Old art of a Skyrim OC. hOLY CRÀP I'M AWFUL AT WRITING BACKSTORIES HEL P- Anyway he's not the Dragonborn he'd just be a lil old NPC. :') Pls love him he needs it.


Old art of a Skyrim OC. hOLY CRÀP I'M AWFUL AT WRITING BACKSTORIES HEL P- Anyway he's not the Dragonborn he'd just be a lil old NPC. :') Pls love him he needs it.

16 1
oh crud I didn't write his personality whoops
check the remixes skrubs I'll write something there if you care
ok so like I am a fan of your art and I'm only realizing now that I'm not following you.... I apologize, although I can't wait for your art to actually be in my feed now xD