Stupid, idiot, worthless, broken


Stupid, idiot, worthless, broken

10 3
😭 Chris! go read what I just posted..
btw I'm not leaving u. I don't hate you. you could never make me leave u.
You write that?
please just go read it
I read it. Did you write it?
yes I did
You're a very good poet.
really? Chris I'm so sorry for making u think I hated you. I'll always love u. and I'll never leave u.
I'm sorry I'm such a terrible best friend. I'm sorry I haven't been there like I should. I'm sorry I'm still alive
S'ok. I get used to it after a while. Not from you of course, but yeah.
I'm not.
You're a great friend, you're always here and it's me who should be sorry
which I an
no I'm a horrible person Chris. I hate myself for making u think I hated u
No one can be there every dam second. It's not your fault. You're dealing with a shattered person. You're going to end up getting cut.
and you know what?
I don't care. okay? I don't care if you have scars and cuts. I love you and you are the most perfect person in this world in my broken eyes and heart you're amazing and perfect. I have scars too. yeah I've cut before. but that isn't going to make me leave you Chris. never. your scars are battle scars from a long lost war. they don't matter to me.
In other news I found an '67 impala for sale.
Oh my god. I ruined the moment 😂Sorry
it won't be for sale for four years
it's okay btw..
I was planning on buying it earlier than that. Problem is it's $14,950. Ain't nobody got that kinda cash.
I'm thinking of trying to get some jobs as an extra.