He cheated on me and and still wants me HA! Dream on


He cheated on me and and still wants me HA! Dream on

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He was dating me and this girl named sentries at the same time me and sentries use to be friends but no she just a big back stabbing bΔ―tch
πŸ˜‘ seriously u dated him??! in ur profile pic, u look mad young for this jerk who "cheated on u" lol
it's good to look young
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and u dated him??!
How old was he??! if u say 17, 20 Omg I'm gonna die
syk I'm 14 years old fooled ya he is 15 HA u fell for the 13 trick
But I have one question he still loves me and he dumped sentries 4 me should I get back together with him or nah
But that's not the point he still loves me and I want to know if I should get back together with him cause he sounds really sincere
u first promise him not to cheat on u and if he says he dose than get together
wait how did you date him
U want me 2 tell u the story of how we met