Let you down -  NF. Just a simple lyric post:) I've been listening to the demo of this for months, almost a year I think? I bought it the second it came out❤️❤️❤️


Let you down - NF. Just a simple lyric post:) I've been listening to the demo of this for months, almost a year I think? I bought it the second it came out❤️❤️❤️

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Quick update if you remember I posted about somethings my mom was taking away from me, i've been sneaky with my music🙊 shh don't tell😂 And my sister convinced my mom to let me keep dancing🎉🎉🎉🎉 My new teacher told me that i'll be in the class that's going on pointe in the spring!!!!!!! So some ups happening:) It's bittersweet because I wanted my ild teacher to fit me, she was planning on putting me en pointe in December after I got moved up. I miss her, she really believed in me even though I rarely was able to take her class she substituted a lot in my other classes❤️❤️❤️
wow that was long😂
yayy! I'm glad you can continue dancing!😆😊💕
Love this song! 😆
@caption: dedication👏🏻👏🏻👌🏻😂 yayyy!! So glad you can still dance😱😆ON POINTE😱😱
I haven't yet, but I'm sure I will. 😆
No I just randomly thought of it. Why is the book any good? I've been looking for more books to read :)
Thank you!!
Thank you! and yes I love autumn😂
hey there I was gone for a bit this year because somebody I was very close to had passed away and I just wanted to say Hi and was wondering how you are?
Aww thank you so much!