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star: hey
Justin: Sup cutie pie
star: looking at u
Justin: *Laughs*
star I say can I kiss you
Justin: Sure Baby
star: I kiss you and I *blush *
Justin: *Smiles*
star *takes your hand*
Justin: *Kisses ur neck*
star let's u
Justin: *Kisses u*
star kisses u Back
Justin: I love u
star I love u to
Justin: Hehe
star I'm not cheating 😭😭😭
Justin: Okay
star I love u
Justin: I love you too
star what do u wanna do
Amelia: hi
Justin: Hi
Amelia: how are u
Justin: Good u
Amelia good what's up
Justin: Nm u
Amelia: listening to mu musica who are u dating
Justin: Star
Amelia u could do better
Justin: What do u mean she's the best
Amelia she ugly
star: hi
Justin: Hello Beautiful
star: what's up
Amelia : hey star cheating on u