My entry to -pomegranate-'s paint contest. 
10-15 likes for a new post, lads. 
QOTD: Do you like Brendon Urie (😂)?


TAP My entry to -pomegranate-'s paint contest. 10-15 likes for a new post, lads. QOTD: Do you like Brendon Urie (😂)? AOTD: YASSSSSSS!!!!!!

39 0
AOTD: NO............!!!!!!!!
*I BLEEDIN (see what I did there?!) LOVE HIMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️*
aotd: luuuuuuuuuuv him!!!
that's what you think.......!!!!!!😂😂
sorry! I don't speak loser!
AWW THANK YOU!!!!!! This is amazing by the way!
And thanks for all your comments!
Oh, thanks! 💕
I definitely will! Thank you so much! 💕
I love fantasy, adventure, fiction, all kinds of books! My favorite book series is Harry Potter.
I actually haven't read Percy Jackson yet! But I REALLY want to! Hopefully I get the first book for my birthday!