No. This isn’t good. But I’m at a very dark place in my life. I’m sorry if I don’t come back for a little. I’ll be commenting and liking posts, but I might not post. I hope you have a great day my loves.


No. This isn’t good. But I’m at a very dark place in my life. I’m sorry if I don’t come back for a little. I’ll be commenting and liking posts, but I might not post. I hope you have a great day my loves.

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i hope the darkness gets better!!! ill send you my emo prayers!!!!
i just wanna say all of your comments make me really happy! they make me laugh and they are amazing
so thanks you
this is awesome! and *hugs*💜
i literally cant listen to ab/ap without think about that stupid poncho meme
and yeah. i just found out about that jon walker song and i had to vent about it because none of my friends are as obsessed as me
jOn WaLkEr KnOwS tHe RyDeN tRuTh!!!!!!1!!1!!1!1!1
to almost address all of your comments: yes finger chips have ruined centuries. crankthatfrank is my dad. füÇiNg ChEeSe WiZ i sWeAr to God. ryan ross makes me cry too. im studying for the sat with afycso also. and yeah my friends know that music and some band members and im over here writing a report about some obscure solo jon walker song about ryan and brendon and why it proves that they were heckin gay™/bi™
<3 ^_^