemin moaned even louder.
Minho sat them up and pushed him against the wall.
Taemin looked right into Minho's eyes.
"You okay?"
Taemin tilted his head and kissed Minho again.
Minho kissed back.
Taemin made it rougher.
Minho pushed his tongue into Taemin's mouth.
Taemin moaned again and bit down on Minho's tongue.
Minho moaned as well.
Taemin tugged really hard.
Minho tightened his grip on Taemin's wrists.
Taemin moved down and started kissing Minho's neck.
Minho loosened his grip.
Taemin wrapped his arms around Minho's waist.
Minho tilted his head.
Taemin pulled him even closer and kept kissing his neck.
Minho bit his lip.
Taemin pushed his hands up Minho's shirt.
Minho pulled away to pull his shirt off.
Taemin pulled his off, too. {Shall we skip?}
{Now what?}
(Hmmm....I wanna do something with Onew and someone else...but idk.)
{Ani, sowwy..}
(It's okie!)
(Ooh! Idea!!)
{Ooh! Ooh! Shoot!}
Later that week, there was a talent show. Minho decided to dance to a song. 'Something' by some new girl group. (idk what group, do you?) Other people picked that song, but thy weren't as good. There was a new person who looked like a boy, but their voice changed everything.
The new person sang with Eric. Her name is Amber. She looked like a boy, even dressed and talked like a boy. Everyone thought she was a les, but they were wrong. Amber and Eric got caught kissing back stage.
{Idk, sorry. And, ay! It's Amber!}
Krystal was staring at Amber the entire time. She didn't notice she was, though.
(brb, gotta eat)
Their picture was on the billboard the next day. "Woah!" Everyone was crowding around the billboards. "That's really Eric and the new person."
Krystal stopped and stare at that, too.
As Eric and Amber walked through the halls, they got stared at.
Krystal always thought she was straight, until she saw Amber. Every time she saw Amber, he face would get all red and she'd look away.
Amber caught her once and smiled at her.
Krystal blushed even more and smiled back.
Amber waved as she sat down next to Eric and Scott.
Krystal waved, too.
"Who are you waving at?" Scott asked her, placing his head on her shoulder. "Just some girl," Amber replied. Scott smiled and kissed her cheek. "Don't go cheating on us now."
Krystal felt heartbroken when Scott kissed Amber's cheek. She immediately ran to her own room.
Amber watched Krystal run out of the cafeteria. "Stop Scott. We're not dating. I've told you that many times." She started to eat her food. "Sorry.." Scott began to eat as well. Eric smiled.
Whenever Krystal was really sad, she turned into a mouse. And this time was no different. She curled up on her bed and changed into that mouse.
After lunch, Amber went straight to Onew.
"Annyeong," Onew said to Amber and bowed.
Amber bowed back. "Annyeong, hyung."
"What brings you here?"
"I want to know something. There's a girl that keeps looking at me."
"What's her name?"
"Thats the thing. I don't know."
"She blushes a lot and when she saw Scott kiss my cheek, she ran out of the cafeteria without getting food."
{Aw, bedtime. Sleep well! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Awe...okie... You too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
"Oh, that's Krystal."
"Oh, okay. Do you know where her apartment is?"
"It's the first one on the third floor."
"Okay, thanks again." Amber bowed. "Annyeong."
"Annyeong." He bowed, too.
Amber turned and went to Krystal's apartment. She knocked on the door.
There was no answer, but it wasn't locked.
Amber carefully opened the door. "Krystal?"
There were some quiet squeaking sounds coming from her room.
Amber slowly and quietly walked to Krystal's room. She stopped at the door and listened.
The squeaking just kept going.
She slowly and carefully opened the door, making sure it made no noise.
Krystal sensed her and scurried under the bed.
Amber looked around. "Krystal, I know you're in here."
She made herself quiet.
Amber sighed. "Looks like someone doesn't want a kiss." She closed the door and started to leave.
Krystal instantly ran out from under the bed and clawed at the door.
Amber stopped and looked at the door. She tilted her head as she slowly walked up to the door and opened it.
Krystal climbed onto Amber's foot.
Amber bent down and picked her up. "Why don't you come back now."
She shrugged.
"Come on, please? I'm not going to kiss you when you're a mouse." she walked over to the bed and sat down, putting Krystal next tot her.
Krystal changed back. "Sorry."
Amber smiled. "It's okay."
Amber leaned over and kissed her cheek.
Krystal smiled. {Gotta go now.. Have a fantastic Tuesday! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
She kept kissing her cheek, carrying the kisses to her lips. (You too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
Krystal couldn't stop smiling as she kissed back.
Amber smiled.
Krystal pulled away and hugged her really tightly.
Amber hugged back.
She was quiet, she didn't know what to say.
Amber rubbed her back.
She buried her face in Amber's neck.
Amber giggled. "Okay, I have to go now."
"Aw, okay." Krystal pulled away.
Amber got up. "I'll see you later, okay?"
"Okay." Krystal got up and led her out.
"Bye, Krystal."
Krystal smiled again. "Bye, Amber."
Amber smiled back and left.
{Hmm.. now what?}
(Ooh! Got it! I forgot I had this idea! haha!)
{Hmm.. we don't have Key yet.}
{Ooh! Okay!!}
(we could say he's a newer person.)
Amber went back to her apartment, which Scott and Eric were there. "Did you do it?" Scott asked. "I sure did," Amber replied. "So time to spread the news?" Eric asked. "Sure, why not?" Amber replied.
So, the next day, the news had spread. Eric posted it.
Taemin ran up to Minho and showed him.
"Amber and Krystal were caught kissing? Who is Amber dating? Eric or Krystal?"
Taemin shrugged.
Amber was sitting with Scott and Eric at their table at lunch again.
Krystal actually sat with them.
"Hey Krystal. How are you today?" Amber asked, smiling.
{AAAAAHHHH!!! CUTE!!!!} Krystal smiled back. "I'm good. And you?"
"I'm good." "Hey, did you check the news lately?" Scott asked. Amber looked at him and kicked his leg under the table. He winced a little.
"No, why?"
"Check it." Amber kicked his leg again.
Krystal pulled out her phone and instantly saw the news. She just stopped.
Amber bit her lip as she looked away.
"Who posted this...?"
"Eric did." Scott confessed. Eric admitted it too.
"Why the h*** would you do that...?"
"I'm the news reporter."
"But why this...?"
"It's news. I have to gossip about something."
"And that'll make me popular soon."
"Find something else then."
Amber looked at Krystal.
"I didn't want people knowing about this yet."
"And there're plenty of good couples here." She pointed to Taemin and Minho. "Minho-oppa is dating that kid that beat him up."
"We already shared that a while ago."
"Well, what about them?" She pointed to Jonghyun and Key.
"They're not a couple. Key's new."
"How do you know? They seem close already."
"Key literally just got here like three hours ago. They're just friends."
"Yeah, okay."
Amber licked her lips as she stared at Krystal, not taking her eyes off of her.
Krystal grabbed Amber's hand.
Amber smiled.
Krystal scooted closer to her.
Amber bit her lip.
"You do that a lot."
"Yeah, it's just a thing I do.."
"It's cute."
{If don't answer, I'm at dance class until 8:15 my time.}
(oh, r u still here?)
Amber licked her lips trying to look sexy.
('re gone's fine. Good luck!!)
Krystal smiled a little.
Amber covered her mouth. "Sorry, I don't know what I'm doing."
"No, it's okay."
"Okay." Amber smiled. She leaned closer to Krystal and whispered in her ear, "Maybe you can get more later."
"Maybe," she whispered back.
Amber smiled more.
"Hey, what's your power?"
"Don't have one."
"Yeah. They said they're working on a power or a few for me."
"Oh, that's cool."
She rested her head on Amber's shoulder.
Amber smiled again and wrapped her arm around Krystal's shoulders.
Krystal smiled again, too.
When Key had gotten there, he was wearing pink tights, a blue sparkly jacket, a blue silky shirt, sunglasses, and a small pouch. He really looked and acted gay. he was also wearing makeup.
{Of course he was!!}
{😂} The problem was, he was really REALLY gay. And that scared some people off.
"Okay!" Key exclaimed as he walked up to a group of boys in leather jackets. Jonghyun was one of the people. "Who's ready?" he was chewing gum.
{Me! Me! I am!}
(Lol, do you want to be Jongie?)
{I thought you were Jongie. But okie!}
(Lol, if only you knew what I have in mind..😏😏😏😉😉)
(Yeah, sorry)
{Hmm, I wonder.}
{Yup!} Jonghyun nodded.
"Okay, lover boy. Let's go." Key pointed to Jonghyun, turned, and started walking away.
Jonghyun ran after to him.
{Disregard the to}
"Where's your room?"
"Fourth floor."
"Lead the way, hottie."
(oh, I didn't notice the 'to' anyways)
"Uh, okay." Jonghyun grabbed Key's wrist and pulled him to his room.
"I was told there were a lot of cute boys here," Key said as he started to undress.
{Oh okay! 😅}
"Mmhmm, there are."
Key smiled. "You're up for this, right?"
"Sure, why not?"
"You're a banger, right?"
"I guess."
"You know what that is, right?"
"It means you're a top. Are you top?"
"Okay, good." Key was fully undressed by then. "If you're good, I'll keep you."
"Okay." Jonghyun quickly undressed.
Key smiled and laid down.
Jonghyun climbed on top of him.
Key kissed him, immediately making it rough.
Jonghyun was surprised as he kissed back.
{Yup! It's actually bedtime...}
(Darn it....)
{Goodnight! Sleep well! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Yup! Goodnight! You too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!!)
"Will you keep me?"
"You were pretty good so yeah. Why not? You are pretty hot yourself."
Jonghyun just hugged him.
Key was surprised but hugged back.
"You're cute."
"Awe, thank you."
"You're sexy." Key kissed his cheek.
Jonghyun smiled a little. "I don't even know you're name yet."
"Right. I'm Kim Kibum. But, don't call me Kibum. Call me Key."
"Okay. I'm Kim Jonghyun." {And now I must depart..}
{Have a fantastic day! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
"Cute." (darn..."
"You too!! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
"Of course."
{Do you ever just feel like s***?}
{That's me...}
(That sucks...)
(Would continuing help somewhat?)
{Ne, do you have a cute idea..? That'll really help..}
(Uhm......maybe...idk if it'll sound cute to you..but I'll try...)
Amber bought some presents to make up to Krystal that she told Scott and Eric that they kissed. She had confessed that she had told them, though she made Krystal mad. She knocked on the door.
Krystal answered after a bit. "Hi." She hugged Amber.
"Hey. I wanted to make it up to you for making you mad. I screwed up, I know." she said as she hugged back.
"Aw, it's okay."
"Well, it's too late now, because I bought you some presents."
"Okay." Krystal pulled her inside and shut the door.
"Here." Amber handed her the bag.
Krystal smiled and she pulled what was in the bag out.
Inside the bag was a box of chocolates, a bouquet of flowers, and a note that said, 'I'm sorry.'
Krystal hugged her again. "Thanks."
"Of course."
She hugged back.
{My dad's making me feel even worse....}
(Awe, why?)
{I failed another test somehow... I studied and everything... he just won't stop... 😥}
(Awe....I'm so sorry..)
{It's fine... he finally stopped..}
{I'm just gonna watch Toheart and forget about me existence..}
{Only 20 seconds in and it's helping.}
(that's good!)
{OMG Key!!!!}
{I forgot how awesome he is for a second! 😅}
{I'm feeling 10x better!!}
(Uhm...your turn!)
{Um, okay.}
(I may or may not have an idea...but idk if it's an okay idea for the situation that you're in.)
{If it's not too intense, I'll be fine.}
(Okay. It's not.)
{Okie! Let's go! Let's do it! I'm ready!}
Minho and Taemin haven't seen each other for days. Minho wasn't seen by anyone. He wasn't in his room. He wasn't in the building.
Taemin was getting worried. He was looking around for him, asking everyone of they'd seen him.
Everyone replied with a 'no.' One day, he showed up at the front doors, with a note. 'He tried to fight...wasn't good enough...' someone's name was on the bottom.
{Taecyeon?} Taemin literally pulled him inside and him up to their room. He held Minho as close as possible.
(Yup!!) Minho's face was beaten up and some of his hair was burned.
Taemin didn't say anything, he just started cleaning Minho up.
Minho's hair had to get cut.
Taemin didn't say a word to him for awhile.
Minho groaned in his sleep.
Taemin looked over at him. "Minho?"
He tilted his head a little as he looked to the side.
"Minho?" Taemin shook him a little.
No reply.
Taemin shook him more.
He groaned again, rolling onto his side.
Taemin sighed as he kept shaking him. "Come on."
Minho woke up, but he didn't show it. He swatted at Taemin's hands.
"Stop." Taemin laid down on top of him. "Are you okay?"
He groaned more. "Horrible.."
"Why? What's wrong?"
"I got beat up by Taecyeon...I wanted to help you by making him weak..."
"Minho.." Taemin made Minho look at him. "Don't do that."
"I tried..."
"Don't try it again."
"Can I have a kiss? I missed you."
"Mmhmm." Taemin gently kissed him.
Minho brought his hands to Taemin's face as he kissed back.
Taemin held Minho's hands.
Minho smiled.
Taemin smiled, too, as he pulled away. "Better?"
"Mmhmm." Minho licked his lips.
"Good." Taemin kissed him again.
Minho kissed back.
Taemin pulled him closer.
Minho winced because of his side.
"Sorry." Taemin pulled away again.
"It's fine. Just get me a glass of water."
"Mmhmm." Taemin really quickly got him the water and brought it to him.
Minho put his finger in the cup. Water crawled up his arm and went to his side.
"How are you doing that?"
"I got a new power. Well, not really a power but I found something cool."
"My father.."
"Your father?"
"Well, it's complicated."
"Oh, okay."
"I found out the reason why I came here and I know who your father is too."
"Who is he?"
"Your dad...his name is Zeus. My dad's name is Poseidon."
"Wait, really?"
(Just a twist.) "Yeah.."
{It's cool!!} "Woah..."
"I know, right?"
"That's awesome!"
{I gotta go to dance class now.. see you at 9 my time! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Darn...okay.. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
(if I don't answer, I'm at the store)
{I'm back! Are you?}
{Also, I kinda feel like we're out of ideas. New idea time?}
{I'm really sorry, but it's bedtime... Sleep well! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Yeah, I was out shopping until 10 my time,..)
(I also do feel like we're running out of ideas! So, sure! New idea time!!)
{I see. How'd you sleep?}
(I barely slept at all.)
{Aw, buddy.}
Both Onew and Taemin were orphaned. Not good. They've been thrown out of their orphanage too. Not good either. They have to fend for themselves out on the streets, which is really difficult. They came into one of those little states one day, where Key just happened to work. Taemin was being carried on Onew's back and his legs were wrapped in bandages.
Key had seen them and was worried. He ran up to them. "Oh my goodness..are you two okay?"
"He's just hurt a little," Onew said. "It's happened before."
"A little? That is not a little. Come inside. I get off of work in a few minutes."
"Okay." He followed Key inside.
"How old are you two?"
{Aw... d***, gotta go... Cya after school and have a lovely day! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Darn...okay. Cya! You too!! ANNYEONG!!! SARANGHAEYO!!!)
"He's 17, I'm 20."
"We've been out there for five years."
"Holy s***..Uhm, you know what? I'll bring you two home with me. Don't worry. I'm not a bad person."
"Of course."
Onew bowed a little. "Thank you."
"No problem."
Taemin pushed himself off of Onew and hugged Key.
"Oh.." Key hugged back.
Taemin squeezed him a little tighter.
"Okay, okay. That's not necessary."
Taemin nodded as he pulled away.
Key chuckled as he went back to organizing the shoes.
When they got to Key's place, Taemin instantly laid down on the couch.
"Make yourself at home. I'll get you two something to eat and drink."
Taemin nodded and Onew sat next to him, rubbing his back.
Minho came downstairs. "Hey babe. You're home early." He walked into the kitchen where Key was.
Taemin followed Minho, limping, and hugged him too.
"Holy s***!! Who the h*** is this person?!" Minho freaked out. Key turned to Minho. "Calm down. I decided to take them in since they have no where to go. They've been out there for five years." Minho looked at Taemin. "They need to take showers before anything else."
Minho sighed. "They have some learning to do." Minho pulled away from Taemin. "Finish the food please. You know how to cook it," Key told Minho. Minho nodded as Key pulled Taemin out of the kitchen.
"Where are we going?"
"To the bathroom so you can wash yourself." He pulled Taemin up to the bathroom. He showed him how to turn on and off the water.
Taemin nodded. "Okay. Got it."
"Enjoy your shower and I'll get you some new clothes."
Key smiled as he left the room.
It took Taemin a couple minutes to unravel the bandages. There were quite a few cuts on his shins under them. When he was in the shower when Key came back in. "What's your name?"
"I'm Kim Kibum, but you can call me Key. Everyone calls me that. What's your name?"
"That's cute. I'm Taemin."
"Thanks. Your name is cute too." Key smiled. "Well, I will let you be so you can finish." Key left once again.
Key leaned on the back of the couch. "So, what's your name?" he asked Onew.
"Oh, I'm Jinki, but please call me Onew."
"Nice. I'm Kibum, but I like to be called Key."
"You two are pretty cool."
"Thanks. We're practically brothers."
"Cute." Key smiled.
"Key!" Minho called from the kitchen. Key ran into the kitchen. "Hm?" "It's almost done," Minho said. Key took over to make sure it didn't burn. Minho went into the living room.
"Hi." Minho replied as he sat down.
"What's your name?"
"Minho. You?"
"You too."
Minho smiled. "Thank you."
When Key was done with his shower, Minho led Onew to the bathroom.
{You mean Taemin?}
(Oops! Yeah! Sorry!!)
Onew knew how a shower worked, he'd helped shower Taemin back at the orphanage.
Minho looked at the sizes on Onew's pants and shirt and found him an outfit for when he was done showering.
As Onew showered, Taemin was cuddling with Minho.
Minho felt that it was awkward that a person he just met, was cuddling with him. Though that's how he and Key were at first, but that was different.
Taemin already felt like they were brothers.
Minho rubbed his back, not knowing what else to do.
Taemin smiled.
Key came in after he put the food on the table so it could cool. He sat on the other side of Minho.
"What's that?"
"Food. But it's not ready. It has to cool down."
Minho pulled Key onto his lap. Key smiled down at Minho.
Taemin scooted away and watched for Onew.
Minho kissed Key's neck.
Taemin shielded his eyes.
Key giggled. "Stop it, Minho.." Minho obeyed.
Onew smiled came out and Taemin cuddled with him.
Key looked at them and smiled. "Awe..that's cute."
Onew smiled, too. "He's a cuddler."
"I see that."
"Mmhmm. He has been since he was this big." He held his hand about two feet above the floor.
"Awe, how cute. Minho's a kisser. Not much of a hugger."
Minho blushes.
"That's cute."
Onew smiled and messed with Taemin's hair, which was pretty long.
(Like in Sherlock?)
{Between that and Lucifer. Cuz HIS LUCIFER HAIR IS THE BEST!!!!}
(Tru! Tru!!)
(I just made a collage as a remix. Sherlock or Lucifer! lol!)
{YAS!!!!! SLAY ME!!!! 😂😂😂😅😅😵}
"Are you two like, dating?" Minho asked.
"Ani, we're 'brothers'."
"Oh, cool."
Minho smiled. Key rested his head on Minho's shoulder.
"You two are cute."
"Thanks," Minho said.
"We've been together for a year." Key looked up at Minho. "And I'm happy I have him." Minho and Key smiled at the same time.
"Aw, that's really cute."
"It is," Key said before giving Minho a small kiss. Minho kissed back.
Taemin covered his eyes.
After a few seconds, Key pulled away.
Taemin peaked through his fingers, then moved his hands away when he saw it was safe to.
Key giggled as he felt something touch his leg. He whispered something to Minho, making Minho smile more and nod. Key crawled off of him and Minho ran upstairs. Key stood up. "We'll be back down soon. You can watch some tv." Key handed them the remote, showing them which one was the on/off button, volume, and how to change the channel.
Onew understood what they were doing, but Taemin didn't. And that was okay for now. He turned some kids' show on for them.
Key and Minho were back down about two hours later.
Both Onew and Taemin were asleep and the food was mostly gone.
Key put his finger to his mouth, telling Minho to be quiet. Minho nodded as Key turned the tv off.
Taemin shifted a little, but he was still asleep.
Key stared at them for a while, thinking what it would be like if they were dating.
(if Onew and Taemin were dating.)
The next day, Key was off. But Minho had work and Onew went job hunting, like he did everyday. Taemin actually slept really late.
Key had put a blanket over Taemin and a pillow under his head, then he sat on the couch, waiting for him to wake up. On Minho's breaks, he would message Key.
Taemin woke up at around noon and looked up at Key. "Hi."
"Hey. Good afternoon." Key smiled.
"It's that late?"
"I've never slept past 8."
"I can tell."
Key patted the spot next to him. "Come here."
Taemin sat up and cuddled up with him.
Key held him close. "You seem lonely without Onew."
"I'll keep you company." Key smiled.
"Thank you."
"Of course."
"Is it normal to like boys?"
"Of course it is. Why are you asking?"
"I think I like a boy."
"Who is it?"
"I don't know, but I keep seeing him around town."
"Oh, okay."
"Let's go for a walk, and if we see him, we can talk to him."
"Okay." {Bedtime... See you in the morning! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Yup! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
They walked around for ten minutes until they found him. His name was Kai, and Taemin just stared at him.
"That one?" Key pointed to him.
"Lets go talk to him now." Key pulled Taemin over to Kai.
"Oh, okay."
When they reached Kai, Key talked first. "Annyeong," He said as he bowed.
Taemin only bowed, he couldn't get himself to say anything.
Key now knew why he didn't like going on walks.
{Oh, can you be Kai?}
(Oh, yeah! Sure!!)
Kai looked up at them. "Do I know you two?"
Taemin shook his head. "Uh, I'm Taemin."
"Well, it's nice to meet you." He got up from the chair and held his hand out.
Taemin shook Kai's hand, it was obvious he was nervous.
Kai smiled and pulled his hand away after a while. "Well, I support your relationship with being gay, but I would love to finish my coffee." Kai sat back down.
"You're a cute couple."
"We're not a couple."
"Oh, sorry. My mistake."
"It's okay. I, uh, I like you."
"Hm?" Kai looked up at him.
"I like you."
"Oh, well, uh, thank you, I guess?"
"I've liked you for awhile."
"You know me?"
"Not at all."
{Gotta go... I'll see you later! Have a great day! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Darn...okay. You too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
"Then how could you like me for a while? I don't get it."
"I see you everywhere."
{Oh, and you asked for my Kik awhile ago. It's Clotzgirl1}
(thx) "Oh, okay."
{Okie} "Yeah.."
Kai smiled. "Well, I think you're cute too."
"Very. Give me a call sometime." Kai pulled out a pen as he stood up. He grabbed Taemin's arm and wrote his number on his arm.
Taemin tilted his head. He could hardly read but he knew most of the numbers. "I will."
"Good. I'll see you later, Taemin."
He smiled.
"Wait, what's your name?"
"Kim Jongin, but call me Kai."
"Can you write that, too?"
"Mmhmm." Kai wrote his name on Taemin's arm.
Key had went into the coffee shop, which was where they were standing outside of.
"No problem," Kai smiled again.
"I'm gonna go find Hyung now." Taemin ran inside and hugged Key.
Kai sat down and continued to look through the magazine of male models. Key giggled and hugged back. "So, what did he say?"
"He said to call him with this." Taemin showed him his arm.
"Ooh! That's a sign." Key was starting to sound like a girl. He motioned Taemin to sit.
"A sign of what?" Taemin sat down.
"Maybe you two will go on a date and maybe even date." (brb)
{Okay} "Ooh, really?"
(Sorry I took long. I had to do the dishes)
Taemin smiled.
{It's cool.}
(Okie) Key smiled back.
"I'm really excited."
"That's good."
"Should we go home now?"
Key stood up and grabbed his coffee.
(ooh! idea!)
Taemin stood up, too. He almost ran home he was so excited.
{😂 Okay! Shoot!}
Later that day, before 4, Kai was home alone, celebrating his birthday. He got calls from friends and family who couldn't make it wishing him a happy birthday. He wanted to call Taemin, but he didn't know his number, which Taemin didn't have. He had to use Key's phone.
Taemin was nervous as he put the number in. He made sure there was no one around. He finally pressed the call button and held the phone to his ear.
Kai was startled as he set down his glass of wine. He picked up his phone and answered it. "Hello?" he sounded depressed.
"Who is this?" Kai hadn't recognized Taemin's voice.
"Oh, hi."
Taemin seemed to brighten Kai's day.
"Hi. I really wanna hug you right now."
"Awe." Kai seemed to die at that moment, but didn't. He blushed. "You're making me blush, stop."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"I'm just teasing. How about I pick you up and we go out to eat?"
"Okay. Can I hug you then?"
"Yes, you can."
Taemin smiled. "Good."
"Yep. So, where do you live?"
"With Key-hyung."
"I don't know where he lives."
"Oh, uh." Taemin went outside and looked at the address. The problem was, he couldn't read it. "Uh..."
"Ask Key, then."
"Right." Taemin ran back inside. "Hyung? What's the address here?"
Key told him the address.
Taemin told Kai.
"Okay. Beautiful. Thank you. I'll be there soon."
"Bye." Taemin hung up and gave Key his phone back.
Kai arrived at their house, in a suit and black car, about fifteen minutes later. He walked up to the door and knocked.
Taemin opened the door and instantly hugged Kai. "Hey."
"Hi." Kai hugged back. "Are you ready?"
"Show me your outfit," Kai said as he pulled away and looked at Taemin's outfit.
"Key-hyung helped me."
"Cute." Kai smiled.
"You are too."
"Ani. I'm not cute." Kai smiled more, showing his pearly white teeth.
"Ne, very cute."
Kai's face flushed a light pink.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. I'm blushing aren't I?"
"Ne. Onew-hyung says I get like that when I'm sick."
"Oh, well, this is different." Kai smiled as he held his hand out.
"Oh, okay." Taemin took Kai's hand,
Key intertwined their fingers as he walked Taemin to his car. He let go of his hand to open the door for him.
"Woah, I've never been in one of these before." Taemin climbed in.
"You haven't?"
"That's sad.. no offense." Kai closed the door and got in on his side.
"None taken."
"Good." Kai put the car in drive and started driving.
"This is really cool."
Taemin smiled as he looked over at Kai.
Kai kept his eyes on the road and his arm on the compartment beside him, separating him and Taemin.
Taemin grabbed Kai's hand.
Kai smiled.
"Is this okay?"
(I gtg moms gonna be home soon and we're gonna go shopping. I'll message here when I'm back! so be ready! AnnyeongN Saranghaeyo!)
(also, I have something planned for after the date! So be ready for that too.)
{I will be ready! Have fun! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(EEEE!!! IK!!) When they were done with their date, Kai drove to his house.
He didn't bring Taemin back to Key's house, he brought him with him.
It had all gone so fast to Taemin, and he really didn't want it to end.
Kai got out after turning his car off and went to Taemin's side and opened his door.
Taemin climbed out and grabbed Kai's hand.
Kai smiled as he intertwined his fingers with Taemin's and led him into his big house. Kai was one of the richest people in the town and he had one of the biggest houses.
Taemin was just staring at it. He'd never seen a house that big.
Kai looked over at Taemin. "You okay? Are you nervous?"
"It's really big.."
"What's big?" Kai smirked.
"Oh, yeah. Thanks." Kai led him to the living room. He sat down on the couch and pulled Taemin onto his lap.
Taemin hugged him.
Kai hugged back. He started to kiss Taemin's neck.
"What're you doing?"
"Is this normal?"
"Of course. Haven't you had s** before?"
Taemin tilted his head. "What's that?"
"You don't know what s** is?"
"Where did you come from? Mars?"
"The streets."
"Well, you will know what it is soon enough." Kai continued to kiss Taemin's neck.
"Oh, okay."
Kai slowly pushed his hands up Taemin's shirt.
Taemin thought for a minute, then slowly lifted his arms.
Kai smiled as he pulled Taemin's shirt off.
Taemin covered his chest, being shirtless in front of someone other than Onew was weird to him.
Kai kissed Taemin on the lips.
Taemin found himself kissing back.
Kai smiled into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around Taemin's waist.
Taemin slowly rubbed Kai's arms.
Kai stood up, wrapping Taemin's legs around him.
Taemin held onto Kai, he was afraid he'd fall.
Kai smiled as he carried Taemin upstairs.
"It feels weird."
"What does?"
Kai looked down.
"My.. thing.."
Kai chuckled. "It's okay. It's normal." He looked back up at Taemin. "Trust me."
"I trust you."
Kai kissed him again.
Taemin kissed back.
Kai brought him to his room and laid him on the bed, staying on him.
Taemin held him really close.
Kai started to undress Taemin. (skip now?)
{Yep!} Taemin had been unintentionally loud during the do, and it hurt him to talk. He just stayed quiet and cuddled up with Kai.
Kai held Taemin close. He couldn't stop smiling.
Taemin was smiling, too.
Kai's phone started ringing. it was on the stand next to the bed on Taemin's side.
Taemin grabbed it and gave it to Kai.
Kai answered it. "Hello?" it was Key. "Where is Taemin? I told him to be back by nine. It's almost eleven." Key yelled into the phone. "Oh, uh, he didn't say anything about a curfew.." Kai said. "Put him on the phone." Kai gave the phone to Taemin. "It's Key.."
"Where the h*** are you?!"
"At Kai's.." Taemin coughed a little.
"Are you okay?"
"Are you hurt?"
"A little.."
"What happened?"
"Something amazing.."
"Tell me what happened."
"He did me.."
"And it was nice.."
"You're not supposed to do that.."
"Why not..?"
"It's not good. Especially on the first day."
"Because it's not." he sighed. "Come home as soon as possible."
"You can have a chat with Onew."
"Oh god.. okay.."
"Good luck." and with that, Key hung up.
Taemin set Kai's phone back down. "I have to go.."
"You can't leave yet.." Kai grabbed Taemin's hand.
"I have to.."
"Key-hyung said so.."
Kai sighed. "Alright.."
"I'm sorry.."
"It's fine.." Kai got up and started to get dressed.
"Okay.." Taemin got dressed too. It hurt him to stand.
Kai walked over to Taemin as he was buttoning his shirt. "Are you okay?"
"It hurts.."
"Your bu**?"
(Apparently I can't send b-u-double t...)
{I know. it's weird.}
(yeah..) "I'm sorry..I shouldn't have even brought you here until later on.."
"No, it's okay.." Taemin finished getting dressed and hugged Kai.
"Okay.." Kai hugged back.
"I love you.."
"I love you too.."
"Let's go now.." Taemin grabbed Kai's hand and led him downstairs.
Kai smiled. He picked Taemin up and carried him to the car.
Taemin smiled and got in the car after Kai put him down.
Kai walked to the other side and got in.
Taemin grabbed Kai's hand right away.
Kai smiled as he looked at Taemin.
Taemin smiled, too.
Kai kissed Taemin's hand as he started he car.
"I don't want to go back.. I want to stay with you.."
"Me too." Kai looked at the road as he started to drive.
Before they got there, Taemin covered the marks on his neck with his shirt and hair.
Kai smiled as he parked the car. He got out and went to Taemin's side and opened the door.
Onew ran outside and hugged Taemin. "Don't ever do that again.." Taemin hugged back. "Sorry.." Onew just nodded and hugged him tighter.
"Hey, it's not his fault. If you want to blame anyone, blame me." Kai told Onew.
"Fine, it's your fault," Onew looked over at him
Kai nodded.
"Why'd you hurt him?"
"I didn't mean to hurt him.."
"Sure, it was his first time. You didn't think it would hurt him?"
"I didn't know.." Kai closed the door.
"Well, he'll see you later."
Kai looked at Taemin.
Taemin held his hand out to Kai. He didn't want to let go of Onew.
Kai grabbed Taemin's hand. "When they 'unground' you, you know where I am or how to get ahold of me."
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
Kai let go of Taemin's hand, got in the car, and left.
By the time he left, he was in tears. He didn't know how long it would be until he could see Taemin again.
Onew was trying to scold Taemin as they went inside, but all Taemin heard was that he wasn't allowed out for a week. Once Onew stopped, Taemin curled up in a ball on the couch.
Key was sitting on the stairs, watching them.
Taemin was crying after Onew went to bed.
Key 'accidentally' left his phone on the steps as he followed Onew upstairs.
He had the phone on vibrate.
Onew closed the door before Key could follow him into the guest room.
Key stopped as Onew closed the door. He turned and walked to his and Minho's room and wen to sleep with Minho. about an hour later, Key's phone was buzzing on the step.
Taemin woke up, he'd just fallen asleep though. He slowly got up and checked Key's phone.
Kai had sent a few messages. 'Taemin?' 'Come onto the front porch.' 'Delete these messages when you ready them.' 'But please come out.' 'I love you.'
Taemin deleted the messages as he snuck out to the front porch.
Kai was sitting on the steps.
Taemin put the phone down and hugged him.
Kai smiled and hugged back.
"I missed you.."
"I missed you too."
"I'm 'grounded' for a week.."
Kai sighed. "That sucks.."
Kai rubbed his back.
"And Hyung is really mad.. He's never been that mad.."
"I could tell.."
"I don't like it.."
"I know.."
"I don't either.."
Taemin buried his face in Kai's neck. He felt like he was about to cry again.
Kai kissed his head.
Taemin was quiet for awhile.
Kai held him close.
It was getting close to 1 AM when Taemin was falling asleep.
Kai picked Taemin up and brought him inside quietly.
"The phone..."
"Where is it?"
"The porch..."
"Okay." Kai kissed his head then went onto the porch.
Taemin was asleep when Kai got back inside.
Kai smiled and set the phone on the table. He grabbed the blanket on the back of the couch and put it over him. He kissed his head. "Sweet dreams, Taemin..I love you.." he then left after that.
Taemin was cuddling with a pillow.
(back) It took Kai a while to fall asleep once he got home.
Key didn't work until late that day, and Minho was off. And Onew tried to find a job again.
Before Key had to go to work, he stayed in the living room. Minho left the room to take a shower. "If you haven't noticed, I left my phone on the stairs for a reason." Key said quietly.
Taemin nodded.
"I know this is hard. Not being able to see Kai for a week is hard so I'm letting you use my phone so you can at least talk to him."
"Are you okay?"
"I miss him.."
"I know.." Key hugged him.
Taemin hugged back, hiding his face. "It hurts..."
"I know.." Key rubbed his back.
Taemin was crying.
"It's okay.."
"But it hurts..."
"I know.."
"Really bad..."
Key kissed his head. "I'll make a deal with you."
"What is it...?"
"Tomorrow, when I have work, I'll tell the other two that I took the day off and I took you out to have some fun, okay?"
"But instead, I'll bring you to Kai's house."
"On one condition."
"Thanks, hyung.."
"Don't sneak out to see him again."
"I, uh, I didn't.."
"I know you did. The messages pop up on my computer and I read them. I saw that you deleted the messages and looked out the window. You were out there with him."
"Exactly. Just promise you won't do it again."
"I promise.."
"Good. So it's a deal?" Key pulled away and held his hand out.
"Mmhmm.." Taemin shook Key's hand.
"Good." Key smiled as he pulled out his phone and told Kai. Kai agreed.
Taemin cuddled up with Key.
Key smiled.
He hugged Key's arm.
Key hugged him again.
Taemin hugged back.
"I have to go soon.."
"I know.."
"But you'll have Minho to hang out with. Someone who you haven't hung out with yet. You could get to know him now."
"Have fun."
"I will."
Key smiled. He checked the time. "Ooh, I have to go now.." He got up and stretched. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."
Key ruffled Taemin's hair then left.
Taemin cuddled with the pillow again. It was plain white, until Taemin drew a smiley face on it.
Minho came downstairs when he was done with his shower. He was wrapped in a towel.
"Hi, hyung."
"Hi. Did you eat?"
"Good." He went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. "Did you eat healthy?"
"Ne. Key-hyung made sure I did."
"Good." Minho smiled as he ruffled Taemin's hair. "I'll be back down in a few minutes."
Minho went upstairs and got dressed. He came back down, eating his apple.
"Hm?" he sat next to Taemin.
"Are those real?" Taemin pointed to the TV. Key had turned on Twilight for them.
"They seem real."
"It's all in the power of make up."
"Oh, okay."
"This is a weird movie."
"Yeah, I agree."
Minho looked at Taemin.
"You are cute."
Minho kissed Taemin's forehead.
Taemin cuddled closer to him, still hugging the pillow.
"You're like...a son to me.."
"I've never had a dad. I mean, I have, but.."
"I know.."
"I didn't mean for that thought to come up."
"It's okay." Taemin hugged him.
Minho smiled and hugged back. "Okay."
"You can be my dad."
"I would love to."
Taemin smiled.
Minho rubbed Taemin's back.
Minho rubbed his back.
"And Key-hyung is my dad, too."
"Well, he's more like a mom."
Minho smiled.
Taemin giggled. "Key-eomma."
"Mmhmm. And I'm Minho-appa."
Minho chuckled.
Taemin hugged him tighter.
Minho bit his lip. "I think you can stop hugging me now."
"Okay." Taemin pulled away.
(Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{Okie.. If I don't answer for awhile tomorrow, you know why. But sleep well! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(right!) "Sorry, I'm just not a hugging person."
"I know."
Minho smiled.
"Does that mean no cuddling?"
"Ani, we can cuddle if you want."
Taemin smiled and cuddled with him.
Minho smiled again and rubbed Taemin's arm.
"You're cool."
"And you're cute."
Taemin smiled more.
"Very cute."
"How about this?" Taemin pulled his bangs down so they were covering his eyes.
Minho wasn't thinking straight at that moment. He just immediately kissed Taemin.
It made him look kind of emo.
Taemin pushed him away and scooted away from him.
Minho covered his mouth. "I'm sorry...I wasn't thinking straight.."
Taemin nodded and wiped his mouth.
"I thought of Key and that just...happened."
"It's okay.."
Minho looked at Taemin,
"Nothing.." he looked away.
Minho looked at the pillow Taemin made a heart on. "What is this? You ruined our pillow?" he really likes the pillows plain while.
{Not a heart, a smiley face} "Oh.. sorry.."
(oops sorry.)
{It's cool.}
"It's fine. I can buy another one."
"Come here." Minho motioned him over.
"Okay.." Taemin scooted closer to him.
Minho wrapped his arm around Taemin's shoulders.
Taemin leaned his head on Minho's shoulder.
Minho held him close.
"Why is s** such a bad thing?"
"Because it could make you pregnant. And if you don't know what that means, it means you have a baby growing inside you which is painful."
"But that's just girls."
"It can happen to boys too. I've seen it happen, but he didn't let the baby live."
"It happened to my older brother, Minseok."
"Yeah, so we're trying to protect you."
"We love you, Taemin. We don't anything happening to you."
don't want**
"I know.. but I can protect myself."
"Show me."
"I've done it for five years."
"Okay." Minho kissed Taemin's head. "We just want you to be safe."
"I will be safe."
"We trust you."
Minho smiled.
Taemin smiled, too.
Minho rested his head on Taemin's head and closed his eyes.
Taemin looked up at him.
"Nap time?"
"Yes please.."
"Okay." Taemin laid him down and laid down with him.
"Tell me a bedtime story.." Minho smiled. "Or a song."
"Um, I don't know any."
"Okay. Make one up."
"Uh, okay." Taemin thought for awhile. "I'll try."
Minho smiled again as he started to fall asleep.
Taemin just started humming.
Minho was asleep within a few minutes. A while after Minho fell asleep, Key's phone started to ring. It was upstairs but Taemin could hear it.
Taemin slowly pulled away from Minho and ran upstairs and got Key's phone.
It was Kai.
Taemin answered it. "Hi."
"What next? Are you going to cheat on me? Sleeping with whoever is on that couch? Was loving you a mistake?"
"Let me guess, you're a player."
"No, not at all."
"I'm outside, Taemin. I saw you cuddle up close to that man. Just like you did with me.."
"I do that with everyone."
"Whatever.." Kai hung up and dropped the flowers.
*beeeep* went the phone. Kai pushed his phone into his pocket as tears formed in his eyes. He reached into his bag and pulled out a knife with a cover on it. He took the cover off.
Taemin set the phone down and ran outside. He hugged Kai.
There was blood running down from Kai's wrists, getting soaked up into his suit.
"I'm sorry..."
Kai dropped the knife. "You think saying sorry after you cheated on me will cut it?"
"I didn't cheat..."
"Prove it then."
"That's my new appa."
"He's like the same age as you maybe a little older. He can't be your appa."
"He is now."
Kai rolled his eyes. "Whatever.."
"Please don't leave me..."
"Let me come in."
Taemin pulled him inside.
"Don't for get the flowers."
"I'll get them later, you're most important right now." Taemin pulled him into the bathroom and started taking the suit off so he could clean Kai off. He wet a washcloth and pressed it to Kai's cuts.
Kai didn't look at Taemin.
Taemin was quiet as he waited for the bleeding to stop.
He pulled the washcloth away and wrapped Kai's wrist with the bandages.
Kai looked down, but not at the floor or his feet.
"Make sure you clean this everyday, okay?"
Kai licked his lips.
"Hm?" Kai looked up at him.
"Clean this everyday, okay?"
{Gotta go now! I'll see you later! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Okie.. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
{I'm back!!}
(eeee!! YAYAYAY!!!!)
"I'm sorry I overreacted.."
"It's okay. Just don't do it again."
Kai nodded as he leaned closer to Taemin and pressed his lips to his.
Taemin held him close and kissed back.
Kai brought his hands up to Taemin's face.
Taemin wrapped his arms around Kai's waist.
Kai pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.
Taemin's hands started moving down.
Kai ran his hands through Taemin's hair, pushing his hair out of his face, which didn't work. His hair went back to place.
Taemin grabbed Kai's bu**.
Kai smiled.
Taemin pulled away and smiled up at him.
Kai smiled back. "Come with me."
"My place."
"I can't."
"Come live with me."
"I'm still grounded."
"Please? We'll be back before anyone notices."
"No, I don't want to worry or anger anyone."
"We can put a sign on the door and lock the door to your room. No one will know that you're gone."
"I need you, Taemin.." Kai looked into Taemin's eyes and slowly ran his hand down Taemin's chest.
Taemin bit his lip again looked away. "I can't.."
"Can't what?"
"I can't, Kai. Onew-hyung is already mad at me for doing that once."
Kai looked away. "Alright.. I'll wait.."
Taemin nodded and hugged him. "I'm sorry..."
Kai hugged back. "It's fine. I understand."
Kai rubbed Taemin's back. "I've made this mistake before."
Taemin nodded.
Kai took a deep breath.
"You don't have to talk about it."
"Okay. I didn't want to either."
Kai pulled away. "Should I go then?"
Kai sighed. "I'm gonna miss you."
"I'll miss you, too."
Kai kissed Taemin one last time.
Taemin kissed back.
Kai wanted this to last forever.
Taemin finally pulled away and quietly led him downstairs and outside.
"Don't forget the flowers. And look carefully. There's a note with them." Kai smiled at Taemin.
Taemin smiled back and picked up the flowers. "Okay."
"But make sure you talk about the note with everyone else."
"I will."
"Good. I love you."
"I love you, too."
Kai walked to his car and to the driver's side. He smiled as he looked back at Taemin and waved.
Taemin waved back.
Kai got in his car and drove off.
Taemin snuck back inside and filled a vase with water and put the flowers in them. He took out the note, but he could hardly read it.
It read, 'Taemin, Onew, all of you should come live with me. You will love it here."
Taemin really only understood his and Onew's names.
At the bottom of the note, it said, 'Love, Kai ❤️'
Taemin understood that.
Taemin and Onew slept together that night. Onew didn't seem mad at Taemin anymore.
Key didn't come home until almost 12. Minho stayed up, waiting for him. Key cuddled with Minho once he got home. He was exhausted.
When Kai got home, his ex was there. (can you be him?) "D.O...what are you doing here?"
{Sure} D.O shrugged.
"Get out of my house." (At this point, D.O says he wants Kai back and tries to seduce him.)
{Okay} "But I want you." He sounded drunk.
"We broke up a long time ago."
"Who cares?"
"You can't have me."
{I actually gotta go now... I'll see you soon! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Awe...just getting to the good part...*sighs* okie... Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{Nevermind, I have time. Are you still here?}
{Okie, I'm back!}
"Sure I can." D.O pulled him close.
(Lol sorry I'm late and okay) "No, you can't."
{Ay, I'm back!} "Why not?"
"Because we aren't together anymore."
"I know."
"So you can't."
D.O stopped smiling. "Please?"
"Please what?"
"I want you."
"No." Kai pulled away from D.O.
"Come on, Kai."
Kai went silent.
"Don't you want to?"
Kai looked away from him.
He grabbed Kai's hands.
Kai looked at D.O
"Why can't I have you?"
"I don't want you."
"Because I'm with someone."
"You are?"
"Oh.. okay.."
Kai looked into D.O's eyes.
(back yet?)
"Is this a yes?"
Kai shrugged as he licked his lips.
"Come on, it's easy. Yes? Or no?"
Kai pressed his lips to D.O's.
D.O smiled and kissed back, making it deeper.
Kai slowly brought his hands to D.O's face.
D.O pulled Kai closer by his waist.
Kai felt himself grow.
D.O felt it, too.
Kai smiled into the kiss.
D.O pushed his hands up Kai's shirt.
Kai was thinking of Taemin, then D.O, then Taemin. Back and forth.
{No skip?}
{Or yes skip?}
{Okie} Taemin was up really early the next morning. He was super excited to see Kai again.
Key had to work early, but as he promised, he told Onew and Minho he was taking Taemin out to the carnival and took the day off. He wasn't actually doing that. "Ready?" He asked Taemin.
Taemin nodded quickly. "Very."
Key smiled. "Okay. Let's go."
Taemin nodded again and followed him outside.
Key led Taemin to Kai's house.
Taemin started running when he saw Kai's house.
"Awe, no hug?"
"Oh, sorry." Taemin ran back and hugged him.
Key smiled as he hugged back. "Have a good day."
"I will. You have a good day, too."
"I'll try." Key pulled away and started walking towards work.
Taemin ran up to the door and knocked.
Kai was still asleep..
Taemin snuck in. "Kai?"
No reply.
Taemin looked around for him everywhere. "Kai?"
Kai didn't wake up. He had D.O at his side.
When Taemin saw D.O, he started tearing up. Kai had cheated on him. "Kai?"
Kai groaned, waking up. "Ne...?"
"Who's that...?"
Kai opened his eyes. He saw Taemin and looked at D.O. "S***..." He pulled away from D.O and wrapped himself in a blanket. "Taemin..I'm so sorry.."
Taemin started backing away. "I trusted you..."
{Brb, sorry..}
"Taemin, please listen to me.." Kai stepped closer to Taemin.
(ugh, again? okay...)
(I didn't mean to sound rude in that reply...)
{It's okay.} Taemin kept backing away.
"Taemin.." Kai reached his hand out. "Please...take my hand..."
"Taemin please...let me start over.."
"No..." There were tears falling from Taemin's eyes by then.
"I couldn't help myself..."
"I thought I could trust you..."
"You can.. I swear.. Just let me start over.." Kai took a few steps closer.
Taemin ran out of the house and just ran.
Kai pulled on a pair of pants and shoes and chased after him.
Taemin didn't go home. He found one of the areas he and Onew had stayed once. He curled up there, sobbing.
Kai's voice was heard in the distance, calling for Taemin.
Taemin wouldn't answer him.
Kai's voice got louder. He was getting closer to Taemin.
Taemin wouldn't move. He was in an alleyway, hiding in the shadows. His crying was heard by everyone.
Kai followed the crying until he came to the alley. "Taemin..?"
"Go away...."
Kai looked around until he found Taemin. He sat next to him and hugged him.
Taemin pushed him away. "Go away..."
"No." Kai hugged him again.
Taemin cried even more. "Just go.."
"Let me start over.."
"Why...? So you can hurt me again...?"
"No, so I can love you again.."
Taemin buried his face in Kai's chest.
Kai held him close.
It took Taemin awhile to stop crying. His throat hurt once he did.
Kai pulled away and kissed Taemin.
Taemin kissed back.
Kai smiled as he brought his hands to Taemin's neck.
Taemin held Kai's arms.
Kai pulled Taemin onto his lap.
Taemin pulled away and hugged him.
Kai hugged back. "Do you forgive me?"
"Only because you chased me shirtless."
Kai smiled. "I would do anything for you."
Taemin smiled, too.
(back) "Can we go back to my place now? I'll kick D.O out just for you. And I promise, I will never do that again."
"Okay. Carry me?"
"Mmhmm." Kai picked Taemin up and carried him to his house. He set him down once they stepped onto the porch. He opened the door and let Twemin in first.
Taemin went in, it was really quiet.
Kai stepped in after him and looked around, trying to see if he could find D.O and tell him to leave.
D.O was still asleep on Kai's bed.
Kai made his way upstairs to his room.
D.O hadn't moved at all.
Kai opened the door and walked in. He motioned Taemin to stay in the hall.
Taemin nodded.
He sat on the side of the bed he was laying on earlier. He shook D.O a little.
D.O groaned.
"Hyung.." Kai shook him more.
"You need to leave."
"Fine.." D.O slowly sat up and held his head. "Ow.."
"You okay?"
"You weren't drunk last night...were you..?"
"You were..."
Kai sighed. "I f***** a drunk person..that's a new one.."
Kai swallowed. "You should really go now.."
"Alright.." D.O quickly got dressed. "Bye.." And he left.
Kai smiled. "Taemin, come here."
When D.O left, his phone started ringing.
D.O answered. "Ne..?"
"Hey babe. Where are you?" It was Suho. They've been dating for about a week.
"I have a really bad headache.."
"And I just left Kai's.."
"Why were you at Kai's?"
"Oh, we were just talking.."
"I'm at your house right now..I'm locked out.."
"I'll be there soon.."
"Okay. I love you."
"I love you, too.."
"Annyeong.." D.O hung up. He got back to his house in minutes and unlocked the door. He kissed Suho's cheek and pulled him inside.
Suho smiled as he pulled D.O close, hugging him from behind.
D.O smiled.
Suho kissed D.O's neck. "Is something bothering you?"
"Ani.. why..?"
"Seems like there is."
"I just have a headache.."
Suho pulled away and pulled D.O into the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of aspirin and gave two pills to D.O and got him a glass of water.
"I was just about to do this.." D.O swallowed the pills and took a sip of water.
Suho smiled as he watched D.O. "Smart. You get it from me, don't you?"
"Good. I teach you well." Suho kissed D.O's forehead.
Suho ruffled D.O's hair, but not enough to mess it up too much.
D.O smiled. "What do you want to do?"
"Anything you're in the mood for." Suho smiled back.
"There's a carnival downtown."
"Are you in the mood for that?"
"I'll bring the aspirin just in case."
Suho grabbed the bottle of aspirin then softly kissed D.O.
D.O smiled and kissed back.
Suho brought his hand up to D.O's face.
He kissed back.
Suho smiled into the kiss.
He pulled away. "Are we going or what?"
Suho's smile faded. "Sorry.." he walked passed D.O and headed towards the door.
D.O grabbed his hand and smiled at him.
Suho didn't smile back.
"You okay?"
"You sure?"
Suho sighed and stopped walking. "I know something's up. So, just tell me."
"Nothing's up."
"Tell me."
"There's nothing to tell you."
"You seem...different.."
"You've never pulled away from a kiss that quickly and say something like 'are we going or not?' to me..."
"It seemed a little...rude.."
He shrugged. "It's only been a week, you know."
"I know, but still.."
"It has me worried.."
"I'm fine, okay?"
"Okay.. But it just makes me think something happened with you and Kai.." Suho started walking again.
"I would tell you if something did."
"Promise?" Suho looked at D.O.
{Okay} "Promise."
"Good." Suho smiled.
"Mmhmm." D.O smiled back and grabbed his hand again.
Suho showed his pearly white teeth.
D.O giggled.
Suho looked at D.O, licking his lips.
D.O kissed him.
Suho kissed back.
D.O stepped closer.
Suho placed his hands on D.O's waist.
D.O gently held Suho's neck.
Suho slowly pulled away after a while. "Do you still want to go to the carnival or do you want to go home and have our own fun?"
Suho smiled. "Okay." He grabbed D.O's hand again and started walking home.
{Shall we skip here? Or nah?}
(we can skip there)
Onew had convinced himself he wasn't gay years ago. But now he found Jonghyun.
They met at a store. Jonghyun was working there when Onew was getting an application.
Onew was having trouble paying attention, which wasn't normal for him.
Jonghyun smiled at Onew as he watched him. He started to make two white chocolate cappuccinos for the couple that came in. He wouldn't take his eyes off of Onew though.
Onew was just mindlessly staring at him.
He handed the couple their cappuccinos. He climbed over the counter and went over to Onew.
Onew looked down and kept filling out the application. But his handwriting was utter s***.
Jonghyun smiled. "You need some help with that?"
"Ani, I'm good."
"I can get you the job."
"Okay, you can help."
Jonghyun took the paper from Onew and read it.
"Mmhmm." He made some changes on the paper and stood up. "I'll be right back."
Jonghyun went behind the counter and to the boss' office. He talked to the boss and threatened him to give Onew the job, or else he'd quit. He was the only employee there. The boss agreed to hire Onew and Jonghyun smiled.
He left the office and went back to Onew. "Congratulations. You start tomorrow morning at 9. Don't be late." He smiled again and crumpled the paper up. "You owe me one, by the way."
"Thanks so much."
"No problem." He leaned against the table and looked at Onew.
Onew staring at him again.
Jonghyun bit his lip. "You're just the type.." he chuckled as he straightened himself, standing up.
"What does that mean?"
"The type for the job and for me."
Onew didn't hear the last part. "Good."
"I'll see you tomorrow." Jonghyun tapped Onew's nose.
Onew smiled. "Okay." He left, keeping his eyes on Jonghyun as long as possible.
Jonghyun looked at him through the window and waved.
Onew waved and headed home.
Jonghyun smiled and went back to work.
When he got back, Taemin hugged him. "Hi, hyung." Onew hugged back. "Hey." Taemin pulled him over to the couch, they were watching Finding Nemo. Taemin cuddled up with Onew. "Hyung's back."
(brb, shower)
{😊 BEST MOVIE!!!!}
Key looked over. "Annyeong." Minho didn't take his eyes off the screen. "Annyeong," was all he said.
"Annyeong," Onew said.
"We're watching Finding Nemo. It's awesome." Key said.
Taemin nodded. "It looks like it," Onew said.
"Did you find a job?"
"Where at?"
"A store." Onew smiled. "With a guy."
"Ooh, a guy. Did you chat?"
"Awe, that sucks."
"Do you like him?"
"I think so."
Onew smiled again.
"When do you start?"
"Tomorrow at 9."
"Good luck."
Onew made sure he looked decent before he went to work the next day.
Key looked at Onew before he left. "Well, you look nice." He smiled.
"I want to look nice for him."
"Awe, cute."
Onew smiled. "It's good, right?"
"Very. I'm sure he'll like it."
"Okay, good."
"Have fun."
"I will." Onew smiled when he saw Jonghyun at work.
Jonghyun was sitting on the counter, waiting for Onew. He didn't have to open shop until 11 and the boss left early the other day to go on vacation.
Jonghyun hopped down. "Well, it's about time." he teased. Onew was there earlier than 9.
"But, you said 9."
"I'm just kidding." Jonghyun walked to the windows and pulled the shades.
"We don't open for at least two hours."
"That gives us time to talk."
"About what?"
"Whatever you want to."
"Well, I have nothing to say. Do you?"
"Your name?"
"Oh, I'm Jonghyun. I'm gay and 18 years old. I'm also very flirtatious."
"Geez, you're old."
"Hey! How old are you?"
"You're old." Jonghyun crossed his arms and pouted.
"I know."
Jonghyun looked away. "Maybe I was wrong about you then.." he locked the door and turned the lights off, though the sun shined through the window of the door. He walked to the counter and climbed over it.
"I was just teasing, calm down."
"You don't know what I'm talking about, do you?"
"I guess not."
"Come over here."
Onew walked over to him.
"Come with me." Jonghyun turned and walked into the boss' office.
"Okay." Onew followed him.
Jonghyun pushed everything into the drawers.
(from the desk I tot he drawers)
"What're we doing here?"
"Lay down on the desk and you'll see."
"Okay." Onew did as told.
Jonghyun smiled as he ran his hand down Onew's chest.
"Oh." Onew smiled a little.
Jonghyun kissed him.
Onew kissed back.
Jonghyun smiled into the kiss
Onew smiled more.
Jonghyun unzipped Onew's pants.
{And skip!}
Onew made sure what they did was unnoticeable.
Jonghyun could stop thinking about it and wouldn't stop smiling.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. Of course. I can't stop think about how great you were and your voice."
Onew blushed. "Stop."
"Make me." He chuckled.
Onew leaned closer and gently kissed him.
{Holy s*** I love Taemin's f****** laugh!!!!!}
Jonghyun kissed back for a bit then pulled away. "We have customers," he whispered.
"Right, sorry," Onew whispered back.
Jonghyun grabbed Onew. "Maybe we can go further later."
"I hope so."
Jonghyun smiled. "We will."
Jonghyun kissed Onew's nose.
With everyone at work, Taemin was not staying home. He went Kai's house and knocked on the door.
Kai was playing video games when he heard the knocking. "Come in!" he called, not wanting to pause the game.
Taemin went inside and hugged Kai from the side. "Hi."
"Oh, hi." Kai paused the game and hugged back.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too."
Taemin smiled and kissed Kai's cheek.
Kai set his controller on the table, laid Taemin down on the couch, and crawled on top of him.
Taemin wrapped his arms around him.
"How badly did you miss me?"
"Really badly."
"Prove it."
Taemin leaned up and bit Kai's lip.
Kai softly moaned.
Taemin smiled and tugging.
Kai lifted Taemin's legs.
Taemin wrapped his legs around Kai and pulled him closer.
Kai kissed him.
Taemin kissed back, adding his tongue right away.
Kai started to grind on Taemin.
Taemin moaned really loudly.
(or not gonna do the do?)
{Nah, they do it!}
They'd user protection that time, Taemin didn't want anything like what happened to Minho's brother happening to him.
Taemin wasn't home when Onew got back with Jonghyun. Jonghyun followed Onew up to his room. "No ones here, right?"
"My brother should be." Onew looked everywhere for him. No Taemin. "Weird, he's normally hugging me by now."
"I guess he went out with friends." Jonghyun started kissing Onew's neck.
"He doesn't have friends. Except.." Onew pushed him away. "D*****, he's supposed to be grounded." He started walking to Kai's house.
Jonghyun groaned. "Hurry before it's too late.."
"Alright." Onew knocked when he got there. "Taemin, I know you're here!" Taemin hid himself.
"S***..." Kai pulled on a pair of underwear and pants. "I'll be right back," he whispered to Taemin. He ran downstairs to the door. He opened it.
"Can I help you, Onew?"
"Where's Taemin?"
"I don't know..isn't he at home?"
"I know he's here."
"What makes you think that?"
"I know him too well. Now where is he?"
{Would you mind if I went to bed now..? I'm super tired..}
"Just, please don't hurt him.."
(It's fine. You should get some rest. it's been a long day for you I bet.)
(Okay. Get some sleep! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo! Sleep well!)
{I will! You too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
"I won't hurt him."
"And don't ground him longer. He was just bored and came over."
"But he did something he wasn't supposed to do."
"I know but he doesn't like being alone.."
"Just bring him here."
Kai closed the door and went upstairs. "You have to go now..."
"No..." Taemin was under the bed. "I'm not leaving..."
"It's either you go down there or he comes in.."
"Okay.. I'll tell him you're not going."
Taemin was quiet.
Kai went back downstairs to the door and opened it. "He's not going."
"Of course he's not." Onew sighed. "Where is he?"
"He's not going with you."
"Just tell me so I can get him."
Kai sighed. "He's in my room.."
"Okay." Onew tried to convince Taemin to go with, but Taemin just kept saying 'no' and wouldn't move from under the bed.
Kai stood in the doorway, watching them.
Onew even said he would unground him, but Taemin still wouldn't go.
Kai walked up to Onew and pulled him away. "If he says he doesn't want to go, he's not going.
"He has to, he's grounded."
"Well, he's not going."
"You make him go then. He'll listen to you."
"I said, he's not going." he pushed Onew.
"He will." Onew pushed back.
Kai was getting angry and punched Onew.
Luckily, Taemin was dressed. He finally came out when he heard Kai punch Onew. He immediately ran to Onew and made sure he was okay, which he was. "What the h***, Kai?" Taemin looked over at him.
Kai hadn't punched anyone for over a month. That's why he and D.O had broken up.
This was really the first time Taemin had ever been mad at anyone. "We have to go now." He took Onew home.
Kai felt horrible.
Taemin didn't even notice Jonghyun when they got home.
Jonghyun ran over to Onew. "Are you okay?"
Onew nodded. "I'm fine."
Jonghyun hugged him.
Onew hugged back.
"Thank God, you're okay." he smiled.
"Mmhmm." Onew pointed behind him. "That's my brother, Taemin." Taemin was often mistaken for a girl, and Jonghyun was no different.
Jonghyun pulled away and waved at Taemin. "Annyeong, Taemin. I'm Jonghyun."
"Hi." Taemin hugged him, like he did with everyone.
Jonghyun chuckled as he hugged back.
Taemin smiled. "You're a good hugger."
"I know. I get that a lot."
Taemin giggled. "Good."
Taemin pulled away. "I'll leave you two alone now." He went up to Key and Minho's room and found Key's phone. He called Kai, just to make sure he was okay.
Kai didn't answer. He had left his phone in his room as he took a bath.
Taemin left him alone.
Kai tried to drown himself, but he couldn't do it. One, he was too scared. Two, Everytime he tried to do it, his instincts told him to come back up so he did.
Three, he didn't know if Taemin still loved him because of what he did.
Taemin was lonely again, he waited for either Key or Minho to come home.
Key didn't come home until 9, and Minho came home around 7.
Taemin heard Minho come inside. He ran downstairs and hugged him.
"Woah, hi to you too." he chuckled and hugged back.
"You okay?"
"I'm lonely.. Kai won't answer.."
Minho sighed. "Let's go check on him."
Minho pulled away and pulled Taemin outside. "I don't know where he lives so you'll have to bring me to him."
"Okay.." Taemin led him to Kai's house. He knocked before he went in. "Kai?"
No reply.
Taemin went upstairs, Kai wasn't in his room. "Kai?"
No reply.
Taemin looked everywhere and finally found him. "Kai?"
{I'm sorry, I gotta go to church. I'll be back in an hour! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Awe! Okie. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
Kai was under the water, his whole body was under the water.
Taemin ran in and pulled him above the water. "Appa!"
Minho came running in. Kai was unconscious.
"He's not moving.."
Minho helped Taemin get Kai out of the water. He put a towel over his thing and did the CPR.
Taemin felt guilty for leaving Kai alone.
After a while, Kai started coughing. Minho turned him to his side so he could get the water out of his system. When Kai was done coughing, he took in a few beep breaths. The towel was then off of him. He looked up and saw Minho and Taemin.
Taemin waved to him.
Kai looked away from them. "I hated me for...what I did.." he looked back up at Taemin. "Why are you here?"
"I tried calling.. you wouldn't answer.. I got worried.."
"I left my phone in my room..I thought you wouldn't call.."
"I was lonely.. and I missed you.."
"You have Onew.."
"He was busy.."
Kai looked away.
"I'm sorry.."
"I didn't mean to punch him.. It was an instinct.."
"I know.."
Kai looked at Taemin again.
"Do you need help up?"
"I'm fine."
"You sure?"
Minho got up. "I'll go wait downstairs." he left the bathroom and went downstairs.
Taemin nodded. He went to Kai's room and brought him back some clothes.
Kai was up and drying off and Taemin got back.
Taemin helped him get dressed. When he was done, he hugged Kai.
Kai hugged back.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Taemin buried his face in Kai's neck.
Kai bit his lip.
"I'm sorry I punched him.."
"It's fine."
"Can I come over and apologize?"
Kai smiled.
"And I'll even let you spend the night."
"And we'll watch Finding Nemo."
"Wow, you really do love me." he chuckled.
"Of course."
Kai pulled away. "I can't wait. Let's go."
Taemin pulled him downstairs. "Can Kai stay the night?" he asked Minho.
"Well, that's not up to me, sorry bud. I didn't ground you."
"He ungrounded me."
"Oh, well, I guess he can stay then."
Taemin smiled and pulled Kai outside. "I'll race you there." He started running towards home.
"Hey! No fair!" Kai started after him, catching up quickly.
Minho followed them, walking.
Taemin giggled and sped up.
"Get your a** back here!" Kai teased.
"Make me!"
"Oh, I will!"
"I dare you to!"
As Taemin was getting close to the street to cross, a car came zooming towards him.
"Taemin-ah!!" Kai yelled.
Taemin abruptly stopped when he saw the car, and he made sure Kai stopped too.
Kai hugged him. "Thank God you stopped.."
"Mmhmm." Taemin hugged back.
Kai tightened his grip.
Taemin hid his fab in Kai's neck.
Kai pulled away after a while, turned, and bent over. "Climb on."
"Okay.." Taemin got onto his back and held on tightly.
Kai started to walk.
Taemin rested his head on Kai's shoulder and closed his eyes.
Kai smiled. When they got home, Kai and Taemin started to watch Finding Nemo. Minho found the flowers Kai and given to Taemin and saw the note. He read it.
Taemin held Kai really close.
Kai had a smile on his face. When Key got home, Minho talked to him about the note.
Jonghyun and Onew had come downstairs. Minho went up to Onew. "Did you know about this?" he gave the note to Onew.
Onew shook his head. "No."
"It's not your fault.."
"Knowing about this without telling us isn't a good thing."
"I know, you should probably talk to him."
"Yeah, after the movie."
(after movie?)
"Hey, Taemin? Can I talk to you? Alone." Minho asked Taemin once the movie was over.
"Mmhmm." Taemin squeezed Kai's hand before he got up and followed Minho.
Minho pulled the note out of his pocket when they got to the kitchen. "Why didn't you say anything about this?"
"Oh, I was going to ask you what it said, but I forgot to."
"It says he wants us to move in with him. Mostly you."
Minho sighed. "Next time, leave the note on one of our beds so we can see it right away."
"We can't move in with him. At least not yet."
"Why not?"
"Because we said no."
"That's not a good reason."
"Yes it is. It's enough. We said no, and that's final."
Taemin sighed. "Okay."
"We're staying here. Like it or not."
"You can go back to him now."
Taemin nodded and walked back to the couch and cuddled up with Kai again.
Later that night when everyone went to bed, Kai and Taemin were still awake. "So, I have something to ask you." Kai said, his head on Taemin's lap and Taemin was playing with his hair.
"What is it?"
Kai got up. He stood in front of Taemin then kneeled down. he reached into his pocket and pulled out a diamond ring, made of real diamonds. "Will you marry me?"
Taemin just froze up. He didn't know how to respond, but he slowly nodded.
Kai smiled, grabbed Taemin's hand, and slipped the ring on his finger.
Taemin was quiet as he hugged Kai.
Kai hugged back.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too."
Taemin tightened his grip.
Kai kissed Taemin's neck.
Taemin smiled.
Kai crawled on top of Taemin and pinned him to the couch.
"Kai, they'll hear us."
"Not if we're quiet."
"You'll have to keep me quiet."
"I will."
Kai smiled.
Taemin smiled and kissed him.
Kai kissed back. (I gtg...ill be back in about an hour.)
{Okie. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{Also, for when this idea is done, I have a new one!}
(Woah! Okay! Lol!)
{Haha! Sorry!}
(It's okay!)
{So, shall we skip the nasty?}
(Ne! I also has idea for the next day!)
{Ooh! Okie! Shoot!}
Minho was making lunch when Taemin came in to get him and Kai something to drink. Minho saw the ring. "Hey, what's that?"
"Uh.. it's a thing."
"What is it?"
"A thing."
"Show me."
Taemin showed him.
"Are no no. You are not getting married."
Minho glared at him.
"No. You've only known him for a week."
"You can't tell me no."
"I'm your appa."
"So what?"
"The groom, or whatever, is supposed to ask the father for permission. He didn't do that."
"You're not my real dad. He doesn't need your permission."
Minho went silent. He looked away.
"Oh god, I'm sorry.." Taemin hugged him.
Minho bit his lip, holding back the tears.
"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean it..."
"Just go...I don't care right now.." a tear rolled down his cheek.
Taemin nodded and pulled away. "I'm sorry.." Taemin got Kai his drink and took it to him.
"Hey, you okay?" Kai asked Taemin.
"I'm awful.."
"Whats wrong?"
"I said something really mean to appa... I didn't mean to..."
"Awe..come here." Kai held his arms open.
Taemin sat down on his lap and hugged him. "He's mad at me..."
"Why?" Kai hugged back.
"Because of what I said..."
Kai rubbed his back. "He'll get over it.."
after a few minutes, Minho brought lunch to the table. "Come eat.." he said as he sat down.
Taemin didn't want to, he was punishing himself.
"Come on. What are you waiting for?" Minho asked.
"I'm not hungry..."
"Come eat."
Kai looked at him. "Just listen to him.."
"I don't want to eat... I'm fine..."
Kai sat Taemin on the couch and stood up.
Taemin laid down and curled up in a ball.
Kai sighed. "Why are you doing this?"
"I'm not hungry, okay...?"
Minho got up and brought their bowls into the living room and set them on the coffee table. "I'll be in my bedroom if you need me. Probably won't need me because who does? Just Key needs me." He put his bowl in the fridge and went upstairs.
Taemin watched him. He still felt like s***.
Minho's eyes were red.
Taemin rolled over so his back was facing Kai and his face was hidden.
Kai sat down next to him. "Come on, a little bit at least.."
"Fine. If you don't eat, I won't eat."
"You eat, I won't..."
"I'm not going to eat unless you eat."
"I can't eat..."
"Why not?"
"I need to punish myself..."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do..."
"Taemin, look at me."
Taemin looked up at him.
Kai placed his hand on Taemin's cheek and looked into his eyes. "You have to eat.."
"You need the nutrition.."
{Hey, I gotta go to a Youth Group meeting now. I'll be back around 7:30 my time! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Awee....okay... Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
Taemin sat up. "Fine.."
"Thank you."
Kai put his hand on Taemin's shoulder. "Taemin...stop acting like this.."
Taemin hugged him. "I'm sorry.."
Kai hugged back. "It's fine but I just don't like seeing you like this..."
"I know.."
Kai buried his face in Taemin's neck.
"I'm sorry.."
"Can you stop acting like this now?"
"Thank you." Kai started kissing Taemin's neck.
Kai trailed his kisses to Taemin's Adam's Apple.
Taemin smiled and rubbed Kai's back.
Kai moved his kisses up Taemin's chin, to his lips.
Taemin smiled even more as he kissed back.
Kai pushed Taemin onto his back as he crawled on top of him, deepening the kiss.
"Kai, not now."
"I guess we can make out later."
"Wait, now is good." Taemin kissed him again.
Kai smiled as he kissed back.
Taemin made it deeper.
At that moment, Minho came down. He was hungry and wanted to eat his food. "Doesn't look like you're eating your food," He said as he saw them making out.
Taemin pulled away. "We were about to."
"Doesn't look like it."
Taemin was quiet.
"Taemin, please.." Minho looked at him.
"Just eat, please."
"I will."
"I've been through so much in the past 15 to 20 minutes.."
"I said I was sorry."
"Yes, I know..I just need some comforting from anyone right" he covered his mouth as his eyes swelled up again.
"Your what?" Taemin slid out from under Kai and walked over to Minho and hugged him.
Minho hugged back, burying his face in Taemin's neck. "My appa passed away five minutes ago.."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"We were so close..."
Minho was shaking.
Taemin rubbed his back.
Minho pulled away after a while. "I'm going to eat my food now.."
He walked to the kitchen, grabbed his bowl, sat on the counter, and ate there.
Taemin decided to eat with him, he wanted to make sure he was okay.
Minho looked at him and forced a smile. "You're eating.."
"Of course."
"Thank you."
Minho leaned over and kisses Taemin's cheek.
Taemin smiled.
Minho grabbed Taemin's hand as he set his bowl in the sink.
"I love you, appa."
"I love you too."
Taemin set his bowl in the sink a few minutes later.
Minho kept his eyes on Taemin.
"You are one beautiful young man."
Taemin smiled. "Thanks."
"But your smile is half as beautiful as you."
"Stop it."
"Make me."
"I don't know how."
"Exactly." Minho smiled as he jumped down from the counter.
Taemin jumped down, too.
Minho turned to Taemin and wrapped his arms around his waist.
Taemin hugged him.
Minho smiled and hugged back. "You make me happy when Key's not here. I'm still in this world because of you and Key and Onew and my brother.."
"That's good."
"Mmhmm. Very."
"And you'll be here much longer."
Minho placed his hands on Taemin's hips.
"What're you doing?"
"Dance with me." Minho pulled out his phone.
Minho put on some Mexican music and started dancing, swaying his hips.
Taemin giggled and started dancing too.
Minho smiled and moved Taemin's hips.
Taemin giggled again. "I've never done anything like this."
"Fun, isn't it?"
"Good." Kai was standing in the doorway, watching them as Minho started teaching Taemin how to Salsa.
{I'm sorry, but it's bedtime.. I'll see you in the morning, though! Sweet dreams! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(It's okay! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
Taemin was learning really fast.
"You're good at this," Minho said.
"No problem."
Taemin smiled. "Maybe you're just a really good teacher."
"Maybe." Minho smiled.
"I think you are."
"Why thank you." Minho spun Taemin.
Taemin giggled. "Mmhmm."
When the song was over, Minho dipped Taemin.
Taemin smiled up at him.
Minho brought him back up, their faces were close.
he smiled back.
Taemin swallowed.
He looked into Taemin's eyes.
"We're really close right now."
Taemin nodded awkwardly.
Minho touched noses with Taemin.
Taemin swallowed again.
"I'm not going to kiss you, ya goof." Minho chuckled as he pulled away.
{Time to go... 😭 I'll see you later! Have a great day!! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Yeah...okay...You too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
"Right, I knew that."
Minho shook his head. "Liar."
"Hey, am not."
Minho looked over at the doorway and saw Kai. His face was red, his hand over his mouth. It was taking him everything to not laugh.
Taemin looked over at him, too. "What?"
"Nothing.." he took a deep breath. Laughter tears were forming in his eyes. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it." he turned and walked out of the room so he could take a few deep breaths.
"Ani, tell me." Taemin followed him.
"You did think he was going to kiss you, didn't you?" he smiled as he looked at Taemin.
He shook his head. "He wouldn't do that."
"I know."
Kai caressed Taemin's cheek.
Taemin smiled. "But you would."
"And I will." Kai leaned close and softly kissed Taemin.
Taemin smiled more and kissed back.
Kai pulled him closer.
Taemin wrapped his arms around Kai's neck.
Kai added his tongue.
Taemin pushed his tongue against Kai's.
Minho came up behind Taemin and tapped his shoulder.
Taemin jumped and looked back at him. He was blushing a lot. "Ne?"
"Get a room," he whispered.
"We will."
"But if I hear anything, your dead." he teased as he smiled.
"Okay. We'll try to be quiet." Taemin pulled Kai up to his and Onew's room. It was unoccupied. He closed the door.
Kai smiled. He sat down on the bed.
Taemin sat down on his lap and leaned in close. "Hi."
"Hey, s**y."
"Shut up." Taemin kissed him, making it rough right away.
(could we skip here?)
{Of course!}
{😊Now what?}
(brb again...)
{Aw.. okie}
(I has idea too)
{Ooh! Shoot!}
One day, Suho went to D.O's house. He knocked on the door. "도경수!!" Suho called, still knocking.
D.O answered the door. "Ne?"
Suho got down on his knees, as if he was begging for something. "Please, oh please, 도경수, marry me."
D.O's eyes widened as he nodded really quickly. "Ne, definitely."
"I don't have to ring, but I will get one soon," he said, looking up at D.O.
"That's okay."
Suho stood up and hugged D.O. "You have no idea how much I love you."
"I'm sure I don't." D.O hugged back.
"And I will keep loving you forever and ever."
D.O smiled. "I will, too."
"I will never stop loving you."
"I'll never stop loving you, either."
Suho smiled, tightening his grip.
D.O smiled more.
"We need to celebrate this moment." Suho pulled away. "And luckily, I brought something."
"Ooh, what is it?" D.O pulled him inside and shut the door.
"I need to go to my car. It's there." Suho chuckled and ruffled D.O's hair.
"Oh, sorry."
"It's okay, you didn't know." Suho ran out to his car and grabbed a bottle of champagne. "You don't happen to have any wine glasses, do you?" he called from his car.
"Oh, ne." D.O ran into the kitchen and grabbed two for them. He brought them back to him.
"Awe, sweet. I forgot to bring them and I hoped you did." Suho smiled.
"Well, I have some."
"That's good." Suho closed the door. "Shall we go inside?"
"Mmhmm." D.O pulled Suho back inside and shut the door behind him.
Suho brought the champagne into the living room and opened it. He smiled at D.O as he poured it into the cups.
{Can I say I'm excited for the new idea? Or is it too early?}
D.O smiled back.
{Okie. 😅}
Suho sat down.
D.O sat down next to him.
Suho lifted his glass. "To us."
D.O did the same. "To us."
Suho smiled and 'clinked' glasses with D.O. he took a sip.
D.O took a sip, too.
Suho set his glass down.
"It's good." D.O set his next to Suho's.
Suho nodded. He scooted closer to him and soon was on his lap. He softly pressed his lips to D.O's.
D.O kissed back as softly as he could.
Suho cupped D.O's fave in his hands, pulling him a bit closer.
D.O loosely wrapped his arms around Suho, holding him close.
"Taemin!!" Key squealed as he came running down the stairs. Tears were streaming from his eyes, though he was smiling.
"Ne?" Taemin got up and ran over to him.
"Look at my hand!" he showed Taemin his hand, which had a ring on his finger.
Taemin's eyes widened. "You too?"
"What do you mean?"
Taemin showed Key his hand.
Key's eyes widened. "No no no barely know him.."
"I know him well enough to marry him."
"I'm just kidding with you." Key hugged him. "That's great!"
Taemin hugged back. "Thanks, eomma."
"Mmhmm." Key smiled more than he was, if that was even possible.
Taemin rubbed his back.
(I'm ready when you are when you want to do that idea of yours.)
(Mmhmm. it's up to you when you want to do it.)
{We can do it now if we're done with this one.}
{Okie! I hope don't mind, I want it to be TaeKey!}
(I don't mind at all!)
{Yay!!} Jonghyun and Key broke up; Jonghyun had lied to him and tried to take his blood without warning. This left Key and emotional wreck for a couple days, maybe a week. He wanted to love someone again, someone he could trust. He had his eyes on Taemin, but Taemin wasn't looking for anyone currently. He had other concerns. Plus, everyone thought Minho and Taemin were together. They spent about 2 hours everyday after school studying at the library. They weren't together. Minho was with Onew. No one knew where Taemin went except Minho, and he was sworn to secrecy. And Key was starting to get curious.
(So who's who?)
{I'm Taemin and Jongie and Onew. You're Key and Minho. Cool?}
(yep! deal!!)
(idk what to do...can you keep going?)
{Okie!} Taemin could tell Key was trying to get closer to him. It was weird, no one had done that to him before.
Key would always stare or glance at Taemin.
That made Taemin feel awkward. He would try to ignore it, but it was difficult.
One day, Minho saw Kay staring at Taemin. "Is he bothering you?" he asked Taemin.
"A little.."
"I'll take care of him." Minho stood up.
"Don't hurt him."
"I'll hurt his feelings."
"No, he's already hurt enough."
"How so?"
"He and Jonghyun broke up."
"Well, I'll say it nicely to him then."
Minho walked over to Key. "Listen. That young man you keep staring at, is Taemin. He's not looking for anyone to date so stop staring. He's creeped out because of you. So please, I'm asking you, to stop staring at him. He doesn't like you." he turned and walked back to Taemin. "There." Key's eyes started to fill with tears. He got up and ran to the bathroom.
"Hyung.." Taemin got up and ran after him. "Key-hyung?"
"Leave me alone!" Key called as he entered the bathroom and locked himself in a stall. "You don't like me!"
"I never said that."
"That's exactly what Minho said..."
"Don't listen to him. I told him to say it nicely. I guess he didn't."
"Just leave me to die in my misery...I've been through too much..."
"No, I'm not leaving you." 'Until I have to..'
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want you being alone."
Key was silent as he sniffled. "Really..?"
"Of course."
Key got up and unlocked the door, but didn't open it.
Taemin slowly opened the door.
Key was sitting on the floor. "My dad died and my boyfriend broke up with me..." He wiped the tears under his eyes.
"Aw, I'm sorry." Taemin messed with Key's hair, he couldn't get any closer.
Key looked up at Taemin. "Is it true...?"
"That you're not looking for a relationship?"
"Not right now, no."
(I gtg..I have to do the dishes and I know you'll be going to bed by the time I get back so...)
{Yeah... so.. Sweet dreams! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(You too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
"Maybe. I don't know."
Key looked down. "Okay."
"It's fine..."
"I just want someone I can trust.."
"He told me we would be together forever..."
"I guess he didn't mean it."
Key's eyes started to water. "I loved him so much...I trusted him..with all my heart...and now....that feeling of being loved is gone.."
Taemin knelt down and wrapped his arm around Key's shoulders.
Key scooted closer and hugged Taemin. "I...we were going to go to America for our one year anniversary..he broke up with me on that we didn't go.."
"I'm sorry." Taemin carefully hugged back.
Key started crying again, into Taemin's chest.
As nicely as he could, Taemin pushed Key away and started quickly drying himself off. "Not here... not now..."
"What..?" Key looked up at him.
"Uh.. nothing." Taemin ran into the next stall and locked the door.
"What?" {D*** gotta go.. I'll see you after school though! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
"Tell me what's wrong. Cause if we ever do get together, I know you won't keep secrets away from me." (Yeah... Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!) Key laid down and looked under the stall wall so he could see Taemin.
Taemin had a tail now, and he had his face hidden. "Don't look at me.."
(my necklace broke....)
Key's eyes widened. "Y-you're a fish?!"
{Aw... I'm sorry..}
(It just randomly came apart somehow...)
"Shut up.."
Key got up and ran out of the stall. He grabbed some paper towels and took off his jacket. "Open the stall."
Taemin reached up and unlocked it.
Key opened the door and sat down. He started to wipe Taemin's tail with the paper towels.
Taemin looked up at him as he changed back.
Key got up and threw the paper towels away. He smelled his hands. "Ew.." he quickly put some soap on his hands and washed his hands.
"Sorry.." Taemin got up.
"About what? That I had to touch you, or what was somewhat you?"
"Don't be sorry."
"You're my crush. I'd help you with anything." Key smiled as he dried his hands.
"Right, I almost forgot about that."
Key walked over to Taemin and held his hand out.
Taemin took Key's hand.
Key pulled him up.
After those two hours in the library, Taemin disappeared like he did everyday.
(Where does he go?)
{The ocean. 😊}
(ah, okay)
{Yep! 👍}
One day, Key went to the beach with his best friend that went to a different school. They were both gay but his friend didn't like him more than a best friend. Key didn't like him more than a best friend either. They were best friends and that's it. After Key and Jonghyun broke up, they started hanging out more than before.
It was about sunset time when Taemin got there. He didn't see Key and his friend, so he just did what he normally did, he ran right into the oven and dove straight under.
Key's friend saw Taemin and pointed t him. "Isn't that the one you like?" he asked Key. "Ah, ne." Key smiled. "Why is he coming here? No one ever comes here or swims at sunset.." Key just shrugged as if he didn't know, but he knew that Taemin loved to swim, even since he has a tail.
Taemin actually lived out there at night. And he came back in the morning.
Key and his friend had a picnic at the beach for dinner. They had fun and Key felt as if maybe he was falling for him. As they were laying down, looking at the stars, Key looked at him. He looked back at Key. Key started to lean in and his friend found himself leaning in as well.
Taemin was secretly watching them. He actually felt jealous when he saw them.
They softly started kissing. Key started to think of Taemin after a few minutes. He pulled away. "I'm sorry.." Key said. "I don't know what I was thinking. Can..can we forget this happened?" his friend nodded. "It's fine. And uh, forget what happened?" he smiled. Key smiled back. "I don't know actually."
Taemin was gone by then. He didn't come back.
They packed up and left.
Taemin was back in the morning, which was a Saturday. He made sure he avoided Key.
Key was out and about with his friend again.
Taemin saw them and immediately hid.
Key was really happy because his friend was bringing him to see a new movie at the theaters.
Taemin felt betrayed by Key.
"Yesterday was awkward, don't you think?" Key asked his friend. "Yeah, I mean, kissing a friend isn't bad, is it?" his friend replied. Key shrugged. "I don't think so.."
Taemin was quietly following them.
"Well, it's a good thing we're still friends because if we weren't...I don't know what I'd do.." Key said. "Me either," his friend replied.
'You're more than friends..'
"But thank you for bringing me to the new movie. I can't wait to see it," Key said. "No problem," his friend replied, smiling.
(Who should his friend be..........Kim Jae Joong?)
Taemin couldn't get into the movie, he had no money. He sat outside and waited for them.
Key smiled back. "Did you like the kiss..?" Key randomly came up. "well, it's not the best kiss I've had, but it's a sweet way to get into a relationship with. Not me though. Ew." Joong said. Key chuckled. "Yeah, very ew."
Taemin hated this feeling, he just wanted it gone. He curled up in a ball in the alleyway next door.
when the movie was over, they came out laughing. "That was the best movie ever!" Key exclaimed. "I know, right?" Joong replied.
Taemin ran out from the alley and hugged Key.
Key jumped. "How did you know where I was?" Key asked as he hugged back.
"I was following you.." Taemin whispered. "I'm sorry.. I'm just lonely.."
"Oh...Uhm..I guess it's okay.." Key smiled.
Key looked at Joong. Joong smiled at them and Key smiled back. 'I'm hugging him...this is the best birthday ever!!'
"I missed you…"
"I missed you too."
"I missed you more.."
"Are you sure?"
"I think so.."
"Well, I think you're wrong because I missed you more."
"Ani, you're wrong."
"Ani." Key pulled away and smiled at Taemin. "I missed you way more than you missed me."
"Ne. I'll prove it."
"Like this." Key softly pressed his lips to Taemin's.
Taemin started blushing a lot as gently kissed back.
Key tilted his head a little as he placed his hands on Taemin's neck.
Taemin held Key's waist.
Key smiled into the kiss. 'I'm kissing him now....oh my god...'
Taemin pulled away after awhile and just stared at him. "You're good."
"I've had practice."
"Oh, right."
"Yeah, but thanks."
"Hey, do you want to celebrate my birthday with us?"
"Jungyeon will be here soon to pick us up."
"Awe, thanks!" Key smiled and hugged him.
Taemin smiled and hugged back tightly.
The sound of a car honking its horn was heard from not far. Key pulled and looked in the direction. It was Jungyeon. Key smiled more and waved to her.
{From Twice?}
(I love them now!!)
Taemin jumped when he heard it and hid his face in Key's chest.
"It's okay." Key rubbed his back. Jungyeon pulled up to them and they got in. "I brought a friend," Key said. "His name is Taemin.
"Nice to meet you, Taemin. I'm Jungyeon." she waved at him.
Taemin nodded and turned to her and waved. "Hi."
"Hi." She smiled. "You're a cute one. We're keeping you."
"Oh, okay."
She smiled more. "Promise you won't run away first."
"I promise."
Key smiled at Taemin.
Taemin smiled back at him.
Key grabbed his hand.
"I love you."
Key smiled more, showing his teeth. "I love you too."
Taemin rubbed Key's hand with his thumb.
Key leaned close and softly kissed him once again.
Taemin blushed again as he kissed back, he brought his hand up to Key's cheek.
Key turned his head slightly and made the kiss a little rough.
Taemin pulled away a little. "We should go now."
Key nodded. Key pulled him in and closed the door. They drove to Key's house, which was a normal sized house but it was pretty. There was a garden in the front of the house and a fence around the back for his two dogs.
Taemin got really excited when he saw the dogs. He was sure they wouldn't like him, he let them sniff him anyway.
They started jumping around and barking when they sniffed him. "Hey! Shut up! Be nice!" Key exclaimed, patting their heads each twice.
"Do they like me?"
"They will. Just wait a while."
Key smiled. "Go eat," he told his dogs. They ran out of the room and into the kitchen. "Dogs..they can be children sometimes."
"They're still cute."
"Yeah. Their names are CommeDes and Garçons."
"Once they get to know you, they'll be sleeping on you."
"That sounds nice."
"Yeah, but they dig their claws into your legs and stomach. I don't have enough money to get their claws cut. But luckily, Joongie will give me money to cut their claws, right Joongie?" Key did an aegyo. "Aish, okay.." Joong sighed.
"So, what're we doing here?"
"Celebrating my birthday with champagne and cake and games."
"Ooh, okay."
"You're okay with champagne, right? Or do you want something heavier?"
"I'm okay with champagne."
"I need to get home before sunset, though."
"Oh, why? We were going to celebrate until midnight."
"You know why."
"Right.." Key looked down.
"I'm sorry."
{Gotta go to dance now.. Cya in an hour! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Okie! Good luck!! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
{I'm back!!}
"It's fine.."
"I'll still get to see you, so that's good."
Key sat down on the couch.
Taemin sat down next to him and held him close.
Key smiled as he rested his head on Taemin's shoulder.
Taemin rubbed his back.
(What would you like on your collage?) Key looked up at Taemin.
{What collage?} Taemin pushed Key's hair back.
(You got the guess who right) Key smiled again and looked into Taemin's eyes.
{Oh! Um! TaeKey!! Really REALLY cute TaeKey!!} "What?"
(Okay!!) Key made a kissey face.
Taemin smiled and kissed him.
Key kissed back, bringing his hand up to Taemin's cheek.
Taemin grabbed Key's waist and pulled him closer.
Key made the kiss a little rougher as Joong and Jungyeon went to the kitchen to get the champagne and cake.
Taemin pulled away just enough to press their foreheads together. "You know I hardly know you, right?"
Key smiled. "I know..but I know almost everything about you."
"Oh really?"
"Prove it."
"Well, I know you're 17 years old. You weren't interested in a relationship until who knows when. You're friends with a mean person. I'm pretty sure you're either gay or bi. You're a male of course. You are very short for your age."
"Yah, I'm not short!"
"You are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are to."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"You're just really tall."
"No. I'm like a few centimeters taller than you. You're still short."
"Ani, you're tall."
"You're like 5'8. I'm like nearly the same. 5'9."
"But you know who is tall?"
(oops let me change that)
5'9 3/4 (Taemin) 5'10 (Key) ******
"Ani, Minho."
"Yeah, he's only 5'11. I'm almost 5'11."
"Plus Joong is taller than Minho."
"He's tall to me."
"Joong is 6'0."
"He's really tall then."
"You said you know everything about me. When's my birthday?"
"July 18, 1993!"
"Uh-huh. What about where I live?"
Key leaned close to Taemin's ear and whispered, "The water."
"Next question." Key smile.
"Okay. Where did I used to live?"
Key shrugged.
"With my family in the neighborhood near the park."
"Oh, okay."
"Mmhmm. Now tell me about you."
"Hmm...well, I...well...what is there to say?"
"So much."
"Like what?"
"Anything. Maybe your real name."
"Oh, I thought you knew. But okay. My name is Kim Kibum. I was born on September 23, 1991, which makes me 19, today."
"Cool, I'll remember that."
"I was born in Daegu, South Korea. I was a varsity water skier in Dae Gu Yeong Shin middle school."
Taemin nodded. "Cool."
{It's bedtime... sowwy... 😥 Sweet dreams! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(It's okay!! You too! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
Before Taemin had to go, he hugged Key for a really long time. "I'll be back in the morning. I'll miss you.."
"I'll miss you too." Key didn't want to let go.
"You can come by later if you want."
"Maybe. I don't know."
"Okay." Taemin squeezed him before he pulled away and left.
Key turned to the others. Luckily he had fun. They actually stayed up until almost 3 AM. By that time, they had passed out in the living room.
Taemin was really lonely in his makeshift home. He was just doodling random things in his notebook.
Key thought of Taemin before he went to sleep. He held the three foot teddy bear his mom had given him before she passed away four months ago. He smiled. 'Goodnight, Taemin..'
Taemin fell asleep in the middle of another s***** doodle.
When they woke up, Joong and Jungyeon had to go home. Key was alone with his dogs now.
Taemin was still sound asleep.
Key was waiting for Taemin, but he knew he wasn't coming. Key decided to go on a walk.
(School is cancelled today....)
Taemin texted Key when he woke up. 'Hi..'
'Annyeong! I'm headed to the beach. Meet you there?'
{Oh okay.}
'Ten minutes? Is that enough?"
'Okay. See you then. I love you!'
'I love you, too!'
{I gotta go... I'll see you at 10:45ish my time? Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
Key put his phone in his pocket and put his earbud back in. He was listening to a rock band called Royal Pirates. He started jogging again.
(There's a huge snowstorm coming. Yhats why they cancelled school.)
(Sure!! let's hope I don't fall asleep!
(Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
Taemin was watching for him.
Key was at the beach in a few minutes.
When Key was close enough, Taemin hugged his ankle. "Hi."
Key jumped. "F****** s***..."
"Don't do that."
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to surprise you."
"It's fine. You did surprise me."
Key sat down where he was.
"You showed me where you live, do you want to see where I live?"
Key smiled. "Sure."
Taemin grabbed Key's hand and pulled him into the water.
Key left his phone, headphones, and jacket.
"How long can you hold your breath?"
"I don't know. We'll have to see."
"Okay." Taemin pulled him underwater and led him to his home.
Key was smiling.
Taemin kept looking over at him, making sure he wasn't dying.
At one point, Key needed some air. He tapped Taemin's shoulder.
Taemin pressed his lips to Key's and breathed into his mouth.
Key took in the air.
Taemin pulled away and they kept going.
Key held onto Taemin's hand tightly.
Taemin led him into a tunnel and up. It was mostly above water, and Taemin had bunch of stuff he'd collected.
'Woah...' Key stared at all the stuff.
"This is it."
Key let go of Taemin's hand and looked around. He picked up a few things he found interesting and looked at them.
The notebook was open to a page with a bunch of sketches of Key. Some were scratched out.
Key looked at the sketches. "Did you do these?"
"Mmhmm." Taemin was drying himself off. "They're not good."
"They're beautiful."
"No problem." Key couldn't stop smiling.
"Some were bad."
"How long have you been doing this?"
"Doing what?"
"Making sketches of me."
"Since last night. But you have been featured in other ones."
"You've been in others at least once."
"Oh, okay."
"Mmhmm." Taemin stood up and hugged him. "I missed you."
Key smiled. "I missed you too."
Taemin smiled, too. "It was lonely here without you."
"I bet it was." Key buried his face in Taemin's neck.
"Mmhmm. And quiet."
"I fell asleep with my three foot bear that my eomma gave to me before she passed away four months ago. I thought about you instead of my eomma like I always do. I cry myself to sleep. This time I didn't."
"I don't like crying myself to sleep."
"That's good."
"I have a bear, too." Taemin pulled away and grabbed a small, beat up teddy bear. "I named him Ruffles."
Key smiled. "Cute."
"He helps with the loneliness."
Key nodded. "He's cute. Just like you."
Taemin smiled. "Stop."
"Make me."
"Ruffles is too young to hear that stuff."
Key smiled more.
Taemin covered Ruffles's ears.
Key looked back at the sketches.
"You can look through them if you want."
Key nodded. "I know. I just really love these ones." Key flipped through the pages slowly.
Taemin smiled as he pet Ruffles.
Key was falling in love more and more.
{Aw!!! 😂} "Do you like them?"
Key shook his head.
"I love them."
Taemin smiled. "Thanks."
Key set the notebook down and looked at Taemin.
Key motioned him over.
Taemin walked over to him.
Key hugged him tightly.
Taemin gently set Ruffles down and hugged back.
Key smiled, burying his face in Taemin's neck.
Taemin ran his fingers through Key's hair.
"Come home with me."
Key kissed Taemin's neck once before pulling away.
"Do you want to go now?"
"Ne. Maybe you can sketch a picture of me on my wall."
"I'll try."
"It doesn't have to be big."
Key kissed Taemin's cheek as he grabbed his hand. "Ready?,
"Mmhmm." {I'm sorry.. I gotta go and I probably won't be back until after school.. So, I'll see you then! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(It's okay! Good luck!! Have fun! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
"Are you ready?" {I'll be back at 3ish my time.}
(ok) "Ne."
{Or I'm back now!} Taemin pushed him into the water and jumped in after him.
(Okie!!) Key waited for Taemin so he could grab his hand.
Taemin grabbed Key's hand and started back.
Key smiled as he stayed close to Taemin.
They were back in under ten minutes.
"Waa!!" Key exclaimed as he climbed onto shore. "It's so warm!"
Taemin giggled. "You're weird."
"Thank you." Key smiled as he laid down in the sand.
"Mmhmm." Taemin laid down next to him.
'The sand will soak up all the water from you..' Thoughts of his eomma bringing him to the beach came. 'Whenever you don't have a towel, lay down in the will soak up all the water and bad memories.'
Taemin changed back a few minutes later. He was cuddled up with Key.
Key closed his eyes.
"Are you gay or bi?"
Key smiled. "I'm gay."
Taemin nodded. "I'm bi."
"Mmhmm. And I've had a girlfriend before."
"Oh really?"
"What's her name?"
(lol again) "That's a pretty name."
{Sorry!!} "Mmhmm."
(it's okay!!) "Why aren't you together anymore?"
"She broke up with me. She always wanted spend more time with me, but, you know, I couldn't. And she didn't like that. So.."
"Oh, wow. That's a stupid reason to break up with someone as cute and hot as you."
Taemin giggled again. "Stop it."
"Make me, s***."
Taemin pulled him close by his shirt and roughly kissed him.
Key was surprised but he kissed back.
Taemin pulled away. "How's that?"
Key nodded.
"I'm straight."
Taemin pulled away from him. "What..?"
"I'm heading straight to you."
Taemin gently hit him in the head. "Don't do that."
Key pouted as he rubs his head. "Mianhae..."
"Good." Taemin rubbed Key's head where he hit him.
"Can't you take a joke..?" Key pulled his knees to his chest as he sat up.
"Not if it's that joke."
Key turned to Taemin and got on his knees. "Mianhae, sunbaenim."
"It's okay."
Key was looking down at the sand.
(HELLO HELLO!! ...........naega daga oodi halenge......HELLO HELLOO!!!)
(Cheomji igi haleyo!)
Taemin sat up and started playing with Key's hair.
Key looked up at Taemin.
Key scooted closer.
Taemin held him close.
Key climbed on top of him, making him lay down in the sand.
"Ani ani, I top."
"Okay." Key smiled as he got off of Taemin."
Taemin pushed him into his back and got on top of him. He placed his hand on Key's cheek and looked right into his eyes.
Key put his hand on Taemin's hand as his other hand placed in Taemin's waist.
Taemin leaned in and gently pressed his lips to Key's. He held Key's neck with his other hand.
Key softly kissed Taemin.
Taemin ran his thumb in circles on Key's neck.
Key moved his hand down Taemin's side, onto his leg.
Taemin moved his hand down and rubbed Key's arm.
Key moved his hand over a little and groped Taemin.
Taemin moaned a little and grabbed Key's arm.
"That's my boy." Joong's voice was heard.
Taemin jumped as he looked up at Joong. He quickly got off of Key and helped him sit up. "How long were you watching us..?"
"Just a few seconds."
Joong patted Key's shoulder. "My boy is all grown up. Making out in public. You might not want to do that because people will start coming soon."
"Why are you here?"
"To bring these to Key." Joong went behind a rock and grabbed two boxes. "Jonghyun told me to give these to you. These are all the stuff you kept leaving at his house." Key opened the boxes and looked through them. "I knew I left some clothes there but he claimed I didn't..."
"You left a lot of stuff there."
"Yeah, but he kept insisting I didn't...he must've been keeping this stuff for a long time."
"I lost most of these things before we started dating.."
Taemin grabbed Key's hand. "You won't lose anything with me."
Key smiled. "I know. but if I do....ill kill you."
"No, don't kill me."
"Well, actually worse." Key smirked.
"He wants the 'd'." Joong whispered.
Key blushed.
"How is that worse?"
"Death is short and fast. Getting the 'd' can take as long as you want."
Key said.
"Also, after the 'd' your bu**, or somewhere, hurts. Depends where you get it."
Key smiled.
"Should we go to your house now?"
Key nodded. "I'll see you two later. I have a date." Joong said, smiling. "A date?" Key exclaimed. "With who?" "Well....I'm just testing him.." Joong replied.
"Do you guys want to know who it is?" Joong asked. Key nodded.
Taemin helped Key up and grabbed one of the boxes.
Key grabbed the other. "It's Jonghyun.." Joong sounded ashamed.
"Kim Jae Joong Hyung. You know better." Key said. "I know...and like I said, I'm just testing him."
"Be careful."
"I will." Joong grew his wings and flew away.
{😱😱😱😱😱 HOLY S***!!!!!} "I wish I could fly."
"You're not the only one." Key sighed. "I don't have anything."
"Yeah, true."
"I want to have something. You have a tail, Joong has wings, Jonghyun's a vampire, Jungyeon is a werewolf.." He sighed again. "And I'm the one that's left out.."
Taemin set the box down and hugged him.
Key buried his face in Taemin's neck. "If I had a tail, I'd live with you..."
"But I love you the way you are."
"I know...but I just feel really left out.."
"That's how I feel at school.."
"What do you mean? Are you the only one in our school that's different?"
"Maybe. I mean, I only know of Jonghyun and we're not really friends, so.."
"What about meanie Minho?"
"He's human and really nice."
"Not to me.."
"Once you know him he is."
Key rolled his eyes. "He'll never be nice to me. He hates my guts.."
Key shrugged. "He's never liked me."
"Oh, well I'll make him like you."
Key smiled. "And there's another reason why I love you."
Taemin smiled. "I love you too."
Key pulled away and picked up a box. "Shall we?"
"Mmhmm." Taemin picked up the other and they started walking to Key's house.
Once they arrived, the dogs were barking like crazy. "CommeDes! Garçon! Shut up!" Key yelled over the dogs. They ran into the living room and jumped on the couch. Key led Taemin upstairs to his room and set the box in his closet.
The set his box next to the other. "Your room is nice."
"Thank you. I like to keep it clean." Key looked in the mirror and fixed his hair.
"I see."
"It's very nice."
"Thank you."
Key turned to Taemin.
"I'm bored."
Key shrugged.
Taemin sat down on the bed and held his arms out. "Come here, cutie."
Key's face flushed a light pink as he walked over to Taemin and sat next to him.
Taemin wrapped his arms around him and laid back.
Key curled up next to Taemin, putting a leg over him.
Taemin smiled and gently rubbed Key's leg.
Key closed his eyes.
"Guess what."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Taemin smiled.
Key opened his eyes and looked up at Taemin.
Key reached up and kissed him.
Taemin kissed back, squeezing Key's leg.
Key made the kiss rough right away.
(lol wat?) Key smiled into the kiss.
Taemin pushed Key onto his back and got on top of him.
Taemin pulled him closer by his waist.
Key pulled away and leaned his head back.
Taemin licked Key's neck.
Key softly moaned.
Taemin started kissing Key's neck.
Key grabbed Taemin's shirt.
Taemin smiled as he bit down.
Key moaned.
Taemin licked him again.
Key bit his lip. 'F*** me...'
Taemin reached down and grabbed Key's shirt. "Arms up."
Key smiled and raised his arms.
Taemin pulled Key's shirt off. {Skip!!}
{And I has idea!}
For Joong and Jonghyun's date, they went to the movies. Jonghyun bought tickets for the movie Joong and Key had seen. "You'll love this movie. It's hilarious."
(oh okay!)
{Okie. We'll do yours first!} "Okay," Jonghyun said.
"I watched it with Key on his birthday, which was yesterday."
"Can we not talk about him?"
"It's fine."
Joong sighed.
It was awkwardly quiet between them.
Joong looked down at him. "You're so short."
"I know."
Joong smiled.
"It's cute."
"Oh, thanks."
"Everyone makes fun of me because I'm short."
"Awe, I'm sorry.." Joong held him close. "I won't."
"I like you already."
Joong smiled. "Good. You are the one who asked me out."
Joong rubbed Jonghyun's back.
Jonghyun leaned his head on Joong's shoulder.
Joong pulled him closer.
"I've missed doing this."
"I bet you have."
"Mmhmm, a lot."
Joong rubbed his back.
"I love it when you do that. You're good at it."
Joong bent over and whispered in his ear, "I'm an expert."
"I can tell."
"I'm an expert at everything." he winked.
Jonghyun smiled. "Good."
Joong kissed Jonghyun's cheek.
Jonghyun smiled more.
Joong smiled as well.
"You have a nice smile."
"Thank you."
"You do to."
Jonghyun blushed very slightly. "Thanks."
Joong kissed his cheek again.
Jonghyun blushed a little more.
Luckily they were the only two in the room. Joong moved his kisses down to Jonghyun's neck as he placed his hand on Jonghyun's thigh.
Jonghyun bit his lip and closed his eyes.
Joong opened Jonghyuns's legs a little.
Jonghyun opened them even further.
Joong groped Jonghyun.
Jonghyun bit his lip harder.
"Keep your eyes on the movie. Don't look down." Joong pushed his hand in Jonghyun's pants.
Jonghyun nodded.
(lol skipping time!!)
{Yup! Wanna do my idea?}
Taemin wasn't at school the next day, which was rare. And he didn't call Key.
Key thought maybe he was sick.
Taemin wasn't sick.
He'd been attacked by fishers and left unconscious on the beach.
After school, Key went to the beach.
He saw Taemin and ran over to him. "Sunbaenim! Sunbaenim!!"
There was lots of blood coming from Taemin's side.
He kneeled down next to him. "Sunbaenim...sunbaenim..." he burst into tears.
Taemin was unresponsive but he was breathing.
(Is he in human form?)
(Okay!) Key took of his jacket and draped it over Taemin's tail. He tried drying it off.
Taemin wouldn't dry, the blood was keeping him wet.
Key put his jacket against Taemin's side and picked him up.
Taemin was limp in Key's arms.
Key was barely strong enough. Though he pushed through the struggle. He carried Taemin to his house taking he alleys.
Taemin was still unconscious.
(brb, gonna make a cake)
{Okie, I have dance at 8 my time.}
{And that'll be for an hour.}
(I guess I'll let you go now..have fun and good luck! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
Taemin was still unmoving.
Key laid him on his bed. "Wake up....please...." Key wouldn't stop crying as he held his jacket to Taemin's side.
The bleeding was gradually slowing.
Key leaned down and kissed Taemin's head. "Please..."
Nothing. The bleeding stopped about half an hour later, and Taemin was breathing evenly again.
Key had his head rested on Taemin's chest. Taemin's heartbeat was putting Key to sleep, though he was still crying.
Taemin woke up hours later, it was dark out. He sighed, showing he was awake and really weak.
Key had cried himself to sleep.
Taemin shifted a little.
Key gripped onto his jacket tightly.
Key didn't move. He just snored quietly.
Taemin tapped his shoulder. "Key...?"
"Mm...." Key looked up at Taemin."Oh.'re awake."
Key smiled and sat up, stretching.
"Is it late...?"
Key grabbed his phone that was on his stand and looked at the time. "Ne..."
"Okay... then it's too late to go home... can I stay here...?"
"In the tub...?"
"Why in the tub?"
"I'm drying out..."
"Oh, ne." Key stood up and picked Taemin up.
Taemin held himself close to Key. "Thank you..."
"Of course."
Key carried him to the bathroom and put him in the tub and turned on the water.
Taemin closed his eyes.
"I'll check on you in the morning, okay?"
"Okay... I love you.."
"I love you too." Key leaned down and kissed Taemin.
Taemin kissed back.
Key pulled away after a while. "Get well soon, Taemin. Goodnight."
Key left the bathroom and went to his room.
Taemin pushed himself underwater. He was asleep again in no time.
Key laid down and grabbed his bear, holding it close. He wanted to sleep next to Taemin someday, but he feared it would never come.
Taemin was up early as usual, right after sunrise. He dried himself and went to wake up Key. He was limping slightly. He shook him a little. "Key..?"
"Time to wake up.." It was about 4 AM.
"What time is it..?"
"Almost 4.."
"Too early...come to bed.." Key didn't open his eyes but he reached up and grabbed Taemin and pulled him down. Taemin was now on top of Key, just as Key was hugging his bear that night.
Taemin winced a little.
Key opened one of his eyes. "Did I hurt you?"
"A little.."
"I'm sorry.." Key let go of him.
"It's okay.."
"Can you lay with me at least?"
"Mmhmm.." Taemin laid down next to him and held him close.
Key smiled as he closed his eyes and curled up next to Taemin.
Taemin rubbed Key's stomach.
Key giggled. "You're such a dork.."
"I know.."
"I love it."
{Bedtime... 😭 It's late... I'll see you in the morning! Annyeong! Sweet dreams! Saranghaeyo!}
(Ne! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
Taemin pulled him a little closer.
Key fell asleep again.
Taemin didn't.
After a couple hours, the dogs came running in.
Taemin got scared and hid behind Key.
Key was just waking up. The dogs jumped on the bed and started sniffing Taemin.
"No..." Taemin buried his face in Key's back and held his shirt tightly.
"CommeDes...Garçon...down.." Key groaned. The dogs didn't listen since Key's voice was loud enough. They jumped over Key and Taemin and curled up behind Taemin.
Taemin turned to one of them and held his hand out. "Hi?"
First, he sniffed Taemin's hand, then he rubbed his head against his hand.
Taemin pet him.
He stood up and walked to Taemin's face and sniffed it. He sat and started panting.
"What's wrong?"
He barked once then jumped off the bed, then barked again. He ran out of the room, making the other dog follow him.
"Are they okay?"
"They want you to play.." Key said, smiling.
"Oh, okay."
{Time to go.. 😭😭 I'll see you after school! And I don't have dance today!! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Okay. Yep! Okay! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
Taemin turned back to Key and pulled him close. "They can wait."
The next day, after school, there was a box by the front door of Key's house.
Key tilted his head as he looked at the box. He picked it up and brought it inside. He sat down on the couch and opened it up.
It was from Taemin, which is what the little note on the inside said. 'I thought about what you said, and now we can live together. This can also count as a late birthday present.' Inside was a fake but real looking tail.
Key smiled as tears swelled in his eyes. Then the smile faded. He thought about CommeDes and Garçon.
Of course, they couldn't really live together. Key wouldn't be able to survive that long in water.
Key hadn't realized that.
Taemin had no homework that night, so no library. He called Key.
Key picked up. "Ne?"
"Hiya, cutie."
"Hey. So, Uhm...about the present.."
"You got it? Do you like it? Does it fit?"
"I didn't try it on..." Key sniffled.
"What's wrong?"
"If we live together..where do my dogs go..?"
"They can live with us."
"How? How do we get their food to them? How will they live? How will I live?"
"Oh.. I know there's a land entrance."
"What if someone finds out about it?"
"I don't know."
Key sighed.
"I'm sorry.."
"It's fine..can you come over?"
"Ne, I'll be right there. I love you."
"I love you too."
Key hung up and went to the bathroom to try on the tail.
Taemin hung up. He knocked on Key's door a few minutes later.
"Just a moment!" Key yelled from the bathroom. He quickly pulled the tail off and ran down stairs, wrapped in a towel.
Taemin was watching from the tiny window on the door. He had to stand on his toes to reach it.
Key opened the door quickly.
Taemin hugged him. "I'm sorry, I didn't think it through."
"It's fine.. We..we can work this through..."
(brb, dishes..)
"I promise."
"I promise too."
Key smiled as he pulled away. "Guess what."
"It fits."
Taemin smiled. "That's good! That's really good!"
"Mmhmm. But I need to get some clothes on." Key pulled Taemin inside and closed the door. "I'll be right back." He ran upstairs and got underwear and pants on.
He came back down with the tail in his arms a little while later.
Taemin smiled when he saw him.
Key smiled back. "Mwo?"
"I love you."
"Awe. I love you too." Key walked over to him and placed a sweet kiss on his lips.
{*screams*} Taemin smiled as he kissed him back.
(same) Key swung the tail over his shoulder and wrapped his arms around Taemin's neck
{*still screaming*} Taemin wrapped his arms around Key's waist and pulled him closer.
Key made the kiss rough.
Taemin bit Key's lip.
Key softly moaned.
Taemin smiled again as he tugged.
Key softly dug his nails into Taemin's neck.
Taemin pulled away.
"I'm sorry...did I hurt you?"
"Okay, good."
Key smiled.
"Ready to try it?"
Taemin smiled and grabbed Key's hands. "Let's go then." He pulled Key outside and led him to the beach.
Key smiled. "This is going to be fun."
Key kissed his cheek. "I can't wait."
"Then put it on. Come on!"
"Okay, okay. Make sure no one is watching."
Taemin looked around, and he didn't see anyone. "We're alone."
"Good." Key removed his pants and boxers, sat down, and pulled on the tail. then he took off his shirt. "I'm ready." Key held his arms out it Taemin.
Taemin smiled and picked him up. "Geez, you're heavy."
"Says the one talking."
"I carried you from here to my house."
"Yeah, true." Taemin dragged him into the water. Once he'd changed, he grabbed Key's hand.
Key pushed himself into the water and started swimming, pulling Taemin along with him.
Taemin smiled as he watched Key.
Key let go of Taemin's hand, smiled and started swimming in circles.
'Noooo' Taemin mouthed as he tried to stop Key.
Key looked at Taemin with a confused look on his face.
(gtg. I'm going out to eat with my family. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
'Stop that' Taemin grabbed his 'tail' and held him close.
{Okay! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(I also gotta go to my sister's choir concert. I'll try to message you when I'm there before it starts. PC might not work as well like every other day at school but we'll see. Cya later or in the morning! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
{Okie! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
{I have an idea for this when you're back!}
(welp, I'm back!)
(Are you asleep?)
(I'm guessing you're asleep so I'll let you be...see you in the morning! Love you! Annyeong!)
{I was sleeping! I'm sorry, I was super tired.}
Taemin helped Key up to land once they got to the cave. "Guess what."
(it's okay!!)
"You don't know everything about me."
"Okay. Do you have a dark secret?"
"Kind of?"
"Ooh. Let me hear it."
"My brother made me like this."
"What do you mean?"
"I used to be human."
"Yeah, and he was magic I guess and we were fighting one day. And this happened."
"Well, I love you no matter what."
"Thanks." Taemin hugged Key's leg. "I love you, too."
Key smiled. He leaned down and kissed Taemin.
Taemin kissed back.
Key smiled more into the kiss.
Taemin grabbed Key's hand.
Key pulled away then kissed him again then pulled away and kissed him again.
"What're you doing?"
Key shrugged. "Being a dork."
"Of course you are." Taemin sat up and played with Key's hair.
Key smiled.
"Your hair is so nice."
"Thank you."
"Well, isn't it a bummer? I'm getting a hair cut this weekend."
"What? No."
"Why not?"
"It's nice like this."
{Gotta go now... 😭😭😭 I'll see you after school! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
"I don't like it."
(Oki...Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!"
"Why not?"
Key shrugged. "I just don't.."
"I'll show you what it's supposed to look like."
"It should look like this." Taemin kept playing with Key's hair.
(plus the earrings. He's gonna get his ears perched too.)
"I want it like this.." Key pulled his hair back on the sides. "This will be gone."
"That's nice, too. Not as nice as this."
Key sighed. "I'm not asking for your permission."
"I know."
"I'm cutting my hair. Like it or not."
"And I'm piercing my ears."
"Trust me, you'll be seduced."
Taemin smiled. "Good."
"Like, really strongly seduced. You'll want to f*** me 24/7."
Taemin smiled more and leaned in close. "You mean more to me than that."
Key smiled. "I'm just kidding. You won't be that seduced." he swallowed. "I hope not at least."
"I'll try not to be."
Key leaned closer and kissed Taemin's nose.
Taemin giggled and hugged him.
Key smiled widely and hugged back.
"Quit being so cute."
"I can't help it."
"I know."
(emmmmmm....what now?)
(ooh!! got it!!)
Taemin ran up to Key in school and hugged him.
"Woah! What's new?" Key giggled.
"I know how we can live together."
"I can live with you on the weekends."
"If that's okay with you."
Key smiled. "Can you do that?"
"I'll try."
"I mean, yeah, I'm okay with that."
Taemin smiled. "Good."
(wow, sorry I took forever.)
{It's cool.}
Key smiled back.
"And we can have sleepovers, and cuddle, and the dogs."
Key kissed Taemin.
Taemin kissed back.
Key pulled away after a while. "Heh, we're in school."
"I know."
Key smiled.
Taemin kissed Key's nose.
Key smiled more.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"You're a senior, right?"
Taemin nodded. "I am too."
Taemin smiled and hugged him again.
Joong came up behind Taemin and Key.
Taemin turned to him. "Hi."
"Hi." He turned to Key. "We f***ed."
Key looked at him with wide eyes, "What?!" Joong looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself."
"Don't be sorry."
Joong slightly blushed.
"What's wrong?"
"He said he loved the date and wants to go on another one. So he's picking me up tonight."
"We're going to his house though."
"That's good."
"But I don't know what he means by we're going to his house."
"I guess you'll find out."
"So, you two are going well?"
"That's good."
Taemin wrapped Key's arms around himself.
"You two are a cute couple,may the way."
{So.. uh.. I cried today..}
Joong looked over at Jonghyun's locker and saw him. "I'll see you guys later."
Taemin nodded. "Mmhmm."
Joong ran over to Jonghyun's locker.
Jonghyun heard him. "Hey."
"Hey babe." Joong wrapped his arms around Jonghyun's waist, leaned down, and kissed his neck.
Jonghyun smiled and held Joong's arms. "Hi."
Joong smiled as well.
Jonghyun leaned his head back on Joong's chest.
Joong held him close. "So, for our date tonight? What are we doing?"
"Whatever you want to."
"I thought you had something planned. Or is it a secret?"
"I can't tell you."
"You'll like it. Trust me."
"Okay. I trust you."
Joong smiled as he pecked Jonghyun's lips.
Jonghyun smiled, too, and kissed him.
Joong kissed back.
Jonghyun pulled Joong's face closer, deepening the kiss.
Joong placed his hands on Jonghyun's hips.
Jonghyun placed his hands on Joong's.
Joong slowly pulled away. "Why can't we just skip school?"
"We can."
"But only if you want to."
Joong smiled. "I've never skipped school before."
"I have."
"Full moon."
Jonghyun showed his fangs.
"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I thought Key would've told you."
"He didn't."
"I noticed."
Joong smiled.
Jonghyun smiled, too, and pulled his fangs in.
"Maybe we can wait until the date."
After school, Jonghyun led Joong to his apartment. It was dark inside, perfect for Jonghyun.
"Why is it so dark?"
"I like it like this."
"But why?"
"It's nice."
"Okay.. How do you see in this?"
Jonghyun shrugged. "I just do."
"I can't unless I turn on my X-Ray vision.
"Well here." Jonghyun turned on one light. "Better?"
Joong smiled. "Ne."
"I'll be turning it back off for the movie."
"Ooh, okay."
Jonghyun picked up a small stuffed bear from behind the couch. "We also have a visitor."
Joong giggled. "Cute."
"It'll be going home with you."
"And protecting you during the movie."
Joong hugged Jonghyun. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." Jonghyun hugged back.
Joong leaned down and kissed Jonghyun's neck.
Jonghyun smiled.
"What's the movie?"
"The Conjuring, it's American."
"Oh, cool."
(oh god...)
Joong ran over to the couch.
(It's scary...)
Jonghyun sat down next to him and set the bear in Joong's lap.
{But good.}
(yeah) Joong held the bear close, curled up, and laid down, placing his head on Jonghyun's lap.
Jonghyun turned on the TV and pressed play.
Joong got scared a few times, which was rare.
Jonghyun held him close throughout the entire movie.
When Joong got scared, he buried his face in Jonghyun's legs, which his head was close to Jonghyun's thing but he hadn't noticed.
Jonghyun bit his lip and stroked Joong's hair. "It's okay."
"Is it over?" he mumbled.
Joong looked back up at the tv.
The credits were on.
Joong sighed and placed his hand over his heart. "Thank God it's over.."
"I'm sorry, I should've picked something else."
"It's fine. I have you and this little guy to protect me."
"Mmhmm. Did you name him yet?"
"Jongie bear."
"Aw, cute."
Joong looked up at Jonghyun.
Jonghyun leaned down and kissed him.
Joong kissed back, placing his hand on Jonghyun's cheek.
Jonghyun climbed on top of him.
Joong lightly bit Jonghyun's lip.
Jonghyun grabbed Joong.
Joong gasped.
He undid Joong's pants. {Doot doot skip!}
On Friday, Taemin brought Ruffles to school.
Key smiled widely when he saw Taemin and Ruffles.
Taemin made Ruffles hug Key. "Hi."
Key giggled. "Hey."
"Ruffles missed you."
"I missed him too."
Taemin giggled and hugged him. "And if I'm staying at your house, Ruffles comes too."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
When the excruciatingly boring school day was over, Taemin ran up to Key and grabbed his hand. He held Ruffles in his other hand. He ran out of my the building, almost dragging Key behind him.
"Woah! someone's excited!" Key chuckled.
"Slow down, Taemin."
"Aw, okay." Taemin slowed to a walk. "Better?"
Taemin pulled Key closer and hugged his arm.
Key smiled.
Taemin looked up at him.
"I love you too."
Taemin smiled.
Key held him close.
"How do sleepovers work?"
Key shrugged. "Fun and games I guess."
"I heard people watch movies during them."
"Yeah, tons."
"What kind?"
"Any kind. Sometimes horror."
"What's your favorite?"
"I don't know. I haven't had a real sleepover since...him."
"Oh, okay."
Taemin rubbed his back. "Sorry."
"It's not your fault. It's okay."
Key smiled. "Besides, I have you now."
"Mmhmm. And I have you."
Key smiled.
Taemin kissed Key's cheek.
Key giggled.
"You're so cute."
"Aw, thanks."
"That's one of the reasons I love you."
Taemin giggled.
"I love you, too."
Key kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Key pulled him closer by the waist.
Taemin moved Key's hands up to his neck.
Key moved his hands back down.
"No." Taemin moved Key's hands up again and held them there.
Key pouted.
"No, don't do that."
Key made his eyes water.
"Okay fine." Taemin let go of Key's hands.
Key smiled and moved his hands down to Taemin's waist. "Why are you so scared of me touching your waist anyways?"
"I'm not."
"Why wouldn't you let me put my hands on your waist then?" Key raised one of his eyebrows.
"I'm supposed to do that to you."
"What do you mean?"
Taemin wrapped his arms around Key's waist. "Like this."
"Ah, you made me stumble. The first thing I stumbled on today." Key smiled.
Taemin smiled, too. "Good."
"I thought you meant...never mind. it's stupid."
"No, I'm sure it's not stupid."
"Yes it is..I'm just on the wrong side of my mind today."
"Okay." Taemin stood on his toes and kissed Key's forehead.
Key giggled.
Taemin smiled and grabbed Key's hand. "Let's go?"
Taemin started walking again.
Key stayed by his side.
When they got to Key's house, Taemin started looking through Key's movie collection. He'd pick one and show it to Ruffles for confirmation.
Key watched him. "What movie is it?"
{Have you seen Aquamarine?}
{😂😂😂} Taemin held up Aquamarine. "It's just like me."
Key smiled. "It's an American movie. But it's amazing. Trust me."
"I trust you."
"Mmhmm." Taemin brought to him. "How does it work?"
Key took it from him and put it in the DVD player. "There we go." he grabbed the remote, and pulled Taemin to the couch.
Taemin held him close.
"You'll love it."
Taemin was glued to the screen the entire time.
Key would look at him a few times to see his reaction.
"It's not real," he whispered.
(sorry if I reply late. Wifi in my room sucks..)
"I know. But it's cool."
{Ah, okay.}
"Just keep watching."
"I am."
"Good." Key looked back at the tv.
Taemin hugged his arm.
Key smiled.
Taemin was quiet throughout the rest, no other words came from him.
When the movie was over, Key was almost asleep. He'd seen the movie thousands of times.
"Can we watch another one?" Taemin shook him a little.
Key almost shot up. "Ne..? mm...oh, ne.."
"Go ahead.."
"No, it's your turn to pick."
Key sighed. "There's a movie called Twilight. You should watch it. It's cool. The disk has two guys and a girl."
{Ew! 😂} "Okay." Taemin got up and found it and put it in. He sat back down next to Key and played it.
(Idk, the first movie that came to mind,) Key laid down, head on Taemin's lap and closed his eyes. "Enjoy.."
{It's cool!} "Mmhmm." Taemin was asleep within the first fifteen minutes. The sun had set, so he'd changed.
When Key woke up, he smelled something fishy. He looked over a little and saw Taemin's tail. He jumped and looked at Taemin.
Taemin was kind of on his side, but he looked really uncomfortable.
He sighed in relief. He got up and picked Taemin up. He carried him upstairs. He laid him down on a wet towel on an extra mattress in his room and put a wet towel over him.
Taemin didn't even move.
Key kissed his head then climbed into the bed and fell asleep. CommeDes and Garçon were in their room, sleeping. (Yes they have their own dog room.)
{Nice!!👌} Taemin was cuddling with Ruffles, thinking he was Key.
(lol) The next morning, Key woke up and made breakfast for all five of them.
{Lol, even Ruffles!} Taemin wasn't up until 9, which was late for him. He came downstairs, rubbing his eye with one hand and carrying Ruffles in the other.
Key looked at Taemin and smiled. "You look like a little kid who just woke up. It's cute."
"It's weird waking up like this."
Key kissed Taemin's cheek. "I bet it is."
Key smiled more. "It's time to eat."
Taemin smiled. "Good."
"Mmhmm. Enjoy."
(are you tired?)
{No, I'm drawing.}
(ah okay.)
{Yep!} "I never really have breakfast."
"Oh..was this a bad idea?"
"Ani, it was a great idea."
"What I meant was I never really get the chance for breakfast. But Minho brings me a little something in the morning."
"Ah, okay."
Key smiled and sat at the table.
Taemin sat next to him.
Key placed his hand on Taemin's leg and rubbed it.
Taemin looked over at him.
Key stopped. "What?"
Taemin started eating.
Key did too."
Taemin 'fed' Ruffles.
key watched him. (I'm tired...)
{You should sleep then.}
(ok...ill cya in the morning! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{Yup! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(I'm sorta busy today and PC is being mean...please forgive me..)
(Do you hate me now..?)
{I'm sorry. Mine just started working. Of course I don't hate you.}
(Okay..I seriously started crying when PC didn't work for me..
{I got super nervous. 😁 I'm really glad it's working now!}
(I wanted to throw my iPad across the room..)
(same here)
{Same, but my phone.}
(I thought it was just me..)
{I thought it was just me too.}
(Idk what to say now...)
{C? Maybe?}
{Any ideas?}
(And no.. I don't..)
{I kinda don't either.. sowwy..}
(It's okay)
(Let's try to think...)
"Jongie?" Joong asked Jonghyun as they were eating lunch.
Jonghyun looked over at him. "Ne?"
"Do you still have feelings for him?"
Jonghyun shrugged. "I don't know.."
Joong looked him in the eyes. "Be honest, Jongie."
"I haven't thought about it.."
Joong looked back down at his food. "Okay."
"I mean, I never see him, so I don't know.."
"Okay." Joong nodded and continued to eat.
Now that's all Jonghyun could think about for awhile.
'Did I just make a big mistake...?' Joong thought.
That night, once Joong had fallen asleep, Jonghyun went to Key's house. He forgot Key actually had to sleep. He knocked on the door.
Key and Taemin were watching a movie again. "I'll be right back." Key kissed Taemin's head as he got up. He ran to the door and opened it. He saw Jonghyun. "What are you doing here?"
"Do you hate me..?"
"You broke up with me." Key went to close the door.
"No, you broke up with me. Remember?"
Key shook his head. "Stop lying."
"I'm not."
"You are. So leave me alone."
"Wait. One more thing." Jonghyun kept Key from closing the door. "Please."
Key sighed. "Make it quick."
Jonghyun really quickly kissed him, just for a second and pulled away.
Key covered his mouth as he glared at Jonghyun.
"This never happened." Jonghyun started backing away. "Bye."
"Why did you do that..?"
"Do what?"
"Why did you just kiss me?" he whispered.
"I wanted to see if I still have feelings for you."
"You pig.."
"I'm sorry, okay?"
"You're dating my best friend.."
"I know."
"I swear, if you break his heart like you did to me.. I will break you. I'll break you like you broke me."
"Now get out of my face."
Jonghyun nodded. "I won't."
Key closed the door.
Taemin was quieter than usual when Key got back.
"Hey, cutie." Key smiled as he sat next to Taemin.
Taemin didn't answer.
"You okay?"
"I saw that..."
"Saw what?"
"You and him..."
"That was nothing. I swear."
"Taemin, please. I didn't ask for him to come over and do that. My phone has been dead and plugged in all day. I promise you I didn't want to see his face."
Taemin turned to him and buried his face in Key's neck.
Key held him close and rubbed his back. "I promise, I love you and only you."
Taemin nodded. "I love you too."
"I don't want anything to happen between us.."
"I don't either.."
Key sniffled as he kissed Taemin's head.
Taemin grabbed Key's hand.
Key felt a tear fall from his eye.
When Jonghyun got back, Joong wasn't in the bed.
Taemin held him really close.
"I'm sorry..." Key whispered.
"Joong?" Jonghyun called.
"Mwo?" he was going pee.
"Oh, I couldn't find you."
Joong smiled as he flushed the toilet, zipped his zipper, and came out. "I couldn't find you."
He rolled his eyes as he walked passed him.
"Sorry.." Jonghyun followed him.
"I'm not the one who left to kiss my best friend."
"It's called visions." Joong walked into the bedroom and curled up on the bed. "I saw you kiss him."
Joong faced his back to Jonghyun.
Jonghyun curled up next to him and pulled him close.
"If I never brought it up now, you would've kept it a secret."
Jonghyun was quiet.
"Remind me, how did you and Key break up?"
"I tried to take his blood, and he didn't know I could, and I scared him..."
"Didn't you lie to him about something?"
"About being human..."
Joong rolled his eyes again.
Jonghyun was quiet again.
'Why am I still here..?' Joong closed his eyes as a tear rolled down his face.
"You're the one who asked if I still had feelings for him."
"Do you?"
Joong turned to Jonghyun.
Jonghyun placed his hand on Joong's cheek.
Joong leaned close and kissed him.
Jonghyun kissed back.
Joong pulled him close.
"Let me change you."
Joong swallowed. "W-wae?"
"So I can prove I only love you. And we can be together forever."
"What if I don't wake up..?"
"You will."
Joong bit his lip as he slowly tilted his head."
Jonghyun pinned him to the bed and climbed on top of him. He immediately bit down into Joong's neck.
Joong gasped and winced.
Jonghyun started taking his blood.
Joong started to feel dizzy.
Joong wasn't even passed out when Jonghyun pulled away.
"Why'd you stop..?"
"I've taken enough."
Joong bit his lip.
Jonghyun smiled. "You okay?"
Joong touched his neck.
Jonghyun placed his hand on Joong's.
Joong swallowed.
"You sure you're okay?"
"Okay, good."
Joong licked his lips.
Jonghyun held his hand up to Joong's mouth. "Go ahead."
Joong slowly opened his mouth.
"I know you want to."
Joong lightly bit down.
Jonghyun smiled.
Joong bit harder.
He had fangs before but they never came out until now.
{Any ideas?}
{If we're out, I've got a new one.}
{Only if we're out though.}
(I think so)
{Okay. Ready?}
Hundreds of years ago, Taemin had taken the blood of his first and only human victim. All the blood. When word got out, he was forced into prison. That certainly didn't help. So they sent him to be the servant of a human family, and if he slipped up once he'd be dead. He was there when Minho was born almost a hundred years later. As Minho got older, Taemin wouldn't stop staring, and he'd get all flustered when Minho said anything to him.
Minho would talk to Taemin, while he was cleaning or doing the chores, about school. He told Taemin about the mean teachers and the snotty girls.
Taemin's face would be slightly red the entire time.
Minho would notice that no matter what, Taemin always stayed the same. His features never changed and he didn't know why.
One day had been really rough, and Taemin locked himself in one of the unused rooms. He had a knife with him.
Minho was confused why he had done that, but he didn't bother asking. He just worked on his homework with the butler.
Taemin cut himself six times on both arms, but there was no blood. He kept himself from screaming in pain.
After Minho was done with his homework, he waited outside the room Taemin was in.
Taemin sensed Minho and he froze up. "Hyung...?"
"Is that you...?"
Taemin quickly ran to the door and opened it. He hugged Minho really tightly.
"Are you okay?"
he hugged back.
"What's wrong?"
"I miss my family... a lot..."
Monho rubbed his back. "I bet you do.."
"Mmhmm..." Taemin was crying by then.
"Don't be'll see them soon.."
"No I won't..."
"Why not?"
"They're all dead..."
Taemin buried his face in Minho's chest.
Everytime a child was born in that house, when they grew up, they got killed at a young age. The parents of those children knew it was because of Taemin. The child would try to kiss Taemin or make out with him, but Taemin wouldn't let them so they'd throw a fit and start punching Taemin. Then they confessed when Taemin was going to get killed that it was their fault and they got executed.
Then the parents left after the child's funeral. Minho was different from all those people.
Minho seemed to like Taemin for who he was but he didn't really know him. He didn't know he was a vampire. His parents kept it a secret from him and threatened Taemin not to tell him.
Minho still liked him, but he didn't show it.
Taemin always tried to keep some distance between him and Minho.
It's like the house was cursed, or all the children that were born there were cursed. Minho's younger brother, Minseok, also like Taemin. He would wink and smiled at Taemin. He really showed that he liked him.
Taemin didn't like Minseok at all.
Minseok was too young for Taemin. He was 14 years old. (Also in rl, he's actually older than Minho. lol)
{Yup!} Taemin was getting really annoyed with him.
Sometimes, Minseok would follow Taemin from room to room.
"Can you stop?"
"Stop what?"
"Quit following me."
Minho saw them.
"It's annoying."
{I gotta go in like fifteen minutes. We're going to see Allegiant.}
"Well, I like to watch that fine a** of yours."
"Shut up." Taemin closed the door behind him and locked it.
Minho got up and went to Minseok. "Go to your room." Minho looked into his eyes. "Fine," Minseok turned and stomped away.
Minho turned to the door and knocked.
"Go away."
"He's gone. Just wanted to let you know.."
"Oh, Hyung." Taemin unlocked the door and opened it. "Thanks."
Minho was just about to leave. He looked at Taemin and smiled. "You're welcome."
Taemin smiled, too, covering his mouth.
"Are you okay?"
"Are you sick?"
"Why are you covering your mouth?"
"I can't tell you."
"Why not? Is it another one of my parents secrets?"
Minho sighed. "Fine.."
"I'm sorry.."
"No. You don't have to be sorry. I'm used to it." Minho turned and started walking away.
{Time to go! I'll see you later! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
"They keep thousands of secrets from me!"
(Okie.. Have fun!! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
"They're just trying to protect you."
"Protect me from what? Monsters under my bed?"
"I don't know." That was a lie.
Minho rolled his eyes.
"I'm sorry."
"Come get me when it's dinner time."
"I will."
Minho ran up the stairs to his room.
Taemin was off that night. When was sure everyone was asleep, he snuck out.
Minho was up most of the night on his phone, on Omegle.
Taemin was back a couple hours later. He ran to bathroom and cleaned his hands and mouth.
Minho heard water running. So he got up and went to the bathroom. He carefully and slowly turned the knob on the door.
"Who's there?"
Minho slowly opened the door and peeked in.
Taemin turned to the door. "Oh, hi."
"What are you doing?"
"Just washing my hands."
"Shouldn't you be asleep?"
"You can sleep in my room."
"No, that's okay."
"But thanks."
"Yeah.. You're welcome." Minho smiled. "Anytime."
Taemin finished and dried his hands. "You should be asleep." He took Minho to his room.
"But I don't want to go to sleep. I wanna talk to someone.."
"Okay, then you can talk to me."
"Okay. Just the person I want to talk to, anyways."
"Oh, why is that?" Taemin sat Minho down on his bed and shut the door. He sat down next to Minho.
"Well, I've been given some advice from random people and I should come across clean."
"What do you mean?"
"I need more advice.. I like someone.."
"I probably can't help."
"Just give me the best advice you have. Okay?"
"I'll tell you about him first."
"He's cute. He listens too my rants about life. I'm his hyung. He never changes, well, his features don't change one bit. He's sneaky." Minho smiled, just thinking about Taemin.
"What do you mean his features don't change?"
"Like he doesn't change at all. He doesn't seem to get old."
"Oh, that's weird."
"So you want to know the best part?"
Minho leaned close and kissed Taemin's cheek. "It's you."
Taemin started blushing like crazy. "What..?"
"I like you."
"I like you, too."
Minho smiled more. He placed his hand on Taemin's cheek.
Taemin smiled and leaned into Minho's hand.
Minho licked his lips. "Kiss me, Taemin."
Taemin instantly kissed him.
Minho kissed back, bringing his other hand to Taemin's neck.
Taemin held Minho's waist. There was still a little blood in his mouth.
Minho crawled on top of Taemin as he laid him on the bed.
Taemin pushed his tongue into Minho's mouth.
Minho tasted the blood. He slowly pulled away.
"Is your mouth bleeding?"
"Oh s***, ani."
"I can clean it out for you."
Minho kissed him again.
Taemin kissed back.
Minho made the kiss a little rough.
Taemin bit Minho's lip.
Minho softly moaned.
Taemin's fangs instantly shot out.
Minho winced as he closed his eyes.
Taemin pulled away. "Sorry.."
"What was that?"
"Tell me."
Taemin showed him his fangs, and his eyes were a deep red.
Minho pulled away and stood up."
"I'm sorry."
Minho started backing up.
"Minho, I won't hurt you." Taemin stood up and held his hand out. "Trust me."
Minho looked scared and worried.
"Trust me."
Minho swallowed as tears swelled in his eyes. "Is this what my parents kept from me..?"
Taemin slowly nodded.
Minho bite his lip as he closed his eyes, a tear running down his face.
"Don't cry." Taemin stepped closer and wiped the tear away.
"Keeping a secret like this from me? A super hot vampire is living in my house. I just kissed that super hot vampire.."
"Is that a good thing?"
Minho smiled. "Of course." Minho wrapped his arms around Taemin's waist.
Taemin smiled, too, and hugged him. "Guess how old I am."
"I don't know, you tell me."
"I said guess."
"A little over 300."
{Brb, gotta eat}
"I was close, but jeez you're old. So you're actually my hyung."
"But I still like you." Minho kissed Taemin.
Taemin kissed back.
Minho pulled his closer by the waist.
Taemin held Minho's neck.
Minho smiled as he pulled him back to his bed.
Taemin wrapped his arms around Minho's neck and made the kiss rougher.
Minho pushed his hands up Taemin's shirt.
Taemin moaned a little and lifted his arms.
Minho lifted Taemin's shirt off. "Wait."
"Aw, what?"
"Lock the door."
"Right." Taemin was up in a split second and he lock the door. He grabbed Minho's shirt before he sat back down on his lap.
Minho smiled as he raised his arms.
Taemin pulled his shirt off and kissed him again.
Minho kissed back.
Taemin pulled him even closer.
Minho softly bit onto Taemin's lip.
Taemin moaned again.
Minho pinned him to the bed.
Taemin smiled.
Minho started kissing his neck.
Taemin smiled even more and leaned his head back.
Minho moved his kisses down. (Soot! Soot! Skop!)
(I like that! Soot! Soot! Skop!)
(also, I has idea)
{Ooh! Okie!}
~rewind to past~ One time, one of the children who had 'fallen in love' with Taemin, was his own brother, Taesun. The way he would show it is he would bite his lip when Taemin walked passed him or whenever he saw him. He would also slap his bu** every now and then.
One time, Taesun went to Taemin's room and knocked.
Taemin got annoyed with that, too.
"Taemin! I know you're in there." he kept knocking on the door until Taemin answered.
Taemin finally opened the door. "What?"
"Let me come in."
("I'm Genie for you boy." ~Key)
"Just let me in."
"Fine." Taemin let him in.
(He said that in School Oz for one of the songs, Genie by SNSD covered by the cast of School Oz.)
Taesun walked in.
{KEY IS GAY!!!! PROOF!!!!!}
"Now what do you want?" Taemin closed the door.
Taesun pulled Taemin close as he locked the door. "You."
"What? No." Taemin pushed him away and unlocked the door. "No."
Taesun got down on his knees, which he never did when he begged for something. "Please? I'll leave you alone if you let me have you this once."
Taesun whined like he did when he was a little kid. "Please sunbae!"
"Be quiet." Taemin covered Taesun's mouth. "It's still no."
Taesun pouted.
"I can't, okay?"
"Why not?"
"How old are you?"
(makes him 17)
(in human)
"What do you mean?"
(Taesun is two years older than Taemin. since Taemin's a vampire, it would make Taemin 17 in human age but whatever age in vampire)
{Right! Okay! I thought you meant Taesun! Sowwy!}
(lol it's okay!)
"I'm 17, hyung. And you're my brother."
"I don't care. You turn me on, Taemin.."
"Hyung, stop."
Taesun bit his lip as he moved his hand down his stomach. "You know you want me, too, Taemin.."
"I don't want you, Taesun." Taemin pushed Taesun's hand away.
"You know you do." Taesun unbuckled his pants and took them off. " friend is pointing at you.."
"No." Taemin pushed him away and stepped back. He put his pants back on.
Taesun put his hand down his pants and started touching himself. "Baby please..." he moaned.
"Taesun stop!" Taemin made him stand up and pulled his hand out. "Stop."
"Aish...stupid little boy.."
"Just let me screw you."
"No. Why should I?"
"Because you're my brother and you love me."
"Not like that."
"But you love me.."
"Ne, but not like that."
"Just please...let me screw you or I'll do myself in front of you."
Taemin opened the door. "Just go."
"Fine.. I'll j*** off to a picture of you." Taesun walked out.
Taemin closed the door and locked it and laid back on the bed.
(apparently we can't say j-e-r-k...)
After about half an hour, Taesun and Taemin's mom found Taesun j***ing off to a picture of Taemin.
"Eomma..." Taesun covered himself and put the picture under his pillow.
Taemin was still in his room.
(wanna be eomma?)
{😁😁😁😁😁😁 that'd be uber awkward cuz I suck at that...}
(eh, just be an eomma yelling at her child for something stupid.)
{I'll try.} "What are you doing?" she asked.
"N-nothing eomma.." Taesun swallowed. He's always been afraid of his eomma.
She was abusive.
{I'm cringing like crazy right now. 😁😁😁😁}
(you wouldn't want to know what my gf and I are roleplaying about then.. lol)
{Ooh, yikes. 😁}
{It's okay}
Taesun looked at his eomma.
She grounded him for a month and took all the pictures he had of Taemin.
Taesun kept asking Taemin if he could have him.
Taemin would always say no.
Taesun would pout and stomp to his room. His eomma and appa didn't care.
Taemin always had himself locked in his room.
One night, noises were heard from Taesun's room while their eomma went to her parents house for the weekend.
Taemin tried to ignore it.
No matter how hard Taemin tried, the noises kept getting louder and louder.
Taemin finally gave in and went to check on Taesun.
By the time Taemin got there, the noises stopped.
All that was heard was heavy breathing.
Taemin opened the door to Taesun's room. "What're you doing in here?"
Taesun covered himself and his partner in his bed up with the blanket. "Nothing." his partner was one of Taemin's close vampire friends.
"Taesun, don't lie."
Taesun swallowed. "Since you wouldn't let me have you, I'm screwing your friend, Jonghyun."
Taesun bit his lip as Jonghyun peeked his head over Taesun's shoulder. He waved at Taemin.
Taemin just left and locked himself in his room again.
Taesun closed the door. "I was going to show him the surprise, but whatever." blood was runner down the back of his neck.
He felt like he was about to kill Taesun right then, and he needed to stop himself.
Taesun went back over to Jonghyun and started kissing him all over.
Taemin crawled under the covers and just hid there for awhile.
Jonghyun stopped him. "Wait, let me do something real quick." he pulled on his underwear and one of Taesun's shirts. he went to Taemin's room and knocked on the door.
No answer.
"Taemin? Are you okay?"
"Hello? Open up!"
Still nothing.
Jonghyun sighed."I'm sorry I'm letting your brother screw me and I'm sorry I bit your brother."
Taemin wasn't even there, he'd gotten bored and he'd snuck out the window.
Jonghyun turned and went back to Taesun, letting Taesun screw him again.
Taemin was just walking around with his hands in his pockets and his hood up. He could smell everyone's blood and he hated it.
Some people laughed at him because no one had hoods. They all had black umbrellas.
Taemin watched some girl as she passed by. Her blood smelled amazing.
She had her hair up in a bun and a pink dress.
Taemin started following her.
She didn't realize. She turned a corner, heading towards her house. There were many people walking up and down that street.
Taemin kept following her and he finally caught up to her. "Hey."
She looked at him. "Do I know you?"
"Nice." She walked up the steps and took her keys out of her small purse.
"But I'd like to know you." Taemin grabbed her other hand. That was a lie.
She smiled softly as she looked at him. "Well you can come in. As long as you do something for me." she opened to door.
"What's that?"
"Take me baby.. you're gorgeous."
Taemin smiled. "I will," he lied, but he didn't make it obvious.
She smiled back as she walked inside. "Let me make you some tea first, cutie."
She winked as she pulled him to the kitchen.
He held her hand tightly. "What's your name?"
"What's yours?"
"That doesn't matter." He pinned her to the wall.
"Let me know your name, cutie." She looked into his eyes.
"It's Taemin." He made his eyes red.
"Gorgeous name Taemin. Are you going to make out with me now?"
"Sure." He leaned in and kissed her, even though he didn't like girls.
She smiled and kissed back.
He tightened his grip on her shoulders.
She put her hands on the rim of Taemin's pants.
Taemin moved down to her neck and bit down right away.
She gasped. "Taemin...that hurts..."
He pushed his fangs into her neck.
"Taemin wait.."
He stopped, but he didn't pull away at all.
"Don't bite me there."
He pulled away. "Where then?"
She pushed her dress down a bit, revealing her chest. "Here baby."
"That's not how it works."
"Bite me here, it's my weakness."
"If you insist." He pulled his fangs back in and bit her where she said to.
She gasped and moaned. "Bring me to the bed, or the counter."
He picked her up and took her to the bed. He pulled away and locked the door and turned the lights off. He got back on top of her.
"You're really getting into the mood." She pulled her dress up, so her bottom half was revealed.
She wasn't wearing underwear or tights or anything.
"Not really." He pushed his fangs out again.
"What do you mean? You said you were going to take me."
He leaned in towards her neck and bit down.
She gasped once again.
He pushed her hair out of the way and started taking her blood.
She grabbed his hair, getting dizzy. "T-Taemin..."
He didn't listen.
She soon passed out.
He didn't stop until she was completely dead. She was the first human he killed.
Her skin was as pale as a corpse.
He pulled away, knowing she wasn't coming back, and went home. He snuck back in through the window and closed it.
Jonghyun was letting Taesun drink some of his blood, but Taesun wasn't taking it from his hand nor his arm. He was taking blood from his thigh.
Taemin stayed in his room the rest of the night.
Jonghyun laughed and moaned as he watched Taesun. Taesun was playing with Jonghyun's friend as he took some of his blood.
Taemin was curled up under the blankets again.
After Taesun was done, he crawled up next to Jonghyun again.
Taemin felt really tense.
(Wanna keep going from here or go back to present time?)
{Present time.}
(okie) One day when Minho came home from school, he had a big story to tell Taemin. "You will not believe what I saw today!"
Taemin smiled. "What is it?"
"There's a new kid in my grade and he looks just like you."
"Yeah. I snapped a few pictures of him." Minho pulled out his phone and showed Taemin.
"Oh s***...."
"That's my brother...."
"I thought you said he was- he a vampire too?"
Taesun never had told Taemin he was a vampire.
"I thought he died a couple hundred years ago.."
"I guess he didn't."
"Yeah.. just stay away from him."
"Also, he's been hanging around with a gay boy." Minho showed Taemin a picture of Key. "His name is Key."
"Oh, okay."
"Is that still a bad thing?"
"He also went into Key's car with him and they drove off together."
Taemin sighed. "Okay.."
"Well, we'll see tomorrow if Key's okay."
Minho smiled as he put his phone in his pocket. "I have homework to do.."
"Can I help?"
Taemin smiled and grabbed Minho's hand.
Minho smiled back. He kissed Taemin's cheek. "Let's do my homework in my room. It'll be nice and quiet in there."
Minho pulled Taemin upstairs to his room and closed the door. He set his backpack on the floor and took out his history homework.
"How much do you know?"
"A lot, I think."
"Okay." Minho sat down on his bed and opened his book and notebook and got ready to write.
Taemin knew every answer.
Minho was happy he was going to get a good score. He needed to pass this class in order to graduate. His grade for History was sitting at a D- almost an F
Taemin had lived through some of this stuff.
Minho wasn't good with History.
Taemin was glad he was able to help Minho.
After History came everyone most hated class, mostly everyone, Health class. But at this point of year, they were learning what s** is and how it worked. Minho had to answer questions about it."
Taemin couldn't help but laugh at it.
"What's so funny?"
"It's so stupid."
"I know."
"Why do you even have to do this?"
"I don't know. The health teacher is stupid and mean...he f***ed a student in front of us to show us what s** was.."
"He's a young teacher too.."
Taemin hugged Minho's arm. "I'm glad I didn't have to go to school."
"Yeah, you're lucky."
Minho smiled. "The teacher wanted to f*** me in front of the class but I chickened out and he picked a girl.)
Taemin leaned his head on Minho's shoulder.
Minho smiled. "And I though of you. I thought, if he was you I'd say yes, but he's not you."
"Yeah, I was stuck here."
"I've been stuck here for over 200 years."
"I feel bad for you. Why are you still here though?"
"I have to learn to control myself. And I have, but everyone forgot about that, so I'm still here."
"So, after I graduate, I can move out and I'll take you with me."
"Sounds like a plan."
"Mmm good."
Minho kissed Taemin's head. "I can finish this health homework later."
"You sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure."
"Promise you'll do it?"
"I promise."
Minho smiled and kissed Taemin.
Taemin kissed back.
Minho pulled him onto his lap.
(are you tired or are you drawing?)
{Drawing 😊} Taemin wrapped his arms around Minho's neck.
(okie. who you drawing?) Minho softly grabbed Taemin.
{Key, and I can't get his nose right!} Taemin moaned a little.
Minho smiled."
(Should i let you go? I'm really tired now...)
{If you'd like to.}
(ok...I'm gonna go to sleep now..Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{Okie. Sweet dreams! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
Taemin pulled Minho even closer.
Minho started kissing Taemin's neck, then down his chest and stomach.
Taemin covered his mouth to keep himself quiet.
Minho spread Taemin's legs and giggled.
"I think someone is too excited." he kneeled, looking down at his own legs. "It's calling for you, Taemin."
"Then give it to me."
Minho slowly took off his pants, teasing Taemin.
"What?" he started at Taemin's pants next.
"Hurry up, I need you."
"Oh, quit your whining." Minho pulled Taemin's pants off then bit onto his boxers.
"Then hurry up." Taemin bit his lip.
Minho tugged Taemin's boxers off with his teeth. "Are you ready to see my friend?"
Minho took his boxers off, his friend still pointing at Taemin.
Taemin smiled. {Skip there?}
(Yep! Soot! Soot! Skop!)
{Haha! Yep!}
Minseok heard them moaning and the bed squeaking. He came back early from his friends' house. "He must have his girlfriend over." He went to the room Taemin always went into and opened the door. He saw Taemin wasn't in there. He looked everywhere in the house, until he came back to Minho's room.
He listened until they finished then knocked on the door.
Taemin knew he was there for awhile, but didn't want to ruin it. "It's your brother," he said after they finished.
"What? He's supposed to be at his friends' house.." Minho got up and wrapped himself in a bath robe. He walked over to the door and opened it. "You two are pretty loud." Minseok was smiling. "Go to your friends' house and stay there," Minho told him. Minseok pushed passed him and ran to the bed. "I wanna join!"
Taemin had himself hidden under the bed.
Minho walked over to him. "You are not joining." Then Minseok crossed the line. He grabbed Minho and whispered, "Please daddy..?" Minho was quiet.
Taemin hated that. He was out and had Minseok pinned to the wall in a spilt second. He hissed at Minseok.
Minseok smiled. "And what are you going to do?"
"Probably kill you."
Minseok looked at Taemin's lips.
Taemin started leaning to his neck.
"Taemin." Minho said.
Taemin stopped. "What?"
"My parent will find out and punish us..we'll both be at fault."
Taemin sighed and pulled away. "Fine.."
"No, let him. I want to feel his teeth and lips on my neck. Knowing that, we'll be together forever.." Minseok grabbed Taemin's hand.
Taemin pulled his hand away. "You don't even know what I was going to do."
(I have to go soon to do chores....ugh....)
(Ik...) Minseok smiled. "I just want to feel you touch me with that sweet mouth of yours."
"That won't happen."
Minseok swallowed.
Taemin was remembering Taesun, and he looked down at the ground.
Minho pushed Minseok out of the room and locked the door. "Hey, you okay?" Minho rubbed Taemin's back.
Taemin shrugged.
"What's wrong?"
"My brother tried to do the same thing... he was 19... I was 17..."
Minho rubbed his back again.
Taemin cuddled up with him again.
Minho laid down with Taemin in his arms. "I won't let him near you like that again."
"Either of them."
Minho smiled. "No problem."
Taemin closed his eyes.
Taemin went out again that night.
Minho was asleep when he left.
Taemin brought a couple things home and hid them in the yard. He went inside and washed up before he checked on Minho.
He was still asleep.
Taemin laid down next to him.
Minho curled up next to him like a giant teddy bear.
Taemin smiled and held him close.
(I gotta go do the dishes and clean my room, since no one else will help I'll see you when I get back! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{Okie.. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
{It's okay!}
(Hey!!!!!!! IM BACK!!)
Taemin could smell his blood, and he had to pull away.
Minho reached for Taemin and grabbed his hand.
Taemin stopped. "Minho..?"
Minho was still asleep.
Taemin pulled him close again.
Minho nuzzled his face in Taemin's chest.
Taemin rubbed his back slowly.
"Mm...hyung..." he mumbled.
"Are you awake..?"
He didn't reply.
Taemin kept rubbing his back.
"Get off..." he kicked the blanket off of him.
"Minho?" Taemin pulled away.
He squirmed around as if he was being pinned to the bed. "He stay away from you.."
Taemin started shaking him.
"My boyfriend.." Minho mumbled before he threw his pillow at the wall.
"Wake up!" Taemin shook him more.
Minho's eyes shot open.
Taemin pulled him close. "Are you okay?"
"I just had a nightmare..I'm fine.."
"Okay." Taemin hugged him.
Minho hugged back. "Your brother was in it.."
"What did he do?"
"He made me let him do me...then bit me.."
"He bit you?"
"Mmhmm.. And your were in the hall, trying to get in, but he had some kind of power to keep the door standing.. So you had to listen to us have s**..."
"What do you mean by he bit you?"
"Took my blood."
"He can't do that."
"Well, he had teeth like you.."
"That's weird."
"Mmhmm..then after he was finished, he said that you're next then left the room."
"Oh geez.."
"Do you think that's a sign?"
"Of what?"
"I don't know."
"It could be."
Minho opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by a vase being knocked over and shattered on the floor in the hall.
Then a door closing, then a quiet scream, then laughing.
Taemin was out there right away. "Who's there?"
Minho got up and walked behind Taemin, shining a flashlight down the hall. He saw the vase. "S***....that's a thousand dollar vase..."
"My mom is gonna flip.."
Taemin opened the door where he'd heard the scream. "Who's here?"
Minseok was pinned to the bed by someone. It was Taesun. He looked up at Taemin.
Taemin pushed Taesun up against the wall. "What the h*** are you doing?"
"I'm having my dinner." Taesun smiled, showing his fangs.
"Find someone else, then."
"Why? so you can have him? Not this time, Taemin." he pulled out of Taemin's grip and was on top of Minseok in a split second.
Taemin pushed him off and got Minseok behind him.
"Leave me alone," Minseok said. "Yeah, Taemin. Leave him alone." Taesun glared at Taemin.
"I'm protecting him from you." {Gotta go to church.. See you in an hour! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Okie!! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!) "I don't need you to protect me. I like having a man's lips on my neck." Minseok tried to go around him, but Minho too, hold of him.
"Just go, Taesun."
"I already had my lunch, now give me my dinner."
"I'm not leaving without having my dinner."
"Go find someone else."
"I want Minseok."
"You can't have him."
"Why not?"
{Okie} "You'll hurt him."
"I won't hurt him. Just like my lunch is having dinner right now."
"I don't trust you."
"Just let him have me," Minseok said.
"No, you don't want this."
"Yes I do." Minseok tried to get out of Minho's grip, but Minho was too strong for him.
"You don't." Taemin grabbed Taesun's arm. "And you need to leave."
Taesun bit his lip. "Hand him over or I'll do it myself."
His eyes glowed red.
"No." Taemin pulled him out of the room and towards the front door.
Taesun stopped right at the door. "I'm not leaving."
"Yes you are." Taemin pulled him more.
Taesun didn't move.
"Come on." Taemin pulled even more.
"I said I wouldn't do this.." he sighed as he smiled.
Taesun kicked Taemin away and ran upstairs. Minho had Minseok behind him. Taesun smiled. "Protecting your brother, huh? I tried to protect Taemin but it didn't work." he got closer, grabbed Minho's arm and bit him. Minho screamed.
Taemin ran back upstairs and pulled Taesun away from Minho. He grabbed Taesun's arms and pulled him back downstairs.
Taesun was squirming, wanting more blood. Minho fell to the floor. Minseok saw him and his eyes went wide. He kneeled next to him. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean for this to happen..I don't want him to bite me.." Minseok started crying. The venom started going to Minho's veins. Minho felt as if he were dying.
Taemin pushed Taesun out the door, locking it behind him. He ran back upstairs and pulled Minho close. "Can you stand?"
Minho didn't reply. He was gasping for air, but it seemed as if he couldn't get any. Minseok curled in a ball and started rocking back and forth, crying, like he always did when something bad happened.
Taemin pushed his fangs into Taesun's bite and pulled the venom out.
Minho slowly closed his eyes. He stopped moving and went limp.
Taemin pulled away and laid him down on the bed.
"Is he okay? Please tell me he's okay.." Minseok said.
"He'll be fine."
Minseok sighed. "Thank you." he got up and hugged Taemin.
Taemin hugged back. "Mmhmm."
Minseok took a deep breath. "I don't want to be bit.."
"You won't be. I'll protect you."
"Thank you."
Minseok wiped his tears.
"I'll take him to his room. Try to sleep, okay?"
Minseok nodded.
"Good." Taemin picked Minho up and took him to his room. He laid him down and covered him up. He sat next to him, to watch him and make sure he was okay.
His skin turned red around the bite.
Taemin got a towel and wet it. He brought it back to Minho and pressed it against the bite.
Minho's chest stopped moving.
"Minho?" Taemin started shaking him.
Minho woke up, chest moving as he breathed. "What?"
"You stopped breathing."
"I did?" Minho was confused.
"How are you feeling?"
"Do you need anything?"
"Something to drink.. there's a few bottles in the fridge, can you bring me a bottle?" The bottles he was thinking of were water but actually the bottles in the fridge are beer.
"Minho, that's beer."
Minho shook his head. "No it's not...they have water in them."
"Just bring me a bottle."
"Alright." Taemin went downstairs and grabbed one of the bottles. He brought it back to Minho and opened it for him.
"Gamsamhamibnida." Minho grabbed the bottle, smiling.
Minho took a sip. "What the h*** is this?"
"According to you, water."
He handed Taemin the bottle.
"What is it?" Taemin took it.
"I don't know."
"Alright." Taemin got Minho a glass of water and brought it upstairs.
"Thanks." Minho took a sip.
Minho pursed his lips together. "It tastes weird."
"How so?"
"Where'd you get this water?"
"It's tap water."
"Like from the sink or a bottle?"
"The sink."
"What's wrong with it?"
"I don't like sink water.."
"Are we out of bottles?"
"Alright. I'll be right back then." Taemin got bottled water this time and brought it up to Minho.
"Thank you." Minho took a sip. "It still tastes weird.."
"I don't know..but I need to go to the bathroom."
{Hey, I gotta go to the funeral home. I'll be back soon! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(oh, okay. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
(Are you back?)
{Not yet}
"Okay." Taemin helped him to the bathroom.
"Thanks. I'll be out soon." Minho smiled as he stepped in and closed the door.
Taemin nodded and waited there for him.
Minho grabbed a razor and slowly cut his arm.
Just a little bit.
Taemin went to check on Minseok while he waited.
Blood started running from the cut then Minho pressed his lips to the cut and sucked on it*
Taemin smelled the blood and immediately ran into the bathroom. "What are you doing?"
"I'm trying some blood.." Blood ran down the side of his mouth.
"Minho, no." Taemin wiped the blood coming from Minho's mouth and washed his hand off.
"It's what?" Taemin started cleaning the cut.
"It's good."
Taemin stopped. "What?"
"It tastes good."
"You're just saying that." Taemin started wrapping it.
"No, it really does." Minho licked his lips.
Taemin finished wrapping his arm and he checked Minho's teeth.
There was no sign of fangs.
Taemin checked his eyes.
They were his normal color, brown.
"Maybe you're just tired." Taemin took him back to his room.
"I'm not tired, Taemin."
"Then what's with this blood thing?"
"Blood thing? Taemin, just make a small cut on your finger please."
"What do you mean?"
Minho sighed and held his finger out. "Make a cut on my finger."
"Do it."
"Tell me why."
"I want some blood."
"I'm hungry.."
"Blood won't help."
"Yes it will." (brb...gotta peal potatoes)
{Okie} "How?"
"It tastes so good.."
"What did Taesun do to you?"
"He bit me and the venom spread quickly. You didn't take all of it out."
"D*****... this is my fault..."
Minho held his arm out. The bite was still there.
Taemin bit into Minho's finger.
Minho bit his lip.
Taemin carefully broke the skin. "There, just be careful."
Minho started sucking the blood out.
Taemin watched him.
Minho closed his eyes, still taking some blood.
Taemin made Minho stop a couple minutes later.
"I need more."
"How much?"
"A lot.."
"Alright." Taemin pulled him up and took him outside where he hid a couple things he'd caught. He got one and handed it to Minho and pointed out where he'd bit it.
Minho licked his lips then bit down, sucking out the blood. He tasted some of Taemin's venom in it and groaned.
Minho pulled away from the animal. "I taste your venom.."
"Oh.. sorry."
"It tastes amazing."
"That's good."
Minho bit onto it again.
Taemin kept looking around to make sure no one was watching.
Minho finished and tossed it.
"Are you good now?"
"Ne." (brb)
{Okie} "Good."
Minho quickly leaned in and kissed Taemin.
Taemin kissed back.
(brb, gotta eat lol)
(My brother is such a whiny a** baby)
{Haha! That's how siblings are.}
(Ueah, but he's complaining he doesn't like the meat I cooked..and now I feel bad..)
{I'll fight him!}
(Haha! I wish! But then he'd cry. eh, oh whale.)
{I'll still fight him.}
{Haha! C?}
Minho got his teeth and his eyes turned a blood red as he kneeled and pulled Taemin's closer.
Taemin closer**
Taemin wrapped his arms. He wanted to be the one who changed Minho, but Taesun took that from him.
Minho bit Taemin's lip, with his sharp teeth.
Taemin smiled.
Minho moved to Taemin's neck and bit down.
Taemin bit his lip.
Minho let go and started randomly biting Taemin's arm, leaving bite marks, and maybe a small hole making blood slowly leak out.
Taemin wiped the blood away.
Minho came back up, licking his arm, then licking his neck.
Taemin bit his lip again and pulled him closer by his waist.
Minho stood up, pulling Taemin with him. "Hold on tight."
Taemin held onto him tightly.
Minho jumped and grabbed onto his window sill. He opened the window. "Climb."
Taemin climbed into the window.
Minho climbed in after him then closed the window. He pushed Taemin over to the bed, aggressively.
Taemin bit his lip, his fangs were out, and looked up at Minho.
Minho breathed heavily, eyes beat red, showing his long, pointy fangs.
Taemin looked right into Minho's eyes.
Minho looked back at Taemin.
Taemin leaned up and kissed him.
Minho kissed back, ripping Taemin's shirt off.
Taemin shoved his hands up Minho's shirt.
Minho kissed him roughly. (Soot! Soot! Skop?)
{Yup! Good plan!} Taemin was cuddled up with him afterwards.
Minho wasn't a full vampire. He still had tons of human blood left in him. He was like a new born vampire, but not quite. He was breathing heavily.
"You okay?"
"Yeah..we were so hard.."
Minho bit his lip as his teeth pulled back in and he blinked his eyes back to normal.
"Mmhmm." Taemin wasn't breathing at all.
Minho grabbed Taemin's hand and put it over his heart. It was beating normally.
Taemin smiled and leaned his head on Minho's shoulder.
"I'm still human.."
"I know."
"How is that possible..?"
"He didn't take enough blood."
Minho turned his head to look at Taemin.
Taemin looked up at him.
Minho looked up at the ceiling and tilted his head.
"No, not yet."
"You have full access Taemin."
"I can't do this now. Your parents and everyone else will find out.
Minho sighed. "Alright.." he straightened his head.
"Plus you need to finish school."
" my parents will want to send me off to college.."
"I thought you were moving out and taking me with you."
"I could do that instead..because if I go to college, I'll be gone from you for years.."
"Do you want to go to college?"
"H*** no."
"Then you won't go, right?"
"Okay good."
Minho kissed Taemin.
Taemin kissed back.
Minho pulled Taemin onto his lap.
Taemin pulled away and hugged him. He'd never been this cuddly around anyone.
Minho smiled and hugged back.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Yes. Of course baby."
Taemin smiled. "Good."
Minho rubbed his back.
"And Minho?"
"Once I change you, promise me you'll never kill anyone."
"I'll try not to.."
"Please don't. It's the worst thing you can do."
"I said I'll try not to."
Minho kissed his cheek.
Taemin closed his eyes and rested his head on Minho's shoulder. "Are you tired at all?"
"A little but I'm fine.."
Minho closed his eyes.
Minho had school the next day, so Taemin got a water bottle that wasn't see through and filled it with blood. "Be careful with this," he whispered as he gave it to Minho.
Minho nodded. "Thank you."
"Of course."
Minho kissed Taemin before he left.
Taemin started feeling lonely. They'd been inseparable all weekend, and now they were separated. Everyone he had to protect was gone, so he just curled up on the couch.
Later into the day, Minseok came running home, crying. "Taemin hyung!!"
Taemin shot up and ran over to him. "What's wrong?"
Minseok hugged him tightly. "He's following me. Everywhere I look, he's staring me down..he followed me here..."
Taemin hugged back. "Who followed you?"
Taemin closed the door and locked it. "Just stay with me and he won't hurt you."
Minseok nodded and gripped Taemin's shirt.
Taemin rubbed his back.
Minseok swallowed.
"You'll be okay, I promise."
Minseok was shaking. He nodded.
"So, what do you want to do? Do you have homework?"
Minseok shook his head.
"Okay, is there anything you want to do?"
He shrugged. "Just keep me distracted."
"Okay. Do you like cuddles and TV?"
"Okay. What's your favorite show?" Taemin sat down on the couch and held him close and picked up the remote.
"Hmmm....Chopped. It's an American thing."
"Okay." Taemin turned that on for him.
Minseok smiled as he curled up in a ball.
Taemin held him close to keep him calm.
Minseok stared at the tv.
Taemin was watching for Minho.
There was an hour left of school
Taemin watched for him that entire hour.
Minho got home ten minutes after the bell rung. He had ran home. He walked in as soon as he arrived.
Taemin got up and ran over to Minho and hugged him.
Minho smiled and hugged back.
"Is Minseok here?"
"Thank God..He messaged me and told me everything."
"Yeah, he's watching Chopped now."
"Awe, that little s*** head...watching it without me."
"Sorry, I was trying to calm him down."
"It's okay."
Minho smiled. "Come on." Minho grabbed his hand and walked to the living room. he sat on one side of Minseok, making Taemin sit on the other side of him.
Minseok was like their son to Taemin.
Minho laid on Minseok as Minseok laid on Taemin.
Taemin laid down, too.
Minseok held Minho's hand and Taemin's hand.
Taemin smiled.
Minseok looked up at Taemin.
He smiled. "Saranghaeyo, eomma."
Taemin giggled. "Saranghaeyo, adeul."
Minseok tapped his forehead, signaling a kiss.
Taemin gently kissed Minseok's forehead.
Minseok smiled more.
Taemin looked up at Minho, still smiling.
Minho smiled back.
Taemin held both of them close.
Minseok and Minho used to watch this show together all the time.
Taemin wasn't even paying attention to the show.
Minho had his head resting on Minseok's hip.
Taemin reached back and started playing with Minho's hair.
Minho smiled.
Taemin felt like he could sleep like this.
Minho rubbed Taemin's arm
Taemin smiled and closed his eyes.
Minho sensed Minseok's blood.
Taemin did too, but he was used to it.
Minho swallowed and his heart beat faster.
(ugh! I love Cameron so much!!)
Taemin sensed Minho's heartbeat and looked back at him.
{I've noticed!}
Minho looked at Taemin with worry in his eyes.
"We'll be right back." Taemin got up and pulled Minho to the hallway. He slowly rubbed Minho's arms. "Calm down."
(she named something after me...)
(it's weird but cute)
Minho rested his head on Taemin's shoulder. "I can't control it.."
"You will, I promise." Taemin lifted Minho's head and pressed their foreheads together.
Minho looked into Taemin's eyes, though his own we're red.
Taemin rubbed his back, trying to calm him.
Minho blinked his eyes back to normal.
Taemin closed his eyes and kept rubbing his back. 'Why did Taesun have to do this to you..?'
Minho licked his lips.
(Ooh! Shoot!!)
When Minho was going home from school the next day, there was a wolf pup limping ahead of him.
Minho saw the pup and jogged up to it. He picked it up. " poor thing..."
It looked up at him.
"I'll take you home. Don't worry.."
Its back leg had lots of dried blood covering the large cut.
Minho inspected it's leg. "That's pretty bad...ill get you healed.."
It stepped closer to him and sniffed his leg.
Minho smiled and let its head.
It looked back up at him.
Minho held his arms out. "Come here."
It tried to jump into his arms, but it hurt too much and it winced in pain.
Minho picked it up and held it close.
It curled up in his arms.
"It's okay.." Minho continued to walk home.
It was whimpering quietly.
{I'm sorry... it's bedtime... I'll see you in the morning! Sweet dreams! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
Minho brought it to his house and laid it on the couch. He covered it with a small blanket. "I'll go get some bandages and I'll wrap your leg." Minho kissed it's head and left the room.
(awe...okie...Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
It just closed its eyes.
(I'm sorry I didn't reply. no one woke us up.)
Minho came back with bandages and medicine. he cleaned the cut and wrapped it in bandages.
{It's okay!} It still had its eyes closed.
Minho pet it's head.
It was falling asleep.
Minho kissed it's nose. "Get well soon."
It kind of nodded.
Minho got up and went upstairs to Taemin.
Taemin seemed like he was sleeping in Minho's room.
Minho smiled as he curled up next to Taemin and pulled him close.
"I wish I could sleep.."
"I know.."
Taemin turned onto his other side and faced Minho.
Minho ran his hand through Taemin's hair.
Taemin smiled and closed his eyes.
(back) Minho kissed his nose.
Taemin smiled even more.
Minho smiled as well.
"When do you graduate?"
"In a month or so."
"That means spring break is coming up.."
"Mmhmm." (brb)
{Okie} Taemin sighed.
{Everything okay?}
(yeah, playing Monopoly)
{Oh, okay. Do you need more time? Or?}
(just a bit. Mianhae)
{It's cool.}
{I'm just gonna put down my thing.} As spring got closer, Taemin started moving slower. He also started laying around more when he could.
{I'm sorry if I'm being needy, but are you back yet?}
{Bedtime.... I'll see you in the morning I guess. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(But sleep well! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
Minho played more video games.
{I'm sorry I was being so needy and annoying..} Taemin was curled up in a ball next to him.
(it's okay. don't worry) Minho also gained a few pounds and was started to grow a beard and mustache.
(I gotta pee real quick. I think I started my period over night..
{Why are you up so early?} Taemin had been like this all day.
{Oh, okay.}
(I just woke up and can't fall back asleep...) Minho stopped a few times to 'eat' with Taemin, but he wasn't getting physically active.
Taemin didn't eat at all.
No matter what, Minho gained weight over break. He gained almost 15 pounds.
Taemin was alone the last couple days of break. He didn't want to get Minho sick.
On those days, he stopped playing video games. Minseok got him outside and got him physically active. Minseok was sorta mad at Taemin.
Taemin watched them from his room.
Over those days, Minho lost almost 20-25 pounds.
On the last day, Minho was finally starting to be lovey to Taemin.
Normally being cold didn't bother Taemin, but when he did walk around he had a blanket wrapped around him.
Minho walked up behind Taemin and wrapped his arms around him. "Hey baby."
"What's wrong?"
"You haven't noticed..?"
"I'm sick.."
"Oh, baby...I'm sorry.." Minho rubbed his stomach. "Do you need blood?"
"No.." He really did, it'd been almost a week since he'd had any blood.
(sorry my wifi is being a b****)
(Wifi is mean rn..)
{It's fine.}
"Are you sure? You can have some of mine. Go ahead." Minho held his arm out in front of Taemin.
"I'm sure.." Taemin just hugged Minho's arm.
"I wanted to do something with you but, it's ruined because of me."
"Don't worry about it. You're sick. I should be taking care of you."
"Go sit on the couch, I'll get you something."
Taemin nodded and curled up on the couch.
Minho grabbed a cup from the kitchen and brought it upstairs to the bathroom. He grabbed a small hose and needle. He stuck one side of the needle in the hose and the other in his arm. he started draining blood, having it go into the cup.
It took a few minutes then he brought it to Taemin. He put a bandage over the small hole in his arm. "Here you go," he said handing it to Taemin.
Taemin was covered entirely by the blanket.
Minho tapped his shoulder.
Taemin pulled the blanket down and looked up at him.
He held out the cup. "Drink it."
"What kind is it..?" Taemin sat up and took the cup.
"You didn't take too much, did you..?"
"I'm fine. Don't worry about me."
"I'm always worried about you.."
Minho smiled and sat down next to him. "Just drink it."
Taemin nodded and drank a little.
Minho watched him.
Taemin's eyes turned red as he drank more.
Minho smiled more.
It was gone soon and Taemin gave the cup back to Minho.
Minho licked his lips.
"No.. that's enough for now.."
" are you feeling?"
"A little better.."
"And cold.."
"Is cold a good thing or bad..?"
"Oh God.." Minho set the cup down and pulled Taemin close.
Taemin cuddled up close.
"Sickness...please go away...."
Taemin smiled a little. "That won't work, silly.."
"It's worth trying."
"I guess.."
"I'm not going to school until you get better."
"You have to.."
"It's called lying. I'll tell them I was sick. It works every time."
"No.. you're going.."
"I'm not leaving you."
"You're going.."
"I am not leaving you. That's final."
"You're going to school.."
"Taemin, stop."
"I'm not leaving you alone until I know for sure you are okay."
"I'm fine.."
"No you're not."
"Yes I am.." Taemin was shivering.
Minho immediately pressed his lips to Taemin's to shut him up.
Taemin froze up, except for the shivering.
Minho softly kissed him, pushing his hair out of his face.
Taemin kissed back.
Minho pulled Taemin onto his lap, making him wrap his legs around his waist, then laying him on the couch and getting on top of him.
without breaking the kiss.
Taemin hid them with the blanket.
Minho made the kiss rough.
Taemin moaned a little.
Minho started kissing his neck.
Taemin moaned more and tilted his head back.
Minho lightly bit his neck.
Taemin grabbed Minho's shirt.
(What happened to the wolf?)
{Oh, idk.. 😅}
There was scratching at the door.
Minho sighed. "We'll continue this in a little bit." Minho kissed Taemin once more as he got up.
Taemin nodded and pulled the blanket over himself.
He opened the door.
The wolf was back and it looked up at Minho.
"Hey little fella. How are you?" Minho kneeled down and held his arms out.
It climbed into his lap.
"Awe!" Minho pet it's head.
It seemed to smile.
"Taemin! I'm falling in love!" Minho kissed it's nose.
"Hm..?" Taemin walked up behind him. He saw the wolf and immediately started backing away.
"What? What's wrong?" Minho pet it's head again.
"Why is he here..?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know that's a werewolf, right..?"
Minho gave him a confused look. "It is? I thought werewolves are bigger."
Taemin held the blanket around himself and kept his distance.
"Taemin, come on. He's nice. I'm half vampire and you don't see him growling, do you?"
"No.. but I'm not taking any chances.."
Minho sighed and looked at the wolf. "Hey, can you do me a favor?"
He nodded.
"Can you turn into a human?"
Onew nodded again and climbed off of Minho and turned human.
Minho smiled, looking at Onew.
"Hi." He waved.
"Hi." Minho waved back.
"What's your name?"
"Choi Minho."
"I'm Onew."
"It's nice to meet you, Onew. That's Taemin." he pointed to Taemin.
Onew nodded. "What's wrong with him?"
"He says he's not taking any chances. I guess he doesn't like werewolves."
"Aw, why not?"
"I don't know."
"You're half vampire?"
{Time to go... See you after school! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Awe!! okie...Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
"He changed you?"
{Where are you?}
{Are you okay?}
(yeah. I'm fine.. I played a game with the fam again and did the dishes and got carried away talking to my gf...)
(I should've told you..I'm sorry)
{Aw, no, it's fine. I promise it's fine.}
{Can we c?}
(Mmhmm) "It's a long story.."
"Oh, okay."
"His brother bit me.. He tried to take the venom out but he didn't get all of it. My heart beats and my blood runs but the venom is slowly spreading with what's in me."
"That's weird."
"Yeah, I know. It feels weird."
"I bet it does."
"Yeah. I can feel it running through my veins. My arms. My legs. Chest. Head. Everywhere."
"That must get annoying."
"Yes yes yes. It tingles my whole body. Like you know when your leg falls asleep and you start walking on it, it starts tingling? That's how I feel."
"That's how my leg felt."
"When the cut was made?"
"A couple hours before you found me."
"Oh, okay. You're a cut little wolf by the way."
Onew smiled. "Thanks."
"No problem." Minho smiled back. He was flirting on accident and forgot Taemin was there.
Taemin was getting mad at him.
Minho looked down at his hands.
"You okay?" Onew asked.
Minho nodded, biting his lip.
Onew knelt down. "What's wrong?"
Minho looked up at him. "Nothing."
"You sure?"
"I'm sure."
Taemin had gone to Minho's room and curled up in there. He didn't like seeing Minho with someone else, especially a werewolf.
Minho looked over and saw Taemin go up the stairs, but he saw it in slow motion. The venom was getting to his brain. "S***..." he got up quickly, but what felt like forever to him, and ran after Taemin.
Taemin had the door closed.
Minho knocked on the door. "Taemin!"
"What's wrong?"
"Why do you care..?"
"Taemin, please tell me.."
he turned the doorknob.
Taemin was quiet.
He sighed and opened the door. He then walked in and closed the door. "Baby, please. Please tell me."
Minho walked over to him and sat next to him.
{Okie} Taemin held the blanket over him.
"Taemin, please.."
"Baby.." Minho gabbed the blanket and pulled on it.
"Fine, be a b****.."
"You're being a b****.."
"What the h*** am I doing?!"
"You're flirting with someone else right in front of me!" Taemin coughed, it hurt to shout.
Minho stood up. "Well, sorry! What am I supposed to say?!"
"Say you don't love him!" Taemin was almost crying as he coughed again.
"How do you know if that'll hurt his feelings?!"
"Don't say it to him! Prove it to me!" Taemin kept coughing.
Tears were forming in his eyes. He sat down next to Taemin, pulled the blanket off, pulled Taemin close, and kissed him.
Taemin was crying as he kissed back.
Minho pulled away and hugged him. "I'm sorry I flirted with him and yelled at you.."
Taemin nodded and buried his face in Minho's neck. He was both coughing and crying at the same time and it really hurt.
Minho rubbed his back.
Taemin finally calmed down a couple minutes later.
Minho pulled away and kissed his head.
"Was that our first fight..?"
"I'm sorry.."
Taemin nodded. "I didn't want us to ever fight.."
"Me either..."
Taemin coughed a little again.
"I'm sorry..."
"It's okay.."
Minho pulled away and held his arm out. "Bite me."
"It's his venom that's making me like can change it."
Taemin pushed Minho's arm down and looked up at him. His eyes turned red.
"Do it."
Taemin leaned in and pushed his fangs into Minho's neck.
Minho smiled, closing his eyes.
Taemin started pulling his blood out.
Minho pulled him closer.
Taemin climbed onto his lap.
Minho laid down, pulling Taemin with him.
Taemin was surprised he wasn't getting dizzy yet.
Minho pulled him even closer. "Bite harder.."
Taemin bit down harder.
Minho was now starting to get dizzy.
Minho's blood was almost gone.
He could barely move.
Taemin pulled away and wiped away a little blood from the bite. He put a pillow under Minho's head and laid down next to him. He pulled a blanket over both of them.
Minho had passed out.
Taemin held him close, waiting for him to wake up.
Minho didn't wake up for a long time.
Taemin didn't leave him.
When Minseok got home, he immediately hung up his jacket then saw Onew. "Woah. Hottie alert."
Onew looked over at him. "Oh, hi."
"Who are you?"
"Why are you here?"
"I came to see you brother, but I p***ed off a vampire in the process."
"Ah, his boyfriend.."
"Oh, that makes it worse."
"Yeah. They'll be fine."
"Now, forget them. What do you say we go on a da- go out to eat."
"Uh, sure. Why not?"
Minseok smiled and grabbed his jacket. "I'll drive."
"I can't drive anyway."
"Oh, okay."
"Let's go." Minseok opened the door, letting Onew out first.
Onew pulled Minseok out after him.
Minseok giggled as he closed the door. "How old are you?"
"140..... 20. I'm 20."
"Why'd you say 140?"
"No reason."
"Okay. You're just my age." Minseok opened the passenger side door for Onew.
"That's cool." Onew got in and closed the door.
Minseok went to the driver's side and got in, starting the car. "Guess how old I am."
"How old are you then?"
"I'm younger than you."
"Younger," he whispered.
"Just tell me," Onew whispered back.
"16," he whispered.
"Oh, okay."
"What? Are you not into the younger ones?"
"I've dated someone over 300, it's pretty cool to date someone younger." He didn't even realize what he'd said.
{I'm sorry... it's bedtime and I'm super tired... so sweet dreams! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(it's okay! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!! Sleep well!!)
"What?!" Minseok slammed on the breaks. "300 years old?! Holy S***!!"
"He's the reason I got kicked out of my pack.."
(I guess I can wait until 6...)
(Plllleeseesseeseeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeee get onn!!!!!!!!!)
(where are youuuuuuuu)
{I'm here!! Sowwy!!} "Not pack, uh.. s***.."
(yay!!) "What are you talking about?"
Minseok turned off the car and locked all the doors. "Tell me."
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"I'm not allowed to."
"In order for us to date, we have to share our secrets so we can trust each other."
"Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine."
Onew sighed. "Alright.." He undid his seatbelt and turned into his wolf form.
Minseok's eyes went wide. He was shocked then smiled.
"You're beautiful.."
Onew curled up on Minseok's lap and looked up at him.
Minseok unbuckled as he pet Onew's head. "You're so cute."
Onew smiled and closed his eyes.
"I'll tell you mine now. I lost my v******** to my own brother when I was 12."
"He was 14."
Onew gave him a what-the-f*** look.
"Yeah, I know. Worst decision we ever made. But we got drunk. Our parents let us take a sip, but they made us drink a whole bottle of beer and next thing you know, we've had almost ten each and we're doing each other."
Onew very slowly nodded.
"That will never happen again. I promise." Minseok kissed Onew's nose.
He nodded again.
"Do me a quick favor."
He tilted his head.
"Get on the back and change into human form."
{Ooh!} He nodded and did as told.
Minseok unlocked his door and the door in the back behind him and got out. He opened the door to the back and got in. "Now lay down."
Onew laid back.
Minseok took a needle out of his boot.
"What's that for?"
Minseok smiled. "You'll see."
"No, tell me."
"It's to put you asleep."
"Why would you do that?"
"So you don't know how to get to where I'm taking you. It won't take long. You'll wake up when we pull into the driveway."
"Wait, no no no no.." Onew sat up and backed away.
"What's wrong? I'm taking you to my cabin."
"Why do you need to knock me out?"
"I don't want anyone to know where it is. The only people who do know are me and Minho."
"Why can't I know where it is?"
"It's a secret."
Minseok sighed. "If we last a week or so, I'll show you how to get there."
"We can't keep secrets from each other, remember?"
"I'll know where it is anyway."
"What? You do?"
"I will. I'll be able to track it."
(oops. I read it wrong..,lol)
"I didn't think of that.."
{Lol! It's cool!} "Yep."
"Well...alright..Minseok stuck the needle back in his boot and got out, then got in on the driver side. "Come up here."
"Can we cuddle?"
Minseok smiled. "Sure."
Onew changed into his wolf form again and cuddled up on Minseok's lap.
Minseok started the car and drove to the cabin.
Onew was almost asleep.
Minseok shook him a little when they arrived. "We're here."
He nodded but he didn't move.
"Okay. I'll carry you. Minseok unbuckled, held Onew close, and got out.
Onew smiled a little.
The cabin was mostly glass. You could see most of the rooms in the cabin. There was a maid cleaning and a chef cooking. The table was set.
{I'm sorry but it's time to go... I'll see you after school! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(woah holy s*** it is...darn...okay.. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
Onew hadn't slept in a couple days, so he was super tired.
{Are you here?}
{Did you have church?}
{Or chores?}
{Do you hate me..?}
(I had church and had to do the dishes...)
(I don't hate you. I promise!!)
{Okay. Ooh! And guess what!}
(GOOD JOB!!!!)
{THANK YOU!!!!!!}
Minseok carried him inside and set him of the floor. "Come on. Dinner's ready."
{For when we're out of ideas, I have a new one.}
(Holy s***! already? wow! haha!)
{Sowwy, I've had it for awhile and I've been gradually tweaking it!}
(it's okay!)
Onrw changed back and followed him.
Minseok led him to the dining room. There was a candle and two plates with food on them.
"Were you planning this?"
"Maybe. But it was going to be with someone else but he rejected me. But luckily I saw you."
"Aw, I'm sorry."
"It's fine. I found a hot werewolf in my house, so I'm good." Minseok smiled and pulled a chair out for Onew.
Onew blushed a little as he sat down.
Minseok pushed the chair in a bit and sat in his chair.
"Do you pray?"
"Ani. Sorry."
"It's fine." Minseok put his hands in his lap, closed his eyes, and started talking to himself, quietly.
Onew nodded. He felt a little awkward.
Minseok smiled, saying something about Onew.
(*smiles* Ik)
When Minseok was done, he looked up at Onew and smiled again. "Ready to eat?"
Onew smiled when Minseok did.
Minseok picked up his salad fork and started eating his salad first.
Onew did what he did. He had never been somewhere so fancy.
Minseok smiled, watching Onew.
Onew seemed really awkward, and he was.
Minseok reached his feet towards Onew's leg and tugged on his pants.
{Okie} Onew jumped.
Minseok giggled.
"That was you, right?"
"Of course."
"Okay, good."
Minseok did it again.
Onew giggled this time.
Minseok raised his legs higher, placing his feet on Onew's lap.
Onew smiled more. "Do you always do this?"
"It's cute."
"Not as cute as you."
"Stop it."
"Make me."
Onew started tickling his feet.
Minseok started laughing, sliding down his chair.
Onew smiled.
"Stop.." he said almost out of breath already. "Please."
"Alright alright." Onew stopped.
Minseok took deep breaths as he took his feet off of Onew.
Onew was still smiling.
Minseok continued to eat after settling down.
Onew did the same.
Minseok kept his eyes on Onew most of the time.
Then he'd watch the maids clean, making sure they did their job right.
"How did you get stuck with a vampire?"
"He was like...I don't know. He just lives there I guess...been there for a while.."
"I've never been told his story."
"Is he always that tense?"
"How is he tense?"
"He was really tense when I was there, or just nervous."
"Oh, he's never really been tense. Well, once that I know of when his brother came and wanted to bite me, but ended up biting my brother."
"That must've been crazy."
"Yeah.." (brb...)
"So you're human?"
"That's cool."
Onew wrapped his arm around Minseok's shoulders and pulled him close.
Minseok smiled. "Do you want to stay here tonight? The bed is comfy."
"Okay." Minseok smiled more. He had a plan.
"Thank you."
"Of course."
Onew hugged him.
Minseok hugged back.
{Skip to the night?}
Onew is almost asleep before they're in bed.
As night came along, Minseok had pulled Onew to the room. He closed the shades and looked at the ceiling, which was glass. They could see the stars.
Onew looked up at the stars. "Woah.."
Minseok smiled and pulled Onew close.
Onew wrapped his arms around Minseok's waist without looking away from the stars. "They're so pretty."
"Mmhmm. This is what I look at every weekend."
"Ne. I want you to share those moments with me for now on."
"I definitely will."
"I promise."
Minseok smiled. He looked down at him.
Onew was still mesmerized by the stars.
Minseok started playing with Onew's hair.
Onew smiled and looked down at him.
Minseok smiled back.
"You're so cute."
"Thank you."
Minseok licked his lips as he looked at Onew's lips.
Onew smiled more. "Do it."
Minseok reached up and kissed Onew.
Onew kissed back.
Minseok pulled himself closer, deepening the kiss.
Onew picked him up, wrapping Minseok's legs around him.
Minseok started to grow hard as he ran his hands through Onew's hair. His heart was beating rapidly.
Onew pushed him up against the wall.
{Is spring break next week for you?}
Minseok let out a soft moan against Onew's lips.
(I'm starting it already. Tomorrow through Monday.)
{I have it Friday through next week and the following Monday!}
{Wait, yours is only tomorrow through next Monday?}
{Dude, that's not a spring break, that's a long weekend!}
(But that's our 'break')
(last day of school is June 2)
{Well, uh, I have 9% battery and it's bedtime. So I'll see you in the morning! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo! Sweet dreams!}
{Ours is June 1}
(awe! okie...Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{I soupy..}
(Also, tomorrow, after school for you, we should try to FaceTime. Like go in your room or something so we can FaceTime? I just really want to FaceTime someone rn...)
(Bc my gf can't FaceTime bc she has a tablet...)
{We'll try!}
(my email/FaceTime thing should be: )
As Onew and Minseok did the do, Taemin was starting to feel like he'd killed Minho.
Minho hadn't woken up yet. Venom was still spreading and it was taking a while.
Taemin was getting really nervous.
Minho was screaming and squirming around inside, but on the outside, he wasn't moving at all.
Taemin refused to leave him.
Just around 4:57 AM, he started waking up. First saying, "Taemin...?"
" I dead..?"
"Kind of."
Minho looked at him.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too but I've only been out for a few minutes.."
"It's been hours."
"Wow..." Minho tried sitting up, but his neck and back hurt.
Taemin held him down. "You need more rest. Calm down."
Minho's eyes were red and his teeth had grown. He had already looked like a thousand year old vampire.
{Lol! Idk!} "Do you need blood?"
"Okay. Stay here." Taemin got up and got another thing he'd caught from outside. He brought it back up to Minho.
Minho smiled as he took hold of it and sunk his teeth into it.
Taemin smiled as he sat down next to him. "You had me thinking I killed you."
Minho didn't respond.
Taemin just smiled more.
Blood was now running down his neck from the side of his mouth. He finished the animal. "Lick it off," he told Taemin.
Taemin licked the blood off of Minho.
Minho smiled.
"You're so weird," Taemin said when he was done.
"Good." Minho leaned close and kissed Taemin.
Taemin smiled and kissed back.
Minho climbed onto Taemin's lap, pushing him on his back.
Taemin wrapped his legs around him and bit his lip.
Minho smiled. "You wanna go?"
"Mm, so you always want me to f*** you?" Minho looked into Taemin's eyes.
"Well, sometimes."
Minho chuckled.
"You're so f****** cute."
"Shut up." Taemin reached down and grabbed him.
Minho gasped. "Someone really wants me."
Minho smiled more. "Well, you're gonna get me soon." Minho leaned down and started kissing Taemin's neck.
Taemin leaned his back and bit his lip
Minho softly started sucking on Taemin's soft spot.
Taemin moaned and closed his eyes.
Minho started sucking harder and harder.
Taemin moaned louder and louder.
Minho sucked harder as he started playing with his (own) buckle.
Taemin helped Minho undo his pants.
Minho smiled as he pulled them off.
Taemin grabbed him again.
Minho moaned. "Taemin.." he whispered as a moan in Taemin's ear.
"You're hand feels nice on my d***.."
Minho smiled, nibbling on Taemin's ear.
Taemin bit his lip again. He let go of Minho and pushed his hand up Minho's shirt.
Minho let go of Taemin's ear and raised his arms.
Taemin pulled his shirt off really slowly, trying to tease him.
"Taemin sunbaenim.."
"Stop teasing me."
"Make me."
Minho rubbed his hard thing against Taemin's leg.
Taemin moaned really loudly.
Minho smiled.
"Okay.. that works.."
Minho undid Taemin's pants and pulled them off.
(wait, aren't you in school?)
{Well, I gotta go now.. Cya later! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Lol that's what I thought. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
(SEE you after school! 😉maybe...)
{I'm back for a little while! Are you?}
Once they were done, Taemin was laying on his stomach with Minho on top of him.
(oops! sorry!) Minho smiled as he kissed Taemin's neck. "That was amazing."
Minho rubbed his side as he crawled off of him.
"No." Taemin hugged him and buried his face in Minho's chest. "Don't go."
"I'm staying right here."
"I promise."
"I promise, too."
Minho smiled.
Taemin pulled away and grabbed both of Minho's hands.
Minho kissed Taemin, intertwining their fingers.
Taemin softly kissed back.
Minho smiled, pulling away after a while. "You're so cute."
Taemin smiled too. "Thanks."
"Of course."
{Sorry... gotta go again...}
(It's okay. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
{Okay! I'm back!} Taemin cuddled up with him.
Minho held him close.
Taemin closed his eyes.
Minho rubbed his back.
Taemin was still a little sick, so he still felt cold.
Minho smiled as he kissed Taemin's forehead.
"I should've done that awhile ago."
Minho nodded.
Taemin poked Minho's bite mark.
Minho giggled. "That tickles."
Minho climbed on top of Taemin. "I'll show you what tickles."
"No, don't." Taemin tried to escape but he just curled up in a ball. "Please don't."
"Why not?"
"Don't do it." Taemin sounded like a kid.
Minho chuckled and got off of him. "Since you said it like that, I won't."
"Okay." Taemin held him close.
Minho kissed Taemin's nose.
Taemin smiled.
Minho smiled back.
Taemin softly rubbed Minho's side.
Minho closed his eyes.
"Are you going to tell your parents?"
Taemin poked the bite again.
"Ani. If they find out, they'd kill you."
"Right, I forgot about that."
"Yeah." Minho looked at the clock. "F***.. Where's my brother?"
Taemin shrugged.
Minho grabbed his phone and dialed Minseok's number. He didn't answer. Minho called him again. Minseok hadn't answered because he and Onew were still at it. Though he answered the second time, while they were still doing it. "Mwo?" Minho almost started screaming at him.
"Where the h*** are you?" Minho asked. Minseok moaned. "I'm at the cabin..." "Who's with you?" Minho asked. "Uh...Onew is.." " better get here as soon as you wake up in the morning.
Minseok groaned. "Fine..."
Taemin was listening the entire time.
{Brb, gotta eat!}
Minho hung up, not wanting to hear them anymore. He sighed as he placed his phone on the stand.
(if I'm not here when you get back, I'm writing down lyrics to a song. "Borders" by Amber)
{Okie} "That was gross."
(back) "Yeah."
{I see!} "He has a boyfriend?"
"I guess it's Onew now."
"Oh okay."
Taemin pulled him closer.
Minho smiled.
"Are you still going to school?"
"I have to finish school. so I can graduate and move out with you."
"Okay, but you have to promise not to bite anyone there."
"I promise."
Minho smiled again.
Taemin closed his eyes.
Minho rubbed his back.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Taemin laid down on top of him.
Minho smiled, looking up at him.
Taemin rested his head on Minho's chest.
Minho played with Taemin's hair.
Taemin smiled and looked up at him.
Minho Ruffles his hair.
{Ay! Ruffles!!} Taemin giggled.
(oops! Autocorrect!)
{Ruffles is back!!}
He grabbed Minho's hand and started playing with it.
Minho watched him.
Taemin compared their hands. "Your hands are big."
"I know."
Taemin smiled and intertwined their fingers.
Minho smiled back.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Taemin smiled more.
Minho reached up and kissed his nose.
Taemin giggled and hugged him.
Minho hugged back.
"I miss how warm you were."
"It's okay."
Taemin hugged him tighter.
Minho smiled.
Minseok was breathing heavily after the do. "Wow..this never happens to me.." He said smiling.
{Well, time for dance. Be back in an hour! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Awe! okie...Annyeong! Saranghayeo!)
"It seems like it does," Onew said, also breathing heavily. "You're good."
{You there?}
(Mianhae..) "Thanks. You are too."
{It's okay! I promise!} "Thanks."
(okie) Minseok smiled.
Onew played with Minseok's hair.
Minseok looked up at Onew.
"I love you."
"Aw, I love you too."
Minseok smiled and rested his head on Onew's chest.
Onew rubbed his back. {Ooh! Can we add JongKey?}
{YAY!!!} Key was really lonely, and he'd never really been lonely. He didn't know how to deal with it. He would go to the park and just draw random things.
Jonghyun was a very old vampire, nearly 400 years old. He would watch Key from a distance. He already knew who he was because of Taesun.
Key somehow never noticed Jonghyun.
Jonghyun watched him as he drew him in his notebook.
{This is kinda funny. Cuz I'm drawing Jonghyun in this sketchbook I haven't used in like 2 billion years! Okay, it's not funny.} Key say under a tree most of the time.
(Lol) Jonghyun was always sitting at the swings.
Key always felt like someone was watching him, and it made him feel super awkward.
Jonghyun drew Key in his notebook of Key drawing in his notebook.
{😂} Key stayed there for hours.
Jonghyun stayed there also.
Key actually climbed the tree one day.
Jonghyun didn't spot him, but he could smell his tasty blood. He was going crazy for Key.
Key was falling asleep up there.
Jonghyun got up from the sand and stuffed his notebook in his bag. He couldn't wait longer. He started sniffing for Key. He was picking up his scent and followed it to the tree.
Key was asleep by the time Jonghyun found him.
Jonghyun jumped into the tree, barely making a noise. He got close to Key's neck and slowly opened his mouth, growing his fangs and his eyes turning red. He hadn't had human blood for decades.
Key shifted a little.
He pushed Key against the tree leaning closer to his neck.
Key woke up to that, but he kept his eyes closed. "Is it late..?"
Jonghyun jumped. "Uh, ne."
"How late..?"
"I don't know.."
"Oh okay.."
"Do you have a phone?"
(up to 10K comments! haha! I've been watching the comments!) "Which pocket?"
{YES!!!!!} "Right.."
Jonghyun reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Password.." He stared at the screen.
Key told him.
Jonghyun typed it in. "8:27.." (brb)
"Okay.." {Okie}
"It seemed later.."
(sorry I took forever) Jonghyun looked at his pictures and smiled. He saw selca's of Key.
{It's cool!} Key was almost asleep again.
He smiled more as he looked at Key.
"What's your name..?"
"And you're Key."
"How do you know..?"
"Oh.. okay.."
"How close are you two?"
"We're just friends.."
"That's good."
"I guess.."
Jonghyun licked his lips*
Key finally opened his eyes.
Jonghyun was staring at Key's neck, he could see Key's veins, the blood rushing through him.
"You okay..?"
He didn't respond. He just swallowed.
"Hm?" he snapped to reality. (my gf is watching EXO. ooh! I hope she gets into it)
{Ooh!!} "You okay?" Key sat up a little.
"Yeah, I'm just thirsty.."
Jonghyun leaned close to Key.
Key swallowed.
(sorry about the late replies...wifi slow....)
(sorry about the late replies...wifi slow....)
{Yep, okie.}
"Just one taste.."
"Of what?"
Jonghyun slowly opened his mouth again as he got closer. Key was able to see his teeth.
Key froze up when he saw Jonghyun's teeth. "Hyung..?"
Key pushed him away and held out his arm.
"What's this for?"
"You want blood, right?"
"Then here it is." Key pushed his arm against Jonghyun's mouth.
Jonghyun pressed his teeth to Key's skin and pushed them into his arm.
Key covered his mouth with his other hand.
He broke the skin within seconds and started sucking the blood.
Key bit his hand so he wouldn't scream.
Jonghyun wouldn't stop.
Key tried to pull his arm away.
Jonghyun didn't let him.
"Hyung stop." Key pulled more.
Jonghyun finally stopped. "Ah...I haven't had blood in decades.."
"I've noticed."
Jonghyun licked his lips and wiped the blood off his face.
Key watched him.
"'s so delicious.."
"I see."
Jonghyun nodded.
Key reached for Jonghyun's hand.
Jonghyun gave Key his hand.
Key held his hand.
Jonghyun smiled.
Key smiled too.
"You're cute."
"Make me."
Key started leaning in.
"Close your eyes to get into the mood."
Key closed his eyes.
Jonghyun laid down on the branch.
Key got on top of him.
Jonghyun smiled.
"Normally I don't top."
"I do."
"Then you should."
"Not in the park."
"Then we should go somewhere more private, right?"
"Is your house okay?"
"Okay good. Cause I don't have one."
"Oh, okay." Key got off of him.
"Mianhae." Jonghyun jumped down.
"For what?" Key grabbed his sketchbook and jumped down after him.
"For not having a house." Jonghyun started walking towards the swings to grab his bag.
"What? Don't be." Key followed him.
"Okay. Normal vampires and humans have houses."
"You're not normal?"
"No, not really. I lived longer than most of the ones from my generation. Also I'm a very powerful vampire. I'm known for my poisonous venom that I just put in you when I bit you."
"S***, I'm poisoned?!"
"Yeah, sorry.."
"Take it out!" Key held his arm out to Jonghyun.
Jonghyun didn't look at him. He swung his bag over his shoulder.
"You can take it out, right?"
"A different less powerful vampire has to do it.."
"Do you know any?"
"It's a yes or no question. Do you or don't you?"
"Minho and his boyfriend."
"Okay. Let's go then." Key started pulling him out of the park. "Wait, where do they live?"
"In the only mansion in town."
"Where is that?"
"I'll lead you to it."
Jonghyun led Key to Minho's house. 'Because of me, we can't f*** each other.'
Taemin sensed them as they got closer. He pulled on underwear and looked out the window.
"Are you okay?" Minho asked.
(I'm falling asleep...)
Taemin didn't answer.
{Should I let you go?}
{Okay. I'll see you in the morning then! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo! Sweet dreams!}
(Yep..! Annyeong! Sarnaghaeyo! *yawns*
Taemin pointed out the window.
Minho got up and pulled on a pair of underwear and stood next to Taemin. he saw Jonghyun and Key. "That's Key...but who's the other person?"
"Is he a vampire?"
"Oh God...Key better be okay." Minho pulled on pants and a shirt and ran downstairs.
Taemin got dressed and followed him. He got his blanket back and wrapped it around himself.
Minho ran to the front door and opened it. "Why are you two here?" he asked Jonghyun and Key.
Key held up his arm. "Can you get it out?"
Minho's eyes widened as he looked at the black vampire bite on Key's arm.
"I-I-I d-don't know..."
"It's not that hard." Key pushed the bite against Minho's mouth. "Please?"
Minho pulled Key's arm away. "Get inside."
Key went inside, pulling Jonghyun after him.
Minho closed the door and went into the living room.
Key followed him.
Jonghyun followed Key. Minho sat on the couch. Jonghyun sat on the floor.
Taemin was right behind Minho, and Key was next to Minho.
Minho took a deep breath. "Arm."
Key held his arm out to Minho.
Minho grabbed onto his arm and bit down on the bite. He started pulling out the venom.
Key winced a little.
Minho made a disgusted look as he pulled away. "That's just gross.."
"Is it gone?"
"Not all of it." Minho bit down again.
Key winced again.
Minho pulled out the rest of the venom before it spread too far for him to reach.
Key had his eyes closed towards the end.
Minho pulled away just before he took some of Key's blood. "You're done."
"Good." Key hugged him. "Thank you."
"Yeah, no problem."
Key pulled away and looked at Jonghyun. "Ready?"
"As I'll ever be." Jonghyun smiled.
"Okay." Key got up and pulled Jonghyun up.
Jonghyun grabbed Key's hand.
Key smiled and they left.
"If they come back because of another bite, I'm not doing it."
Minho said.
"Why not?" Taemin asked.
"Venom, or black venom, tastes gross."
"Oh." Taemin hugged Minho from behind him.
Minho closed his eyes and smiled.
(gtg, I'm watching Anger of the Dead. I'll message you when it's over.)
Taemin rested his head on Minho's shoulder.
Minho turned and kissed Taemin's cheek.
{Okie.} Taemin smiled.
{Are you back yet?}
{Okay.. I gotta go shopping now.. I'll be back whenever.. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Mianhae...I got caught up on chores and other stuff..)
(I hate me...Mianhae...)
{I don't hate you.. I just really hate shopping..}
{I don't hate you, I can never hate you no matter what. I promise.}
(Mianhae...for being late again...)
{It's okay.}
"I love you so much."
"I love you, too."
Minho kissed his cheek again.
Taemin giggled and held him closer.
Minho turned his whole body to face Taemin.
Taemin hugged him.
Minho hugged back.
Taemin pushed himself onto Minho's lap.
Minho smiled, rubbing his back.
"Do you think we would have met if I hadn't been forced to stay here?"
"Probably not."
"That would be bad."
"Yeah, I'd probably be dead by now."
"Me too."
"I'm mean literally. I would have come home one day, gone to the bathroom, and cut my arm open the long way so no one could stitch it up. I was going to do that the day Minseok was flirting with you and you told him to stop but I knew I had a reason to live. I lived for you."
"I would be dead because people would have found out about me and someone would have definitely killed me."
"I'm glad you were made to stay here." Minho tightened his grip.
"Me too."
Minho kissed Taemin's neck.
Taemin smiled.
Minho kept kissing his neck.
Taemin giggled. "Minho, that tickles."
Taemin giggled again.
Minho rubbed Taemin's sides.
Taemin started laughing. "That tickles more!"
"I'll show you what tickles." Minho laid him down, sat on his waist and started tickling his sides.
Taemin kept laughing as his face turned red. "Minho!"
Minho laughed with Taemin and kept tickling him.
Taemin felt like he was dying in the best way possible. He started coughing after a little while longer.
Minho stopped when Taemin started coughing. "F***, I'm sorry.."
"It's fine.. it's not your fault.." He was still coughing a little.
Minho got off of him and helped him up.
Taemin leaned onto Minho.
Minho rubbed his back.
Taemin closed his eyes. "Guess what."
"I get to teach you how to hunt now."
Minho smiled.
"How about tomorrow night?"
Minho kissed Taemin's head.
Taemin smiled. "Do you miss sleep yet?"
Minho shook his head.
"Give it time, you will."
"I have nightmares every night. You think I'll miss those?"
"I guess not."
Minho smiled. "Exactly."
"It's okay." (if we run out of ideas early, I has idea for new thing, unless you do too.)
{I do as well.}
(oh, okay)
{Yup, remember I told you about it? Or I told you I had one.}
(oh, right. I forgot)
{Yup. I mean, it's kinda cliché but I've been reading a bunch of cliché fanfics so yeah.}
{Yeah, I'm a little addicted to this poorly written yet still good 2min one where it's the story of Divergent but with K-pop.}
(lol, anyways.)
{Ummmmmmmm... no..}
{We'll give it a couple minutes and if we don't have anything, we start a new one?}
{Cool cool.}
{I kinda felt like we were running out anyway.}
(same here)
{Should we begin anew?}
(we shall)
(we should)
(and you shall start)
Everyone, and I mean everyone, had some kind of power or something unique. And then there was utterly human Taemin. He always lied, even to his band mates, about it, saying his was too dangerous for show. He always stayed away from the others so they wouldn't find out, and he'd done that for 8 years.
(who are the band mates? SHINee?)
(lol) They were getting suspicious but didn't acknowledge it. Minho and Key were too worried.
Taemin always hid in his room.
One day, Key went to Taemin's room and knocked.
"It's open."
Key opened the door and went in, closing the door behind him. Key walked over to Taemin and sat next to him.
"What is it?"
"What's your power?"
"I told you I can't show you."
"Why not?"
"It's too dangerous."
Key raised an eyebrow.
Taemin looked up at him. "Don't you trust me?"
"Why not?"
"You're not the dangerous type. I think you've been lying to us."
"Well, I haven't."
Key scooted closer. "Then tell me your power."
Taemin swallowed. "I can't.."
"Why not?"
"I just can't.."
Key grabbed his hand. "Tell me."
Taemin swallowed again. "I don't have one..."
Key's eyes widened. "How?!"
"I don't know..."
Key got up.
"Don't tell anyone..."
Key started backing away.
"Hyung...?" Taemin grabbed his hand again.
Key swallowed.
"Don't be scared..."
"You lied to us..."
"I'm sorry..."
"To protect you... I didn't want you guys getting hate because of me..."
"So, instead, you'd rather lie to not just the fans but also your band mates? Your best friends?"
"I was protecting you.."
"Protecting us from what?!"
"Getting hurt."
Key looked down and away from Taemin.
"I'm sorry."
"When Onew finds out about this, he's gonna flip."
"Then don't tell him."
"I have to."
"He's the leader. He has to know everything."
Taemin sighed. "Can't this be just between us?"
"Because you're good at keeping secrets."
Key sighed. "Alright.."
Taemin got up and hugged him. "Thank you."
Key smiled, blushed, and hugged back.
Taemin pulled away after a bit.
Key looked away as they pulled away.
"You okay?"
"Okay." Taemin sat him down on the bed and sat down next to him.
Key looked down at his hands.
"What's wrong?"
"Are you sure?"
Key sighed. "Only Minho knows because he's-"
"He's what?"
(rewrite) ".....because we're-"
"You're what?"
"Tell me." Taemin did some aegyo. "Please?"
Key looked away. "I can't."
"I told you something, now you have to tell me something."
"I only told Minho..he's the only one who knows.."
"Please?" Taemin did more aegyo.
"I can''s our secret.."
"Aw, okay."
"It's okay."
"I..I gotta go practice.."
"I'll see you later.." Key got up.
"Mmhmm. Bye hyung."
"Bye." Key left the room and went to Minho's room.
"Bye." Key left the room and went to Minho's room.
Taemin went back to texting Kai.
'That took a while.'
'I know. I'm sorry.'
'I'm just teasing you.'
'Kai! That's mean!'
'What? You should know me by now. We've known each other since we were practically born.'
'Yeah, I know.'
'How am I a meanie?'
'You called me a dork.'
'Would you rather have me call you a pabo?'
'Then I'm not a meanie.'
'I'll make it up to you when I get to your place.'
'Yes, I promise.' Though Taemin couldn't see it, Kai smiled.
'Okay! When will you be here?'
'I'll be there in a few minutes.'
'Okay! I'll see you then!'
'Bye!' after that, Kai didn't answer.
Taemin actually left his room for once.
Kai arrived at the dorm in about 5 or so minutes.
Taemin was watching from the window. He shot up and opened the door when he saw Kai.
Kai smiled as he got out of the car.
Taemin smiled too and pulled him inside and hugged him. "Hi."
"Hey. I missed you."
"I missed you too."
Kai hugged him tightly.
Taemin smiled more and hugged him even tighter.
Kai smiled. "Now, the part where I make it up to you."
"Oh right."
"Where's your room?"
Taemin took Kai to his room.
"I found a really cool way to make a fort with a bed."
"Ooh, really?"
"Yeah. But you won't have anything to cover up with in the fort. Cause once your in the fort and you stay in it for a while, it starts to get warmer."
"Ready to make it?"
Kai grabbed all the blanket he could find in Taemin's room and started making the fort
Taemin helped him.
Once they were done making the fort, Kai went in it with a flashlight. It was dark.
Taemin followed close behind.
Kai smiled at Taemin. "I have a surprise for you." he turned the flashlight off.
"What is it?"
Kai scooted closer to Taemin and grabbed his hands.
Taemin intertwined their fingers.
Kai leaned close and kissed him.
Taemin was a little surprised, but he kissed back.
Kai laid him down without breaking the kiss.
Taemin pulled him closer.
Kai pulled Taemin's legs around his waist, rubbing them as well.
Taemin softly bit Kai's lip.
Kai quietly moaned, pushing his hands up Taemin's shirt.
Though they weren't dating, Kai had a good feeling they would be soon.
Taemin moaned too as he tugged on Kai's lip.
Kai pulled away to pulled Taemin's shirt off. Other than Key, Kai knew about Taemin's 'powers'.
Taemin bit his own lip as he moved his hands down to Kai's b***.
Kai chuckled as he unzipped his pants. "Let's try to be quiet, okay? I saw everyone's cars."
Kai smiled, taking off his pants.
Taemin pulled Kai's shirt up.
(Skipping the do!)
When they were done with the do, Kai was laying next to Taemin, holding him close.
Taemin was still breathing really heavily.
"That was amazing..."
"You were outstanding."
"You were better."
(sorry I took long. I went to get dinner and I'm still eating but I'm available)
Key came in quietly. He saw the fort and slowly, without a sound, walked over.
Taemin cuddled up closer to Kai.
Kai rubbed his leg. Key reached for the opening. He didn't know Kai was there. "I love you," Kai whispered to Taemin.
"I love you, too," Taemin whispered back.
Key pulled the blankets a little and saw them. He started to tear up. Kai looked up at Key.
Taemin looked up at Key. "Hyung?"
He covered his mouth and let go of the blankets. He started to cry.
Taemin got dressed really quickly and crawled out. He looked over at Key. "Hyung?"
"I thought...we could work this out.." Key turned and ran out of the room.
Taemin followed him. "What do you mean?"
"Just leave me alone. I regret breaking up with Minho now.."
'S***..' "No, not until I know you're okay."
"I'm f****** fine, alright?!"
"You're not fine!"
"Just leave me the f*** alone! I just broke someone's heart for no reason! You're already too f****** busy!" Key yelled.
"Key stop!"
Key cried even more.
Taemin hugged him and rubbed his back.
Key buried his face in Taemin's neck. "Why did I do that to him...?"
Taemin kept rubbing his back.
"I have to apologize..."
Key pulled away. "And I mean right now.."
"Kai and I technically aren't dating."
"Then what did I just see? Are you just two friends who like to f*** each other?"
"He just did that to make up for calling me a dork. I didn't think he'd do that."
Key rolled his eyes as he looked away. "Making up for something...whatever..."
"That's what he said."
"And so you went along with it?"
"I guess."
Key looked and walked away. "I'm going to apologize.."
"Okay." Taemin went back to Kai.
Key knocked on Minho's door. "Minho ssi..."
"Ne?" Jonghyun was in there with him and he answered for Minho.
"What are you doing in there?" Key asked as he wiped the tears from his face.
"Keeping him company."
"Can I talk to him alone?"
"Sure." Jonghyun opened the door and let him in.
Key walked in. "Just give me like five minutes.."
Jonghyun nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him.
Key sniffled. "Mianhae..."
He looked at Minho.
(you okay?)
{Yeah, why?}
(I was waiting for an answer..Mianhae.)
{Oh, I thought you were Minho.}
(no, sorry.. I should've said something..)
{😁 But you're such a good Minho!}
(I am?)
(Oh, thanks. But I think you should give it a shot.)
{But I thought we had this thing where you were always Minho and I was always Taemin.}
(Oh...we did?)
{I mean I think we did.}
{Idk either 😅}
(Do you wanna be him or me?)
{Can you? I'd feel kinda weird if I did it. Mianhae..}
(it's okay) Minho didn't respond. "Minho ssi.." Key walked over to him. "He rejected me..can I have you back please..?" Minho looked at Key. "You broke my heart and now you want me back?" he asked. Key nodded, tearing up. They stared into each other's eyes for a long time. Which was four minutes. "I can't.." Minho crawled onto Key and kissed him deeply.
(Ik!) Kai looked at Taemin as he came back. "Is he okay?"
"I don't know," Taemin sat back down next to him. "But he will be."
"Okay, good." Kai kissed Taemin's cheek.
"Can I call you mine?"
Taemin looked up at him and nodded.
Kai smiled. "Good."
Kai kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Kai smiled into the kiss.
Taemin pushed Kai's hair back.
Kai pushed Taemin onto his back on the bed again, without breaking the kiss.
Taemin wrapped his arms around Kai's neck and tilted his head more.
Kai pulled Taemin's legs apart then rubbed his thighs.
Taemin moaned into Kai's mouth.
Kai rubbed his tongue against Taemin's tongue.
Taemin moaned again and bit Kai's tongue.
Kai moaned this time as he grabbed Taemin.
Taemin moaned louder this time.
Kai leaned down and whispered in Taemin's ear, "I could f*** you all day everyday.."
"Do it, I dare you.." Taemin pushed his hand up Kai's shirt and rubbed his chest.
Kai grew hard. "Oh, f***, baby.."
"You like that..?"
"Yes, I do..." Kai kissed Taemin's neck.
Onew was working on rehearsing a song. He was waiting for the others to get there, but he had a feeling they weren't coming.
He heard someone walking down the hall. He forgot to stop recording and went to the door.
Jonghyun got there awhile later. "Hey, hyung."
"Oh, I didn't think anyone was coming."
"Yeah, they're all... busy..."
"Oh, okay."
"Wait..there's only three of're not saying that they're.."
"Are they having a three way?"
"No, someone else is with Taemin ssi."
"And so they're all gay."
"Are you?,
"Are you?"
"I don't know."
"How do you not know?"
"I don't know.."
Onew sighed. "Come here."
Jonghyun walked over to him.
"Tell me if this changes anything." Onew grabbed Jonghyun, tightly.
Jonghyun swallowed and closed his eyes.
Onew wasn't gay, he was bi.
Onew tightened his grip on Jonghyun.
Jonghyun was bi also.
Onew kept his eyes on Jonghyun.
He bit his lip.
'I guess not...' Onew let go.
"Why'd you stop..?"
Onew looked up at him. "Did you like it?"
"Oh..I thought you were straight since you didn't say anything.."
"I guess I'm not."
"Can...can I f*** you..?"
Jonghyun nodded slowly.
"Right here. Right now."
"Is there anyone here?"
"Here in the studio? No. it's just us."
Jonghyun looked up at him and wrapped his arms around Onew's waist.
"Are you a top?"
"Okay." Onew smiled as he pulled away and leaned over the counter.
Jonghyun got on top of him.
(how is that possible...?)
{I don't know, I don't know what I'm doing! Halp!}
(lol) Onew pressed his forehead to the counter, bent over. "Well? are you going to do something or am I going to stand here like an idiot?"
"Uh, yeah." {Can we skip here?}
The microphone was recording the whole time.
Jonghyun helped Onew get dressed afterwards.
"I haven't done that in years.." he breathed heavily.
"It's been that long?"
Jonghyun nodded.
"I know, surprising. I'm this hot and I haven't been screwed for years. Well. since debuting years."
"Who was it?"
Onew bit his lip.
"Never mind, sorry."
"It was manager Kyung.."
"What's taking the others so long?"
"I don't know."
"But seriously, you gotta admit it. Manager Kyung is pretty hot."
"Eh, kind of."
"You should see his body."
Jonghyun nodded again.
"Sorry, I shouldn't be talking like this."
"No, it's okay."
"Alright.. Should we rehearse until they get here?"
"Okay." Onew went up to the mic and started singing.
{Do you like this one?}
(Love it!)
Later in the week, they were to appear on some show. Taemin already knew they were going to ask about powers, so he just stayed close to Key.
Just as Taemin suspected, they were asked about powers. Minho went up first. He made a dragon out of fire and had him flying around. It wasn't a big dragon.
{Cute! Dragons!!!!} Taemin leaned over to Key and hugged his arm.
Key smiled at him. One person in the audience had a question and raised her hand.
Jonghyun saw her and called on her. "Ne?"
"Are Taemin and Key dating?" she asked.
Taemin shook his head. "Ani."
"You seem really close."
"I guess." Taemin looked up at Key.
"You'd make an adorable couple."
"We couldn't. He's my umma, and that'd make it weird."
"Oh..." She blushed. "That's...awkward.."
"Not my real umma, but still."
"Yeah, I know."
"He must be old because you already have a son."
"I do?"
"Yeah. His name is Kim Jongin. You know him. He's in EXO. What am I saying, of course you know him. He's your son.."
"Oh, I didn't know he my son. I thought we were friends."
"Wow.. You are so oblivious to what I'm saying aren't you?"
"I think I am."
"You and Kai look similar. And you look like you could be his eomma."
"Maybe I am."
She smiled.
"Who would the appa be?"
"Minho oppa."
Taemin giggled and looked over at Minho.
Minho blushed. "You know, there's a baby coming on its way too." Minho said, smiling.
Taemin nodded.
The girls' eyes widened. "Mwo?" everyone in the audience started to fangirl/boy.
Taemin nodded again.
They started screaming and freaking out. Minho smiled at Taemin. Key was getting jealous.
"Mianhae," Taemin whispered in Key's ear as he reached for Minho's hand.
Key looked down. He put his hand over his mic. "It's fine.."
Taemin was really happy this had stalled the discussion about their powers.
Minho held Taemin's hand. Minho looked at Key. "It's fine. I'll make sure I'll make you happy when we get to the dorm." Key smiled and nodded.
Taemin smiled.
"Oppa! Oppa!" A girl in the front row yelled, raising her hand.
"Ne?" Taemin looked over at her.
"Sit next to each other." at that moment everyone settled down and watched them.
Taemin scooted over next to Minho.
"Now kiss." the same girl said.
"Um.." Taemin looked up at Minho.
Minho swallowed. "Please!" the girl whined.
Taemin quickly kissed Minho's nose then hid his face.
"On the lips!" they chanted.
Taemin looked back up at Minho. "Uh..."
Key looked away from them, he could feel his eyes swell up. He tried to hide it.
Minho looked at Taemin. "For the fans," he whispered.
Taemin nodded. "You do it," he whispered back.
Minho grabbed a piece of paper out of his pocket. "Just kiss me." Minho put the paper in between him and Taemin as he pressed their lips 'together'
Taemin 'kissed' back.
Minho was blushing hard as the fans started screaming and freaking out. Minho pulled away, quickly putting the paper back in his pocket.
Taemin hid his face again.
Minho looked away from the fans. Key had his back to the fans. So did Minho. He looked over at Key, who had tears running from his eyes. Minho reassured him that everything was okay.
Taemin knew Kai would be mad at him. He brought his knees to his chest and held them tightly.
What Taemin didn't know, is that Kai was in the audience. He was the only one to get up and leave.
(I gotta go to bed..Mianhae..)
'I'm sorry, Kai...'
'That b****...'
{It's okay. I'll see you in the morning then! Annyeong! Sweet dreams! Saranghaeyo!}
(Annyeong! You too! Saranghaeyo!!)
When it was over, Taemin immediately called Kai.
Kai didn't answer. He had his phone on his stand while he was listening to music.
Taemin tried calling again. 'Please pick up..'
He didn't answer again.
Taemin gave up. 'He hates me now..'
Everyone else were in the living room having a party.
Taemin stayed in his room.
Key came to his room. He knocked on the door. "Taemin? Are you okay?"
"Can I come in?"
Key opened the door and came in, closing the door behind him. He walked over to Taemin and sat next to him. "What's wrong?"
"Kai won't answer... I think he hates me now..."
"Aw...sweetie, don't think like that.." Key pulled him close and rubbed his back.
"But he does... I know he does..."
"We'll just have to wait and see.."
"Hey, look at me."
Taemin looked up at him. "What...?"
All the makeup he had on and the wig made him look like a girl. "I'm your eomma, remember?"
"Eomma's help their children through relationships." Key smiled. "Now, show me that gorgeous smile of yours."
Taemin nodded and smiled a little.
"Beautiful. Now come on." Key stood up and held his hand out to Taemin. "Come have some fun with your family."
"Okay.." Taemin took Key's hand.
Taemin pulled him up, smiling. He kissed his forehead. "Ready?" he asked, wiping Taemin's tears.
Key pulled him out to the living room.
Taemin held onto Key's arm.
"It's okay." he said over the music. "You'll be fine."
Taemin nodded.
Key pulled Taemin away from his arm. "Have a few drinks."
"What kind are they?"
"I don't know. Onew hyung got them. Just go have a few and you'll be partying like there's no tomorrow."
"Okay." Taemin got one and started drinking it.
Onew smiled when he saw him drinking strong liquor. He walked over to him. "I didn't think you were the type to drink strong liquor."
Taemin spit it back into the cup. "That's what this is..?"
"Ne. Keep drinking."
"Once you start drinking, there's no stopping." He smiled.
Taemin nodded slightly and started drinking again.
Onew grabbed a cup and drank it.
Taemin didn't like it but he didn't want to disappoint Onew.
Onew ruffled Taemin's hair. "You're so cute."
He was obviously drunk.
Taemin smiled a little. "Thanks.."
"Of course. No be a good maknae, and kiss my cheek."
"Um, okay.." Taemin awkwardly kissed Onew's cheek.
Onew smiled and walked away.
Taemin curled up on the couch, he felt like he'd betrayed Kai again.
The doorbell rung and Onew ran to the door. He opened it. "Annyeong! Come join the party!" he moved out of the doorway, revealing all 12 EXO members.
{Wowie!} Taemin saw Kai and he instantly hugged him and apologized a bunch of times.
Kai didn't respond and he didn't hug back. He pulled Taemin off of him and went to the table to grab a drink. He could really use one at the moment.
"Kai please." Taemin followed him.
Kai didn't say anything. He finished the drink and threw the cup away.
"Leave me alone." Kai walked away.
"No." Taemin kept following him.
Kai went into Taemin's room, closing the door behind him then pushed against it.
"Kai please.. I'm sorry okay?" Taemin tried pushing the door open.
Kai kept pushing against the door. "What do you not understand about leave me alone?"
Kai didn't respond as he moved away from the door and curled up in a ball next to the wall.
Taemin finally pushed the door open and went into the room. He knelt down next to Kai and pulled him close.
Kai pushed him away.
"Kai please.." Taemin hugged him again.
"Get the f*** away."
Kai pushed him away. "You f****** cheated on me."
"We didn't actually kiss."
"Whatever." Kai turned so his back was facing Taemin.
"He put a piece of paper between us. Neither of us wanted to do it."
"Yeah, and you have a child on the way? F*** that.."
"That's not true."
"It's not. We made it up."
Kai still didn't look at him, and he didn't respond.
Taemin pulled him even closer.
Kai pushed him away and stood up.
Taemin stood up too and hugged him again.
Kai kept pushing him away until he knocked him off his feet.
Taemin was practically crying by then. "I thought you loved me..."
Kai turned towards the door.
Taemin finally left him alone.
Kai blinked a few times before he locked the door.
Taemin looked back at him.
Kai didn't look away from the door. "I believe you.."
Taemin crawled over to him and hugged his legs.
Kai smiled a little. "Don't hug my legs."
"You know I don't like that."
"Right." Taemin stood up and actually hugged him.
Kai turned off the lights as he hugged back.
Taemin buried his face in Kai's neck.
Kai bit his lip as he started undoing Taemin's pants.
Taemin looked down at Kai's hands.
Kai swallowed.
Taemin bit his lip.
Someone knocked on the door. Kai jumped and turned on the lights.
Taemin jumped too. "Ne?"
"Are you two coming out here?" it was Baekhyun.
"Um.. I don't think so."
"Awe, why not?"
"We're busy."
"Alright. We're having make out sessions. That's Kai's favorite by the way."
"Okay." Taemin looked back up at Kai.
Kai was blushing as he bit his lip.
"Do you want to stay in here?"
"He's really good at making out, trust me. Well, at least that's what Kyungsoo said." Baekhyun said.
Kai shrugged.
"It's up to you."
"I mean, it is my favorite game."
"Then let's go." Taemin unlocked the door.
"Okay." Kai kissed Taemin's cheek.
Baekhyun was still standing outside the door.
Taemin giggled.
"Alright!" Baekhyun smiled. "Good choice."
"We'll be right out."
"Alright, hurry up!" he jogged back to the living room.
Taemin redid his pants.
Kai smiled at Taemin. "We can continue later."
Taemin smiled back. "Okay."
Kai pulled him close and kissed him.
Taemin kissed back, smiling into it.
Kai pulled away after a while. "Are you ready to make out now?"
Kai smiled.
Taemin smiled back.
Kai opened the door and pulled Taemin out as he walked out.
Taemin held Kai's hand as he followed him.
"There's the gorgeous men." Baekhyun said. "Show us what your make out session looks like."
Taemin's face turned red as he looked up at Kai.
"Hold on." Kai said. He walked over to the table and drank three glasses of liquor. "Let's do this."
Taemin wrapped his arms around Kai's neck and kissed him.
Kai immediately deepened the kiss.
Taemin pushed his thing against Kai's.
Kai lightly moaned as he grabbed Taemin's b***. The judges were Xiumin and Onew.
Taemin moaned too and pushed one of his hands up Kai's shirt.
Kai brought his hands in between them and grabbed Taemin.
Taemin moaned louder this time.
Kai smiled and started undoing Taemin's pants.
Taemin stopped him.
"Too far?"
"It's okay."
Kai smiled.
Taemin smiled, too, and hugged him.
Kai hugged back. "Well, that was beautiful and deserves a ten," Onew said. "What do you think, Xiumin?"
Xiumin agreed. "Definitely a 10."
"Looks like it's settled. Kai and Taemin win the make out session."
Taemin rested his head on Kai's shoulder and closed his eyes.
Kai smiled. "The alcohol just hit me."
Taemin smiled too. "What does that mean?"
"It means the alcohol started to take over and I couldn't control myself."
"Oh, okay."
"I'm guessing today is your first time drinking?"
"Ah, okay."
Kai kissed Taemin's head.
Taemin smiled again.
Kai looked around. He saw Kris and Tao making out. He saw Chanyeol hugging Baekhyun from behind and grabbing him. He also saw Luhan and Sehun making aegyo' snack and forth.
aegyo's back**
{Aw!!!! Hunhan aegyo!!!} Taemin cuddled up closer to Kai.
Kai smiled. He saw Onew and Xiumin chatting and Jonghyun looked lonely until Kyungsoo walked over to him.
He saw Kyungsoo say something but couldn't tell what it was. "You seem lonely." Kyungsoo said to Jonghyun.
Jonghyun looked up at Kyungsoo. "Hi."
"Have you had a drink?"
Kyungsoo smiled as he leaned against the wall.
"I always thought you were pretty hot."
"Oh, uh, thanks, I guess." Jonghyun looked over at Onew.
Onew and Xiumin were telling stupid jokes that weren't funny but they were laughing anyways.
Jonghyun laughed with Onew.
Kyungsoo waved his hand in front of Jonghyun's face.
"Is that all you're going to say?"
"About what?"
"You're not gonna say something like, I think you're pretty cute too?"
"Well, I'm already with someone."
"Yeah, sorry."
Kyungsoo sighed. "I'm sorry.."
"It's fine." Jonghyun wouldn't look away from Onew.
"I'm just trying to find someone.."
"You'll find someone, I promise."
Kyungsoo looked down.
Jonghyun finally looked away from Onew. "Hey, don't be like that." He made Kyungsoo look up. "There's plenty of people here that I know would love to be yours."
Kyungsoo looked at Jonghyun's eyes.
"Does that help at all?"
Kyungsoo shrugged as he looked away.
"Come on." Jonghyun smiled. "What about Xiumin hyung?"
"He's dating Jimin."
"Oh, okay. Suho hyung?"
Kyungsoo shrugged.
"Do you like him?"
"A little.."
"Do you want to go talk to him?"
"I...I'll try..
"Okay, good luck."
Kyungsoo nodded and headed to Suho.
Suho was halfway through his first drink when Kyungsoo got there. "Hey, Kyungsoo."
"Hi." Kyungsoo started to get a little shy.
"You okay?"
"" Kyungsoo started blushing.
"Aw, you're blushing."
He hasn't had a drink yet, he was just acting drunk in front of everyone, but not Suho.
Kyungsoo smiled.
"Are you feeling okay?"
"Okay good."
Kyungsoo looked down, embarrassed.
"What's wrong?"
'How do I say it..?' Kyungsoo swallowed.
"Come here." Suho held his arms out.
He looked up at Suho. "Mwo?"
"You look sad."
Kyungsoo smiled. "I'm just shy.."
"I know, just give me one of those cute little hugs."
Kyungsoo blushed more and hugged Suho.
Suho hugged back. "Why are you being so shy?"
"I'm just going to come out clean..I like you.."
"Aw, that's cute."
"Do you like me?"
Kyungsoo looked up at him.
"It's a yes or no question."
Suho kissed his nose. "How's that?"
"Maybe you're just drunk..." Kyungsoo pulled away.
"What? I've barely had anything." Suho pulled him close again.
"How do I know?" Kyungsoo looked up at him.
Suho kissed him.
Kyungsoo kissed back right away.
Suho pulled away after a bit.
Kyungsoo looked into Suho's eyes.
Suho pulled him closer.
Kyungsoo swallowed and wrapped his arms around Suho's neck.
Suho wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo's waist.
Kyungsoo got goosebumps.
"So, uh, what do we do now?"
"I don't know."
"What do you want to do?"
"We could kiss again?"
Suho smiled and kissed him again.
Kyungsoo kissed back, running his hands through Suho's hair.
Suho rubbed his back.
Kyungsoo made the kiss a little rough.
Suho wasn't expecting that.
Kyungsoo pulled him closer.
Suho smiled into it.
Kyungsoo moved his hands down Suho's chest.
Suho bit Kyungsoo's lip.
Kyungsoo quietly moaned.
Suho pulled away. "Sorry."
"Don't be." Kyungsoo kissed him again.
Suho kissed back.
Kyungsoo made the kiss rough right away.
Suho started moving his hands down.
Kyungsoo kept his hands gripped on Suho's shirt.
Suho gently grabbed Kyungsoo's b***.
Kyungsoo pushed his tongue into Suho's mouth, moaning a little.
Suho moaned too.
Kyungsoo pulled away slowly.
"Was that too far?"
Kyungsoo shook his head. "We need to go..."
"Go where?"
"Home. Then we go to your room."
Suho smiled. "Just us?"
Kyungsoo nodded.
{So we know they do the do. Any ideas?}
{You there?}
(yeah, sorry. I'm watching Goosebumps.)
{Ah, okay.}
(yeah, Mianhae)
{It's cool.}
(okay) Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around Suho's waist. "I never knew eomma could be so awesome.."
Suho smiled. "You've been missing out then."
"Who have you done it with?"
"I've been saving it for someone special."
"Who?" Kyungsoo looked up at him.
Kyungsoo blushed and hid his face in Suho's chest.
Suho giggled and held him close.
Kyungsoo crawled on top of him and kissed his neck.
Suho tilted his head back.
Kyungsoo smiled and lightly bit his neck.
(ooh! we hit 11K!!)
Suho moaned slightly. {Would you mind if we skipped here?}
{What now?}
Kyungsoo was laying on his stomach next to Suho when they finished the do.
(lol idk)
{I literally have nothing..}
{Should we maybe start a new, more successful idea?}
(Do you want to?)
{Ne, as long as it's okay with you.}
(I guess)
{I mean, we have nothing for this one, so..}
{I'm sorry..}
(I sorta had a small idea for Susoo for this rp but we don't have to do it..)
{Do you mind if we don't...? I'm sorry...}
(I don't mind. it was kinda....stupid anyways. lol. I'm being serious about that too. It was a stupid idea. *laughs*)
{😂 Didn't you say you have a new one?}
{You wanna do that one?}
Key and Minho worked at a famous bar in Seoul, South Korea. One day, Jonghyun and Taemin came in. "Well, how can we help you?" Key asked with a smile. Minho was smiling at Taemin then looked at Jonghyun. Minho and Key were obviously gay.
{Can I bring Snuffy back?}
{Yay!!} Taemin held Snuffy close, he was way too shy to say anything.
Key looked at Taemin. "Can I pet your cat?"
Taemin nodded. Jonghyun left them alone and ordered for them both.
Minho took their orders. Key leaned over the counter and pet Snuffy.
Taemin set Snuffy down on the counter.
"Awe! Male or female?" Key asked.
"Male," Taemin whispered. "Snuffy."
"It's very nice to meet you, Snuffy. I hope we see each other again." Key pet him more. "And what's your name?" he asked, looking at Taemin.
"Taemin." He whispered that, too.
"Shy, are we?"
He nodded.
"I can make that go away in just a few seconds." he motioned him close.
Taemin pet Snuffy's head as he stepped a little closer.
Key leaned over the counter as he grabbed the collar of Taemin's shirt.
"Oh, uh.." Taemin tried pulling away but Key's grip was too strong.
Minho looked at Key and Taemin as he put the drinks on the counter.
Taemin felt really awkward.
"Do I dare kiss a newbie?" Key smirked.
Taemin swallowed. "I don't know.."
"I would love to dare." Key yanked him closer, making him hit the counter.
Taemin swallowed again and closed his eyes.
"Hey, Key stop. Remember what hyung told us? No kissing the customers. No touching the customers. Only look at the customers," Minho told Key.
Key let go of Taemin and sighed. "Mianhae.."
Taemin finally pulled away and picked Snuffy up.
Key looked away as he turned to the sink and washed the cups. "Sorry about him. He gets a little too....far with the customers," Minho told Taemin.
Taemin nodded and pet Snuffy's head.
As that thing with Key and Taemin happened, Minho was flirting with Jonghyun.
Jonghyun giggled at everything Minho said.
"I could make you happy, you know." Minho told him. "Just come live with me and Key and you'll be happy forever."
"Can Taemin live there too?"
"Of course he can."
"Okay good."
"So, what to do you say?" Minho smiled, his canines seemed to be sharper than anyone else's, but that could just be how he was born.
{Ooh!} "Sure, that'd be great."
Minho held his hand out to Jonghyun.
(And yes, he's a vampire. and yes, he was born as a vampire.)
{YES PLEASE!!} Jonghyun took Minho's hand.
Minho kissed the back of Jonghyun's hand.
Jonghyun giggled again.
"We can live for all eternity together." he kissed his hand again and again.
"That would be amazing."
Minho smiled again. "Good."
Minho's canines were incredibly sharp. He drew people in with his spell. He wasn't using it on Jonghyun, so he thought maybe it was his eyes that were attractive.
Jonghyun hadn't had this kind of treatment in years.
"You should stay here until my shift is over."
"We will."
When Minho and Key's shifts were over, Minho led them outside. "Do you have a car? If you don't, we do." Minho smiled at Jonghyun.
"We don't have one." Jonghyun looked down, embarrassed.
"It's okay." Minho lifted Jonghyun's head. "It's fine."
Minho led them to his and Key's car.
They piled into the car and took off to Minho and Key's house.
"Are you and Key dating?"
"What makes you think that?" Minho smiled.
"You just seem close."
"We've lived together for years. We've known each other our whole lives. We can't be pulled apart."
"That's cute."
"Not as cute as you." Minho poked Jonghyun's nose.
Jonghyun giggled. "Stop it."
Minho smiled, showing his teeth again as they pulled into the driveway. Their house was huge.
Taemin was way more impressed than Jonghyun. He almost dropped Snuffy.
"Come on in. Make yourselves at home." Minho led them up the many stairs, smiling. Key was in the far back.
"Where can Snuffy stay?" Taemin whispered, he couldn't make himself talk any louder.
"We have a room that he can stay in. Don't worry." Key told him.
"A room? He can't sleep without me though.."
"He'll be okay."
"No, he won't.."
Key looked at Taemin. "Or is it the other way around?"
"You can't sleep without him."
Taemin looked away from him and kept petting Snuffy's head.
Key rolled his eyes. A butler held the door open for them. "Butler Lee, will you show Taemin and his cat to the pet room?" Minho asked. "And take Key with you as well." Butler Lee nodded and walked to Taemin, Snuffy, and Key. "Come with me." he said in his deep voice.
Taemin nodded slightly.
He led them up to the pet room. "The vets will give him a bath then groom him. You will get him back when they're done. You can stay and watch and maybe help them out if you want to."
Taemin nodded again.
"I will be leaving now." Butler Lee left the room.
Key didn't say a word.
Taemin hadn't stopped petting Snuffy's head, and Snuffy was purring loudly.
A vet came over. "Annyeong haseyo. I'm Dr. Shi. I'll be grooming and giving your cat a bath for now on. Once a week come see me and I'll make your cat shiny. You don't have to pay."
"Snuffy is fine.. he doesn't need grooming.."
"It looks like he does to me." She held her hands out.
"Don't hurt him.." Taemin hesitantly handed him to her.
"I won't. I promise." She held him close and pulled him over to a few other vets. Key sat in a chair. "Come sit."
Taemin sat down next to him.
Key held his hand open.
Taemin looked at it, confused.
Key sighed and grabbed Taemin's hand.
Taemin's hands were shaking.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't like leaving him..."
(is this '더' 'yes'?)
"I can tell."
{No, it's '네'}
(Oooohhhh!!! oops!)
{Yep!} "Mmhmm..."
Key looked at Taemin.
Taemin looked at Key.
"I'm sorry.."
"When we were at the bar..I saw Minho flirting with Jonghyun and luring him into his trap and I got jealous and wanted to do it too.."
"He's the only one who's been able to do it.."
"He lures people home and to his room and kills them..." Key just shared his and Minho's secret that no one knew about.
Taemin was only half listening. He was too worried about Snuffy.
"He sinks his teeth into their necks and takes their blood. He's a monster and shouldn't be trusted by anyone but me..only I know what he's going through."
Taemin looked up at him again. "Blood...?"
"What? Are you scared he's gonna kill Jonghyun just like everyone else he falls in love with?"
"Hyung is strong enough to fight back..."
"Heh, I'd love to see him try.. He won't win, trust me."
"He will... he has before..."
"What do you mean?"
"He saved me..."
"He fought a vampire?"
"No... he fought a guy with a gun..."
"That's different..vampires are stronger, way stronger, then men with a gun."
Key went quiet after that.
"He'll be fine..."
"Let's hope." Minho was showing Jonghyun a good technique in making parfaits.
Jonghyun had all his attention on Minho.
"Ta-da," he said when he was finished. "So, is it pretty?"
"Good." Minho grabbed a spoon, got a spoonful of parfait and held it to Jonghyun's mouth. "Try it." he did it all so quickly, the spoon appeared in front of Jonghyun in a split second.
"How did you do that?"
"Do what?" Minho lowered the spoon.
"You did that all so quickly, how?"
"You've been staring at me the whole time, I'm guessing." Minho smiled.
"Yeah, I guess."
Minho smiled more and held the spoon up. "Try it."
Jonghyun opened his mouth.
Minho put the spoon in Jonghyun's mouth.
Jonghyun pulled the spoon out of his mouth and nodded. He held one thumb up.
"Good." he handed the cup to Jonghyun. "You can have it."
"What about you?"
"I'm not hungry."
"Okay." Jonghyun started eating it.
Minho smiled.
Jonghyun smiled, too.
"Hurry up, I have a surprise for you in my room."
Jonghyun finished a couple minutes later and set the cup in the sink.
Minho pulled Jonghyun upstairs to his room.
Jonghyun willingly followed him.
Minho smiled as they entered his room. "C***** or none?"
"Okay. Nice thinking." Minho grabbed a packet out of his dresser.
Jonghyun nodded.
Minho put it in Jonghyun's hand and started kissing him.
Jonghyun kissed back right away.
Minho pushed him over to the bed and laid him down, crawling on top of him.
Jonghyun wrapped his legs around Minho.
Minho started kissing Jonghyun's neck.
Jonghyun leaned his head back.
Minho opened his mouth, pushing his fangs out. (brb)
Jonghyun felt his fangs and he looked up at Minho. "What's that?"
"Don't pay attention to me. I just need your blood." Minho's eyes turned a blood red.
"What?" {Okay}
(back) Minho looked into Jonghyun's eyes.
Jonghyun pulled himself out from under Minho.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Minho blinked and his eyes were back to normal and his canines pulls back in.
"I don't want you taking my blood.."
"Just a little taste.."
"Fine..I won't take your blood."
"Good. Thank you."
"Now come back here."
"Promise you won't take my blood?" Jonghyun held up his pinkie finger.
"Fine.." Minho whined. Minho put his pinkie to Jonghyun's. "I solemnly swear not to take your blood."
"Good." Jonghyun kissed him again.
Minho kissed back then pulled away. "Maybe you should top then.."
"Ani, you top."
Jonghyun laid back and pulled Minho on top of him.
Minho smiled and kissed Jonghyun, immediately pushing his tongue into Jonghyun's mouth.
Jonghyun kissed back, making it rough.
Minho grabbed Jonghyun.
Jonghyun moaned softly.
(I has idea for the next day.)
{Ooh! Okay!}
"You guys should go home and pack up. Come here when you're done," Minho said.
"Oh, right. I almost forgot." It took Jonghyun and Taemin just half an hour to get everything. Most of what Taemin had was for Snuffy. They brought it all back to Key and Minho's house.
Butler Lee answered the door. "They are upstairs. They'll be down soon. I will go tell the, you are here," he said with that deep voice of his again.
Jonghyun nodded. Taemin had left Snuffy here, and he was getting anxious. He ran inside and set his stuff down and hugged Snuffy.
Lee closed the door and went upstairs to Minho's room. He knocked on the door. "Sirs. They're back." "F***..." Minho pulled out of Key and quickly got dressed. Key breathed heavily and rubbed the bite on his neck.
Taemin picked Snuffy up and held him close. He watched for Key and Minho.
Minho fixed his hair then ran down stairs. "There's my gorgeous baby!" He hugged Jonghyun.
Jonghyun smiled and hugged back.
Minho kissed Jonghyun's cheek. Key didn't come down for a few minutes.
Taemin was getting worried about Key. He held Snuffy close as he went upstairs. "Key hyung?"
Key heard Taemin. "S***..." he quickly got dressed. "Just a second!"
"Okay." That's the loudest Taemin had ever talked around Key.
Key smiled as he made himself look normal. He came out of Minho's room.
Taemin had passed up Minho's room as he looked for Key.
"Hey, Taemin!" Key called.
Taemin turned to him. "Oh, hi."
Key's fly was still open. "I missed you."
"I missed you too."
Key didn't notice his fly was open.
Taemin didn't either. He walked over to Key and set Snuffy down and hugged him.
Key smiled and hugged back.
Snuffy curled up on Key's foot.
Key smiled more as he looked at Snuffy.
"He likes you."
"I see."
Key kissed Taemin's cheek.
Taemin froze up.
"Are you okay?"
"I think so.."
"What's wrong?"
"No one has ever done that to me."
Key smiled. "Well now someone has." Key softly kissed Taemin.
Taemin froze again, but he really gently kissed back.
Key smiled into the kiss.
Taemin stepped closer and wrapped his arms around Key's waist.
Key placed his hands on Taemin's neck.
Taemin pulled away and hugged him again.
Key wanted more, but hugged back anyways.
"No one has ever done that either."
Key smiled.
"Which means no one has done this." Key moved his hands down Taemin's stomach and grabbed him.
Taemin gasped.
"I'm guessing that's a no." Key looked at Taemin, still holding onto him.
Taemin nodded, he felt weird down there. "Can you stop..?"
"Why?" Key tightened his grip.
"It feels weird.." Taemin closed his eyes.
"Well, I guess it'll feel weirder later." Key smirked.
"Is that possible..?"
"Of course it is."
"Minho a-" he stopped himself from saying that he and Minho were just doing it before they got there.
"Minho..?" Taemin looked up at him.
"Uh, nothing.." Key pulled away.
"Why'd you say that..?" Taemin picked Snuffy up again.
"Say what?"
"You called me Minho.."
"I didn't call you Minho.."
"You said his name.."
"You wouldn't understand.."
"Oh, okay.." Taemin was getting quiet again.
"I'm sorry.."
"It's okay.."
Key looked down.
Taemin leaned his head on Key's shoulder.
Key swallowed. "Mianhae..."
"It's okay.."
Key rested his head on Taemin's. Minho and Jonghyun came upstairs, though Minho was carrying Jonghyun. Jonghyun had his legs wrapped around Minho's waist and they were making out.
Taemin heard them and he hid his face in Key's neck. He pulled Snuffy closer.
Key rubbed his back. Minho slammed Jonghyun into the wall, not literally.
Taemin winced when he heard that. "Can we go somewhere else...?"
Key nodded and pulled him and Snuffy passed Minho and Jonghyun. He pulled them downstairs and outside where Minho and Jonghyun were unheard.
Taemin still had his ears covered.
Key waved his hand in front of Taemin's face. "It's okay now."
Taemin nodded and removed his hands. "Mianhae..."
"It's okay."
Key smiled and grabbed his hand.
Taemin intertwined their fingers and pressed his forehead to Key's shoulder.
"You're so cute. I love it."
Taemin smiled a little. "Thanks.."
"I love you."
"I-I love you too.."
Key smiled.
Taemin smiled a little more.
Key took a deep breath.
Taemin hugged him again. He was finally able to trust someone other than Jonghyun.
Key hugged back.
Snuffy had curled up in the grass.
Key tightened his grip.
"You okay..?"
"I just don't want to lose you..."
"You won't.."
{I'm sorry, it's bedtime and I'm gonna be super busy tomorrow. I'll see you in the morning! Sweet dreams! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
"I promise.."
(Okay. I'm gonna be busy also. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
{I'm in church if I don't answer.}
(okie) Key smiled and kissed Taemin's cheek.
{Happy Easter!} Taemin smiled, too.
(Yep! You too!) "I love you so much, Taemin.."
"I love you too.."
"I have something to confess..." Key said, sighing, as he pulled away.
"Sometimes, when Minho and I are bored...we end up in his bed...f****** each other..."
"And one of those times was when you and Jonghyun went to pack up your things and bring them here.."
"I'm sorry..."
"It's... okay..."
"No it's not. I'll make it up to you. however you want me to."
"Just promise you won't do it again..."
"I promise."
Key pulled Taemin close and kissed him.
Taemin still wasn't used to that. He softly kissed back.
Key pulled away.
A couple day later, Taemin was curled up on the couch with Snuffy. He had on a really oversized hoodie and the hood was up. He was completely quiet.
Key came downstairs from his room, yawning. "Good morning, Taemin..Why didn't you sleep with me?"
Taemin glanced up at him, still quiet. He looked like he'd been crying.
"Are you okay?" Key walked closer to him and sat in a chair next to the couch.
He didn't answer.
"Taemin? Come on, this isn't funny." Key reached for the hood.
Taemin held the hood on.
"Taemin, answer me."
He shook his head.
"What did I do?" at that moment, Minho and Jonghyun came down, holding hands.
"Good morning, Key," Jonghyun said.
"Yeah, maybe for you." Key got up and walked out of the room.
Jonghyun finally saw Taemin. "S***.. Key wait!" He followed Key.
"What?" Key had his hand on a knife in the kitchen.
"It's not your fault."
"Then why won't he answer me? I told him to talk to me but all he did was either stare at me or shake his head no." Key pulled the knife out and held it to his heart.
Jonghyun took the knife away from him. "On this day a few years ago, his parents and brother were shot in front of him. I lived next door and I was only able to save him."
Key looked up at him. "Oh my God...what should I do?" Key almost started to cry but he rubbed the tears away.
"Just be there, okay?"
Key nodded.
Jonghyun put the knife back and pushed Key into the living room.
"Taemin...I'm sorry I got mad at you...I didn't know.." Key sat next to him and pulled him close.
(Great...just great...)
Taemin buried his face in Key's chest. He was crying again.
"I'm sorry..." he rubbed Taemin's back.
{What?} Taemin nodded slightly.
(Now my gf isn't answering me, on Quotev and she's online, and now I'm going to cry bc of it...why isn't she answering..?) Key just kept rubbing his back.
{I'm sure she's fine.} It took Taemin awhile to calm down.
"Don't think too much about it, okay?"
(She's really scaring me...)
He nodded again.
Key kissed his head.
{I know.} Taemin started petting Snuffy, trying to calm down faster.
(She said she was taking a shower...who takes an hour long shower?)
(She only takes half hour showers...)
Key smiled as he watched Taemin pet Snuffy.
{Idk, I'm sorry..}
(it's not your fault. don't be sorry)
Snuffy was purring loudly.
"He really loves to purr, doesn't he?" Key tried to make Taemin smile.
Taemin nodded again.
Key felt a pit of sadness in his heart when he didn't see Taemin smile. "I'll be right back." He stood up and walked out of the room, pulling Jonghyun with him to the kitchen.
Jonghyun almost lost his balance as he followed Key. "What?"
"What makes him happy?"
"Just keep trying, do anything but nothing to extreme."
Key sighed. "I don't know what to do.."
"Just talk to him."
"I'll try.."
"Good." Jonghyun pushed him back to Taemin.
Key sat next to Taemin. "Do you like ice cream?"
{Brb, gotta eat} Taemin nodded.
(Okay) "What kind?"
"Any kind...." he whispered.
"Okay." Key kissed Taemin's forehead.
Taemin rested his head on Key's shoulder.
Key pet Taemin's head. He looked up at Minho. Minho nodded. He looked at Butler Lee. Lee nodded and left the room. He came back with a bowl of ice cream with a spoon and a box of tissues.
Taemin took the bowl and the tissues. He set those down and got a spoonful of ice cream. He fed Snuffy one and then ate the rest.
Key smiled as he watched Taemin eat.
"You're just really cute."
"Oh... thanks..."
"Of course."
Taemin let Snuffy lick the spoon.
Key wrapped his arm around Taemin's shoulders.
Taemin leaned on him as Snuffy kept licking the spoon.
"Hey, let's do something fun. Just us two."
"Come on." Key stood up and held his hand out to Taemin. "Let's get your mind cleared."
Taemin nodded and took Key's hand.
Key pulled him up then picked him up.
Taemin wrapped his arms and legs around Key and buried his face in Key's neck again.
Key rubbed his back as he carried him outside. He sat him in the grass and sat next to him.
Taemin leaned on Key.
Key sighed and held him close. "I'm really sorry."
"It's okay..."
Key kissed his cheek. "I don't want you to be sad.."
"I'm just trying to make you laugh, or maybe even crack a smile."
Key bit his lip as he looked down.
Taemin started playing with Key's hair.
Key smiled.
Taemin smiled just a little.
Key closed his eyes as he laid down.
Taemin laid down next to him.
Key looked at Taemin and stroked his cheek.
Taemin smiled a little more.
Key licked his lip as he pushed Taemin's hair out of his face.
Taemin took the hood off.
"I love you so much, Taemin."
"I love you too, Key.."
Key smiled as he kissed Taemin's nose."
{Okie} Taemin smiled too and gently rubbed Key's neck.
Key looked into Taemin's eyes.
Taemin closed his eyes and moved his hands up to Key's cheek.
Key scooted a bit closer.
He started to play with Taemin's feet.
"I'm sorry for being so quiet.."
"It's fine."
Key looked at Taemin's lips.
"Snuffy's all I have left of my family.."
"I know.."
Key played with Taemin's hair.
Taemin smiled again.
Key smiled back.
Taemin hugged him.
Key hugged back.
Taemin played with Key's hair again.
"You're so cute."
"No problem."
"Hold on." Taemin turned Key onto his side and started braiding his hair.
Key smiled.
Taemin did about four and he smiled. "Perfect."
Key giggled.
"You have a lot of hair."
"I know."
Taemin giggled. "Good."
Taemin wrapped his arms around Key's waist and pulled him closer.
Key smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
(just a few more minutes.)
{Okie, that's fine.}
(oh god...sorry I took forever..)
Key leaned closer to Taemin.
{It's okay. I promise.} Taemin looked up at Key's eyes.
Key licked his lips
Taemin pressed his forehead to Key's.
Key gently pressed his lips to Taemin's.
Taemin kissed him.
Key kissed back.
Taemin held Key's waist.
Key placed his hands loosely on Taemin's neck.
Taemin rubbed Key's sides.
Key slowly crawled on top of him.
Taemin pulled away.
"You okay?"
"I don't want to go too far."
"We won't. Trust me." Key smiled. His eyes seemed to glow golden in the sunlight.
Taemin smiled too. "Okay."
Key kissed him again.
Taemin kissed back.
Key moved his hands down a little bit.
Taemin had his arms around Key's waist.
Key moved his lips to Taemin's neck and kissed him there.
Taemin bit his lip.
Key moved back up to Taemin's lips.
Taemin added his tongue this time.
Key smiled and rubbed his tongue against Taemin's.
Taemin moaned really quietly.
Key smiled.
Taemin smiled too and pulled away again. "I think that's good."
"Awe, wae?"
Taemin shrugged.
"It's okay." Key got off of him.
"Okay." Taemin held him close. "I'd top anyway."
Key giggled. "Alright, topper, I can handle with that. I've been a bottom my whole life."
Key smiled more.
Taemin poked Key's nose.
Key giggled again.
Taemin giggled too.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too."
Key kissed Taemin's nose.
Taemin giggled again.
Key got up and pulled Taemin with him.
"Where are we going?"
Key picked him up and carried him inside.
Taemin giggled again.
Key dropped him on the couch and crawled on top of him. "Now, are you ready?"
Snuffy pawed at Key's foot.
Key looked at Snuffy. "What's up?"
Snuffy rubbed against Key's leg.
Key giggled.
"He wants you to pet him."
"Okay." Key pet Snuffy's head.
Snuffy purred.
Key kept petting his head as he looked at Taemin. "Are you ready?"
"Only if I top."
"I was talking about ready to watch some movies, but that works too."
"Oh, uh, movies are good too."
"Which one do you want to do?"
"Okay." Key smiled and grabbed the remote as he crawled off of Taemin.
Taemin picked Snuffy up and laid him down on his lap.
Key turned on Netflix. "You choose a movie." Key handed the remote to Taemin.
"You can choose."
"No, you."
"Taemin, I insist. Choose a movie."
"Let Snuffy choose for me."
Key sighed. "Alright." he put the remote in Taemin's lap.
Taemin grabbed Snuffy's paws and made him choose. He ended up choosing Finding Nemo. {Idk, first movie that came to my head}
(That's what I was gonna say!!! haha!!) Key smiled. "Best movie ever."
{Yay!!} "Mmhmm. Snuffy has good taste."
"He does."
Key pet Snuffy's head and kissed Taemin's cheek.
Snuffy started purring again and Taemin smiled.
Key rested his head on Taemin's shoulder.
Taemin rubbed his back.
Key fell asleep halfway through the movie.
Taemin fell asleep a little after him.
Minho came downstairs and saw them. He smiled and turned off the movie.
Taemin opened his eyes a little. "Hyung...?"
Minho looked down at him. "Hm?"
"What're you doing...?"
"You two are asleep. I don't want you guys to miss the rest of the movie so I turned it off. Don't worry. It's saved where I turned it off at."
"Okay... is this a dream...?"
He shook his head. "Ani. Just get some sleep." Minho kissed his forehead then left the room.
"Okay..." Taemin closed his eyes again and was asleep instantly.
Minho returned to his room and laid on top of Jonghyun. "They're asleep," he whispered hpin his ear.
Jonghyun smiled. "I feel like we're parents and they're our kids."
"I've felt like that my whole life."
"That must be weird."
"How old are you?"
"Oh, I thought you'd be older. Sorry."
"How old are you?"
"Ah, okay."
Minho smiled.
Jonghyun smiled too. "I love you."
"I love you too." Minho pecked Jonghyun's cheek.
Jonghyun smiled more. He rubbed Minho's back.
"Let's just hope you're not pregnant already."
"I hope not, I already have two kids to take care of."
Minho looked at him.
Minho kissed him.
Jonghyun kissed back.
Minho moved his hands down Jonghyun's sides.
Jonghyun bit Minho's lip.
Minho smiled as he grabbed Jonghyun.
Jonghyun bit down harder.
Minho pulled away. "Are you up for another round?"
"I don't know, I'm kind of hurting.."
"How so?"
Jonghyun gestured to his b***.
"Oh, sorry. I could make it feel better."
Minho reached over to his stand and pulled a bottle of l*** out. "All I have to do is rub this around.*
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. I've used it before."
"Trust me." Minho put some on his finger and smeared it around on his fingers and sat on the bed. "Show me your b*** hole."
Jonghyun slowly pulled his pants down.
Minho smiled. "Then get on your hands and knees."
Jonghyun got on his hands and knees.
Minho slowly pushed his fingers into Jonghyun's b*** hole.
Jonghyun bit his lip.
He moved his fingers in circles.
Jonghyun moaned a little.
Minho smiled and continued to do that.
Jonghyun moaned more.
Minho kissed Jonghyun's b***
{Should we skip here?}
Taemin was feeding Snuffy when Key woke up.
Key sat up, stretched and yawned.
Taemin came back into the living room. "Hey."
Taemin smiled and hugged him.
Key hugged back.
"How'd you sleep?"
"That's good."
Taemin pulled away and held both thumbs up.
Key smiled.
Taemin sat down on Key's lap.
Key looked up at Taemin.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Key kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Key smiled.
Taemin pulled away and hugged him. "I love you so much, Key."
"I love you too." Key hugged back.
Taemin ran his fingers through Key's hair. "Are you like Minho?"
"What do you mean?"
"Are you a vampire?"
"He didn't fully change me yet."
"Oh, okay."
(sorry I'm late...)
{It's okay.}
"We have work tomorrow. Will you and Jonghyun be okay alone? I mean, Lee will be here too but he's the butler, and has to stay here."
"We'll be fine."
Key smiled.
Taemin kept stroking Key's hair.
(I'm watching TWD)
Key held him close.
Taemin buried his face in Key's neck.
"You're so cute."
{It's cool} Taemin giggled. "Thanks."
"You're cute too."
Key smiled.
"You know we hardly know each other."
"I know."
"Tell me about you."
"What do you want to know?"
"Give me ideas."
"Have you had any others boyfriends or girlfriends?"
"Well, my boss was one of them."
"Other than him I've had one other boyfriend, but it didn't last long. It was Minho's older brother, Minseok."
"Oh, do you have siblings?"
(Does he? idk)
{I don't think he does.}
(idk) "Ani."
"More ideas?"
"Uh, no."
"Okay. Well, at this moment, my favorite food is Egg Foo Young. My favorite color is pink, of course. I'm 23 years old. I'm gay. I get paid at least 50,000 won a day."
Taemin giggled. "And you're cute, don't forget that."
"Yeah, true. true."
Key smiled. "Also, I am in love." Key walked his fingers up Taemin's stomach and chest.
Taemin smiled. "I am too." He grabbed Key's hand.
"Good." Key kissed his nose.
Key hugged him. "Your turn."
Taemin hugged back. "Uh, I was diagnosed with depression three years ago."
"Really?" Key pulled away and looked at him.
"That sucks."
Key strokes his cheek.
"And, uh, I can do this." Taemin looked at Snuffy and made him float.
Key looked at Snuffy and his eyes went wide. "Woah...that's awesome..."
Key smiled.
Taemin set Snuffy on Key's head.
Key giggled.
Snuffy slid off of his head and landed in his lap. He looked up at Key and meowed.
Key giggled again. "Hi."
He meowed again.
Key pet his head.
Snuffy closed his eyes and purred.
Key continued to pet his head.
Snuffy curled up on Key's lap.
Key smiled, watching him.
Snuffy looked up at him again.
"Why do cats have to be so cute?" he looked up at Taemin.
Taemin shrugged.
"Just like you."
Taemin blushed a little bit. "Stop, Snuffy's cuter."
"You know, you remind me of a cat."
"I do?"
"You cuddle like a cat."
"And a lot more things."
Taemin smiled. "Okay."
Key kissed his nose.
Taemin smiled more.
"You're so cute."
Taemin hugged him again.
Key hugged back.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Do you want to know something else?"
"I used to have long hair."
"Ooh. Do you have any pictures?"
"I think so." Taemin pulled his phone out and scrolled through his pictures. Most of the recent ones were Snuffy.
Key smiled.
"Nice. I like it."
Taemin smiled again. "It got annoying though."
"I can see."
Key smiled again as he looked up at Taemin.
"Can we go upstairs?"
Key licked his lips as he stood up and set Snuffy on the couch.
Snuffy ended up following them upstairs.
As they were going upstairs, Minho and Jonghyun came out of Minho's room. "Where are you going?" Key asked them. "We're going to my parents' house. They want to meet him." Minho smiled. "Ah, okay. Have fun," Key said.
Snuffy stayed away from Minho and hissed at him. Taemin picked Snuffy up and held him close.
Minho's eyes widened. "What's up with him?"
"He knows what you are."
"Oh, okay. Mianhae."
"It's okay."
Minho looked at Jonghyun and smiled. "You sure you want to meet them? They're a bit crazy."
Taemin pulled Key to his room.
Key smiled at Taemin and kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Key laid down on his bed.
Taemin set Snuffy aside and crawled on top of him.
Key smiled again and kissed him.
Taemin pulled away and licked Key's lips.
Key wrapped his legs around Taemin's waist,
Taemin rubbed Key's thighs and kissed him again.
Key quietly moaned into the kiss, kissing back.
Taemin rubbed harder.
Key brought his hands up to Taemin's neck, letting his hands hold onto him loosely.
Taemin moved down to Key's neck.
Key bit his lip.
Taemin bit down softly.
Key moaned a little bit louder than he's supposed to.
Taemin smiled and looked up at him.
"Are you a little excited there?"
Taemin smiled more and kissed him, rougher this time.
Key kissed back.
Taemin grabbed Key.
Key gasped.
Taemin started undoing Key's pants.
Key smiled.
Taemin slowly pulled his pants down.
Key bit his lip as he watched Taemin.
Taemin grabbed him again.
Key moaned this time.
Taemin smiled again and started leaning down. {Let's skip! That's a good plan!}
{Haha nope! Oops!}
(ooh! whenever we don't have ideas for this rp, I has idea for a new one! lol sorry)
{That's cool!}
Taemin had completely forgotten about what that day was.
Key was happy he cleared Taemin's mind. He didn't want him sad.
Taemin held Key close. And Snuffy was cuddled up with Key.
Key had his head resting on Taemin's chest.
Taemin rubbed Key's back.
"You were amazing."
Taemin smiled. "Thanks."
Taemin played with Key's hair.
Key smiled and closed his eyes.
Taemin made Key's hair stand up.
Key kissed Taemin's chest.
Taemin smiled again.
Key looked up at Taemin.
Key scrunched his nose up and brought his hand up like a claw. "Rawr."
{Ah! Rawr aegyo!} Taemin giggled and 'rawred' back.
Key did it again.
Taemin did too.
Key did it again.
Taemin growled at him.
"Ooh, feisty." Key smiled and jumped onto Taemin.
Taemin smiled slightly and kept growling.
Key rubbed Taemin's sides.
Taemin rawred again.
He continued to rub his sides as he leaned down and kissed Taemin's chest.
Taemin bit his lip.
Key smiled. "Would you care for another round?"
Taemin nodded, growling again.
"Come get me." Key jumped off the bed and ran out of the room, naked.
Taemin slowly got up. Without leaving the room, he stopped Key and pinned him to the wall. He peaked out into the hallway.
Key was struggling. He felt as if he was starting to be haunted, but knew it was Taemin. "Let me go, you cheater.."
Taemin held Key's against the wall. "I'm not a cheater."
"You used your powers against me, you didn't physically pin me to the wall. That's called cheating."
"Then what am I doing right now?"
Key didn't answer.
Key looked down.
Taemin lifted Key's head by his chin.
Key looked into Taemin's eyes.
Taemin growled quietly.
Key bit his lip, eyes watering.
"You okay?"
"You're scary..."
Taemin smiled. "I try."
"You're scary when you growl..."
"Is that good or bad?"
Key swallowed. He didn't want to hurt Taemin's feelings.
"Do you want me to stop?"
Key slowly nodded.
"Okay." Taemin hugged him.
Key hugged back, burying his face in Taemin's neck.
"I'm sorry I scared you."
"It's fine.."
"No, let me make it up to you."
"However you want me to." Taemin ran his hand down Key's chest.
Key swallowed and looked at Taemin.
Taemin started leaning in.
Key looked at Taemin's lips, blinked a few times, then kissed him.
Taemin kissed back.
Key pulled him closer.
Taemin rubbed Key's sides.
Key slowly pulled away. "Can we make it to the room or do we have to wait to make out up until we hit the bed?"
Taemin picked him up and carried him to the bed. He laid him down and got on top of him.
Key smiled up at Taemin.
Taemin kissed him again. {Would you mind if I went to bed now..?}
(btw, my sister told me I have Korean-y eyes instead of American eyes. I'm like what?)
(I don't mind)
(You must be really tired)
(it's been a long day)
{Okie. And wat? Anyway, I'll see you in the morning! Sweet dreams! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Yep! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
Snuffy was laying between them once they were done.
"I just can't get enough of you." Key smiled.
Taemin smiled, too, and stroked Key's cheek.
{You there?}
{Please answer, I'm sorry I was late}
(Mianhae! I had to do the dishes and Gracie wouldn't leave me alone on Quotev. So I had to calm her down) Key looked up at Taemin and pecked his lips.
{Oh okay. I'm sorry I kinda overreacted} Taemin giggled.
(No, it's okay. We all have those moments) Key smiled.
{Yep.} "I love you."
"I love you too."
(my gf is at school and I'm sad...)
Snuffy reached up and sniffed Key's face.
(She won't be out for another 3 hours or so)
Key giggled.
{Aw, I'm sorry.} Snuffy licked Key's nose.
(it's okie) Key giggled again.
{Okie} Snuffy kept licking his nose as he stood up.
"Snuffy..that's gross.." Key rolled into his back, picked Snuffy up, and set him on his chest.
Snuffy stopped and meowed at him.
He meowed again.
Key looked up at Taemin. "What does he want?"
Taemin shrugged. "I think he's just talking to you."
"Okay." Key looked back at Snuffy.
Snuffy meowed again.
"Are you telling me things about you?"
Snuffy blinked and licked his own nose.
"Is that a yes or a no?" he looked at Taemin.
"That's a yes."
"Okay." Key looked at Snuffy. "Go on."
Snuffy meowed again and laid down on Key's chest.
Key smiled. "Oh really?"
Snuffy blinked again.
"That's nice."
Snuffy turned onto his back and looked up at Key. He meowed again.
Key giggled. "I understand."
Snuffy meowed again.
Snuffy rubbed his head against Key's chest.
Key scratched Snuffy's belly.
Snuffy purred really loudly.
Key smiled.
"You found his favorite spot."
Snuffy stretched out.
Key giggled.
Snuffy gently bit onto Key's arm.
He let go and meowed at him.
He licked where he'd bit Key.
Key smiled. "It's okay."
Snuffy curled up on Key's chest again.
Key kissed Snuffy's head.
Snuffy closed his eyes.
"You're so cute," Key whispered.
Snuffy was purring again.
Later into the night, Minho and Jonghyun didn't return home but someone knocked and rung the doorbell.
Snuffy followed Taemin downstairs and Taemin answered the door.
It was Onew. "Oh, uh, is Key or Minho home?"
"Key's here."
"Alright, may I speak with him?"
"Ne, uh, you can come in.." Taemin ran upstairs and shook Key. "Someone's here."
Key groaned. "Alright...give me a few minutes to get dressed.."
"Okay." Snuffy was sniffing Onew.
Onew looked at Snuffy. "Why, are you a gorgeous cat. Are you a werecat?" Onew kneeled down next to Snuffy.
Snuffy meowed at him.
Onew changed into a cat and sat down.
{WOW!!!} Snuffy tilted his head.
Onew got up and sniffed Snuffy.
Snuffy rubbed up against him.
Onew seemed to smiled and lick Snuffy's head, behind the ear.
Snuffy laid down and started bathing himself.
Onew helped him by getting the spots Snuffy couldn't get.
Snuffy meowed at him.
Onew meowed back.
Snuffy kept bathing.
Onew sniffed Snuffy's b***
Snuffy hissed at him and backed away.
Onew looked at Snuffy.
Snuffy hissed again.
Onew stepped closer. 'This works on everyone..' he thought.
Snuffy ran upstairs and ran into Key.
"Woah!" he chuckled. "What's up with you?" Key picked him up.
Snuffy meowed.
Key continued downstairs. Onew was in human form and sitting on the couch.
Snuffy hissed at Onew.
"Sh sh sh." Key pet Snuffy's head.
Snuffy looked up at Key.
"It's okay." Key smiled and kissed Snuffy's nose.
Snuffy licked Key's nose.
Key smiled more. "I'm sorry, I thought it would work." Onew said, looking at them. Key looked at Onew. "You tried to mate with him, didn't you?" Onew nodded in embarrassment. Key sighed.
Snuffy rubbed his head against Key's cheek.
Key smiled at Snuffy. He then looked at Onew. "Snuffy is a male cat. Cat. Not werecat." "Oh..oops.." Onew said. "Yeah, big oops." Key pet Snuffy's head.
Snuffy purred.
"All I did was sniff his b*** and he freaked out.," Onew said. "Because he's a cat, not a werecat. Only werecats fall for that."
Taemin wrapped his arms around Key's waist from behind him. "What happened?" he whispered to Key.
"Onew was trying to mate with Snuffy. He didn't notice he was a cat and not a werecat."
"Oh, is Snuffy okay?"
"He's fine." Key looked down at Snuffy and puffed up his cheeks.
Snuffy licked Key's nose.
Key giggled.
Taemin pet Snuffy's head. "I'll take him if you want."
"Do you want him?" Key looked at Taemin.
Key turned and put Snuffy in Taemin's arms.
Snuffy yawned as he curled up in Taemin's arms, and Taemin smiled. "We'll be upstairs, okay?"
"Okay." Key pecked Taemin's lips.
Taemin smiled and went back upstairs.
Key sat next to Onew and they talked.
Taemin and Snuffy curled in bed and they both were asleep instantly.
{You there?}
"But I'm rich," Onew said. "And so am I," Key replied. "Just please, come with me. You can write a note or call one of them and tell them you're going to live with me. I can make your life happy...again." Key stood up. "No." Onew stood up with him and grabbed his hand. "Please, I'm begging you." Key pushed him away. "Get out!" Onew didn't listen. "Get out of my house!" Onew slowly backed away. "GET OUT!!" he screamed. Onew turned and ran out.
(yeah, Mianhae)
{Ah, okay, it's cool.}
Taemin was awake again. He ran downstairs and hugged Key.
Key was crying and shaking and he hugged back tightly.
Taemin rubbed his back.
"He tried to make me leave..."
"But you didn't, and that's good."
"I know.."
Taemin pulled him closer.
(12K!!! lol) Key buried his face in Taemin's neck.
{YES!!!!} "It's okay."
Key gripped onto his shirt.
Taemin picked him up.
Key kept his face buried in Taemin's neck.
Taemin took him upstairs. He laid Key down and laid down next to him.
"If Minho was here...Onew wouldn't have tried to make me move in with him..."
"Is Onew scared of Minho-hyung?"
"Just a bit.."
Key took a shaky breath.
Taemin gently stroked Key's cheek.
Key smiled.
Taemin smiled, too.
Key put his hand on Taemin's hand.
Taemin closed his eyes and yawned.
"Are you tired?"
"Okay. You get some sleep."
"You should too."
"I'm fine.."
"Key, you have to sleep."
"I will later.."
"Why not now?"
"I'm not tired.."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure."
"Promise you're okay?"
"Yes, I promise." Key smiled and kissed Taemin.
Taemin kissed back.
Key pulled away. "Goodnight, Taemin."
"Goodnight, Key." Taemin pulled him close. He was asleep again quickly.
Key smiled and rested his head on Taemin's chest. He couldn't fall asleep.
{Do you have church today?} Snuffy stretched out a little in his sleep.
(no, it's cancelled cause there's no school)
{Okie, that's what I thought.}
(Mmhmm) Key finally fell asleep after a few hours.
When Jonghyun and Minho got home, Minho was drunk as f***.
Taemin was holding Key like he'd held Snuffy the day he and Key met.
Key was smiling in his sleep.
Jonghyun helped Minho to their room.
"You know..I could bang you all night.." Minho said, running his hand along the wall in the hall as they walked.
"You need to sleep."
"No, I need you." he smiled.
"That's just the alcohol. Please just get some sleep." Jonghyun helped him lay down on the bed.
"Lay with me."
Jonghyun laid down next to him.
Minho smiled and pulled him close.
Jonghyun smiled too.
Minho softly kissed Jonghyun's cheek.
"Now try to sleep, okay?"
"I'll try." Minho smiled and pulled him close.
"Sure." Minho nuzzled his face in Jonghyun's neck.
"Seriously, do you promise to sleep?"
"Mmhmm." Minho kissed Jonghyun's neck.
"After I do you." Minho smiled and bit Jonghyun's neck.
"Yes." Minho grabbed Jonghyun.
Jonghyum pushed his hand away. "No."
"Please?" Minho kissed his neck.
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want to wake up the others."
"We can be quiet."
"Plus it still hurts."
"Awe, mianahe..."
"It's okay."
"I can kiss your booboo."
"No, it's fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Okay. Goodnight." Minho closed his eyes.
"Goodnight." Jonghyun closed his eyes and cuddled up with Minho.
Minho smiled and fell asleep after a while.
Jonghyun fell asleep after him.
{Uhhh... *searches entire brain* nope.. sowwy..}
(it's ok)
Taemin seemed more mentally stable the next day.
When Minho woke up, he immediately went to the bathroom.
Jonghyun was still asleep.
Minho had a huge migraine and it wouldn't stop. He actually started crying.
Jonghyun finally woke up and he didn't see Minho. But he knew where Minho was. He went to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Minho?"
"What..?" he said through tears.
"Are you okay?"
"Can I come in?"
Jonghyun went in and pulled Minho close.
"Make it go away..."
"Okay." Jonghyun got the Advil and a cup of water and gave them to Minho. "This should help."
Minho shook his head. "I tried...I ended up throwing them back up.."
"Oh." Jonghyun put the pills back and let Minho keep the water. "You just need to rest."
"I did..all night...I just need someone.."
Minho swallowed. "I need someone to help me..."
"Help you what?"
"Stop my problem..."
"I've had this drinking problem since I was young...
"Which was a long time ago...a couple hundred years ago."
Minho looked down, staring at the floor.
"Will cuddles help?"
"I don't know..."
"Let's fine out." Jonghyun helped him their room and laid him down. He laid down next to Minho.
Minho hid his face in Jonghyun's chest. "Why can't I stop..? I feel like a human still..."
"But you're not." Jonghyun rubbed his back.
"I know...that's what sucks..."
Jonghyun carefully ran in his fingers through Minho's hair.
Minho sniffled.
"It's okay."
"You'll be okay."
Minho swallowed.
Jonghyun pulled him even closer.
Minho looked up at Jonghyun.
"I know how to make it go away."
Minho swallowed and looked at Jonghyun's neck.
Minho reached his hand up and touched Jonghyun's neck. He could feel the blood running through his veins.
"Do it."
Minho looked up at Jonghyun. "Are you crazy? I'd rather live through the pain then..."
(*sighs* brb....)
"I don't like seeing you like this. And I want to be able to spend eternity with you."
Minho swallowed. "Alright.." he scooted closer, fangs coming out and eyes turning red.
Jonghyun swallowed.
"Are you sure?"
Minho lightly bit onto Jonghyun's neck, then harder.
Jonghyun squeezed his eyes shut.
He was already breathing heavily.
Minho kept biting harder until the skin broke and he started sucking out the blood.
Jonghyun was already dizzy.
Minho climbed on top of Jonghyun, sucking harder.
Jonghyun passed out a few minutes later.
Minho pulled away, blood running down his face. The headache was gone.
Jonghyun was out cold.
Minho licked Jonghyun's neck then went to the bathroom to wash up.
Jonghyun was unmoving.
Minho came back when he was done and finished licking Jonghyun's neck.
Jonghyun was hardly breathing. Snuffy came in and meowed.
Minho looked at Snuffy. "Now's not a good time."
Snuffy meowed again.
"Leave now." Minho kissed the bite he left on Jonghyun's neck.
Snuffy jumped up onto the bed.
Minho looked at Snuffy with his red eyes.
Snuffy backed away.
Minho hissed. He didn't want to but his instincts told him to.
Snuffy folded his ears back and ran away. He didn't have anyone to cuddle with, Taemin and Key were showering.
Minho laid down next to Jonghyun and waited for him to wake up.
For time to pass, he watched a show, The Lover.
Snuffy tried going back into the room. He was more cautious this time. He quietly jumped up into the bed.
Minho looked down at Snuffy. "Mianhae.." Minho pulled his fangs in and changed his eyes to normal.
Snuffy cautiously stepped closer.
Minho patted the spot next to him. "Come here."
Snuffy stepped closer and rubbed against Minho's arm.
Minho smiled and pet his head.
Snuffy purred and curled up next to him.
Minho smiled more.
Jonghyun moved a little.
Minho looked up at Jonghyun.
Jonghyun slowly opened his eyes. "Hey..."
"Hey, how are you feeling?"
Minho smiled. "I thought you'd say that." he pecked Jonghyun's cheek.
Jonghyun smiled. "You know me too well.."
Jonghyun reached for Minho's hand.
Minho gave his hand to Jonghyun.
Jonghyun held it.
Minho smiled.
Jonghyun smiled too.
"I love you, Jongie."
"I love you Minho."
(brb shower time)
Minho softly kissed Jonghyun.
Jonghyun softly kissed back.
Minho put his phone down on the stand, making the kiss rougher.
Jonghyun deepened it and added his tongue.
Minho climbed onto Jonghyun, sitting on his waist, and rubbing his sides.
Jonghyun moaned quietly.
Minho pulled away a little. "Now that you're a vampire, we could do it all day."
"But with protection."
"Of course." Minho smiled and kissed Jonghyun's nose. "But do I have any left?"
"I hope so."
"Check my drawers." Minho bit his lip, hoping there'd be at least one but yet hoping there wouldn't be any.
"I think I have some." Jonghyun got up and checked his drawers. He actually found one. He brought it back to Minho.
'Darn..' Minho smiled. "Perfect."
Jonghyun smiled and kissed him again.
Minho kissed back as he unbuckles his belt then his pants.
Jonghyun pulled Minho's shirt up.
Minho smiled. "Eager, are we?"
"So am I." Minho quickly put it on as he said, "Undress for me, gorgeous."
Jonghyun slowly pulled his own shirt off.
Minho bit his lip. "Come on, we don't got all day," he teased, pulling off Jonghyun's pants.
"Aw, but I'm trying to tease you."
"You teased me well."
"You can tease me with your boxers."
Jonghyun started tugging at his boxers.
Minho bit his lip again.
Jonghyun slowly took them off.
Minho swallowed as he grew hard. "It's just like watching p***..."
"You've watched that?"
"Heh, maybe."
"You're weird." Jonghyun ran his hand down Minho's chest.
"I know baby.." Minho kissed Jonghyun. (*sighs* it's bedtime...)
{Yeah, I knew it'd be soon. I'll see you when you get home tomorrow! Maybe in the morning! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Okie!! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
Jonghyun kissed back.
(I need someone to hold me...) Minho grabbed Jonghyun.
{I'm so sorry! I saw your post! I should've been up sooner!! Minahae!} Jonghyun moaned.
{I also have a new RP idea for after this one!}
(lol it's okay and lol we both do) Minho pulled away to whisper in Jonghyun's ear, "You like that?"
{Lol!} "Ne.."
Minho licked Jonghyun's ear then bit it.
Jonghyun moaned again. "Minho.."
"Yes my love?" Minho whispered in his ear.
"I need you.."
"Yes, my love. And you can have me." Minho slid his length into Jonghyun. (Skiiiiiiippp!!!)
{Good plan! Good plan! Fantastic plan! 100% agreed! Uh!}
{What now?}
(I honestly have no idea...)
{I don't either.. sowwy..}
(It's okie. Wanna do your idea first?)
{Yes! It's got space in it cuz I'm obsessed with space again! 😅}
(lol it's okie! go ahead and start!)
{Okie!} Key's phone got a strange text one day.
Key looked at his phone and checked the message.
All it said was 'Hello?'
Key messaged back. 'Who is this?'
'Is this Earth?'
'Yeah, of course it is. Who is this?'
'I'm from Oarus.' That was a completely different planet.
'What the h*** is that? Who the h*** is this?!'
'I'm Taemin.'
'Nice name. Where the h*** is Oarus? I've never heard of it.'
'It's a planet. Duh.'
'Planet?' Key was confused, he'd never heard of that planet.
'Yeah, like you live on planet Earth. Right?'
'Yeah, but I've studied the planets since second grade. There's no Oarus..'
'Well, there is. And I'm the only one left.'
' come?'
'I was smart enough to protect myself from our star dying.'
'Oh..I don't know what that means, but okay.'
'It's a supernova.'
'Ah, okay.'
(hey, that's a male kpop group name! lol Mianhae)
'Yeah, and I've been trying to contact anyone for weeks.'
' you have.' (One of the members got arrested for drunk driving tho....and he's really cute...)
{Lol! It's okay!} 'Yeah, can I come there?'
'I don't mind.. As long as you're cute.'
'Okay, I'll see you soon then.'
Taemin actually got there a week later, and he got there kind of as an asteroid. So, obviously, the news was all over it. It was the same throughout the day, it was just the crater that was left.
But no Taemin.
Key went to the place where it crashed. He went when there was no one around. He got close to it, close enough to touch it.
He placed his hand on it and ran his hand along it, feeling the smoot and rough edges.
Taemin was watching him from in a tree. But he didn't know Key was Key.
"Where is he..?" Key said quietly.
"Who are you?"
Key jumped. "Who said that..?"
Taemin jumped down, keeping his wings folded in.
Key swallowed. "I-I'm K-Key.."
"Don't you remember me?"
"I'm Taemin."
"Mwo? Really?"
"Yahh...jinja?" ("Really?")
"Yes. Is there a problem?"
"Ani. Ani. You're just.."
"Really cute."
(don't mind me, just testing some stuff)
"Oh, is that good?"
"Yeah! It's amazing!"
{Yep! It all got resolved!} "Okay."
(most of it) "Sorry.." Key looked down.
{Yeah.} "It's okay."
"Do humans hug?"
"Can I hug you?"
(brb, gotta help my brother with his stupid homework...)
"Of course." Key smiled.
Taemin ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "I haven't seen anyone in weeks.."
Key jumped and hugged back.
Taemin buried his face in Key's neck.
Key smiled.
"Do humans have wings?"
"I have wings."
"Jinja? Can I see?"
"Ne." Taemin pulled away and took off his really thick jacket. He spread his wings, they were black and they looked like dragon or bat wings.
(Ooh! Awesome! brb)
(Gorgeous!) "Yahh!!"
{Yes!!!} "What?"
"They're gorgeous!!"
Taemin smiled. "Thanks."
"Eahh...I wish I had wings.."
"What can humans do?"
"Walk, jog, run, talk, sing. All those normal stuff."
"Can you fly without wings?"
"Humans seem smart."
"Well, most of us are."
"You have lots of languages."
"How many do you know?"
"Like, how many do I know how to speak?"
{I think he knows like 3 or 4, but idk.}
{Right, I knew that.}
"Korean, English, and Japanese."
Taemin pulled his wings back in and put his jacket back on. He had been slightly shivering for awhile.
"Do you want to come to my place?"
Key held his hand out.
"Hold on." Taemin ran behind the tree and grabbed a backpack full of stuff. He ran back to Key with it. "Okay, we can go now."
"Oh, okay."
Taemin took Key's hand.
Key smiled and led Taemin to his house.
Taemin smiled, too.
Key pulled him inside.
Taemin sighed happily.
"Make yourself at home."
Taemin nodded and curled up on the couch. He set the backpack beside him. "This is nice."
{You there?}
(sorry, I had to do the dishes)
Key smiled as he ordered pizza.
{It's okay.}
Taemin watched him.
Key put the phone down after he was done. "Alright, dinner is on its way."
"It's that easy?"
"That's cool."
Taemin held his arms out. "Cuddles?"
Key giggled. "I would love to cuddle." he walked to Taemin as he wrote a check and laid next to him.
Taemin held him close. "I missed this."
"Who did you do this with?"
"My brother. We were close."
"Oh..I'm sorry.."
"It's okay."
Key looked into Taemin's eyes.
"You're cute."
Key didn't look away.
Taemin felt awkward. "What?"
Key swallowed and looked away. "Sorry.."
"It's fine."
Key's heart was racing.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine."
Key took a deep breath.
Taemin stroked Key's hair, he could tell Key was tense.
Key closed his eyes.
"You're good at cuddles."
Key smiled.
Taemin rested his chin on Key's shoulder. "There were a lot of humans there earlier."
"They were freaking out over the crater."
"I don't know why, though, it wasn't that interesting."
"How do we...get rid of it?"
"It'll just stay there like all the other craters."
"There's others?"
"Of course, Earth has plenty."
"Quit worrying so much." Taemin played Key's hair.
"I'm just shy around cute people."
Taemin smiled again. "I've noticed."
Key swallowed again.
Taemin closed his eyes.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Um, sure."
Key turned to Taemin and softly kissed him.
Taemin kind of kissed back, he'd never done this before.
Key smiled.
Taemin pulled away and hugged him. "You're good."
Key smiled more.
"Was I bad?"
"You were great."
"I felt like I was s***."
"It's fine."
Key kissed Taemin's cheek.
Taemin smiled.
"Do you want to go on a date?"
"A date?"
"It- Do you know what a date is?"
"Ani." Taemin looked down as he started feeling embarrassed.
"It's where two people go out to eat at a restaurant and get to know each other more. And sometimes it starts a great relationship.."
"Oh, okay."
"And sometimes it leads to a bad relationship...sometimes abusive.."
"Did that happen to you?"
"Oh.. I'm sorry."
"No...don't be..." Key wiped the tear rolling down his cheek.
"He tried...he tried...tried to.."
Taemin rubbed his back. "It's okay, you don't have to talk about it."
"..tried to get me...pregnant.." Key started crying.
"Oh.." Taemin kept rubbing his back.
Key buried his face in Taemin's neck.
"He did..."
"He did..?"
"And you're pregnant right now..?"
"Oh, okay.."
"I killed it..."
Taemin pulled him closer.
"On the second week of being pregnant, he...well, he killed it, not me...the second week...we got in a fight about it. I didn't want to have the baby, but he did and he threw a vase at cut my stomach and that was the end...he didn't take me to the hospital.."
Taemin had no idea what to say. "I'm so sorry.."
"That happened just a bit ago...ill show you.." Key lifted his shirt, revealing stitches.
Taemin gently ran his finger along the stitches.
Key winced.
Taemin pulled his hand away. "Sorry.."
"It's okay.."
"Okay.. but that's awful.."
Taemin pulled Key's shirt back down.
"His name is Jonghyun...Kim Jonghyun..."
"Nice name."
"Yeah, I know..." Key pulled out his wallet and opened it. There was a picture of Jonghyun. "That's him.."
The picture was Jonghyun, but he was naked, having a pillow over his thing.
Taemin nodded. "We'll stay away from him."
Key stared at the picture. "He was so nice..."
"He looks like it."
"Yeah...until I got pregnant..."
"Yeah.." Taemin gently took Key's hand.
Key intertwined their fingers.
Taemin smiled a little. "If the planet hadn't been destroyed, I would've been forced to marry some girl."
"Do you like girls?"
"Me either." Key smiled.
Taemin smiled too.
Key put his wallet away and turned to Taemin.
"Girls are weird."
Taemin smiled more.
(says the ones who have sisters! lol us)
(and it's bedtime...)
{Lol! Yep! They're still weird though!}
{Aw, okie. Sweet dreams! I hope they're good tonight! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(You too! Same here! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
Key softly kissed him again.
Taemin softly kissed back.
Key pulled him close.
Taemin scooted closer to him.
Key placed his hands on Taemin's cheeks.
Taemin giggled.
Key pulled away. "What?"
"I haven't even been here for a day and I'm already kissing a human."
Key smiled. "Yeah, I guess you are."
"Mmhmm, a really nice human."
"Mmhmm." Taemin hugged him.
Key smiled and hugged back.
Taemin hid his yawn.
Key heard him, somewhat. "Are you tired?"
"You can sleep after we eat."
"It should be here soon."
Key got up. "And I should get ready for that.. I'm paying anyways so, I'll be waiting at the door." Key ruffled Taemin's hair. (brb)
Taemin smiled and nodded. {Okie.}
(I got a poster to make so, give me a bit
{Okay, that's fine.}
(idk how to do it...)
(I'll have to wait until tomorrow...)
{Okay. Sorry I'm late.}
(it's alright. Cameron is keeping me busy, lol)
{Lol! Okay.}
Key grabbed the check and walked out of the room. "I'm gonna change real quick! I'll be down! Call for me when the pizza guy gets here!" Key said, running up the stairs.
"I will!"
Key took off his shirt and pants. The pizza guy got there at that time and knocked on the door.
Taemin ran upstairs. "The pizza guy is here!"
Key jumped and ran out of the room. "I'm coming!"
"Okay!" Taemin found the nearest window and looked out it.
Key ran down stairs and swung open the door. He almost started crying, wanting to slam the door, but he didn't.
Taemin came downstairs and watched where he wasn't easily seen.
The pizza guy was... (dun dun duuuuuuunnn! you guessed it,) Jonghyun.
{Yup! I guessed it!} Taemin recognized Jonghyun right away and he pulled Key away from him.
Key handed the check to Taemin. "Can you do it, please?"
Taemin took the check. "I'll try." He went to the front door and handed Jonghyun the check.
Jonghyun looked at Taemin then looked passed him, seeing Key. "Is he alright?"
"Can I talk to him?"
"No, I promised to keep him away from you."
"Just a minutes please?"
"I want to know how he's doing..." he stopped his sentence.
"He's fine now."
"With the baby..."
"There isn't one."
"What do you mean? He's pregnant."
"Not anymore."
"How? Did he kill it?" he didn't know he killed it.
"No, you did."
"Ne. You hurt him and killed the baby."
"Oh my god..."
Taemin nodded.
Jonghyun looked away as he handed the pizzas to Taemin.
Taemin took them. "Do you still want to talk to him?"
"I guess answered for him..."
"Okay. Uh, bye, I guess."
"Yeah..bye.." Jonghyun looked at Key. "Bye Key." and of course, Key didn't answer.
Taemin closed the door and gave the pizzas to Key.
Key sniffled as he took them. "Thanks.."
Key brought them to the living room and sat down.
Taemin sat down next to him. "What's pizza?"
Key opened the box. "That's what."
"Oh. Okay."
"Taste it." Key smiled.
Taemin got a slice and bit into it. He made a weird face.
"It's weird."
"You don't like it?"
"I mean, I do, but it's weird."
"Mmhmm." Taemin ate it anyway.
Key smiled, ate, and watched Taemin.
Key smiled more.
Taemin smiled too.
Key continued to eat.
Taemin got down to the crust. "This part is different."
"It's pretty cool."
"I mean, it's delicious. You can eat it."
"Mmhmm. I like this part."
Key smiled.
Taemin was done after two slices.
"That's it?"
"I'm just used to eating the least."
"Oh, okay."
Taemin grabbed Key's hand.
Key looked up at Taemin.
"Humans hold hands, right?"
Key smiled.
Taemin smiled too.
Key giggled as he got up, letting go of Taemin's hand. "I'm gonna put the food away."
Key grabbed the boxes and brought them to the kitchen. He came back a few minutes later.
Taemin was looking through his backpack for something.
"What are you looking for?" Key asked as he sat next to him.
"Hold on." Taemin pulled out a picture and handed to Key. "That's my family."
Key looked at it. "Is that your brother?"
"Ne. Before everything happened."
"He's cute.."
"He had a girlfriend."
"Yeah, she was nice."
"I'm sure she was.." Key touched the picture, or touched Taemin. "You're so cute."
"I was 15 then."
"How old are you now?"
"An, five years ago."
Key handed the picture to Taemin and just stared at him.
Taemin put it back in the backpack and set it aside. He looked back at Key. "What?"
"You're gorgeous."
"You say that a lot."
"I know.."
"It's cute."
(I'm super tired...Mianhae..)
{It's okay. You should sleep.}
{Unless you want to stay up. I don't control your life.}
(Well, I've been walking all day..)
(School, walking home from school, walking home from church, standing while doing dishes...etc...)
{Oh, okay, do you wanna go to bed now?}
(sorta...I also woke up at 3...)
{Ah, you should sleep. Don't think you have to stay up for me.}
(every time, it's 3:47. I always wake up at 3:47...)
"Wow, that's oddly specific.}
(yeah...I think there's something wrong...should I talk to my mom?"
{That's probably a good idea.}
(okay...I will tomorrow if it happens again..)
{Okay, good plan. I hope you sleep well! I'll see you tomorrow! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(me too! Yep! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
(also, after school tomorrow, I won't be available until like 4:30-5:00 my time.)
{That's fine. I'm available all day.}
(Okie!) "Come on, I'll show you to my room. You can sleep with me."
"Oh okay."
Key grabbed Taemin's hand and led him upstairs to his room.
Taemin smiled and squeezed Key's hand.
Key smiled as well and opened the door. "So, do you like my room?"
"Good." Key pulled him to the bed and jumped on it, letting go of Taemin's hand.
Taemin laid down, face first.
Key giggled.
Taemin looked up at him, smiling. "Hi."
"Hi." Key smiled more and pecked Taemin's nose.
Taemin giggled.
(sorry i took forever i did a few things)
Key pulled Taemin closer and kissed him on the lips.
{It's cool. Don't worry.}
Taemin kissed back.
Key smiled.
Taemin smiled too.
Key pulled away, wincing.
"What's wrong?"
Key looked down and saw a small patch of blood building up on his shirt.
"Oh." Taemin pulled Key's shirt up and placed his hand on it. It started healing.
Key looked up at Taemin.
Taemin looked up at Key.
"Is it...gone?"
Key looked down at his stomach.
Taemin pulled his hand away, all that was left was a faint scar.
Key just stared at it.
Taemin looked up at him again.
Key looked up at Taemin.
Key nodded.
"Thank you."
"Of course."
Key smiled and hugged him.
Taemin hugged back.
Key pulled away after a while. " feels so nice not having a cut."
Taemin smiled. "Good."
Key laid down and rolled onto his stomach. "Yah!!" Key smiled and laughed. "I missed this!"
Taemin giggled. "You're weird."
"What? I haven't been on my stomach for, like two months."
"Yeah, I know."
Key sighed and rested his head on the pillow.
Taemin pulled the blankets over them.
"Cuddle with me."
Taemin smiled again and cuddled up with him.
Key smiled into the pillow. "Goodnight, Taemin."
"Goodnight, Key."
Key closed his eyes.
Taemin was asleep instantly.
It took Key a while to fall asleep.
Taemin hugged Key tightly in his sleep.
Key was smiling slightly.
(Ooh! idea!!!)
{What now?}
(lol i has idea)
{Oh! Sorry! I didn't see that yet! Anyway, go ahead!}
(lol its okay!) When Taemin woke up, Key wasnt in the bed.
Taemin got up and looked around for him.
Key wasnt in the house. There was a note on the fridge. It read, 'If you want Key, I'll be getting him pregnant.' Sgned by Jonghyun. Key's phone was left behind.
"D*****.." Taemin ran out of the house. He remembered Jonghyun's scent and he tracked that. He found Jonghyun's house and he ran right inside. "Key?!" He started quickly looking around.
Moaning was heard from upstairs, in Jonghyun's room. Key couldnt help it.
Taemin ran upstairs and practically knocked down the door. He pushed Jonghyun off of Key and punched him.
Key pratically screamed as Jonghyun was quickly pulled out of Key. Key was in pain. Again.
Jonghyun fell to the floor. He wiped some blood coming out of his nose. He looked up at Taemin.
Taemin got Key's clothes and started carefully dressing him. He was apologizing over and over again.
Jonghyun got up, regaining his balance. "Taemin.." Key said, looking at Taemin worried.
"Look out.."
Taemin turned around and kicked Jonghyun in the stomach.
Jonghyun flew back and fell to the ground again.
Taemin took his jacket off and handed it to Key. He picked Key up and ran out of the house with him. He spread his wings and took off with him once they got outside.
Key was crying but holding onto Taemin tightly.
Taemin held him close. "It's okay."
"He wants me to be in pain...he wants me pregnant...just so he can take the baby..."
"Are you in pain now?"
"Yes, i still am..."
"My b*** d***....and even heart.."
{Aw 😢} "Does anything need healing?"
"Okay. Tell me if anything does, okay?"
"Good." Taemin landed in front of Key's house and carefully carried him inside. He gently laid him down on the couch and sat down next to him.
Key turned onto his side and started coughing. Blood.
Taemin got some tissues and put them over Key's mouth.
Key didnt stop for a bit. He closed his eyes as he laid on his back again and held his stomach.
Taemin moved Key's hands and lifted Key's shirt.
There was nothing wrong with his stomach. Jonghyun had bit Key's lip during, that, and he made him bleed, sending in some kind of ink or venom. It made a word on the inside of Key's lip.
Taemin pulled his shirt back down and gently grabbed his hand.
"Check my lip feels weird..."
Taemin nodded and carefully examined Key's lip.
On the inside of Key's bottom lip, there was a word that said, 'F***b**.'
Taemin put his thumb over the word and started healing it.
It started to fade but it just came back.
"What the h***..?" Taemin tried healing it again
It faded but came back.
Taemin used both thumbs this time.
Again, it faded but came back.
Taemin finally gave up.
"Whats wrong?"
"There's something there that won't go away."
"What is it?"
"It says 'f***b**'."
"Yeah.. sorry.."
Key sighed. "Dont be...i hve another one.."
I have**
"You do?"
"Yeah.." Key pulled the collar of his shirt, showing his shoulder. "Somehow, it only shows up when I'm in pain.." It flashed, 'manw****.'
"Oh.." Taemin fixed Key's shirt and grabbed his hands.
Key looked down.
"I'm sorry I didn't protect you.."
"It's not your fault.."
"But I should've been there earlier.."
"You didn't know!"
Taemin backed up a little, letting go of Key's hands.
"F***....." Key started crying. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to raise my voice..."
Taemin hugged him.
Key buried his face in Taemin's neck, still crying, and hugged back.
"It's okay."
"This happened a few times woth Jonghyun and I..."
"You fought?"
" never came out pretty, I tell you..he's not normal.."
"What does that mean?"
"He's not human.."
"He says he's from a different planet...this morning...but he didnt say what planet..."
"He's not from mine, I know that much."
"I can tell. You're nicer."
Taemin smiled and grabbed Key's hands again.
"Can youdo me a favor?"
"What is it?"
Key turned onto his side, grabbed one of Taemin's hands and placed it on his b*** and grabbed his other hand, putting it over his thing. "Heal me..i dont want to feel this pain..."
"Of course." Taemin started healing him.
Key closed his eyes, hoping it would work.
Taemin didn't even know if it would work. "Tell me if anything happens."
Key nodded, though he didnt feel anything. It worked.
Taemin took his hands away after awhile. "Better?"
Key smiled. "Ne."
Taemin smiled too. "Good."
Key sat up and hugged him.
Taemin hugged back.
Key sighed. "Thank you."
"Of course."
"So, lets talk about that date tonight."
"Oh right, I forgot about that."
"Yeah, same here.. Do you want to go to a fancy restaurant or not so fancy?"
"Not so fancy."
"Okay good. Im not good at fancy things."
Taemin smiled. "Neither am I."
Key giggled.
"What can we do that isn't fancy?"
"Lots of stuff."
"Like what?"
"I dont know...i cant think at the moment.."
(i really cant cause im tired. lol)
{Ah, okay.} "Oh, okay."
(yeah) "Yeah, mianhae."
"It's okay."
"Taesun always just walked around with his girlfriend. And they talked."
"What would they talk about? Do you know?"
"Anything, I guess."
(wanna know what i just thought?) "Okay."
{What?} "They just walked around the neighborhood."
(WooHyun and Key would make a cute couple) "Sounds like fun."
{They really would!} "Mmhmm."
(ikr!!) Key smiled.
{Also, is it weird that I'm always super mad at Naeun because she was on WGM with Taemin, and she stole Key's man?} Taemin smiled too. "Do you want to do that?"
(Its not weird) "I would love to." Key smiled more.
(uhmmm Hannah?)
{Okay, good. 😅} "Do you want to do it now or later?"
"It doesnt matter to me."
{Ne?} "It's up to you."
(its that collage) "Aish..."
{Oh okay.} "What?"
"Always put Key under pressure, he really can handle it."
Taemin giggled. "I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry." Taemin covered his mouth with both hands.
Key pulled Taemin's hands away and kissed him.
Taemin kissed back, closing his eyes.
Key climbed onto his lap.
Taemin held Key's waist.
Key placed his hands on Taemin's neck.
(time for bed....)
Taemin gently ran his hand along Key's thigh.
{Aw, okie. I'll see you tomorrow! Sleep well and have good dreams! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
(Ne! Ill try! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
Key laid back, pulling Taemin with him, and without breaking the kiss.
Taemin deepened the kiss.
Key inserted his tongue into Taemin's mouth.
Taemin pushed his tongue against Key's.
Key slightly moaned.
Taemin pulled away and looked right into Key's eyes. His were all silver, they reflected his mood.
"Woah...your eyes.."
"They're silver.."
"They've never been that color before."
"What does it mean?"
"I don't know."
"Why are they silver?"
"Maybe because I'm turned on by you." Taemin slowly pushed his hand up Key's shirt.
Key giggled. "Maybe. We'll never know."
Taemin rubbed Key's chest and kissed him again.
Key smiled as he kissed back.
Taemin pulled his shirt up.
Key lifted his arms*
Taemin pulled his shirt off and ran his hand down Key's chest.
Key swallowed.
{Okie!} Taemin carefully helped Key get dressed afterwards.
"You were amazing. My b*** hurts, who gives a f***, you were amazing."
"I didn't mean to hurt you."
"Its fine. I love it." Key smiled and kissed Taemin's cheek.
Taemin smiled. "Okay."
"I promise, i dont regret any second of that."
"I promise, too."
Key smiled more and kissed Taemin.
Taemin kissed back.
(Who do you ship more in SHINee?)
Key pulled away after a while.
{TaeKey} Taemin hugged him.
(okie) Key hugged back.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too."
Taemin smiled again.
Key smiled back.
{*strokes beard like Nathan Yaffe* Hm.}
(Whoever that is but same)
{He's from The Drawfee Channel, where they take out dumb suggestions and make even dumber drawings. That's part of their intro kinda, and he hand Caldwell are great!}
(what now?)
{I can't think of anything that would be effective.}
{Everything I have is dumb.}
(its okay)
(i dont have anything...)
(well sorta)
(i have a small thing...)
{Ooh, go ahead!}
One day, when Key had to run to the store for a few items, two people came to the house and knocked on the door.
Taemin made sure he looked human before he answered the door. "Ne?"
They were wearing ski masks and a full black outfit. One of them quickly put a bag over Taemin's head and pulled him close, holding onto him while the other ran upstairs an dmade the bed look as if Taemin were in bed, sleeping, or laying down. The one holding Taemin dragged him to the car and threw him into the back and sat next to him.
Taemin kept trying to push whoever was holding him away.
The person didnt let go of him. "Shh.."
"No.." Taemin kept pushing.
The other person got in on the driver side and started driving. The person holding Taemin tied up his arms and legs.
Taemin finally quit fighting.
""You'll have a better life with us, we promise you."
"What about Key?"
"Who is that?"
"My boyfriend."
"Trust me, you wont want to be his boyfriend much longer."
"Our son is perfect for you."
Taemin felt like he was about to cry. "Will I see him again..?"
"At this point, probably not. Well, maybe. Our son has plans to make him pregnant. Wait, Key is Jonghyun's ex, right?"
"Good. You'll be able to see Key when Jonghyun brings him over to make him pregnant."
Taemin went quiet.
"Sorry buddy, but, Jonghyun wants a child with Key."
Taemin didn't answer.
"I dont know how long you and Key have been together but, Key will break up with you to be with Jonghyun."
"But thats not gonna happen because Jonghyun confessed he was in love. With you."
Taemin refused to talk.
He was about to speak but the other guy stopped him. "Just shut up, Noah." Noah obeyed
Taemin was quietly crying, he felt pathetic.
They arrived at their house in minutes. Jonghyun was waiting outside.
Taemin wouldn't move.
{Brb, gotta eat}
{I'm back!}
(sorry i took forever! i made pancakes and waffles and im eating now.)
{Ooh! Nice!}
"Lets go." Noah said.
Noah tugged on his arm. "Lets go."
Taemin gave in.
This time, Taiki held onto Taemin.
It's not like Taemin could do anything, except one thing. He spread his wings and tried taking off.
Taiki pounced onto him and pinned him to the ground. "Don't play this with me.." he hissed with his snake tongue.
"Why not..?" Taemin kicked him in the stomach.
Taiki groaned and held his stomach with one hand. Noah screamed. "You son of a b****!!" Noah pulled Taiki away from Taemin, got onto Taemin and punched him.
Taemin's eyes were red now. He kicked Noah too.
Jonghyun walked over to them as Noah fell to his side. He grabbed Taemin by the collar on his shirt. "Are you really this stupid?"
"I'm not stupid."
Jonghyun pulled Taemin up to his feet.
"I'm defending Key."
"Defending Key.." he said quietly. "Right..."
"What do you mean?"
"You don't love Key.."
"Yes I do."
"I said that once...and look where we are..."
"I love him so much."
Jonghyun pulled Taemin with him as he walked up the steps.
Taemin didn't fight.
Jonghyun opened the door and pushed Taemin in first.
"Are you really from a different planet?"
"Yes, I am."
"I am, too."
"Oh really? What planet?"
"Ah, im from Slithran."
"Cool. Mine's dead now.."
"Mines beem dead for twelve years."
"Ah, okay."
"Yeah." (wow...Slithran...what a weird planet..)
{It sounds like Slytherin!}
(Thats what i was trying to do)
{Nice!} "How many from your planet survived?"
" half the planet..we went to different planets though. My parents, a few others and I came here."
{13K!!} "That's good."
(Its been like that for a while but YYAAYYAYAAYAYYAYAYA!!!!!)
"Yeah. It is."
{Oh! 😅😅} "Mmhmm."
(Yeaa.....) "But except the fact that your boyfriend didnt go to the same planet as you and so you have to break up..."
"No we don't."
Jonghyun sighed. "Im talking about me and my ex from Slithran."
"Oh, sorry."
"Its fine."
"Okay." {Sorry, I misread.}
(lol its ok)
Jonghyun looked at Taemin.
{Okay} "What?"
"You really are cute." He closed the door.
"Oh, uh..."
Jonghyun pulled Taemin close, hitting their hips together.
Thats how the 'snake people' in Slithran mated.
"What're you doing?"
Jonghyun looked at Taemin's lips.
Taemin's hands were still tied, but he covered his mouth.
"Come on, dont be scared."
"But what about Key?"
"Just trust me."
"Come on, scaredy cat."
"Alright.." Jonghyun started to undo Taemin's pants.
"No." Taemin pulled away from Jonghyun.
Jonghyun grabbed Taemin's hands. "Taemin, stop."
(Cameron is soooooo sweet!!!)
Taemin pulled his hands away. "No."
(ℒℴѵℯ*¨*• ❤ℒℴѵℯ*¨*• ❤ℒℴѵℯ*¨*• ❤ℒℴѵℯ*¨*• ❤ℒℴѵℯ*¨*• ❤ℒℴѵℯ*¨*• ❤ℒℴѵℯ*¨*• ❤ℒℴѵℯ*¨*• ❤ℒℴѵℯ*¨*• ❤ℒℴѵℯ*¨*• ❤ℒℴѵℯ*¨*• ❤ℒℴѵℯ*¨*• ❤ ┌❤  ┌┐ ││  ││ ❤└──❤🌟 └─┐┌─┘ 🌟 └❤ ┌❤───🌟 │    │ │ ❤┐│ ❤  └┘│ └────❤ ┌┐  ┌❤  ││  ││ ❤🌟  ││ │└──❤│ └──❤─🌟 😄ARE MINE😄 morning my sunshine girl, Have a good day 🌷 🌷 🌷 🌷🌷 🌷 🌷 ✨🌷 🌷 🌷 ✨🌷 🌷 🌷 ✨🌷 🌷 🌷 ✨🌷🌷 🌷 🌷 🌷 🌷 🍃 🍃🍃 🌵 🍃🍃 🍃🌵🍃🍃 ______🌵______ [🅾🅾🅾🅾🅾🅾] \✴✴✴✴✴/ \✴✴✴✴/ \✴✴✴/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ;she sent that to me)
(but if you put it all together. ill post it)
Jonghyun swung his arm, smacking Taemin.
{I don't get it.}
(i posted it)
(it says love love (repeat) YOU ARE MINE morning my sunshine girl, Have a good day
(its so cute)
Taemin held his face and started backing away, his eyes turned blue.
"Now, Taemin. Are you going to listen or do i have to get the whip?"
Taemin grabbed the doorknob.
Jonghyun walked to Taemin and pulled him away from the door. "You are not going anywhere."
Taemin's eyes turned yellow, he was really scared.
"Lets go upstairs, shall we?" Jonghyun started pushing him up the stairs.
"No.." Taemin refused to let Jonghyun push him.
"Fine." Jonghyun moved and threw Taemin to the floor.
Taemin winced and closed his eyes. "Key wouldn't have done that..."
"Well, I'm not Key, now am I?" Jonghyun kicked his side.
Taemin screamed and hid his face. "Stop..."
"Will you listen to me?"
Jonghyun kicked his side again.
Taemin screamed again.
Jonghyun kicked him again and again.
Taemin screamed each time. He even screamed Key's name once.
When Key got home, he didnt see Taemin so went up to the room. He saw what looked like Taemin sleeping, smiled, and went downstairs snd cooked lunch. He went upstairs to get Taemin and saw it was just pillows. He screamed.
Taemin was sobbing.
Jonghyun was having fun. "You son of a b****!! You stole my man! And now I'm gonna steal him back!!"
"No..." Taemin tried getting up, but it hurt way too much.
Jonghyung just kicked him back down.
Taemin hid his face so Jonghyun wouldn't see him crying. His eyes were blue again.
Jonghyun's phone started ringing. He pulled it out and answerred. "Yeobseyo? Ani. I dont have him here. Key I dont."
(If i dont answer btw, im also talking tp Cameron.)
Jonghyun covered the mic. "Shut the f*** up."
{Okie.} "Key! Help, please!"
Jonghyun kicked Taemin in thr stomach. "Taemin! Jonghyun stop lying to me!!" Key yelled into the phone.
Taemin's eyes were yellow again, he started slowly sneaking down the stairs.
"Okay, fine hes here!" Jonghyun was silent for a bit."Alright fine..." He covered the speaker. "A**head. get over here. He wants to talk to you."
Taemin was up instantly, though it hurt, and he grabbed the phone and held it to his ear. "Key...?"
"Now, baby..listen to me, okay..?" he said quietly.
"Okay..." Taemin held his side.
"Im coming there soon. Just do whatever Jonghyun says, okay? But whatever you do, dont let him bring you to his room."
"Okay... I miss you..."
"I miss you too. I love you."
"I love you, too..."
"Good luck."
Taemin gave Jonghyun his phone back.
Jonghyun pressed the end call button and put it back in his pocket. "Come here."
Taemin cautiously stepped towards him.
Taemin stepped a little closer. His eyes were still yellow.
"Closer." Jonghyun smiled.
Taemin got even closer.
"Closer." Jonghyun whispered as he grabbed Taemin's hands.
Taemin almost pulled his hands away but he remembered what Key said. He stepped a little closer.
Jonghyun tookt he ropes off of Taemin and tossed them aside.
"Noah put them on too tight i see." He examined Taemin's wrists.
"Im sorry."
"It's fine.."
Jonghyun kissed Taemin's wrists.
"Oh, uh, you don't have to do that.."
Jonghyun started kissing up Taemin's right arm.
Taemin pulled his arm away.
Jonghyun looked up at Taemin.
Taemin started backing away again.
"You arent going anywhere, b****." Jonghyun grabbed Taemin's hands and threw him to the floor again.
"Why..?" Taemin looked up at him.
"Because i said so."
Taemin slowly got up again. His arm still held his side.
Jonghyun grabbed him by the shoulders and slammed him into the wall.
Taemin winced and squeezed his eyes shut.
Jonghyun kept him pinned to the wall as he started kissing his neck.
Taemin pushed him away.
Jonghyun slapped him.
Taemin winced and held his face.
Jonghyun started kissng Taemin's neck again.
Taemin just let him.
Key had come up the stairs quietly. He saw Taemin and Jonghyun but didn't say anything.
Taemin looked up at Key, his eyes were really yellow.
Key didn't think it would go down this way. He watched Jonghyun rub Taemin's thighs.
Taemin pushed Jonghyun's hands away. "Stop..."
Jonghyun quickly grabbed Taemin. "You don't tell me what to do."
Taemin just closed his eyes again. He was really uncomfortable.
"Moan for me."
Jonghyun hissed and bit Taemin's neck. Key mouthed, "Do it."
Taemin moaned slightly.
Jonghyun let go of Taemin's neck. "Good boy."
Taemin bit his lip to keep himself from crying again.
"Come to my room. I have a present."
"Please? Its a big present." (Ugh....big headache...)
{Aw.. I'm sorry.} "No..."
(It wont go away...)
"I know youll love it."
"You'll scream so loud." Jonghyun started to undo Taemin's pants.
Taemin pushed his hands away. "No..."
"Alright, i guess i can show you here."
"No... please don't..."
"Why not?"
"Just don't..."
Key was creeping up behind Jonghyun.
Taemin kept quickly glancing back at Key.
"I dont mind doing it in the hall."
"I don't want to do it at all..."
Jonghyun sighed. "Alright." he turned just as Key punched him in the face. He fell to the floor with a thud. Key grabbed Taemin's hand.
(would sleeping help it go away?)
Taemin hugged Key really tightly.
Key hugged back then pulled away. "Lets go home."
{Maybe.} "Mmhmm.." Taemin clung to Key's arm.
(Camerom said it does.) Key pulled him down the stairs. He noticed Taemin was hurt because he was slower. As they reached the bottom of thr stairs, Key oicked him up and carried him to his car.
Taemin buried his face in Key's neck.
(Do you think i should go to sleep?) Key smiled.
{If you want to.} "Thank you.."
(i mean, im tired and i dont wannt to have the headache anymore...)
"Of course."
{Then you should.}
(thx for understanding)
{Trust me, I get those too.}
(yeah ik)
(So...well...see hou in the morning! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!!)
{Yup. Sleep well, buddy! Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}
Taemin was quiet for awhile, and his eyes were still really yellow.
Key looked at Taemin as he put him in the car.
Taemin curled up in the passenger seat.
"Are you okay?"
"What's wrong?"
Taemin lifted his shirt and showed Key his side. It was red and purple and blue and bruised.
"Oh my God..." he covered his mouth.
"I'll be right back. I have to teach him a lesson for hurting my baby." Key kissed Taemin.
Taemin kissed back.
Key pulled away after a while. "Lock the doors, okay?"
Key closed the door and ran back inside.
Taemin locked the doors.
Key didnt come out for about 40 minutes. When he did come out, he was full of cuts and bruises.
Taemin opened Key's door for him.
Key got in and closed the door. "That'll teach him.."
Taemin started healing him.
"Taemin, stop. Don't worry about me."
Taemin didn't stop.
Key slapped him on instinct.
"You too..?" Taemin got out of the car and started limping away.
Key got out and walked over to Taemin. "Please..I didn't mean to..."
"Then why did you do it...?"
"It was an instinct.."
Key looked down. "I understand if you don't want to come back.." he was hiding the tears.
Taemin hugged him.
Key hugged back, letting out the tears.
Taemin started healing him again.
"No...stop." Key pulled away.
"I dont want to be healed.."
"Why not...?"
"If you aren't then I'm not."
"I can't, though..."
"Stop healing me."
"Okay..." Taemin pulled his away.
"Thank you."
Key kissed Taemin's cheek. "Let's go home."
"Okay..." Taemin got back in the car.
So did Key.
Taemin grabbed Key's hand.
Key looked at Taemin.
"Im sorry.."
"It's okay.."
"Well, it looks like the date is cancelled.."
"Im sorry about that too.."
"It's not your fault..."
"It kinda is..i shouldve brought you with me to the store.."
"I guess..."
Key started driving home.
(sighs...i gotta go...)
Taemin was almost asleep when they got home.
Key pulled his hand away, signaling they were home.
{It's fine, when will you be back?}
(i dont dad said we have stuff to do so that could take forever...)
Taemin looked up at him. "Carry me...?"
{It's okay.}
(Okay..well, see you later i guess.. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!)
{Yep. Annyeong! Saranghaeyo!}