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queenmacbarbie07Hey cuties! πŸ’“ Well today was pretty well..we didn't really do huge things today at school. Tomorrow I don't have school, ayye. But the thing is, I don't think I'll be posting an edit nor active tomorrow because I have to study for my mid-term exam (we only have math thought), it's on Monday. πŸ˜­πŸ“š β€’ β€’ β€’ Yesterday we had a bball game & it went okay-ish. Nah nvm, we sorta did horrible well also, they were way taller than us. Like bruuuh,,we're all short af especially me. (Scores: 29-11) we lost. πŸ€β€οΈ β€’ β€’ β€’ Hopefully y'all like this edit that literally took me 2 hrs to do smh. But aye qotd: name? Aotd: Jourmae. πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š β€’ Tag Beth? @bethanynoelm πŸ’–
kiraπŸ πŸ’ž
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